The Civil and Environmental Engineering department located in
Kaufman Hall,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
operates a number of research/instructional facilities and laboratories in
high-performance computing, environmental, hydraulics/water resources,
geotechnical/soil dynamics, structures/earthquake, and coastal
engineering areas.
Please contact a faculty who in charge of the
facility/laboratory to get more details or for any specific inquiry.
Dr. David R. Basco
The Coastal Laboratory houses the Old Dominion University
Coastal Engineering Centre
and equipped with a
two-dimensional random wave basin
(60 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.), a dedicated PC-based
wave maker control, and a data acquisition and storage system. Coastal engineering
activities also make use of the surrounding field environment for
field measurements including a nearshore, directional wave gauge at
Virginia Beach in the Atlantic Ocean.
Environmental Laboratories
Dr. Gary C. Schafran
Environmental Laboratories
are equipped with a gas chromatograph, carbon analyzer,
an atomic absorption spectrophotometer,
an ion chromatograph, an autoanalyzer, spectrophotometers, particle
size analyzer, scanning electron microscope and many smaller analytical
instruments. Field monitoring and collection equipment for sampling
of surface waters, ground water, and sediments are also available.
Geotechnical/Soil dynamics Laboratory
Dr. Isao Ishibashi
The Geotechnical/Soil dynamics Laboratory is equipped
with state-of-the-art routine geotechnical testing devices and a
variety of unique research equipment. These include a resonant
column/torsional triaxial shear device, cyclic torsional simple
shear device, cubic triaxial shear device with acoustic wave gauges,
and a high speed data acquisition system.
Hydraulics/Water Resources Laboratory
The Hydraulics/Water Resources Laboratory has a channel
flow experiment station, a rainfall-runoff-ground water hydrology
apparatus, and basic hydraulics equipment to perform experiments
relating to pipe flow, weirs, pump characteristics, orifice flow,
jet impact, etc.
Structures/Earthquake Engineering Laboratory
Dr. Zia Razzaq
The Structures/Earthquake Engineering Laboratory has
a 5' x 4' shaking table, a reaction floor, a servo controlled MTS
dynamic testing system with actuator capacities varying from 500 lbs.
to 100 kips, vibration shakers, long column and structural model testing
frames, compression-tension testing machines, and high speed data
acquisition systems.
CEE Computing Laboratory (CEECL)
Dr. Jaewan Yoon
CEECL is a state of art computing facility, networked through
local fiber-optic intelligent switch
hubs, OC12(564 mbps)/OC3(153 mbps), equipped with 17 workstations.
Supporting peripherals including overhead computer projector, three
networked postscript laser printers, scanner are accessible to all CEECL users.
All CEECL computers are capable of accessing the ODU Sun StarFire E-10000 Parallel
Supercomputer, an Intel Paragon vector SuperComputer, as well as other core servers in the campus, the computing facilities at
NASA Langley Research Center, and other computing facilities around the country.
Main research foci include developments of parallel processing algorithms
for computational structural mechanics, and spatial/temporal distributed parameter
modeling using geographical information systems (ESRI ARC/Info & ERDAS Imagine)
in environmental engineering and water resources, 3-D coastal wave modeling and
coastal structure design, CADD, OORDBMS, and general programming and code developments
for various engineering problems (C/C++/Fortran 95 & 77/Pascal/Assembly).
For additional information, please contact
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
KDH 135, Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529-0241
Phone) (757) 683-3753
FAX) (757) 683-5354
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