Center Alignment
<Hn ALIGN=center>...</Hn> <P ALIGN=center>...</P> <CENTER>...</CENTER>
I'm not a liberal, nor a conservative.
I'm just a CEE student under stress.
<H3 ALIGN=center> I'm not a liberal, nor a conservative. </H3> <CENTER> I'm just a CEE student under stress. </CENTER>
Another Center Alignment
<DIV ALIGN=center>...</DIV>
Whose's more gutless - Clinton or Gore?
<DIV ALIGN=center> Whose's more gutless - Clinton or Gore? </DIV>
Left/Right Alignment of Heading
<Hn ALIGN=left>...</Hn> <Hn ALIGN=right>...</Hn>
Going Left!!
<H3 ALIGN=left> Going Left!! </H3>
Going Right!!
<H3 ALIGN=right> Going Right!! </H3>
Left/Right Alignment of Paragraphs
<P ALIGN=left>...</P> <P ALIGN=right>...</P>
Did you fulfill your foreign language requirements for the graduation?
<P ALIGN=left> Did you fulfill your foreign language requirements for the graduation? </P>
Did you fulfill your foreign language requirements for the graduation?
<P ALIGN=right> Did you fulfill your foreign language requirements for the graduation? </P>
©1995-2025J. Yoon