Access Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineering Web Server |
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Last updated: Sun, 01 Sep 1996 00:00:04 (GMT -0400)
Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 1996 to Aug 31 1996
Files Transmitted During Summary Period 102383
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 574933371
Average Files Transmitted Daily 3303
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 18546238
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
3.47 2.99 17171245 3548 | Aug 1 1996
3.63 2.81 16181393 3715 | Aug 2 1996
1.49 1.86 10677804 1524 | Aug 3 1996
0.98 4.42 25420601 1004 | Aug 4 1996
2.68 2.04 11751133 2740 | Aug 5 1996
3.86 2.92 16812542 3950 | Aug 6 1996
3.62 4.59 26416184 3708 | Aug 7 1996
5.22 3.79 21789585 5343 | Aug 8 1996
3.11 2.41 13846567 3186 | Aug 9 1996
0.69 0.72 4142817 704 | Aug 10 1996
0.73 1.41 8113283 743 | Aug 11 1996
2.72 2.47 14197153 2782 | Aug 12 1996
1.96 2.11 12112404 2011 | Aug 13 1996
1.69 1.62 9300922 1728 | Aug 14 1996
3.25 2.41 13862045 3324 | Aug 15 1996
4.73 3.60 20711675 4838 | Aug 16 1996
2.01 2.79 16040292 2061 | Aug 17 1996
4.29 6.02 34601748 4389 | Aug 18 1996
3.79 3.78 21733488 3880 | Aug 19 1996
3.66 3.21 18459705 3746 | Aug 20 1996
3.87 3.82 21954820 3962 | Aug 21 1996
3.06 3.04 17481255 3135 | Aug 22 1996
3.35 2.74 15759739 3430 | Aug 23 1996
2.90 2.97 17097474 2965 | Aug 24 1996
2.55 2.71 15577554 2607 | Aug 25 1996
3.51 3.04 17488927 3594 | Aug 26 1996
4.59 5.13 29486407 4701 | Aug 27 1996
6.59 5.91 33980941 6744 | Aug 28 1996
5.91 5.83 33491506 6051 | Aug 29 1996
4.84 5.25 30193266 4953 | Aug 30 1996
1.29 1.58 9078896 1317 | Aug 31 1996
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
3.17 2.95 16980120 3243 | 00
3.01 2.35 13538322 3083 | 01
2.52 2.38 13667393 2582 | 02
1.90 5.04 28959282 1948 | 03
2.50 2.36 13562239 2564 | 04
2.19 2.45 14066650 2242 | 05
1.80 1.54 8845487 1844 | 06
2.76 2.09 11994727 2823 | 07
3.12 2.27 13042944 3190 | 08
3.38 2.89 16592843 3464 | 09
4.08 3.85 22124860 4174 | 10
7.24 5.82 33480682 7415 | 11
6.25 8.42 48401282 6400 | 12
6.25 5.50 31637521 6399 | 13
5.41 4.58 26321697 5538 | 14
6.47 6.55 37663352 6627 | 15
7.01 7.20 41420609 7175 | 16
4.40 3.80 21837056 4506 | 17
5.36 4.50 25860736 5485 | 18
4.62 5.00 28757015 4735 | 19
3.32 4.40 25276359 3402 | 20
2.77 3.24 18618067 2835 | 21
5.64 5.01 28781748 5774 | 22
4.82 5.83 33502380 4935 | 23

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.01 0.01 50403 13 | ar Argentina
0.12 0.06 319803 119 | at Austria
1.36 1.36 7801653 1394 | au Australia
0.34 0.46 2653153 343 | be Belgium
1.44 1.01 5814602 1474 | br Brazil
0.90 0.77 4436093 924 | ca Canada
0.20 0.19 1066902 209 | ch Switzerland
0.01 0.01 33840 6 | cl Chile
0.02 0.04 230270 22 | cn China
0.02 0.01 78471 22 | co Colombia
0.00 0.01 41684 3 | cz Czech Republic
1.37 1.09 6275923 1402 | de Germany
0.12 0.08 450868 122 | dk Denmark
0.01 0.03 164926 14 | ec Ecuador
0.30 0.11 607506 304 | es Spain
0.34 0.26 1467382 349 | fi Finland
0.46 0.55 3179665 476 | fr France
0.02 0.03 168014 18 | gt Guatemala
0.30 0.25 1415087 304 | hk Hong Kong
0.01 0.01 85748 11 | hr Croatia (Hrvatska)
0.02 0.02 124044 19 | id Indonesia
0.06 0.14 793287 62 | ie Ireland
0.01 0.02 88301 7 | il Israel
0.01 0.01 79209 11 | in India
0.51 0.45 2606690 524 | it Italy
0.58 0.49 2834213 597 | jp Japan
0.60 0.74 4272738 616 | kr Korea (South)
0.01 0.02 95034 12 | kw Kuwait
0.03 0.27 1534825 35 | mx Mexico
0.06 0.08 450837 61 | my Malaysia
0.24 0.20 1170083 250 | nl Netherlands
0.37 0.33 1916084 378 | no Norway
0.93 0.62 3549772 956 | nz New Zealand (Aotearoa)
0.00 0.00 9017 1 | pa Panama
0.06 0.05 270792 57 | pe Peru
0.05 0.04 213322 50 | ph Philippines
0.02 0.03 156220 19 | pl Poland
0.01 0.00 13531 11 | ro Romania
0.00 0.00 14353 1 | ru Russian Federation
1.26 1.35 7788662 1286 | se Sweden
0.30 0.44 2531579 308 | sg Singapore
0.02 0.03 165803 23 | si Slovenia
0.01 0.01 50281 10 | sk Slovak Republic
0.03 0.02 141418 28 | su USSR (former)
0.35 0.30 1698190 356 | th Thailand
0.01 0.03 164829 14 | tr Turkey
1.29 1.26 7260472 1321 | uk United Kingdom
0.40 0.30 1734101 410 | us United States
0.02 0.03 167626 25 | za South Africa
20.57 24.74 142226597 21063 | com US Commercial
7.02 7.93 45582695 7188 | edu US Educational
1.19 1.22 7023272 1215 | gov US Government
0.78 0.82 4691672 795 | mil US Military
9.33 9.35 53749574 9556 | net Network
0.52 0.43 2450295 532 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.41 0.31 1764476 423 | arpa Old style Arpanet
26.14 25.28 145314848 26763 | odu.edu
19.41 16.33 93892636 19871 | unresolved

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
19.41 16.33 93892636 19871 | Unresolved
0.01 0.01 50403 13 | ar.com.newage.n5
0.01 0.01 34222 8 | arpa.in-addr.166.90.201.net.transaction.ws4
0.41 0.30 1730254 415 | arpa.in-addr.194.213.71.se.datasvar.iserv
0.06 0.04 202202 65 | at.ac.tu-graz.faenpc01
0.04 0.01 65131 40 | at.co.styria.firewall
0.01 0.01 33364 9 | at.magnet.www-proxy
0.00 0.00 19106 5 | at.or.vic.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | au.com.comdyn.opnor
0.01 0.01 52829 6 | au.com.connect.myangup
0.00 0.00 20477 1 | au.com.hutch.hutsg9p2
0.01 0.00 21765 6 | au.com.magna.observer
0.18 0.07 416544 180 | au.com.multiline.proxy
0.02 0.26 1467425 25 | au.com.omen.platypus
0.00 0.00 15317 3 | au.com.ozemail.slmel9p34
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | au.com.ozemail.slsyd7p39
0.02 0.03 172231 24 | au.com.powerup.rigel
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | au.com.senet.dialup21
0.00 0.00 8642 3 | au.com.sprint.mel.fusion
0.09 0.13 762411 93 | au.com.starwon.dialup.t05
0.01 0.00 15481 8 | au.csiro.dcet.syd.entox
0.04 0.02 114648 36 | au.csiro.dwt.geel.ianrus
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | au.edu.curtin.alpha6
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | au.edu.deakin.ccs-stuw.vesta129
0.00 0.00 22382 2 | au.edu.latrobe.luck
0.01 0.00 12498 7 | au.edu.monash.adm.ether-625
0.75 0.64 3705160 770 | au.edu.monash.cc.aurora
0.01 0.00 24429 13 | au.edu.mq.mpce.krakatoa
0.03 0.05 289779 30 | au.edu.qut.lyrebird
0.07 0.02 132450 76 | au.edu.tafensw.isufw1
0.01 0.01 79560 14 | au.edu.unisa.levels.egu204115
0.00 0.00 11993 4 | au.edu.uts.itd.manifera
0.00 0.00 14218 3 | au.edu.uts.lab.pca323-19
0.01 0.01 55138 7 | au.gov.dca.marconi
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | au.gov.dot.cook
0.00 0.00 18538 5 | au.gov.nsw.epa.unspecified
0.01 0.01 47576 9 | au.gov.qld.citec.citecuh
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | au.gov.qld.dpi.ind.dpi-gw
0.00 0.00 3394 1 | au.gov.sa.internal
0.00 0.00 17254 4 | au.gov.tas.pacit.anfi
0.00 0.00 28480 4 | au.net.aone.sydney.cpe.d145-2
0.02 0.01 45177 17 | au.net.cyvox.gateway
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | au.net.starway.platinum
0.01 0.01 52879 7 | au.net.tmns.me-a02-pool-138
0.00 0.00 3773 4 | au.oz.uq.cc.dibber
0.00 0.00 7588 4 | au.oz.uq.cc.slip.zzjmcewa
0.03 0.02 122746 28 | be.ac.fundp.net.dialin04
0.00 0.01 33498 5 | be.ac.kuleuven.cc.vinip
0.13 0.12 668346 132 | be.ac.kuleuven.esat.limnos
0.04 0.07 402569 44 | be.ac.rug.allserv
0.09 0.13 744491 88 | be.ac.rug.inf5serv
0.02 0.09 544241 24 | be.ac.ulg.philo.cipl21
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | be.belgacom.h.sugar
0.00 0.00 4187 1 | be.glo.tethys
0.01 0.01 79529 9 | be.interpac.liege.ppp-27
0.01 0.01 29827 7 | be.vito.vitoosf1
0.00 0.00 23049 5 | br.ansp.eu
0.16 0.14 812948 168 | br.com.elogica.pe
0.00 0.00 12847 5 | br.gov.petrobras.cerbero
0.52 0.32 1852948 537 | br.puccamp.narciso
0.03 0.01 47008 32 | br.ufrgs.cpd.zinco
0.01 0.02 93242 9 | br.ufrj.if.fthp4
0.70 0.52 2966177 713 | br.unicamp.fec.labdhs
0.00 0.00 6383 5 | br.unicamp.iqm.kalium
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | ca.ab.edmonton.freenet.fn2
0.00 0.00 2445 2 | ca.aecl.gw
0.01 0.01 33732 10 | ca.bell.dmog20
0.00 0.00 490 5 | ca.enterprise.ts1.ppp132
0.00 0.00 490 5 | ca.enterprise.ts1.ppp57
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | ca.etsmtl.info.ordi149
0.10 0.07 405774 98 | ca.gc.tpsgc.orr
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | ca.glen-net.x174glen
0.02 0.05 295051 21 | ca.istar.ott.ts10-08
0.07 0.03 186943 73 | ca.istar.ott.ts4-10
0.00 0.01 33429 2 | ca.lakeheadu.cb1004-17
0.04 0.10 576489 38 | ca.mb.autobahn.p20
0.03 0.01 34611 34 | ca.nb.nbnet.stjhts04c34
0.01 0.01 66905 7 | ca.ncc-ccn.mail
0.01 0.01 64220 6 | ca.netcom.mon-pq5-43
0.13 0.11 620838 137 | ca.nrc.ime.pcokey
0.00 0.02 108418 2 | ca.nt.gov.inukshuk
0.01 0.02 90730 8 | ca.on.netaccess.vav06
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | ca.on.sos.network
0.02 0.01 36919 25 | ca.on.vianet.nor113
0.08 0.03 151492 86 | ca.qc.endirect.coquelicot
0.01 0.01 79868 7 | ca.qc.rocler.p44
0.02 0.02 128389 19 | ca.sympatico.ns.hlfx02-20
0.03 0.03 180833 34 | ca.sympatico.on.ppp1629
0.01 0.00 19043 6 | ca.sympatico.qc.ppp825
0.05 0.04 244861 51 | ca.sympatico.sk.argus39
0.00 0.00 21646 1 | ca.sympatico.sk.buckeye15
0.01 0.02 100988 8 | ca.sympatico.sk.sabre48
0.01 0.01 49523 14 | ca.tuns.ccs.ip6-33
0.02 0.01 55007 17 | ca.ualberta.civil.rundle
0.00 0.00 3190 1 | ca.ubc.civil.sam
0.00 0.01 41668 5 | ca.ulaval.ppp-b11
0.03 0.01 47351 31 | ca.uquebec.inrs-eau.mecatina
0.02 0.01 54408 17 | ca.usask.janus2-14
0.02 0.01 53421 24 | ca.usask.oconnor
0.08 0.06 345837 79 | ca.usherb.gcm.bcotepc
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | ca.utoronto.dialin.go-away
0.03 0.02 105241 32 | ca.uwo.gp.geo
0.00 0.00 9016 3 | ch.cern.misi084
0.11 0.00 18318 112 | ch.cern.sgil301
0.00 0.00 17254 4 | ch.ethz.gold1
0.01 0.02 125096 12 | ch.psi.hsk.hskib2
0.00 0.00 10208 4 | ch.span.lsnpm3p21
0.02 0.08 436490 17 | ch.unil.ipndec1
0.03 0.02 135865 31 | ch.worldcom.port_a2
0.03 0.05 314655 26 | ch.worldcom.portge82
0.01 0.01 33840 6 | cl.reuna.stgo.csp27
0.01 0.01 84852 12 | cn.jl.cc.public
0.00 0.01 48943 3 | cn.net.bta.public
0.01 0.02 96475 7 | cn.net.bta.ts1-14
0.02 0.01 78471 22 | co.edu.univalle.ciecompgw4
0.02 0.02 103861 17 | com.abbott.interlock
0.09 0.13 728898 90 | com.accessnv.ppp006
0.02 0.04 206264 22 | com.accessone.annex5-10
0.09 0.13 728948 90 | com.actuate.ns
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.adnc.extern
0.00 0.00 16807 5 | com.aici.utgw2
0.02 0.03 166782 19 | com.akronet.local3
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.alcoa.atc.atc-ras1-77
0.09 0.13 728735 90 | com.amat.mis.cressida
0.01 0.02 101697 14 | com.amoco.gateway
0.04 0.06 328464 39 | com.aniq.aniq218
0.02 0.00 4964 19 | com.aol.proxy.www-b6
0.00 0.00 421 1 | com.aol.proxy.www-c5
0.05 0.04 251453 50 | com.aol.proxy.www-c7
0.02 0.02 134757 19 | com.aol.proxy.www-d2
0.03 0.03 188985 33 | com.aol.proxy.www-d3
0.13 0.16 922892 136 | com.aol.proxy.www-e3
0.10 0.35 1992335 98 | com.aol.proxy.www-f3
0.04 0.04 209155 38 | com.aol.proxy.www-f7
0.00 0.00 17008 3 | com.aol.proxy.www-h1
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0.07 0.14 805809 70 | com.aol.proxy.www-j4
0.01 0.01 36169 13 | com.aol.proxy.www-j7
0.24 0.59 3377717 244 | com.aol.proxy.www-k2
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0.11 0.10 559078 116 | com.aol.proxy.www-l0
0.19 0.34 1944291 190 | com.aol.proxy.www-l2
0.19 0.62 3558790 190 | com.aol.proxy.www-m2
0.03 0.02 133906 30 | com.aol.proxy.www-n5
0.01 0.02 133827 15 | com.arco.inetg1
0.09 0.03 149094 89 | com.arinc.interlock
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | com.arup.ove
0.00 0.02 87280 5 | com.asaint.gatekeeper
0.05 0.04 253640 52 | com.asb.sls43
0.03 0.05 273903 29 | com.atext.crawl2
0.01 0.01 35299 9 | com.atext.muddy
0.07 0.06 372897 75 | com.atlanta.wetland
0.02 0.00 19284 19 | com.att.algw1
0.02 0.00 20330 21 | com.att.algw2
0.01 0.00 15462 15 | com.att.cagw2
0.01 0.00 22004 14 | com.att.cbgw3
0.02 0.00 27574 19 | com.att.ihgw2
0.02 0.00 16676 16 | com.att.kcgw1
0.01 0.00 15078 14 | com.att.kcgw2
0.21 0.18 1048134 212 | com.autodesk.adeskgate
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.axionet.ma5
0.02 0.05 298519 23 | com.bachman.darth1
0.00 0.00 17752 4 | com.basf-corp.basfegw
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.bbn.sppc265
0.04 0.04 241276 44 | com.bms.proxy2
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | com.boeing.www-fw-proxy1
0.00 0.00 12139 5 | com.boeing.www-fw-proxy3
0.05 0.04 234237 48 | com.bp.netusr
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | com.btg.rohan
0.05 0.01 65783 48 | com.burgoyne.pv21
0.02 0.02 136893 16 | com.bv
0.04 0.04 214965 46 | com.cadvision.agta101
0.12 0.05 292423 120 | com.cadvision.agta189
0.00 0.02 115081 5 | com.cadvision.agta62
0.02 0.00 8023 17 | com.cadvision.agtd56
0.01 0.07 388783 15 | com.calweb.sac1-26
0.05 0.05 269281 51 | com.carilion.heimdall
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.catalytica-inc.47
0.09 0.13 762363 88 | com.ccnet.ccnet3
0.01 0.01 42140 11 | com.centigram.pix197
0.04 0.05 307834 38 | com.cfw.wboro68
0.04 0.27 1531529 40 | com.cfw.wboro87
0.06 0.06 319899 60 | com.cia.belak
0.05 0.04 212267 52 | com.cia.terix
0.00 0.00 24772 5 | com.cioe.mer.dial6
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.citicorp.oak2
0.02 0.05 282464 18 | com.cmic.gateway
0.00 0.00 3976 1 | com.cmp.copper
0.09 0.13 728961 90 | com.cnet.daniela
0.03 0.02 138226 33 | com.coastalnet.pm-nb2-59
0.01 0.01 77638 7 | com.coastalnet.pm-wlsn1-37
0.09 0.04 234620 90 | com.compaq.heimdall
0.00 0.01 75763 3 | com.compuserve.ad08-111
0.01 0.01 79560 14 | com.compuserve.ad17-091
0.03 0.02 133777 26 | com.compuserve.ad32-141
0.01 0.01 52863 9 | com.compuserve.ad42-234
0.01 0.01 46538 14 | com.compuserve.ad52-101
0.01 0.01 65284 6 | com.compuserve.ad53-166
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.compuserve.ad54-039
0.05 0.11 608150 52 | com.compuserve.ad73-204
0.03 0.02 119440 29 | com.compuserve.ad73-228
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | com.compuserve.dd12-064
0.00 0.01 39511 5 | com.compuserve.dd18-054
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | com.compuserve.dd27-136
0.01 0.01 34414 8 | com.compuserve.dd44-140
0.00 0.01 54209 1 | com.compuserve.dd45-181
0.01 0.01 66905 7 | com.compuserve.dd51-080
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | com.compuserve.dd56-156
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | com.compuserve.dd58-232
0.03 0.03 156986 28 | com.compuserve.dd60-187
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.compuserve.dd74-210
0.03 0.03 159179 30 | com.compuserve.dd74-235
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | com.compuserve.dd75-118
0.02 0.02 99185 18 | com.compuserve.hd01-008
0.01 0.02 127151 12 | com.compuserve.hd01-012
0.00 0.00 11600 1 | com.compuserve.hd05-001
0.01 0.02 138979 12 | com.compuserve.hd11-014
0.00 0.00 23527 1 | com.compuserve.hd23-021
0.00 0.00 13748 5 | com.compuserve.hd29-032
0.01 0.01 50180 15 | com.compuserve.hd35-109
0.04 0.06 348279 43 | com.compuserve.hd44-254
0.00 0.01 34728 3 | com.compuserve.hd53-094
0.02 0.01 36715 16 | com.compuserve.hd57-101
0.00 0.00 15442 1 | com.compuserve.hd62-137
0.02 0.05 297222 23 | com.compuserve.hd71-075
0.01 0.01 59178 8 | com.compuserve.md10-231
0.01 0.01 35441 10 | com.corning
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | com.cta.vv.annex031
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.cts.nancyrob
0.00 0.00 10645 1 | com.cybercash.callandor
0.01 0.01 32086 8 | com.cyberg8t.host27
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | com.dec.das-x.www-relay
0.00 0.00 5264 1 | com.dec.pa-x.www-relay1
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | com.dell.us.labuda
0.02 0.01 71650 19 | com.deltanet.lkf0188
0.01 0.00 2315 14 | com.deltanet.lkf1244
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | com.digital-ren.dr234
0.02 0.05 263011 22 | com.dimensional.wwdg
0.09 0.13 756533 91 | com.direcpc.hh0117179
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | com.disney.proxy-1
0.05 0.05 299478 55 | com.dmv.dover.ip13
0.01 0.01 33847 8 | com.dowco.pc131
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | com.draper.gw3
0.00 0.00 20514 5 | com.drc.hpc132
0.01 0.01 47072 14 | com.dreamscape.sa3
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | com.dupont.lvs.keyhole
0.08 0.01 69915 79 | com.enron.access
0.01 0.02 129267 7 | com.eor.gen-203
0.02 0.03 148770 25 | com.eor.gen-211
0.01 0.01 42296 6 | com.eor.gen-214
0.06 0.04 242076 58 | com.ericsson.gwa
0.01 0.01 79935 6 | com.erols.anp-as1s42
0.08 0.04 204906 82 | com.erols.as29s42
0.03 0.03 158305 29 | com.erols.as3s26
0.01 0.02 98199 14 | com.erols.as7s09
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | com.erols.col-as11s06
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.erols.dam-as7s17
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | com.erols.man-as2s05
0.00 0.01 30591 4 | com.erols.pppc240
0.01 0.01 32058 7 | com.erols.wlm-as1s03
0.05 0.01 66486 49 | com.erols.wlm-as1s07
0.03 0.03 162052 31 | com.erols.wlm-as1s38
0.01 0.01 31140 7 | com.erols.wlm-as1s42
0.07 0.07 415399 70 | com.erols.wlm-as1s60
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.esper.ppp74
0.05 0.04 214103 47 | com.esys.fallschurch.igate1
0.03 0.01 33302 33 | com.execpc.andromeda
0.01 0.02 89623 6 | com.execpc.taz
0.00 0.00 7350 3 | com.ezl.ppp30
0.01 0.01 42438 15 | com.fcbs.cknell-2
0.02 0.02 117883 16 | com.fluordainel.unknown-3-253
0.04 0.06 327390 38 | com.fmr.gw02e
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.ford.internet-gw
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.ford.internet-gw4
0.01 0.03 165559 11 | com.forman.ny17
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | com.foxberry.port021
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | com.fpl.gointrnt
0.03 0.04 231176 31 | com.framatech.mailserv
0.01 0.01 43729 8 | com.fruit
0.00 0.00 5344 1 | com.ftna.francetelecom-bh
0.05 0.05 274760 48 | com.fullnet.d4
0.00 0.00 18640 5 | com.funb.gate
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | com.gi.car.rharris
0.12 0.16 932726 124 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b01
0.05 0.07 377527 51 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b02
0.05 0.29 1681069 53 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b04
0.01 0.01 68541 8 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b07
0.07 0.30 1708458 68 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b08
0.64 0.31 1791480 654 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c02
0.03 0.03 157400 31 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c06
0.07 0.06 348297 69 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c08
0.04 0.04 235902 45 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c09
0.01 0.01 46481 14 | com.gol.okz1-52
0.04 0.04 235893 45 | com.grci.ch.duesif
0.00 0.00 18486 1 | com.gs.mach1
0.01 0.05 300621 15 | com.gtenet.gtedstpa
0.09 0.13 729044 90 | com.hach.gateway
0.07 0.06 340608 74 | com.hdrinc.omaha
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | com.hevanet.br-ppp21
0.00 0.00 8238 4 | com.hevanet.st-a2
0.02 0.01 46701 17 | com.hevanet.st-e0
0.07 0.11 637877 76 | com.his.matson
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | com.hitachi-hisus.hisus976
0.00 0.00 20514 5 | com.hitachi.halsp.proxy
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | com.hkstar.pluto200
0.00 0.02 140455 1 | com.hp.access.paloalto
0.05 0.08 475559 55 | com.hp.cns.andona1
0.00 0.00 282 1 | com.hp.cns.palona1
0.00 0.00 5779 2 | com.hp.cns.palona2
0.00 0.00 3976 1 | com.ibm.almaden.ntp
0.02 0.02 116293 16 | com.ibm.raleigh.socks1
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | com.ibm.us.ca.mpngate3
0.00 0.00 9367 1 | com.ibm.us.ca.mpngate4
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngate2
0.00 0.00 2506 3 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngate3
0.01 0.02 99043 13 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngate4
0.00 0.00 278 2 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngate5
0.01 0.00 14521 7 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngate6
0.00 0.01 29131 2 | com.ico.isdn.georgepor.host-3
0.00 0.00 23527 1 | com.idirect.discordnet17
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | com.idirect.nsp
0.02 0.01 60475 19 | com.imagina.ppp-006
0.01 0.02 120912 12 | com.imsint.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 34074 8 | com.inch.dialup.port235
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | com.infinitereach.worker
0.02 0.01 68021 16 | com.infointl.iiairc
0.01 0.03 169311 15 | com.inlink.jburnes
0.05 0.06 330149 54 | com.inri.nn.mac_net.mac50
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | com.instanet.chats41
0.10 0.02 110553 101 | com.intel.sc.ligea
0.05 0.05 294137 56 | com.intel.sc.proxy
0.00 0.00 3761 1 | com.interaccess.psycfrnd
0.03 0.01 65039 34 | com.interlog.cc.ip203-118
0.07 0.02 118678 67 | com.interramp.ny.white-plains2.ip86
0.01 0.01 48170 8 | com.intserv.net89
0.02 0.01 52551 16 | com.ior.pm2-18
0.01 0.01 35441 10 | com.isisnet.lun-p26
0.08 0.04 204068 81 | com.islandnet.i1-50
0.02 0.02 106194 19 | com.isomedia.pm2-011
0.00 0.00 9389 5 | com.itc-dal.zeus
0.00 0.01 54209 1 | com.jeppesen.pyramid
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.kcnet.pm1x11
0.01 0.01 70488 8 | com.kellogg.gateway
0.08 0.04 216211 87 | com.kodak.chrome
0.00 0.00 6708 1 | com.kpn.research.dl8115
0.09 0.05 286867 96 | com.lakes.prairie.modem03
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | com.link.bgm.pc210033
0.11 0.16 925636 109 | com.lmt.russs
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | com.loop.pma1_200
0.01 0.00 686 7 | com.loop.pma3_118
0.01 0.00 686 7 | com.loop.pma3_138
0.01 0.03 162363 11 | com.lotus.screen1
0.09 0.13 729011 90 | com.lowdown.miso
0.07 0.08 442580 71 | com.lubrizol.interlock
0.00 0.00 18829 4 | com.lycos.qe20
0.01 0.01 56583 7 | com.madbbs.s18
0.01 0.01 31777 9 | com.magmacom.dyna238
0.11 0.08 463956 109 | com.magmacom.dyna98
0.01 0.01 40009 9 | com.mei.diageng.karloff
0.13 0.10 603266 133 | com.merck.igw2
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | com.microserve.raulind
0.01 0.00 24832 8 | com.microsoft.tide01
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | com.microsoft.tide20
0.05 0.04 238307 54 | com.microsoft.tide23
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | com.millipore.ns
0.01 0.01 35931 15 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-168-121-159-33
0.01 0.02 99856 6 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-168-121-29-185
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-168-121-29-192
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-168-121-49-69
0.02 0.03 156017 25 | com.misnet.ts06
0.09 0.13 757793 91 | com.mixcom.dial43-6
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.mmc.den.dialip-228
0.14 0.06 353415 142 | com.mmc.vf.sullivan
0.05 0.04 251770 53 | com.mnsinc.agodrej
0.04 0.08 473119 38 | com.mnsinc.jtsmith
0.01 0.01 46427 6 | com.monmouth.ppp84
0.03 0.03 170247 29 | com.monsanto.jrklie
0.00 0.00 23527 1 | com.mosquito.dial8
0.00 0.00 196 2 | com.mother.dav.ttys15
0.02 0.02 92829 17 | com.ms.exinos
0.05 0.01 65812 48 | com.mv.aqc
0.00 0.01 61798 4 | com.nec.sj.inoc.archimedes
0.01 0.03 145567 14 | com.netcom.ix.ala-ca13-17
0.00 0.00 15677 5 | com.netcom.ix.atl-ga7-04
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.bir-al1-10
0.01 0.01 60359 9 | com.netcom.ix.brt-fl4-13
0.01 0.01 37936 10 | com.netcom.ix.csp-co1-20
0.04 0.07 424614 43 | com.netcom.ix.csp-co1-22
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | com.netcom.ix.dby-ct2-06
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.den-co20-01
0.00 0.00 17676 5 | com.netcom.ix.den-co9-14
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.det-mi11-01
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.dfw-tx18-04
0.01 0.01 47634 11 | com.netcom.ix.dgr-il9-60
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.eug-or1-06
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.ftm-fl2-01
0.01 0.01 53297 9 | com.netcom.ix.har-pa3-10
0.00 0.00 9367 1 | com.netcom.ix.hou-tx10-13
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.hou-tx2-16
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.irv-ca5-20
0.10 0.16 897890 107 | com.netcom.ix.kcx-ks9-63
0.01 0.01 31437 7 | com.netcom.ix.knx-tn7-24
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.lap-ca4-27
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.lax-ca38-46
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.lbx-ca20-04
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | com.netcom.ix.min-mn5-05
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.mon-ca5-06
0.09 0.13 776051 95 | com.netcom.ix.mvo-ca8-60
0.01 0.01 36133 13 | com.netcom.ix.nas-tn4-23
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.nbw-nj1-12
0.01 0.00 20381 9 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va1-12
0.05 0.53 3061016 54 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va1-20
0.13 0.05 276762 129 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va2-16
0.08 0.09 540715 81 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va4-29
0.01 0.01 85456 6 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va6-12
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.nyc-ny29-30
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.netcom.ix.oma-ne1-01
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.oma-ne5-45
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.ont-ca11-48
0.00 0.00 490 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca13-02
0.00 0.00 490 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca25-23
0.00 0.00 18693 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca4-10
0.00 0.00 18693 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca5-03
0.00 0.00 490 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca9-16
0.00 0.00 18693 5 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca9-17
0.10 0.15 875326 101 | com.netcom.ix.phi-pa5-25
0.01 0.03 145202 14 | com.netcom.ix.ple-ca11-23
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.ren-nv2-08
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.ron-ny9-14
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.ron-ny9-20
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sac-ca6-12
0.01 0.00 12498 7 | com.netcom.ix.sac-ca6-28
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sdx-ca26-11
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sea-wa21-48
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca10-17
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca12-02
0.00 0.00 15330 3 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca14-15
0.00 0.00 15526 5 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca15-18
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca16-23
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca26-04
0.01 0.00 1078 11 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca26-09
0.03 0.05 311860 27 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca26-31
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca27-08
0.00 0.00 392 4 | com.netcom.ix.sfo-ca27-31
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.sjx-ca30-20
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.slo-ca1-05
0.00 0.00 4556 1 | com.netcom.ix.smx-ca8-48
0.00 0.01 30268 2 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl1-05
0.05 0.03 148870 50 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl1-15
0.21 0.07 413872 218 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl10-09
0.06 0.02 91907 66 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl5-25
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl6-22
0.13 0.01 80384 130 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl7-03
0.01 0.01 36289 7 | com.netcom.ix.war-mi1-15
0.06 0.07 401506 59 | com.netcom.ix.wbg-va3-02
0.00 0.01 30268 2 | com.netcom.ix.whp-ny2-25
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.whx-ca2-25
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.whx-ca8-11
0.01 0.01 34338 8 | com.netgen.pittsburgh
0.05 0.04 223117 51 | com.netlinkcorp.mod213
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | com.nitco.huey15
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | com.nlci.dialup1-19
0.01 0.02 133827 15 | com.nni.beta
0.08 0.07 375497 82 | com.nt.erchh001
6.22 9.20 52917238 6365 | com.opentext.mv.c
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | com.optimal.triton
0.00 0.00 18256 5 | com.pacifier.van3.ip93
0.09 0.14 777754 92 | com.partech
0.04 0.03 192231 42 | com.pathcom.ts6l3
0.00 0.00 20514 5 | com.pcix.k-pm4-dyn156
0.07 0.07 410026 68 | com.peganet.peg2-ts29
0.00 0.00 16807 5 | com.peganet.peg6-ts66
0.01 0.01 33436 6 | com.pge.pgefw01
0.01 0.01 56883 14 | com.pipex.du.am083
0.01 0.01 69820 12 | com.pipex.du.am188
0.01 0.04 217274 11 | com.pipex.unipalm.tigra
0.01 0.01 68079 9 | com.plantaganet.ppp4
0.02 0.04 223797 18 | com.pnx.s127
0.01 0.01 33645 8 | com.primenet.boi.ip180
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.primenet.elp.ip204
0.00 0.00 10645 1 | com.primenet.usr07
0.01 0.01 77205 6 | com.prodigy.piweba1y-ext
0.02 0.03 200567 20 | com.prodigy.piweba2y-ext
0.04 0.04 223543 43 | com.prodigy.piweba3y-ext
0.10 0.14 806547 104 | com.prodigy.piweba5y-ext
0.03 0.02 117344 31 | com.prodigy.piweba6y-ext
0.00 0.00 2533 1 | com.prodigy.piweba7y-ext
0.00 0.01 77517 4 | com.prodigy.piweba9y-ext
0.02 0.03 166782 19 | com.pscusa
0.04 0.07 394418 46 | com.qadas.net76
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.qadas.net81
0.00 0.00 10112 4 | com.qnet.ca.lanc00-20
0.01 0.03 145347 14 | com.qnet.ca.palm.dialup13
0.03 0.02 125059 27 | com.qni.s78
0.03 0.03 198293 30 | com.qns.s212-205
0.03 0.01 34666 34 | com.quancon.s29
0.02 0.01 78996 23 | com.quebectel.f025.ts1-16
0.02 0.01 57948 18 | com.quebectel.f029.ts1-13
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | com.questar.mite3
0.02 0.06 362484 22 | com.redweb.astoria
0.46 0.26 1495598 470 | com.redweb.yahonza
0.00 0.01 46816 2 | com.reference.bilbo
0.01 0.01 69859 15 | com.rladvert.groundhog
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | com.rt66.pma11
0.09 0.13 756446 91 | com.saharanet
0.00 0.00 18640 5 | com.saic.west.portal
0.01 0.01 34363 8 | com.saiph.dolphy
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | com.satlink.ros.ppp-21
0.11 0.14 811720 108 | com.scsnet.so
0.16 0.04 224124 163 | com.sdrc
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | com.sequent.wilbur
0.00 0.00 10334 1 | com.servtech.ceh.om1
0.00 0.00 19563 5 | com.shocking.nitrogen
0.05 0.01 65828 48 | com.siemensrolm.gate
0.01 0.00 19902 6 | com.slb.asc.austin.pollo
0.01 0.02 135629 14 | com.slb.sinet.access.lafayette-pp5
0.03 0.03 168230 30 | com.slb.wm.tallassee.shamiltonpc
0.01 0.01 33972 8 | com.sltic.ws1
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.sna.pwopmno
0.02 0.01 70797 20 | com.snds.sundown
0.06 0.09 526245 66 | com.snowhill.pmoz1.pmuser3
0.03 0.03 159069 29 | com.softfarm.s176
0.08 0.07 410772 81 | com.stanleyassoc.server1
0.00 0.00 14353 1 | com.stoner.gateway
0.01 0.01 30739 8 | com.stratus.legal.schuepp
0.04 0.04 235870 45 | com.swcp.ppp115
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | com.symantec.firewall-eu
0.01 0.01 43648 8 | com.tek.inet2
0.02 0.03 166782 19 | com.telia.d2o1
0.00 0.00 9017 1 | com.telia.d2o5
0.00 0.00 24718 1 | com.telia.d2o7
0.20 0.18 1021523 204 | com.telia.t3o4p2
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | com.theriver.pm0.p18
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | com.thoughtport.tpa-206-41-178-155
0.14 0.04 224367 139 | com.ti.jester
0.00 0.00 10696 4 | com.ti.news
0.00 0.01 45151 5 | com.tmhe.tmhe-42-15
0.06 0.02 141466 57 | com.tmn.azure
0.01 0.00 23649 6 | com.tmn.blue
0.19 0.07 389421 194 | com.tmn.slate
0.01 0.01 34417 8 | com.tpcomm.red
0.00 0.01 56804 3 | com.trw.fp.linthicumt
0.12 0.04 221849 118 | com.tti.colt45
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | com.twi.gate
0.02 0.03 166782 19 | com.unisys.192-61-123131
0.01 0.01 78361 8 | com.unitedis.mail
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.usair.intkx001
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | com.usnews.mail
0.04 0.04 241566 46 | com.uswest.advtech.igate
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | com.vivanet.ipwt4
0.01 0.01 68570 8 | com.voy-ager.bbs
0.01 0.03 170229 10 | com.wazoo.pm1.dialup24
0.00 0.00 6722 1 | com.webcrawler.bigbird
0.00 0.00 16816 1 | com.webcrawler.palm
0.00 0.01 52488 5 | com.webcrawler.spidey
0.05 0.08 453487 54 | com.weinberg-group.ns1
0.01 0.01 85050 9 | com.westol.pm106
0.02 0.03 144883 20 | com.wln.cerberus4
0.01 0.01 58235 10 | com.wolfenet.sea-ts1-p20
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | com.wolfenet.sea-ts2-p35
0.01 0.00 23723 6 | com.wolfenet.sea-ts4-p24
0.01 0.01 60117 9 | com.worldaccess.world130
0.10 0.15 850590 103 | com.worldaxes.slip3
0.02 0.01 71371 19 | com.xo.aranyi.ws4
0.00 0.00 13499 5 | com.xtdl.adrl
1.57 0.92 5313771 1606 | com.zapeng.www
0.00 0.01 33273 2 | cz.vol.kvary1
0.00 0.00 8411 1 | cz.vse.ian
0.09 0.15 849724 90 | de.centaur.zeus
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | de.dtag.btx.www03
0.00 0.00 13577 1 | de.dtag.btx.www05
0.00 0.00 13860 3 | de.dtag.btx.www06
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0.00 0.00 269 1 | de.dtag.btx.www10
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | de.dtag.btx.www12
0.00 0.00 4695 2 | de.dtag.btx.www16
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | de.dtag.btx.www19
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | de.dtag.btx.www20
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0.00 0.00 2859 1 | de.dtag.btx.www23
0.04 0.04 208035 46 | de.eunet.msn.f-1.msn-055
0.05 0.01 65856 48 | de.gmd.omega
0.00 0.01 54209 1 | de.gsf.pc1344
0.01 0.01 76180 11 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.aug.slxipb3
0.27 0.23 1320995 275 | de.netsurf.web1
0.03 0.02 131755 29 | de.netsurf.web2
0.64 0.32 1813318 655 | de.priconet.bs01
0.03 0.07 386030 27 | de.snafu.berlin.pppx49
0.01 0.00 22401 9 | de.th-darmstadt.e-technik.hf.pc135
0.02 0.02 93665 18 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.async105
0.02 0.01 71648 19 | de.tu-bs.nat.geowiss.bonzo
0.00 0.00 20775 5 | de.tu-muenchen.agrar.loek.fam
0.07 0.11 639777 76 | de.tu-muenchen.agrar.loek.troll
0.01 0.01 34257 7 | de.uka.ira.mmmac1
0.01 0.01 55472 8 | de.uni-bremen.bias.hagen
0.04 0.01 62135 36 | de.uni-bremen.zfn.www
0.01 0.01 69893 11 | de.uni-erlangen.chemie.pctc
0.00 0.01 33472 5 | de.uni-hohenheim.ub.os2049
0.01 0.02 94469 11 | de.uni-ulm.extern.urmel
0.00 0.00 924 1 | dk.dknet.ppp.cph11
0.01 0.00 28078 6 | dk.ih.sdbg.pc247
0.09 0.06 369453 95 | dk.ih.sdbg.pc249
0.02 0.01 52021 16 | dk.uni-c.ppp.lgb155
0.00 0.00 392 4 | dk.uni-c.ppp.lgb233
0.01 0.03 164926 14 | ec.edu.espol
0.01 0.00 19170 6 | edu.alleg.pell4l25
0.01 0.01 46585 14 | edu.arizona.agforbes.haleiwa
0.03 0.03 199423 29 | edu.arizona.agforbes.sgi
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.asu.inre.atrium-pc98
0.02 0.06 327297 25 | edu.baylor.labrador
0.00 0.00 5344 1 | edu.berkeley.hip.camputers
0.01 0.02 94857 10 | edu.berkeley.hip.salim
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.bgsu.granite
0.00 0.00 3761 1 | edu.brown.cs.panda
0.02 0.04 247839 22 | edu.bu.csb
0.00 0.00 20477 1 | edu.buffalo.ppp-net.ubppp-008
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | edu.buffalo.ppp-net.ubppp-037
0.05 0.04 214183 47 | edu.buffalo.vpsa.lriley
0.00 0.00 20477 1 | edu.calpoly.aix.flute
0.05 0.10 561266 47 | edu.cbu.lr48eff0pr7
0.00 0.00 3642 1 | edu.clemson.hubcap
0.02 0.03 167077 20 | edu.colorado.cs.bruno
0.02 0.02 94811 20 | edu.colorado.f1424-130
0.01 0.01 81683 7 | edu.colorado.icarus
0.02 0.02 93127 23 | edu.colorado.tele-anx0116
0.02 0.01 52600 16 | edu.colorado.tele-anx0130
0.02 0.01 54273 20 | edu.colostate.lance.purgatoire
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.csubak.liba64
0.06 0.03 169470 59 | edu.csuchico.bmu201-mac17
0.05 0.12 674001 52 | edu.csufresno.cati.glostrup
0.01 0.01 43203 6 | edu.csun.s066n226
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.csus.dialin.u0106-p12
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.csus.dialin.u0201-p02
0.01 0.00 686 7 | edu.csus.dialin.u0201-p04
0.01 0.00 686 7 | edu.csus.dialin.u0202-p09
0.03 0.00 2744 28 | edu.csus.dialin.u0202-p14
0.02 0.02 140849 19 | edu.cudenver.nc1206-197
0.02 0.02 87300 24 | edu.cuny.hunter.mckinley
0.01 0.01 35343 9 | edu.dri.maxey.arete
0.01 0.01 43768 8 | edu.dtcc.tinker
0.01 0.01 36806 8 | edu.duke.async.async110
0.04 0.01 35630 40 | edu.duke.async.async5
0.02 0.03 151584 19 | edu.duke.async.async58
0.19 0.16 939457 190 | edu.duke.async.async81
0.04 0.04 233409 43 | edu.duq.bus.pc40
0.03 0.03 157896 35 | edu.etsu-tn.ed20
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.etsu-tn.novix_2
0.01 0.02 119880 8 | edu.fsu.math.sonya
0.00 0.00 10208 4 | edu.harvard.humc74
0.23 0.28 1637576 232 | edu.hawaii.uhcc.pclab211
0.03 0.08 466310 26 | edu.holycross.desargues
0.01 0.01 66707 8 | edu.humboldt.cnrs.nrfac486
0.00 0.00 20514 5 | edu.iastate.econ.pc3289
0.01 0.01 66984 7 | edu.iastate.exnet.montgomery40
0.09 0.13 729027 90 | edu.idbsu.rmgbigel
0.01 0.01 66707 8 | edu.indiana.spea.mullinsd
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | edu.indiana.ucs.bh118-20
0.03 0.01 34599 34 | edu.indiana.ucs.xyplex3-3-19
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.jhu.scs.coladm13
0.02 0.02 134154 21 | edu.jmu.pc.ip86-170
0.06 0.09 492937 62 | edu.ksu.ce.goldengate
0.05 0.06 351572 56 | edu.lanecc.lcce45
0.00 0.00 3394 1 | edu.lsu.geol.bentonite
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.lsumc.ocs.colbleep
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.marshall.mud91
0.02 0.04 223553 20 | edu.mcgill.mcrcim.athena
0.01 0.01 35245 8 | edu.mit.lacordillera
0.21 0.32 1841882 210 | edu.mit.laguna
0.00 0.00 269 1 | edu.mit.ll.nearlink
0.24 0.11 631271 244 | edu.mit.marr
0.05 0.01 65805 48 | edu.mit.nish
0.01 0.02 133769 15 | edu.mit.porter
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.msstate.soilscience.celabpc29
0.02 0.02 131607 18 | edu.msstate.ts2.port24
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | edu.nau.lib.pc104
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | edu.ncat.aurora
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | edu.ncsu.dialup.s013h015
0.02 0.01 84484 19 | edu.ncsu.mck.cpe8
0.03 0.02 121135 31 | edu.ncsu.physics.sslpeem
0.00 0.02 106645 4 | edu.neu.coe.joules
0.09 0.02 87078 88 | edu.nmsu.analog-ts2-1
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.nmu.lfmmac3
0.03 0.06 340516 28 | edu.nodak.ndsu.ee.mint02
0.03 0.10 557054 29 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt15.ndts14
0.04 0.03 169175 39 | edu.nwu.mech.eyore
0.01 0.04 213737 15 | edu.nwu.pharm.nirvana
0.05 0.05 305208 54 | edu.odu.amrl
0.13 0.10 551756 134 | edu.odu.cc
20.68 20.87 119978987 21174 | edu.odu.cee
4.10 2.90 16658792 4197 | edu.odu.cs
0.48 0.75 4285201 492 | edu.odu.kdh
0.62 0.50 2858749 638 | edu.odu.lib
0.07 0.12 676155 74 | edu.odu.mem
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | edu.ohio-state.acs.oh13pc30
0.03 0.04 258611 30 | edu.ohio-state.eng.bran
0.01 0.00 20021 7 | edu.ohio-state.uts.wwwcache0
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | edu.okstate.cislabs.pc29ms108-f
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.okstate.stdrem.dialin16
0.04 0.04 252987 41 | edu.olemiss.cche.hydra
0.03 0.02 119566 28 | edu.orst.ucs.slip160
0.04 0.03 159897 36 | edu.orst.ucs.slip172
0.02 0.03 197120 19 | edu.osshe.sosc.jove2
0.04 0.01 59974 44 | edu.otterbein.mikepettersen
0.14 0.06 350906 139 | edu.peachnet.gac.dopey
0.00 0.01 33273 2 | edu.pitt.net.rmt.ehdup-a1-7
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | edu.pitt.net.rmt.ehdup-a2-9
0.03 0.05 311166 26 | edu.pitt.net.rmt.ehdup-c3-11
0.02 0.01 52108 16 | edu.princeton.yates
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.psu.cac-labs.hammond-ibmpc71
0.03 0.01 29960 29 | edu.psu.cac.nbslip43
0.02 0.05 298566 20 | edu.psu.cas.ent136
0.00 0.00 14600 5 | edu.psu.cas.ent143
0.02 0.08 446388 18 | edu.psu.cedcc.poseidon
0.02 0.01 52082 16 | edu.psu.mng.hermes
0.01 0.01 42085 15 | edu.purdue.adpc.frehra115
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | edu.purdue.agry.hydro2
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | edu.purdue.cc.mthw116pc34
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | edu.purdue.ecn.ppp-6
0.03 0.03 199696 33 | edu.rice.owlnet.great-horned
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | edu.rpi.its.library1c
0.00 0.00 10645 1 | edu.rpi.xyp.rts3p13
0.01 0.01 47111 14 | edu.rpi.xyp.rts3p19
0.02 0.01 84472 19 | edu.sinclair.camelot
0.03 0.04 212280 33 | edu.sjca.slip-0
0.08 0.19 1066575 84 | edu.stanford.grand
0.02 0.03 156853 17 | edu.stanford.hake
0.09 0.14 802743 90 | edu.stanford.limpopo
0.11 0.23 1302932 113 | edu.stanford.rhine
0.01 0.01 38228 6 | edu.stanford.sole
0.02 0.05 276531 25 | edu.stanford.video
0.02 0.02 88938 20 | edu.sunysb.msrc.pchjb2
0.06 0.04 219292 64 | edu.swt.cc.modem1.port16
0.02 0.01 79420 22 | edu.syr.syru63-234
0.07 0.11 604956 67 | edu.tamu.edge
0.01 0.00 20529 11 | edu.tamu.goblin
0.01 0.01 63664 8 | edu.tamu.rns.ppp16-08
0.06 0.08 433361 66 | edu.tamucc.cbi.slip1
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | edu.tufts.ee.doble9
0.01 0.01 69615 7 | edu.uark.ppp1
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | edu.uc.slip.ucxy13-07
0.12 0.20 1140552 126 | edu.ucar.harvest
0.02 0.03 173169 16 | edu.uchicago.fs-hsiuling
0.01 0.00 24465 13 | edu.uchsc.drase
0.03 0.03 171241 33 | edu.uchsc.loki
0.01 0.01 29777 8 | edu.ucla.seas.purplerain
0.00 0.00 360 2 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts20-2
0.00 0.00 360 2 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts34-9
0.01 0.02 109608 12 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts35-13
0.05 0.03 154971 53 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts35-6
0.09 0.13 772026 94 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts36-5
0.01 0.02 103566 10 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts6-2
0.16 0.08 450804 163 | edu.ucsb.geog.hugolab
0.22 0.24 1392926 228 | edu.ucsb.sscf.vansicke
0.04 0.04 254901 38 | edu.ucsd.extern.tdurand
0.06 0.07 401092 59 | edu.ucsd.ziggurat
0.01 0.04 257890 15 | edu.udayton.woh.cptpc01
0.02 0.03 181178 16 | edu.udel.cms.peggy
0.11 0.06 329411 110 | edu.udel.us.rhino
0.09 0.05 292704 95 | edu.ufl.circa.arc-118-01
0.02 0.03 196466 24 | edu.ufl.nerdc.ppp-04-uf-cs1
0.05 0.05 280753 56 | edu.uga.bae.ice
0.42 0.26 1499194 435 | edu.uh.career.calvin1
0.02 0.00 25479 22 | edu.uh.career.cppc2
0.06 0.09 532615 58 | edu.uh.coe.sip-5257
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.uidaho.ag.agecon18
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | edu.uidaho.csrv.dialin082
0.04 0.06 321741 43 | edu.uiowa.itc.wem07
0.01 0.05 270621 10 | edu.uiuc.age.hops
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.uiuc.gc.pc156
0.02 0.07 423235 16 | edu.uiuc.ncsa.education20-91
0.00 0.01 30591 4 | edu.uiuc.sites.un-pc19
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.ukans.cc.kuts11p10
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | edu.ukans.cc.kuts5p02
0.01 0.01 52816 9 | edu.umass.phast.k12s
0.34 0.30 1745438 345 | edu.umd.dial.annex9-6
0.03 0.04 210200 34 | edu.umd.marple
0.03 0.03 145716 33 | edu.umich.eecs.checksum
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | edu.umich.engin.apple
0.03 0.03 182496 32 | edu.umich.engin.sirius
0.04 0.05 259186 44 | edu.umich.lib.grd32
0.02 0.03 183741 23 | edu.umr.mcnutt.unal-pc
0.00 0.01 38704 2 | edu.unc.sph.sophia
0.00 0.00 23527 1 | edu.uncc.ws306
0.01 0.03 157355 10 | edu.unf.slip13
0.00 0.01 54209 1 | edu.unl.unlinfo2
0.01 0.01 67191 7 | edu.unm.inchelina
0.06 0.08 464633 60 | edu.uoknor.ecn.europa
0.01 0.02 98783 11 | edu.uoregon.cisco-ts7-line3
0.05 0.01 65765 48 | edu.uoregon.cs.vitalstatistix
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | edu.uoregon.donald
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.uri.oce.coastmap
0.05 0.04 245845 51 | edu.urich.urpd20
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | edu.ursinus.leia
0.00 0.00 11948 5 | edu.usc.comserv-i-57
0.01 0.01 49708 8 | edu.usc.koh-mac14
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | edu.usc.wph-pc19
0.02 0.01 52642 16 | edu.usu.agsci.rbt
0.03 0.01 44479 30 | edu.usu.bus.cward
0.00 0.00 3353 1 | edu.usu.nr.bugs
0.03 0.03 152100 34 | edu.utah.cet.cet2
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.utah.med.117-106
0.08 0.11 622762 77 | edu.utdallas.utdppp11
0.00 0.00 4252 1 | edu.utexas.arlut.evghp1
0.05 0.01 65876 49 | edu.utexas.dp.dp66
0.00 0.00 10918 5 | edu.utexas.facsmf.smf-e14
0.07 0.02 122087 73 | edu.utexas.facsmf.smf-f16
0.05 0.04 253976 52 | edu.utexas.me.longlab
0.01 0.01 33425 6 | edu.utexas.me.timburton
0.01 0.01 63781 8 | edu.utk.cas.hssmac01
0.00 0.01 32654 4 | edu.utk.engr.civil27
0.01 0.02 91148 10 | edu.utk.engr.winter
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.utk.ips.mtasknx36
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.utk.lib.libpub40
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.utk.lib.libpub45
0.01 0.01 49457 7 | edu.utk.rmt.tchm09a5
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | edu.utoledo.dialins.ppp15
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.utoledo.eng.cobble
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.utoledo.eng.pathogen
0.01 0.00 27644 7 | edu.vanderbilt.dial022
0.03 0.03 194807 30 | edu.vanderbilt.dial039
0.13 0.27 1542882 130 | edu.vanderbilt.dial041
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | edu.vanderbilt.dial116
0.02 0.03 164525 25 | edu.vanderbilt.vuse.chempc18
0.01 0.01 56354 8 | edu.virginia.clas.faraday
0.01 0.01 55899 7 | edu.virginia.cs.cobra-fo
0.03 0.02 119430 29 | edu.vt.aaec.bluegrass
0.02 0.01 73360 17 | edu.vt.aaec.shabman
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.vt.ce.caelab9
0.03 0.03 170490 29 | edu.vt.ce.hydro1
0.01 0.01 47947 11 | edu.vt.ce.hydro6
0.00 0.00 18486 1 | edu.vt.ee.vpec.hp2
0.01 0.01 42353 6 | edu.vt.esm.wship
0.05 0.01 84546 54 | edu.washington.cac.hoohoo
0.00 0.02 126415 4 | edu.washington.cs.maverick
0.01 0.04 234746 10 | edu.washington.cs.minbar
0.01 0.04 250101 8 | edu.washington.cs.vorlon
0.00 0.02 120386 3 | edu.washington.cs.wolfman
0.04 0.07 377293 42 | edu.washington.u.cs123-6
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | edu.washington.u.cs20-8
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.wisc.chem.mac_42
0.04 0.10 567992 37 | edu.wlu.uc.liberty
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | edu.wsu.cea.larry
0.01 0.00 22244 6 | edu.wsu.ip.ialc5
0.07 0.04 243111 71 | edu.wsu.it.xtsd0506
0.01 0.01 56583 7 | edu.wsu.tricity.natchez
0.01 0.02 94475 10 | edu.wvu.nsfc.nsfcmac073
0.01 0.01 36632 13 | edu.yale.forestry.tom-siccama
0.04 0.01 64026 44 | es.arrakis.ib13
0.01 0.01 53189 9 | es.cim.alcudia
0.01 0.01 65713 9 | es.servicom.bcn.ppp_27
0.01 0.01 36289 7 | es.uclm.prov-ab.est04
0.21 0.06 331231 217 | es.unizar.cps.beatrix
0.02 0.01 57058 18 | es.uva.cpd.simancas
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | fi.helsinki.vesuri
0.00 0.01 50360 3 | fi.inet.smtp
0.02 0.02 113495 18 | fi.ivo.hepi
0.01 0.01 76858 9 | fi.kareltek.modem12
0.00 0.00 20477 1 | fi.megabaud.slirp
0.01 0.01 37589 14 | fi.tampere.tampere
0.01 0.01 48776 7 | fi.uku.ankkuri12
0.29 0.19 1065589 296 | fi.uta.juoru
0.01 0.01 34046 8 | fr.calvacom.edgar
0.00 0.00 23049 5 | fr.cnes.cst.nikita
0.01 0.00 17646 6 | fr.cnrs.schnaps
0.00 0.00 16449 2 | fr.enst.autan
0.06 0.09 510045 57 | fr.escead.esc172
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | fr.esrf.firewall
0.04 0.01 45884 37 | fr.ifp.ifp
0.01 0.01 36289 7 | fr.imaginet.paris.cyber172
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | fr.inrets.pc63-24
0.00 0.00 20231 3 | fr.inrialpes.praslin
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | fr.insa-tlse.gerii.ger2
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | fr.polytechnique.laurent
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | fr.supelec.netrider-port1
0.18 0.26 1515642 182 | fr.u-strasbg.kastler4
0.09 0.09 521815 97 | fr.uhb.uhbhic
0.04 0.03 153016 42 | fr.univ-rennes1.meule
0.02 0.04 211548 20 | gov.ameslab.unal
0.01 0.01 66707 8 | gov.anl.anlw.pc-esh
0.06 0.05 280067 58 | gov.anl.ead.zog
0.04 0.08 466333 45 | gov.anl.emo.emo214-a102a
0.04 0.05 265023 37 | gov.ca.water.cdeso153
0.01 0.01 70561 7 | gov.cebaf.tong
0.01 0.02 133769 15 | gov.epa.ada.ada043
0.02 0.02 126638 19 | gov.epa.ann.cbp173
0.04 0.05 299138 41 | gov.epa.nvfel-pmn.fairwind629
0.04 0.03 173643 41 | gov.fnal.allnt
0.02 0.01 46188 19 | gov.metrokc.eklund_don
0.02 0.01 33127 17 | gov.nasa.arc.feynman
0.06 0.03 197445 62 | gov.nasa.arc.fresnel
0.16 0.14 814124 166 | gov.nasa.gsfc.choptank
0.01 0.00 24743 9 | gov.nasa.ksc.gsde001
0.05 0.05 292084 48 | gov.nasa.larc.eddmac
0.04 0.04 214444 42 | gov.nasa.larc.kelvin
0.05 0.04 245459 51 | gov.nasa.larc.loquacity
0.06 0.05 308246 66 | gov.nasa.larc.morpho
0.03 0.03 177967 30 | gov.nasa.ssc.cwilliam1
0.14 0.14 794277 143 | gov.ncifcrf.560lib1
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | gov.nih.dcrt.cfbdly02
0.01 0.01 40733 14 | gov.nih.dcrt.francesco
0.04 0.05 263045 46 | gov.noaa.csc.mevans
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | gov.noaa.wwb.sgi67
0.05 0.05 276309 52 | gov.orau.fw
0.03 0.02 123431 29 | gov.ornl.eng.dhh
0.01 0.01 68541 8 | gov.ornl.oqa.sv2audit
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | gov.osmre.unk-171
0.01 0.01 47035 14 | gov.pader.gatekeeper
0.00 0.01 60051 3 | gov.rl.touchet
0.03 0.02 134708 28 | gov.sandia.sahp604
0.01 0.02 118132 13 | gov.sfwmd.sgtpepper-qe0
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | gov.tva.info
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | gov.usbr.mp.700.jbruss
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | gov.usda.nrcs.nssc.lightle
0.01 0.05 263706 8 | gov.usgs.er.nt1dmsjkn
0.00 0.00 17752 4 | gov.usgs.er.opstds
0.00 0.00 19106 5 | gov.usgs.wr.fgi1rcamnl
0.01 0.01 34193 8 | gov.usgs.wr.pbennett
0.02 0.03 168014 18 | gt.edu.uvg.ppp_1
0.02 0.01 39896 19 | hk.edu.cuhk.alumni.purple
0.01 0.01 65940 10 | hk.hku.cs.ppp14
0.09 0.02 88925 94 | hk.hku.hkusuc
0.09 0.13 756782 92 | hk.net.glink.staff4
0.09 0.08 463544 89 | hk.ust.cez079
0.01 0.01 85748 11 | hr.tel.a7-p2-zg
0.01 0.02 87755 12 | id.net.indo.manado.ppp-022
0.01 0.01 36289 7 | id.net.rad.www
0.02 0.01 35359 17 | ie.indigo.dublin-ts12-237
0.01 0.01 36289 7 | ie.indigo.dublin-ts18-145
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | ie.indigo.dublin-ts7-165
0.03 0.11 651920 29 | ie.indigo.indigo14659
0.00 0.01 42273 3 | il.ac.ilwww
0.00 0.01 46028 4 | il.co.interview.honesty
0.00 0.00 8591 1 | in.net.vsnl.giasbm01
0.01 0.01 70618 10 | in.res.tifr.theory
0.00 0.00 2533 1 | it.cisea.p1
0.00 0.00 5946 2 | it.grosseto.gol.asy02
0.01 0.01 58687 10 | it.grosseto.gol.asy04
0.00 0.00 19344 2 | it.grosseto.gol.asy07
0.00 0.00 8040 1 | it.grosseto.gol.asy10
0.00 0.00 28099 5 | it.isnet.dauna
0.09 0.03 159168 94 | it.itc.mnemosyne
0.07 0.06 362941 69 | it.itnet.pn.cira601
0.09 0.13 756431 91 | it.mclink.arnklit
0.09 0.13 756531 91 | it.mclink.pgw-138
0.09 0.02 128487 88 | it.srd.srd205
0.05 0.01 56556 48 | it.stet.cselt.drogo
0.00 0.01 80197 3 | it.unisi.dst.sidst6
0.02 0.03 183730 19 | it.vol.timo8
0.08 0.03 149232 78 | jp.ac.metro-u.math.mathv2
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | jp.ac.nagoya-u.ihas.ihas
0.03 0.01 44538 30 | jp.ac.osaka-u.es.ics.utamaro
0.01 0.00 9639 6 | jp.ac.titech.cv.soil3
0.01 0.01 47885 10 | jp.ac.titech.cv.yagi
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.c.phys3
0.02 0.02 92095 18 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.t.envdell
0.00 0.00 2631 1 | jp.co.alacarte.ppp0003
0.17 0.12 668821 179 | jp.co.asahi-kasei.fw2000
0.01 0.01 36836 6 | jp.co.nec.gate.tyo20
0.00 0.00 10210 4 | jp.co.nec.gate.tyo21
0.01 0.02 112613 9 | jp.co.suntory.hibiki
0.05 0.04 228696 56 | jp.co.takenaka.gate
0.01 0.01 56886 9 | jp.co.voicenet.du001
0.01 0.01 49439 9 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp133222
0.05 0.07 391754 49 | jp.or.inforyukyu.ppp91
0.12 0.15 857736 122 | jp.or.infosphere.pl-ueno024
0.00 0.00 4187 1 | jp.or.mwnet.n2ppp211
0.01 0.03 170397 15 | kr.ac.ajou.cepara
0.01 0.02 98500 9 | kr.ac.kangwon.lib
0.23 0.21 1178974 237 | kr.ac.skku.hydenv
0.00 0.00 3976 1 | kr.co.can.ns
0.00 0.00 3684 1 | kr.co.dacom.magicall2
0.01 0.02 88631 7 | kr.co.dacom.ppp54
0.11 0.04 224583 115 | kr.co.nowcom.nownuri
0.06 0.05 290217 64 | kr.co.unitel.ftp
0.01 0.01 77653 6 | kr.co.unitel.zeus
0.16 0.37 2136123 161 | kr.nm.kornet.soback
0.01 0.02 95034 12 | kw.moc.was
0.09 0.12 675976 91 | mil.af.acclog.puccini
0.05 0.04 208958 49 | mil.af.afit.pc-ci80
0.09 0.02 131613 96 | mil.af.hq.saf10448
0.02 0.02 103498 20 | mil.af.kadena.kban03
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | mil.af.rl.fm.fm31
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | mil.arl.rkcom3
0.00 0.00 196 2 | mil.army.usace.mro.mroopr_39682
0.00 0.00 180 1 | mil.army.usace.tad.constantinov
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | mil.navy.msrcnavo.argus-p2
0.01 0.00 11076 6 | mil.navy.nadn.coral
0.06 0.07 395651 57 | mil.navy.navtap.puertorico-11
0.04 0.04 225095 43 | mil.navy.navtap.puertorico-9
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | mil.navy.nps.oc.redside
0.21 0.07 416188 217 | mil.navy.nuwc.npt.mccarty
0.07 0.08 473709 76 | mil.navy.spear.cnsl.deitch-ws
0.06 0.28 1601612 62 | mil.navy.spear.cnsl.hatley-ws
0.04 0.03 191769 45 | mil.navy.swos.guardian
0.00 0.01 35965 5 | mil.nosc.lesykp
0.01 0.01 66905 7 | mil.osd.acq.p11027
0.01 0.25 1419829 11 | mx.com.spin.verbum26
0.01 0.01 57604 8 | mx.itesm.ver.cci07
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | mx.net.infosel.monterrey0503
0.00 0.00 5234 4 | mx.uaem.dialup.dial05
0.01 0.00 26079 6 | mx.unam.noc.slip6
0.00 0.00 1421 3 | my.jaring.brf58.j9
0.02 0.01 85056 17 | my.jaring.glg5.j11
0.00 0.00 5341 2 | my.jaring.glg5.j3
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | my.jaring.ktk4.j7
0.03 0.04 258702 27 | my.jaring.ptl17.j9
0.00 0.01 30598 3 | my.jaring.ptl9.j15
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | net.aa.morrison-c21
0.02 0.01 84521 21 | net.accent.annex1-toronto-ppp-181
0.02 0.02 105463 17 | net.accent.annex4-toronto-ppp-23
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.address.moon2
0.01 0.01 44624 14 | net.agate.sdi.beaker
0.01 0.03 157186 11 | net.agate.sdi.ersoftwr
0.04 0.08 486332 37 | net.agetech.ppp-mia-32
0.01 0.00 5816 11 | net.agetech.ppp-mia-39
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.agn.pool132-semichigan1
0.08 0.12 688620 84 | net.allegro.aaron
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | net.aloha.u.hawaii120
0.05 0.07 423954 51 | net.alter.dynip.ca.los-angeles.max2.pool042
0.58 0.27 1570352 598 | net.alter.dynip.ca.san-diego.max11.pool037
0.22 0.19 1112295 226 | net.alter.dynip.ca.san-diego.max7.pool048
0.06 0.03 153545 62 | net.alter.dynip.fl.orlando.max17.pool019
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.alter.dynip.fl.orlando.max3.pool026
0.05 0.02 103141 53 | net.alter.dynip.fl.orlando.max8.pool032
0.03 0.01 44327 30 | net.alter.dynip.il.chicago.max6.pool055
0.00 0.00 21179 4 | net.alter.dynip.ma.boston.max12.pool022
0.01 0.03 156852 12 | net.alter.dynip.ny.new-york.max21.pool025
0.01 0.01 69643 7 | net.alter.dynip.ny.new-york.max8.pool008
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.arcus.ceres
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | net.arn.dialup2-060
0.01 0.02 106903 12 | net.asiaonline.ip24
0.03 0.07 375655 31 | net.asiaonline.ip26
0.00 0.00 12130 5 | net.asiaonline.ntt12_063
0.00 0.01 38200 5 | net.asiaonline.ntt12_098
0.00 0.00 8385 5 | net.asiaonline.ntt12_199
0.00 0.00 13499 5 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-3.15
0.04 0.28 1619281 42 | net.att.dial-access.co.denver-1.27
0.00 0.00 18693 5 | net.att.dial-access.fl.tampa-2.86
0.01 0.02 112509 14 | net.att.dial-access.ga.atlanta-2.3
0.01 0.01 31987 9 | net.att.dial-access.ga.atlanta-4.198
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.att.dial-access.mo.bridgeton-061.88
0.02 0.02 99719 20 | net.att.dial-access.oh.columbus-1.171
0.02 0.03 185171 17 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-2.139
0.06 0.06 345739 63 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-2.184
0.00 0.00 20514 5 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-60.226
0.04 0.04 230590 44 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-60.53
0.03 0.03 168739 26 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-61.181
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | net.att.dial-access.wa.seattle-1.185
0.15 0.07 410810 154 | net.bellsouth.atl.d01488
0.00 0.01 36068 4 | net.bluemarble.catseye
0.04 0.04 226807 43 | net.bright.dial.cant1-cs-9
0.01 0.01 68570 8 | net.bright.win.elk-cs-2
0.00 0.00 1308 1 | net.castlegate.roundtable27
0.00 0.00 6104 1 | net.ccn.router9
0.06 0.08 483104 61 | net.clark.explorer2
0.00 0.00 3711 1 | net.cloud9.dialup.jlevine
0.02 0.03 182509 24 | net.cloud9.dialup.wjames
0.12 0.16 898192 119 | net.cms.wellfleet
0.00 0.00 10208 4 | net.computek.den21
0.01 0.01 68698 6 | net.computek.phelps
0.00 0.00 16731 1 | net.concentric.cnc028051
0.05 0.02 120587 53 | net.concentric.cnc031042
0.05 0.02 120600 53 | net.concentric.cnc031044
0.03 0.03 151314 28 | net.concentric.cnc117043
0.08 0.04 220146 87 | net.concentric.cnc117045
0.00 0.00 2052 5 | net.concentric.cnc117050
0.01 0.01 60319 9 | net.concentric.cnc21665
0.02 0.01 80528 18 | net.coqui.mayaguez-ppp6
0.11 0.06 338226 108 | net.creative.port17
0.03 0.01 42589 28 | net.csn.dialup.denver1.p36
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.csrlink.pmwill1_26
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | net.cyberhighway.phxusr3-9
0.09 0.13 756531 91 | net.cyberiacafe.cyberiaman18
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.dfw.dallas.ppp53
0.04 0.02 137655 39 | net.digex.slip.tkc15339
0.07 0.08 436784 67 | net.digital.max18_16
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | net.digital.tech2
0.06 0.07 419401 61 | net.digital.tech3
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.directnet.a6-ppp74
0.02 0.02 102292 21 | net.dnaco.uhura-16
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | net.dwave.jeff
0.01 0.02 134406 14 | net.eigen.port_3
0.02 0.00 2945 20 | net.elim.rf090
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | net.elim.rf0c9
0.11 0.14 819899 112 | net.elim.rf0e3
0.04 0.06 332820 40 | net.en.p25-ts2
0.08 0.06 322175 82 | net.enterprise.max06-116
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | net.epix.ezvl-78ppp88
0.03 0.03 181683 32 | net.epix.lwby-85ppp32
0.01 0.02 89248 13 | net.epix.svcr-84ppp78
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.eramp.dialup1
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.eramp.dialup25
0.00 0.00 12907 1 | net.eri.center.dlp228
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | net.erie.bbs18
0.03 0.01 33412 32 | net.eu.austria.sinead
0.01 0.02 136171 15 | net.eu.www.cache1
0.03 0.03 172927 27 | net.exis.ppp-2-34
0.05 0.05 263860 52 | net.exis.ppp-2-43
0.06 0.02 91571 66 | net.exis.ppp-2-54
0.01 0.03 145359 14 | net.exis.ppp-3-90
0.01 0.01 69825 9 | net.flash.dpm1-62
0.00 0.00 12160 1 | net.ftech.proxy2
0.01 0.00 14849 9 | net.fullnet.enid-ppp-25
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.fullnet.swo-ppp-9
0.00 0.00 1405 2 | net.fuse.orinoco-15
0.10 0.12 694792 98 | net.futuris.wdial145
0.04 0.01 79068 39 | net.gamewood.ts0101
0.03 0.02 142714 32 | net.gamewood.ts0313
0.03 0.00 4408 35 | net.gamewood.ts0315
0.01 0.01 34170 8 | net.ganet.ppp3-170
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.gate.ftmfl1-2
0.07 0.11 639398 76 | net.gate.orlfl2-13
0.01 0.02 88420 9 | net.generation.portc62
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.georgian.kavski
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.gulf.pcola.ppp154
0.01 0.01 44831 7 | net.hinet.w3
0.14 0.13 755229 146 | net.hiwaay.max12-70
0.01 0.03 168879 15 | net.hiwaay.max7-113
0.04 0.03 193803 39 | net.hiwaay.max7-123
0.01 0.01 73361 7 | net.hungary.gyor.master
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | net.i-2000.whiteplains.access1.dyn10
0.05 0.05 308482 52 | net.ibm.us.nc.slip166-72-89-74
0.02 0.04 243021 19 | net.ibm.us.tx.slip166-72-133-84
0.01 0.01 54996 9 | net.icgroup.bogus
0.01 0.01 66905 7 | net.idir.idtslw1.port32
0.08 0.13 720990 84 | net.idt.hck.ts-9.ppp-37
0.01 0.01 43564 8 | net.idt.nyc.ts-5.ppp-24
0.02 0.03 185291 19 | net.ilinks.voltaire
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.impulse.sb-7
0.01 0.01 59855 7 | net.indy.slip.ip78
0.01 0.02 140591 14 | net.infi.nc5.pa1dsp13
0.02 0.04 219811 25 | net.infi.nc5.pa2dsp1
0.01 0.02 116352 12 | net.infi.nc5.pa2dsp17
0.01 0.02 116431 12 | net.infi.nc5.pa2dsp8
0.02 0.01 40579 24 | net.infi.orf.pa12dsp2
0.04 0.01 69910 46 | net.infi.orf.pa12dsp4
0.11 0.05 268095 114 | net.infi.orf.pa13dsp9
0.06 0.08 445784 66 | net.infi.orf.pa14dsp22
0.05 0.05 303066 52 | net.infi.orf.pa17dsp2
0.05 0.05 290872 51 | net.infi.orf.pa1dsp11
0.06 0.06 354661 66 | net.infi.orf.pa1dsp6
0.07 0.08 464528 68 | net.infi.orf.pa2dsp6
0.04 0.05 262216 42 | net.infi.orf.pa6dsp20
0.01 0.00 21181 6 | net.infi.orf.pa7dsp9
0.04 0.03 151658 43 | net.infi.orf.pa9dsp21
0.01 0.02 98742 10 | net.infi.roanoke.pa1dsp6
0.09 0.13 756352 91 | net.infini.pm4-s11
0.00 0.00 23719 5 | net.inland.ts1p11
0.01 0.01 55472 8 | net.inter-link.pm1.ip045
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | net.intercable.ppp4-7
0.01 0.01 72036 9 | net.interpath.sanford-210
0.06 0.02 93027 58 | net.interpia.kiwi
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.interserf.serfer2
0.01 0.02 130844 14 | net.island.dyn83
0.03 0.01 43764 30 | net.jetlink.ppp157
0.01 0.03 158602 10 | net.kansas.slip5
0.00 0.00 23229 1 | net.leonardo.a06
0.03 0.03 193331 27 | net.linknet.cs14
0.01 0.02 137180 12 | net.linknet.dsrvalex1-9
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | net.linknet.lrno3-2
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.litton.master
0.01 0.01 65587 7 | net.login.m2lh
0.00 0.00 1323 2 | net.ltec.interlinc.ilnc-f854
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.ltec.xyp29p8
0.84 0.87 5017713 860 | net.magg.wpb-102
0.01 0.01 32016 9 | net.magibox.baste
0.01 0.01 44574 6 | net.magicnet.pm11-21
0.01 0.01 78966 7 | net.magicnet.pm6-14
0.01 0.01 70561 7 | net.maui.maui46
0.01 0.02 102068 11 | net.mci.campus.asu.s24-pm02
0.01 0.00 23407 6 | net.mci.campus.auburn.s03-pm01
0.02 0.03 191407 16 | net.mci.campus.auburn.s15-pm05
0.03 0.02 143365 31 | net.mci.campus.ecsu.s24-pm01
0.00 0.00 11448 2 | net.mci.campus.mursuky.s22-pm03
0.22 0.22 1260333 227 | net.mci.campus.nat01ddaniels
0.03 0.03 183511 31 | net.mci.chicago.111.236.189.infolink-204
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.mci.dallas.usr1-dialup28
0.04 0.03 187051 39 | net.mci.dallas.usr2-dialup20
0.02 0.00 2846 19 | net.mci.washington.dialup2
0.02 0.01 43117 16 | net.mci.washington.dialup3
0.01 0.00 4545 6 | net.mci.washington.dialup557
0.02 0.02 98237 22 | net.mci.washington.dialup560
0.00 0.00 19662 2 | net.mhv.orange-port3
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | net.mich.dialip.pm029-00
0.34 0.38 2174778 345 | net.mich.dialip.pm075-13
0.35 0.25 1464553 354 | net.mich.dialip.pm113-07
0.09 0.14 803336 97 | net.mich.dialip.pm114-20
0.09 0.08 476699 95 | net.mich.dialip.pm119-03
0.08 0.04 205457 82 | net.mich.dialip.pm181-00
0.01 0.01 66736 8 | net.mich.dialip.pm199-05
0.02 0.02 90132 20 | net.micron.boi.cboi013p02
0.13 0.02 100653 132 | net.midusa.mcpherson.node5
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | net.mlink.staple
0.02 0.02 110800 18 | net.mts.flfnas01-p06
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.nauticom.net4.127
0.03 0.03 200468 33 | net.nauticom.net4.15
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.net-link.p5-13
0.01 0.01 34230 8 | net.netins.dialup.desm-11-05
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.newcomm.newcdgd17
0.00 0.00 1405 2 | net.nkn.dalport136
0.00 0.00 26891 1 | net.nlanr.cache.sd
0.01 0.00 18455 6 | net.nlanr.cache.sv
0.00 0.00 23556 1 | net.nlights.dynamic-103
0.02 0.00 13055 19 | net.nrv.server1.port-16
0.03 0.02 138558 29 | net.nrv.server2.port-04
0.03 0.01 36044 30 | net.nrv.server2.port-06
0.00 0.00 18693 5 | net.nrv.server2.port-13
0.02 0.00 25755 23 | net.nrv.server3.port-04
0.03 0.01 56126 35 | net.nrv.server3.port-17
0.02 0.00 2794 19 | net.nrv.server3.port-28
0.05 0.04 233626 56 | net.olympus.papm032
0.01 0.03 194064 13 | net.omnes.maltanet.engine6p2
0.01 0.01 69446 7 | net.omnitel.din07
0.01 0.02 100297 10 | net.onramp.laurel71
0.01 0.01 78949 7 | net.pacbell.scrm01.ppp-170-189
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | net.pacbell.sndg02.ppp-206-170-120-37
0.06 0.08 452087 57 | net.pacbell.sntc01.ppp-206-170-2-9
0.00 0.00 6004 1 | net.pacbell.wnck11.ppp-206-170-4-90
0.00 0.00 10893 1 | net.pacbell.wnck11.ppp-4-9
0.03 0.03 144167 28 | net.patriot.th-0-23
0.00 0.00 2450 2 | net.pgh.beaver.ppp9
0.00 0.00 24674 4 | net.pi.asd54
0.09 0.15 859400 97 | net.pi.ihgl22
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.portage.portage-pm1-s11
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.portage.portage-pm1-s2
0.00 0.00 28610 3 | net.powertech.no.barum.gw1-1
0.00 0.01 82458 5 | net.praxis.ptp73
0.00 0.00 1323 2 | net.ptd.haw.cs1-07
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.public.spin
0.05 0.04 253249 51 | net.redrose.l161
0.01 0.01 82868 8 | net.redrose.l81
0.04 0.04 238489 41 | net.rica.har-dialin-24
0.06 0.01 52003 58 | net.safetyonline.ppp-2
0.09 0.07 378793 93 | net.safetyonline.ppp-7
0.02 0.01 55357 17 | net.sgi.mcm.dialup75
0.00 0.00 19541 5 | net.shore.slip.slip-20-8
0.00 0.00 490 5 | net.shore.slip.slip-21-20
0.02 0.04 233412 21 | net.skyenet.ts03-sb-30
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.skylands.p1-4
0.00 0.00 1225 1 | net.sloc.csu.sanber1.p4-as1
0.03 0.01 34572 34 | net.socketis.co034
0.02 0.04 215864 23 | net.softcom.pm1_19
0.01 0.01 31987 9 | net.sprintans.alsp.ts1-03
0.00 0.00 10334 1 | net.superior.jo.pm1-6
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | net.tds.conc.conc1-a11
0.02 0.01 75755 19 | net.teclink.tc3_6
0.04 0.04 208114 39 | net.tethys.net5
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | net.texhoma.texsip26
0.00 0.00 13499 5 | net.thegrid.d178
0.03 0.05 263876 29 | net.tiac.hbsfachd
0.00 0.00 14250 5 | net.tiac.lgelder
0.02 0.03 145190 18 | net.topher.ppp2_14
0.01 0.01 54661 8 | net.total.mtl.ppp-08a09
0.02 0.02 109909 25 | net.tricon.pm3-14
0.01 0.02 106771 12 | net.txdirect.dt05-23
0.01 0.01 78949 7 | net.usit.dynamic.arcade-slip18
0.01 0.01 46587 6 | net.usit.dynamic.jackson-slip27
0.00 0.01 54238 1 | net.usit.use
0.02 0.02 101081 23 | net.uu.ms.ab.calgary.max1.cust42
0.04 0.03 176298 42 | net.uu.ms.az.phoenix.max3.cust39
0.00 0.00 19425 4 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max23.cust17
0.05 0.04 219886 47 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max10.cust37
0.02 0.06 316771 21 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max17.cust33
0.04 0.07 419131 43 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust2
0.02 0.00 8112 20 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust20
0.02 0.00 11313 22 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust23
0.01 0.01 51014 15 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust44
0.02 0.03 191684 20 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust48
0.05 0.04 245601 47 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max8.cust25
0.01 0.01 67203 7 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max8.cust54
0.04 0.05 270390 40 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max8.cust7
0.05 0.06 372969 54 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max8.cust8
0.05 0.05 261587 49 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max9.cust25
0.02 0.00 26115 21 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max9.cust3
0.02 0.01 52613 16 | net.uu.ms.ma.boston.max7.cust8
0.01 0.01 78966 7 | net.uu.ms.pa.philadelphia.max12.cust17
0.01 0.02 131981 10 | net.vicon.ppp24
0.29 0.40 2293312 294 | net.visi.gatekeeper
0.05 0.04 233260 49 | net.visi.ppp-nn-1-46
0.03 0.02 119833 27 | net.visi.ppp-nn-4-14
0.03 0.05 276539 32 | net.vol.c01_24
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | net.voyageronline.nash.ppp-1-19
0.01 0.02 94215 14 | net.warwick.m2-07
0.00 0.00 10334 1 | net.warwick.m2-16
0.00 0.00 1250 1 | net.warwick.w263-01
0.02 0.02 128942 17 | net.webmart.ppp20
0.01 0.01 67232 7 | net.west.vta.term2-16
0.02 0.07 384186 21 | net.win.dial-03
0.04 0.06 353914 45 | net.wt.lepton
0.01 0.02 90598 14 | net.xtalwind.slipper11b
0.01 0.01 69719 9 | net.zoomnet.portsmouth.port-1-13
0.01 0.00 23727 6 | nl.agro.gatekeeper
0.10 0.04 242727 100 | nl.bart.noord.magma
0.10 0.09 507227 98 | nl.ihe.fw
0.01 0.02 126190 10 | nl.leidenuniv.rula-12
0.01 0.01 34463 8 | nl.plex.sparcserver
0.00 0.01 41668 5 | nl.tudelft.ct.dutcvwx
0.01 0.01 72599 8 | nl.tudelft.dutcvwn
0.00 0.01 79471 5 | nl.uva.frw.userip51
0.00 0.00 27019 1 | nl.wau.hhome.flex132
0.01 0.00 14992 9 | nl.wirehub.poindexter
0.03 0.01 44615 30 | no.eunet.horten-pm2-1.pc10
0.05 0.05 268159 52 | no.mbs.gatekeeper
0.04 0.02 119829 44 | no.netpower.julia
0.00 0.00 10723 5 | no.netpower.ppp8
0.02 0.01 76915 20 | no.nlh.itf-jtb
0.22 0.24 1395843 227 | no.unit.avh.hfl217
0.09 0.18 1014278 93 | nz.ac.lincoln.kauri
0.00 0.00 23049 5 | nz.ac.lincoln.manuka
0.05 0.01 65758 48 | nz.co.deloitte.firewall
0.01 0.01 54526 7 | nz.co.wave.wh13-6
0.33 0.13 758566 342 | nz.co.xtra.xtra177020
0.02 0.01 52089 16 | nz.cri.palm.hrpmac2
0.43 0.28 1581506 445 | nz.gen.actrix.mcdoj
0.00 0.01 36087 3 | org.afn.dialup65
0.00 0.01 29431 5 | org.apc.peg.dialup.t22
0.01 0.05 263706 8 | org.bluecrab.cfn_client44
0.06 0.04 207454 60 | org.cpcug
0.01 0.01 69690 9 | org.ida.sed.dlo-pc
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