Access Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineering Web Server |
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Last updated: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 01:10:01 (GMT -0500)
Totals for Summary Period: Dec 2 1996 to Jan 1 1997
Files Transmitted During Summary Period 112447
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 618779485
Average Files Transmitted Daily 3627
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 19960629
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
4.64 3.73 23099593 5219 | Dec 2 1996
2.92 2.79 17277944 3289 | Dec 3 1996
5.01 4.43 27383871 5637 | Dec 4 1996
6.55 6.42 39742468 7363 | Dec 5 1996
4.97 5.38 33286734 5585 | Dec 6 1996
2.16 4.03 24959669 2430 | Dec 7 1996
4.08 3.72 23030350 4585 | Dec 8 1996
3.87 4.30 26617855 4355 | Dec 9 1996
3.68 3.14 19404900 4136 | Dec 10 1996
8.10 7.10 43908153 9104 | Dec 11 1996
5.55 3.34 20648375 6243 | Dec 12 1996
6.80 8.87 54903446 7641 | Dec 13 1996
2.25 1.90 11746305 2526 | Dec 14 1996
2.47 2.46 15193978 2774 | Dec 15 1996
4.96 4.18 25870953 5576 | Dec 16 1996
2.77 2.77 17163848 3110 | Dec 17 1996
3.20 3.13 19390666 3603 | Dec 18 1996
3.58 3.65 22601622 4027 | Dec 19 1996
3.43 2.59 16035377 3859 | Dec 20 1996
1.54 1.25 7741434 1734 | Dec 21 1996
1.27 1.59 9864752 1431 | Dec 22 1996
2.69 2.32 14336167 3021 | Dec 23 1996
2.10 1.94 11990115 2359 | Dec 24 1996
1.16 2.70 16685733 1299 | Dec 25 1996
1.65 1.60 9909220 1859 | Dec 26 1996
2.03 2.39 14772742 2287 | Dec 27 1996
1.06 0.89 5478203 1189 | Dec 28 1996
0.79 0.88 5420037 892 | Dec 29 1996
2.88 2.88 17823630 3234 | Dec 30 1996
1.68 3.48 21508578 1889 | Dec 31 1996
0.17 0.16 982767 191 | Jan 1 1997
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
3.18 2.41 14889035 3580 | 00
2.41 1.77 10959183 2710 | 01
2.45 3.07 19007637 2759 | 02
1.24 1.04 6422971 1393 | 03
2.05 1.76 10867392 2301 | 04
2.01 1.40 8645595 2260 | 05
1.52 1.63 10084577 1709 | 06
2.22 2.39 14771703 2494 | 07
2.96 3.11 19229313 3331 | 08
4.73 4.94 30549684 5321 | 09
6.42 5.70 35241378 7217 | 10
5.62 6.18 38230926 6322 | 11
6.46 7.49 46330382 7264 | 12
7.24 7.86 48657638 8142 | 13
8.78 9.54 59010575 9874 | 14
6.94 7.57 46823225 7809 | 15
5.86 5.68 35177002 6585 | 16
4.54 4.70 29062012 5110 | 17
5.18 4.89 30287236 5828 | 18
4.07 4.06 25111948 4577 | 19
2.85 2.74 16932506 3206 | 20
2.81 2.98 18454621 3163 | 21
4.96 4.20 26008679 5578 | 22
3.48 2.91 18024267 3914 | 23

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.03 0.05 304875 37 | at Austria
0.73 0.78 4836322 818 | au Australia
0.26 0.16 996349 287 | be Belgium
0.25 0.24 1464393 280 | br Brazil
0.02 0.03 193262 21 | bz Belize
2.20 2.41 14920032 2473 | ca Canada
0.43 0.39 2415538 489 | ch Switzerland
0.05 0.05 338981 58 | cn China
0.01 0.01 78107 15 | co Colombia
0.19 0.09 536782 209 | cz Czech Republic
0.29 0.34 2122881 331 | de Germany
0.02 0.10 634108 23 | dk Denmark
0.07 0.07 412258 83 | do Dominican Republic
0.01 0.01 31074 8 | ee Estonia
0.04 0.06 355286 48 | eg Egypt
0.19 0.16 964604 213 | es Spain
0.20 0.20 1261169 225 | fi Finland
1.73 2.42 14996982 1946 | fr France
0.15 0.10 611814 172 | gr Greece
0.09 0.04 245151 103 | hk Hong Kong
0.06 0.30 1875977 73 | hr Croatia (Hrvatska)
0.02 0.02 94930 26 | hu Hungary
0.04 0.03 203199 41 | id Indonesia
0.20 0.19 1151594 222 | ie Ireland
0.23 0.32 1966005 262 | il Israel
0.01 0.03 160276 9 | in India
0.05 0.03 210516 51 | is Iceland
0.41 0.71 4369040 461 | it Italy
0.34 0.30 1853348 383 | jp Japan
0.84 0.60 3710532 945 | kr Korea (South)
0.01 0.01 47365 8 | mx Mexico
0.20 0.14 884972 223 | my Malaysia
0.20 0.17 1024423 228 | nl Netherlands
0.29 0.40 2450055 322 | no Norway
0.11 0.09 537981 119 | nz New Zealand (Aotearoa)
0.25 0.38 2330857 286 | pl Poland
0.03 0.05 340132 29 | pt Portugal
0.07 0.04 249813 83 | ru Russian Federation
2.82 3.95 24439338 3169 | se Sweden
0.04 0.06 379126 49 | sg Singapore
0.06 0.05 294554 66 | si Slovenia
0.02 0.03 155438 25 | sk Slovak Republic
0.13 0.09 534591 142 | th Thailand
0.15 0.18 1095631 164 | tr Turkey
0.02 0.06 400659 26 | tw Taiwan
0.01 0.03 162633 12 | ua Ukraine
0.58 0.64 3988555 652 | uk United Kingdom
0.70 0.60 3712176 791 | us United States
0.02 0.02 142424 23 | uy Uruguay
0.02 0.02 97532 28 | yu Yugoslavia
0.14 0.22 1333912 158 | za South Africa
14.19 15.39 95247793 15961 | com US Commercial
8.25 9.65 59709533 9279 | edu US Educational
1.45 1.27 7872927 1627 | gov US Government
0.27 0.31 1913582 300 | mil US Military
10.19 11.75 72679673 11455 | net Network
0.37 0.40 2455668 421 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.00 0.01 38579 4 | arpa Old style Arpanet
19.17 18.57 114914307 21554 | odu.edu
31.06 25.22 156029871 34931 | unresolved

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
31.06 25.22 156029871 34931 | Unresolved
0.00 0.01 38579 4 | arpa.in-addr.158.170.cl.vision1.www
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | at.ac.tu-graz.cache
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | at.ac.tuwien.proxy
0.03 0.05 279409 35 | at.ac.univie.gis.server1
0.02 0.02 147967 21 | au.com.acay.acay00713333
0.05 0.04 270137 58 | au.com.connect.myalla
0.05 0.06 344381 60 | au.com.connect.myangup
0.00 0.00 1378 3 | au.com.hl.hwcla
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | au.com.netconnect.klf
0.07 0.05 324815 80 | au.com.tpgi.syd2-ppp-036
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | au.com.tpgi.tigan
0.01 0.01 66309 12 | au.com.woftam.enterprise
0.01 0.04 268768 10 | au.edu.adelaide.gisca.sgi13
0.01 0.01 64745 11 | au.edu.csu.riv.annex1_port6
0.02 0.03 165764 20 | au.edu.gu.itc.griffin
0.05 0.04 224861 59 | au.edu.latrobe.bendigo.itsdial02
0.03 0.04 255264 39 | au.edu.latrobe.bendigo.itsdial07
0.00 0.00 180 1 | au.edu.unisa.underdale.flc203059
0.01 0.01 79434 10 | au.edu.usq.helios
0.01 0.01 50001 9 | au.edu.utas.appcomp.staff-177
0.01 0.00 25837 7 | au.edu.uwa.cwr.swan
0.00 0.01 41466 5 | au.edu.uwa.dialup.ud160
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | au.gov.ansto.env.myint
0.01 0.02 150257 12 | au.gov.bom.wa.floodwa
0.04 0.10 606719 48 | au.gov.dot.cook
0.00 0.00 24034 2 | au.gov.sa.internal
0.03 0.04 241433 35 | au.net.camtech.dialup4-03
0.15 0.13 779160 165 | au.net.camtech.dialup4-10
0.01 0.02 122838 9 | au.net.camtech.dialup4-15
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | au.net.design.bne1
0.01 0.00 8862 6 | au.net.hunterlink.alphab
0.02 0.01 75195 22 | au.net.netspace.cyclone
0.00 0.00 6300 1 | au.net.tmns.me-a01-pool-57
0.04 0.03 165958 41 | au.net.tmns.me-a07-pool-53
0.03 0.01 38670 36 | au.net.tmns.sy-a07-pool-10
0.01 0.02 110276 12 | au.net.tmns.tn-a01-pool-21
0.00 0.00 2538 1 | be.ac.iihe.pc13
0.01 0.01 37775 12 | be.ac.kuleuven.esat.limnos
0.01 0.01 58764 8 | be.ac.kuleuven.kulnet.mercury
0.02 0.01 84233 25 | be.ac.rug.dlup2p15
0.13 0.06 390929 148 | be.ac.ulg.phys.ceme.sevex
0.02 0.01 67565 17 | be.ac.vub.igwe3
0.00 0.00 2096 1 | be.ib.dialbr033
0.03 0.04 242229 30 | be.vito.infpatyn
0.04 0.02 110220 45 | be.vito.vitoosf1
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | br.com.conex.slipc29p2
0.00 0.00 5684 1 | br.com.ism.dial017
0.01 0.01 43690 12 | br.com.mps.deneb-s02
0.06 0.04 256093 63 | br.com.netrio.homec40
0.01 0.01 68944 10 | br.com.nutecnet.dl0300-poa
0.01 0.01 79891 15 | br.com.rudah.ppp56
0.00 0.00 180 1 | br.com.sanet.dial_30
0.01 0.01 42590 8 | br.funceme.nenia
0.01 0.01 47120 9 | br.gov.petrobras.cerbero
0.01 0.00 23691 11 | br.gov.telemig.regulus2
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | br.inpe.met.corisco
0.01 0.02 95483 13 | br.uerj.clima.epsilon
0.01 0.01 53246 16 | br.ufes.inf.berlim
0.00 0.00 1575 1 | br.ufrj.if.dir
0.06 0.09 529173 64 | br.ufrj.lcg.sagita
0.02 0.02 111346 25 | br.unicamp.fec.curso09c
0.01 0.01 33998 11 | br.unicamp.fec.labdhs
0.01 0.00 27057 8 | br.usp.uspnet.t1000.tty16
0.02 0.03 193262 21 | bz.edu.ucb.cat1
0.02 0.01 44825 18 | ca.ab.calgary.gov.city
0.03 0.05 336844 29 | ca.ab.gov.agric.cdd531a
0.01 0.01 77864 8 | ca.ab.lis.pm1-28
0.02 0.03 165713 20 | ca.ab.sas.free05
0.01 0.01 66369 12 | ca.ab.supernet.edm-p49
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | ca.bc.horizon.phobos
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | ca.bc.lynx.lynx1018
0.04 0.03 179173 48 | ca.bc.siwash.log1ac
0.01 0.01 54434 7 | ca.bctel.vanc01m02-50
0.02 0.10 593225 24 | ca.bell.dmog20
0.01 0.02 142230 13 | ca.comnet.pma24
0.05 0.04 256377 53 | ca.cyberus.max-port184
0.01 0.00 23726 7 | ca.destination.access227
0.03 0.03 166129 34 | ca.direct.van-as-10c07
0.09 0.07 412054 98 | ca.emr.pgc.tahsis
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.etsmtl.slip4
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.gc.nrcan.css.c
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | ca.hwc.140216:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 2980 1 | ca.hwc.140217:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | ca.hwc.140218:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1038 1 | ca.hwc.140219:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | ca.hwc.140220:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 2166 1 | ca.hwc.140221:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1414 1 | ca.hwc.140222:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | ca.hwc.140223:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | ca.hwc.140224:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 2214 1 | ca.hwc.140225:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | ca.hwc.140226:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 2195 1 | ca.hwc.140227:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1233 1 | ca.hwc.140228:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | ca.hwc.140229:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | ca.hwc.140230:hwcgate
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | ca.hwc.140231:hwcgate
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.iq.dialup-031
0.01 0.01 31254 8 | ca.istar.mon.ts1-16
0.00 0.01 90090 2 | ca.istar.tor.ts33-02
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | ca.laurentian.nickel
0.03 0.03 191383 31 | ca.mb.mbnet.ts2m-11
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | ca.mcmaster.cis.abb-annex1-port22
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.nb.nbnet.mctnts05c03
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.nb.nbnet.stjhts01c02
0.02 0.04 252610 18 | ca.netcom.ott-on1-20
0.01 0.00 21693 16 | ca.nf.cnrcoll.bv51
0.00 0.00 11654 5 | ca.nf.nlnet.n105h229
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | ca.nrc.sil.pardasania
0.00 0.00 16617 1 | ca.ns.chebucto
0.01 0.01 79434 10 | ca.on.humberc.acad.larry
0.02 0.02 93050 27 | ca.on.hydro.adam
0.06 0.08 510407 72 | ca.on.lara.lara037
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | ca.on.oncomdis.ppp113
0.04 0.05 331139 46 | ca.on.sheridanc.oa-e108-frans
0.10 0.07 452630 113 | ca.on.sheridanc.oa-e108-spare2
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | ca.polymtl.slip.ts-2-14
0.01 0.01 41557 10 | ca.polymtl.slip.ts-3-16
0.02 0.01 71226 20 | ca.qc.gouv.mtq.draco
0.08 0.09 554077 95 | ca.qc.gsig-net.modem16
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | ca.qc.interlinx.slpp-27
0.04 0.02 97191 43 | ca.qc.johnabbott
0.01 0.01 55472 8 | ca.qc.riq.riq-128-69
0.02 0.01 90095 28 | ca.qnetix.qncli047
0.00 0.00 2496 2 | ca.queensu.qlink.slip133
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | ca.queensu.tele.free1-slip207
0.00 0.00 540 3 | ca.sentex.radium.p0
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | ca.sfu.fraser
0.01 0.01 49636 7 | ca.soonet.ppp25
0.04 0.02 115228 46 | ca.sympatico.nf.stjh36
0.02 0.01 80353 22 | ca.sympatico.nf.stjh40
0.01 0.01 52894 16 | ca.sympatico.ns.hlfx01-16
0.02 0.02 98139 22 | ca.sympatico.ns.hlfx02-12
0.01 0.05 282260 16 | ca.sympatico.on.ppp3105
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | ca.sympatico.qc.ppp770
0.12 0.10 598922 136 | ca.sympatico.sk.vultee9
0.04 0.12 717879 50 | ca.tuns.ccs.anx121
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | ca.tuns.ccs.anx174
0.01 0.00 25248 15 | ca.tuns.ccs.anx181
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | ca.tuns.ccs.eng1260
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | ca.tuns.ccs.eng1721
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.ualberta.civil.norris
0.16 0.20 1206800 178 | ca.ualberta.hfs.henday
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | ca.ualberta.mas.ts1-port3
0.01 0.01 35039 9 | ca.ualberta.remote.async5-1
0.03 0.07 414786 34 | ca.ubc.net.netinf2.port1
0.06 0.07 440344 65 | ca.ucalgary.enci.f-274
0.01 0.00 4452 7 | ca.uoguelph.net.ppp01-04
0.03 0.04 251140 35 | ca.uoguelph.net.ppp01-18
0.00 0.00 30897 5 | ca.uquebec.uqar.j415-17
0.09 0.12 746338 96 | ca.usask.oconnor
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ca.utoronto.scar2.library-15
0.07 0.06 366625 79 | ca.uvic.comp.uvaix1e1
0.04 0.04 259399 50 | ca.uvic.dialup.p18-108
0.10 0.15 908817 109 | ca.uwaterloo.bowood
0.01 0.01 68929 9 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts5p06
0.00 0.00 16731 5 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar.blackwor
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar.gloworm
0.04 0.04 235963 44 | ca.uwinnipeg.sdi4m14
0.02 0.01 75256 22 | ca.uwo.engga.mansor
0.01 0.01 81596 14 | ca.uwo.engga.pb7
0.02 0.01 38003 17 | ca.uwo.slip.ts11-10
0.06 0.05 279781 64 | ca.uwo.slip.ts11-2
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | ca.wave.rogers.on.pc-85
0.02 0.01 68690 18 | ca.wbm.dial197096
0.01 0.00 22279 16 | ca.wbm.dial197120
0.02 0.00 10833 23 | ca.wbm.dial197178
0.02 0.01 80433 24 | ca.wbm.dial197211
0.01 0.01 67448 9 | ca.wbm.lan186021
0.01 0.00 15241 14 | ca.yorku.slip.nerys14
0.03 0.01 80385 34 | ca.yorku.slip.odo02
0.01 0.01 43523 16 | ca.yorku.slip.scotty02
0.00 0.01 31494 4 | ca.yorku.slip.spock12
0.01 0.01 66549 9 | ch.bitcom.ft.dial101
0.01 0.03 184336 15 | ch.ethz.pilatus
0.16 0.06 367254 184 | ch.ethz.tardis-etz-fddi
0.03 0.02 125441 36 | ch.inm.inm03
0.00 0.00 21558 2 | ch.psi.hsk.rt06
0.00 0.00 3808 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137336:europa
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137337:europa
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137338:europa
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137339:europa
0.00 0.00 1821 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137340:europa
0.00 0.00 1321 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137341:europa
0.00 0.00 1469 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137342:europa
0.00 0.00 223 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137343:europa
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137344:europa
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137345:europa
0.00 0.01 69235 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137346:europa
0.00 0.01 72747 1 | ch.ubs.ubilab.137347:europa
0.11 0.14 851250 127 | ch.worldcom.proxy
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0.01 0.02 112891 10 | ch.zugernet.ppp-rk103
0.00 0.02 103586 5 | cn.ac.tisti.v7610
0.00 0.00 3105 1 | cn.edu.dlut.ppp9
0.05 0.04 232290 52 | cn.tj.tpt.ppp17
0.01 0.01 78107 15 | co.com.epm.eeppm
0.01 0.01 65906 12 | com.1st-coast.fcis-dialup-pm1-16
0.02 0.02 108834 24 | com.3-cities.bigtca705
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.accessone.annex4-55
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.aerotek.gate
0.30 0.14 873839 337 | com.aicom.tc1.ns.ip107
0.57 0.35 2142356 640 | com.aicom.tc3.ns.ip31
0.00 0.01 31771 4 | com.aimnet.iway.dial-sm1-18
0.01 0.01 54434 7 | com.ais-gwd.user22
0.01 0.01 65895 12 | com.algorithms.ppp12
0.00 0.00 2482 1 | com.amdahl.orpheus
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.analog.adinet
0.05 0.02 122057 61 | com.aol.ipt.169-123-25
0.01 0.00 7137 14 | com.aol.ipt.169-150-219
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0.01 0.00 26723 14 | com.aol.ipt.169-167-177
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0.12 0.11 679645 137 | com.aol.ipt.169-37-2
0.04 0.02 100299 49 | com.aol.ipt.169-38-51
0.05 0.01 84919 52 | com.aol.ipt.169-55-225
0.05 0.03 179963 54 | com.aol.ipt.170-1-252
0.01 0.00 29193 11 | com.aol.ipt.170-106-186
0.04 0.02 104920 45 | com.aol.ipt.170-126-120
0.04 0.02 146704 49 | com.aol.ipt.170-139-221
0.03 0.01 64247 34 | com.aol.ipt.170-14-21
0.05 0.02 145349 57 | com.aol.ipt.170-141-24
0.05 0.01 75988 55 | com.aol.ipt.170-148-228
0.04 0.01 74788 48 | com.aol.ipt.170-153-12
0.04 0.04 218648 49 | com.aol.ipt.170-218-17
0.01 0.00 7115 14 | com.aol.ipt.170-24-54
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | com.aol.ipt.170-3-102
0.06 0.02 120812 63 | com.aol.ipt.170-32-239
0.02 0.00 19283 22 | com.aol.ipt.170-57-192
0.06 0.02 115917 68 | com.aol.ipt.170-65-230
0.05 0.01 84033 55 | com.aol.ipt.170-67-137
0.05 0.01 86494 59 | com.aol.ipt.170-70-198
0.05 0.01 76074 54 | com.aol.ipt.170-79-149
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | com.aol.ipt.171-136-187
0.05 0.01 86029 55 | com.aol.ipt.171-139-131
0.05 0.04 235752 53 | com.aol.ipt.171-140-248
0.01 0.01 33140 8 | com.aol.ipt.171-141-135
0.05 0.00 22764 53 | com.aol.ipt.171-144-84
0.01 0.00 6926 14 | com.aol.ipt.171-182-125
0.05 0.01 77122 56 | com.aol.ipt.171-31-253
0.04 0.01 86113 49 | com.aol.ipt.171-68-137
0.05 0.06 381120 51 | com.aol.ipt.172-195-76
0.03 0.02 148265 37 | com.aol.ipt.172-203-154
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | com.aol.ipt.172-238-131
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | com.aol.proxy.137510:www-q2
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0.03 0.03 170958 39 | com.erols.wlm-as1s15
0.01 0.00 26525 6 | com.erols.wlm-as1s22
0.01 0.01 59602 11 | com.erols.wlm-as1s34
0.10 0.08 477339 110 | com.erols.wlm-as2s28
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | com.escortnet.137999:istdial15
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | com.escortnet.138000:istdial15
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | com.escortnet.138001:istdial15
0.00 0.00 269 1 | com.escortnet.138002:istdial15
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | com.escortnet.138003:istdial15
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.escortnet.138004:istdial15
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | com.escortnet.138005:istdial15
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | com.escortnet.138006:istdial15
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | com.escortnet.138007:istdial15
0.00 0.01 76895 1 | com.escortnet.138008:istdial15
0.03 0.02 152551 30 | com.eseworld.einstein
0.01 0.00 14529 6 | com.ewaprg.netgate
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.execulink.tellus.ppp42
0.01 0.00 13486 6 | com.fcs-net.async2012
0.06 0.10 639203 72 | com.ffni.dial-10
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.fingerhut.dn800e0-ext
0.02 0.00 29823 25 | com.fmi.firewall
0.02 0.03 192327 23 | com.fmr.gw12e
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | com.fractal.mrkt.grunberger
0.02 0.02 123899 28 | com.franklinbank.mail
0.03 0.06 368749 36 | com.freeppp.luf-pm1-4
0.01 0.01 46247 6 | com.frii.ppp.cos-6a
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | com.gari.hexagon
0.01 0.02 100054 10 | com.getnet.mts031
0.04 0.03 185401 40 | com.globaldialog.s26a
0.47 0.33 2068893 531 | com.gnn.client.36-206
0.01 0.02 119810 14 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b01
0.03 0.02 151695 30 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b02
0.05 0.05 300416 52 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b04
0.05 0.04 246036 51 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b07
0.02 0.03 172070 26 | com.gnn.proxy.www-b08
0.01 0.00 5119 12 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c05
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c08
0.01 0.01 71595 11 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c09
0.01 0.01 67442 8 | com.gnn.proxy.www-c10
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.goodnet.phx-ts19-19
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.goodnet.tuc-ts3-24
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.goodnet.tuc-ts3-9
0.01 0.01 67138 9 | com.gpu.power
0.02 0.03 204744 27 | com.halnet.interlock
0.01 0.00 22597 6 | com.harborside.coos0.p16
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.harrahs.inetsrvr
0.03 0.04 240609 37 | com.hdrinc.omaha
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | com.headwaters.remote_153
0.04 0.04 220829 48 | com.hevanet.ke-ppp16
0.01 0.01 59456 9 | com.hkstar.neptune211
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | com.hkstar.neptune49
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | com.hkstar.venus193
0.01 0.01 61153 11 | com.holli.laf-ts1-02
0.00 0.00 3739 1 | com.homecare.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 31107 6 | com.honeywell.cas.cx168190
0.09 0.02 142932 106 | com.hotwired.caliente
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | com.hsi.ozone
0.02 0.00 7434 23 | com.iafrica.196-31-64-8
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.iafrica.196-7-124-165
0.05 0.05 311326 59 | com.ibm.us.ca.mpngate4
0.04 0.03 159824 50 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngt2
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.ibm.us.ny.mpngt7
0.00 0.01 37555 2 | com.icubed.wm33
0.04 0.04 248372 43 | com.idirect.fate
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.imagina.ppp-017
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.impacttech.gatekeeper
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.inconnect.bess-proxy
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | com.infi-net.annex1-5
0.00 0.00 8319 1 | com.infi-pos.ppp5
0.04 0.03 209821 45 | com.infinet.etn-p013
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.infinet.nwk-p019
0.00 0.01 49332 1 | com.infolane.paulkoz
0.00 0.00 23056 2 | com.infoseek.galore-bbn
0.00 0.00 14325 2 | com.inil.l6
0.00 0.00 18386 2 | com.inktomi.j15
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.inreach.ppp2189
0.00 0.00 5842 2 | com.intaccess.dialup1
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.intaccess.dialup6
0.01 0.01 69202 16 | com.intel.jer.f8igw1
0.00 0.00 16944 1 | com.intergo.crawler
0.01 0.00 6436 8 | com.interoz.ras19
0.01 0.02 110335 16 | com.interoz.ras20
0.01 0.04 229913 12 | com.interoz.ras45
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | com.interramp.ca.san-ramon3.ip241
0.02 0.01 90038 20 | com.interramp.md.baltimore2.ip187
0.01 0.01 48828 12 | com.interramp.ny.buffalo.ip187
0.01 0.01 31254 8 | com.interramp.tn.knoxville2.ip145
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.interramp.va.herndon4.ip176
0.01 0.00 22275 6 | com.intersurf.dialup.ts1-22
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.io.austin.dialup-01-112
0.00 0.03 212583 4 | com.ipsilon.challenger
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | com.isisnet.hfx-p41
0.06 0.06 374434 64 | com.itis.w47
0.00 0.00 294 3 | com.itis.w7
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | com.itw.ppp130
0.01 0.02 122639 9 | com.ixl.atl.ixlfw
0.01 0.00 25418 7 | com.jnj.jjnet
0.05 0.08 464154 60 | com.jvlnet.jppp01
0.01 0.01 79434 10 | com.kaman.sealex
0.10 0.04 271678 115 | com.kodak.proxyb
0.01 0.02 122892 9 | com.kpmg.pa0016c1
0.01 0.00 23691 11 | com.kpn.research.aurora
0.01 0.00 27257 8 | com.lewiston.ppp220
0.01 0.01 78454 8 | com.lilly.d48.brutus
0.00 0.00 4428 2 | com.lilly.d48.lamar
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.localline.dial6
0.05 0.03 187108 53 | com.lucent.algw1
0.02 0.02 150622 22 | com.lucent.cbgw2
0.00 0.00 9414 2 | com.lycos.qe20
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.lykes.external
0.01 0.02 135585 16 | com.magpage.modem067
0.01 0.01 90652 16 | com.magpage.modem093
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0.00 0.00 3697 1 | com.mainet.137306:jeggers
0.00 0.00 3014 1 | com.mainet.137307:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2645 1 | com.mainet.137308:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | com.mainet.137309:jeggers
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | com.mainet.137310:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1796 1 | com.mainet.137311:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | com.mainet.137312:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | com.mainet.137313:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | com.mainet.137314:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | com.mainet.137316:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1711 1 | com.mainet.137317:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | com.mainet.137318:jeggers
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | com.mainet.137319:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | com.mainet.137320:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | com.mainet.137321:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2757 1 | com.mainet.137322:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | com.mainet.137323:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1012 1 | com.mainet.137324:jeggers
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | com.mainet.137325:jeggers
0.00 0.00 4316 1 | com.mainet.137328:jeggers
0.00 0.00 1308 1 | com.mainet.137329:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2275 1 | com.mainet.137330:jeggers
0.00 0.00 10623 1 | com.mainet.137331:jeggers
0.00 0.00 4176 1 | com.mainet.137333:jeggers
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | com.mainet.137334:jeggers
0.00 0.00 4144 1 | com.mainet.137335:jeggers
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137448:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137449:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137450:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137451:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137452:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137453:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137454:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137455:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137456:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137457:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137458:www
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137459:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137460:www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | com.malcolmpirnie.137461:www
0.07 0.01 66909 84 | com.malcolmpirnie.www
0.04 0.05 297950 49 | com.methow.methow10
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.microsoft.tide16
0.05 0.01 46248 53 | com.microweb.isdn109
0.03 0.03 184392 31 | com.midcoast.modem-044
0.07 0.10 595327 84 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-168-121-216-22
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb8e5
0.03 0.01 38466 36 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb8i2
0.07 0.06 362437 78 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kbah2
0.04 0.03 173333 40 | com.mmc.vf.ns2
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.montana.mso2-57
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | com.nanospace.140261:gryphon
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | com.nanospace.140262:gryphon
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | com.nanospace.140263:gryphon
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | com.nanospace.140264:gryphon
0.00 0.00 269 1 | com.nanospace.140265:gryphon
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | com.nanospace.140266:gryphon
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | com.nanospace.140267:gryphon
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.nanospace.140268:gryphon
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | com.nanospace.140269:gryphon
0.00 0.01 76895 1 | com.nanospace.140270:gryphon
0.00 0.00 24510 2 | com.naxs.ab22
0.02 0.02 144993 18 | com.neosoft.tigger-ppp-port-02
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | com.netcom.ix.137924:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | com.netcom.ix.137925:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | com.netcom.ix.137926:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | com.netcom.ix.137927:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | com.netcom.ix.137928:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | com.netcom.ix.137929:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | com.netcom.ix.137930:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | com.netcom.ix.137931:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | com.netcom.ix.137932:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | com.netcom.ix.137933:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | com.netcom.ix.137934:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | com.netcom.ix.137935:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | com.netcom.ix.137936:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | com.netcom.ix.137937:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | com.netcom.ix.137938:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | com.netcom.ix.137939:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | com.netcom.ix.137940:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | com.netcom.ix.137941:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | com.netcom.ix.137942:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | com.netcom.ix.137943:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | com.netcom.ix.137944:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | com.netcom.ix.137945:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | com.netcom.ix.137946:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | com.netcom.ix.137947:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | com.netcom.ix.137948:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | com.netcom.ix.137949:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | com.netcom.ix.137950:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | com.netcom.ix.137951:nyc-ny14-13
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0.00 0.00 1826 1 | com.netcom.ix.137953:nyc-ny14-13
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0.00 0.00 2983 1 | com.netcom.ix.137955:nyc-ny14-13
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0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.netcom.ix.137962:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | com.netcom.ix.137963:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | com.netcom.ix.137964:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | com.netcom.ix.137986:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | com.netcom.ix.137987:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | com.netcom.ix.137988:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | com.netcom.ix.137989:nyc-ny14-13
0.00 0.00 3061 1 | com.netcom.ix.139130:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | com.netcom.ix.139131:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | com.netcom.ix.139132:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | com.netcom.ix.139133:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.netcom.ix.139134:lbg-va2-07
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0.00 0.00 2633 1 | com.netcom.ix.139136:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | com.netcom.ix.139138:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 1474 1 | com.netcom.ix.139139:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | com.netcom.ix.139140:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.01 69293 1 | com.netcom.ix.139197:lbg-va2-07
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.netcom.ix.139198:lbg-va2-07
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.netcom.ix.ala-ca19-06
0.03 0.03 191043 33 | com.netcom.ix.ala-ca8-61
0.05 0.04 229698 51 | com.netcom.ix.bal-md3-26
0.01 0.03 196015 14 | com.netcom.ix.bal-md6-12
0.01 0.01 79899 9 | com.netcom.ix.frd-md1-17
0.05 0.01 61877 57 | com.netcom.ix.frm-ma2-18
0.00 0.01 41140 1 | com.netcom.ix.grn-sc1-13
0.00 0.00 5589 1 | com.netcom.ix.hou-tx3-07
0.01 0.01 85328 10 | com.netcom.ix.irv-ca13-17
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.netcom.ix.irv-ca6-02
0.00 0.00 9564 1 | com.netcom.ix.lax-ca14-04
0.00 0.00 9564 1 | com.netcom.ix.lax-ca22-26
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.netcom.ix.lvx-nv9-12
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | com.netcom.ix.mad-wi6-02
0.18 0.63 3881762 197 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va1-06
0.09 0.08 467016 99 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va3-20
0.05 0.04 228111 51 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va4-09
0.01 0.01 40845 10 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va6-06
0.09 0.20 1216596 103 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va9-16
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | com.netcom.ix.nyc-ny22-20
0.00 0.00 8742 1 | com.netcom.ix.nyc-ny8-17
0.06 0.02 108727 63 | com.netcom.ix.okc-ok3-19
0.01 0.01 67138 9 | com.netcom.ix.ont-ca14-09
0.01 0.01 43262 7 | com.netcom.ix.pas-ca5-11
0.01 0.00 28417 8 | com.netcom.ix.pax-ca9-06
0.00 0.00 19448 5 | com.netcom.ix.peo-il1-14
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.netcom.ix.pit-pa4-04
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.netcom.ix.roc-ny2-14
0.11 0.03 200662 122 | com.netcom.ix.sac-ca12-07
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.netcom.ix.san-tx3-08
0.01 0.01 78253 12 | com.netcom.ix.sdx-ca14-17
0.00 0.00 23175 3 | com.netcom.ix.smx-ca10-08
0.00 0.01 32805 4 | com.netcom.ix.tam-fl3-17
0.00 0.00 20027 2 | com.netcom.ix.war-mi3-02
0.00 0.01 54128 3 | com.netcom.netcom14
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | com.netdoor.jxn.port50
0.03 0.00 6610 29 | com.netpass.ppp05
0.07 0.05 311265 79 | com.netpass.ppp07
0.04 0.03 165336 42 | com.netrover.montreal18
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.northgrum.socksny
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.nspco.polaris
0.01 0.00 26986 9 | com.nucleus.pm2-cgy-144
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.nwlink.asc1.ip095
0.01 0.01 66309 12 | com.nwlink.mu2.ip014
0.01 0.04 229587 12 | com.nwlink.mu2.ip025
0.01 0.01 37542 11 | com.olivetti.hk.jackie
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.oneworld.pdx.slip51
0.00 0.03 176226 4 | com.oracle.uk.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 62967 10 | com.oracle.us.insun2
0.03 0.02 106433 32 | com.owt.pcug
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.owt.pm3-s11
0.01 0.01 53225 16 | com.pacifier.van4.ip102
0.02 0.01 74599 17 | com.pandr.hickup
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | com.paonline.s186
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.pcez.veltappp16
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.peganet.peg4-ts59
0.01 0.02 133370 11 | com.phci.gatekeeper
0.02 0.04 247103 28 | com.philips.relay2
0.01 0.01 45050 8 | com.pipex.du.aj070
0.01 0.01 31107 6 | com.pipex.du.am125
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.pipex.msn-uk.max21.user11
0.01 0.01 47108 9 | com.pol.port4
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.polarnet.pm1-ip108
0.04 0.03 201512 49 | com.pouch.ts1-48
0.01 0.01 35907 13 | com.preferred.kpt112
0.00 0.03 180083 5 | com.primenet.boi.ip161
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.primenet.mci.ip45
0.01 0.02 122775 9 | com.primenet.phx.ip061
0.02 0.02 94704 25 | com.primenet.tus.ip-42-162
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | com.primenet.vcv.ip199
0.01 0.01 67275 7 | com.prismnet.dialup-1-15
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | com.prodigy.piweba1y-ext
0.00 0.00 6300 1 | com.prodigy.piweba2y-ext
0.01 0.02 107638 11 | com.prodigy.piweba3y-ext
0.08 0.08 497328 90 | com.prodigy.piweba4y-ext
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.prodigy.piweba8y-ext
0.05 0.08 464281 60 | com.prominence.syzygy
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | com.prosoft-eng.vbnet
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | com.protocol.iwall-rain
0.00 0.22 1335356 1 | com.prudential.gateway
0.04 0.03 206731 43 | com.pubprint.ns
0.01 0.01 37301 11 | com.qconline.bbs
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.quebectel.f003.ts2-02
0.02 0.01 76951 23 | com.randomc.pm-atl10-port4
0.04 0.04 232113 50 | com.rmc.reynolds-bh
0.02 0.01 75198 22 | com.ro.ts9p1
0.01 0.01 79434 10 | com.roadrunner.dial154
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | com.rohmhaas.nmho08u
0.00 0.01 51865 4 | com.saic.east.portal
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | com.saic.west.portal
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | com.satlink.ppp-tr1-02
0.02 0.03 163207 19 | com.sgi.sgigate
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.sheltonlink.slip16
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.sisonline
0.00 0.00 468 2 | com.skyex.skyex3
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.smallmedia.sniff.port8
0.00 0.00 24211 5 | com.smcausa.desk107
0.00 0.01 49512 2 | com.softfarm.s172
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.starlink.pm2-27
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.summer.179-m138
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.sun.saturn
0.06 0.05 331403 63 | com.tbe.spider
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.teleport.ip-pdx12-23
0.00 0.00 20527 1 | com.teleport.linda
0.01 0.01 52106 6 | com.telia.d2o10
0.00 0.02 101315 1 | com.telia.d2o11
0.01 0.05 288428 13 | com.telia.d2o12
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.telia.d2o14
0.01 0.09 579524 9 | com.telia.d2o17
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.telia.d2o5
0.00 0.02 101315 1 | com.telia.t11o19p11
0.00 0.02 101315 1 | com.telia.t1o9p4
0.01 0.02 101712 10 | com.telia.t3o13p15
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.telia.t3o17p15
0.08 0.04 221458 88 | com.telia.t5o14p9
0.02 0.00 30409 17 | com.telia.t6o14p16
0.00 0.06 364179 5 | com.telia.t7o12p3
0.01 0.06 381563 13 | com.telia.t8o12p2
0.00 0.00 5233 4 | com.testdrive.host236
0.08 0.01 86946 85 | com.tfn.stimpy
0.08 0.06 373100 87 | com.the-spa.s152
0.30 0.47 2926153 342 | com.the-spa.s168
0.02 0.02 147879 17 | com.thecore.ts1-23
0.00 0.00 20669 1 | com.ti.dragon
0.04 0.03 173273 40 | com.tiac.ma.viney.gw1.p8
0.01 0.02 122650 9 | com.toj.server1
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | com.transquest
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | com.uarcoecc.fwsvr
0.04 0.01 69561 50 | com.ulti.papajack
0.01 0.02 122695 9 | com.usaa.cedar
0.03 0.03 180119 31 | com.usmo.ppp149032
0.01 0.00 17800 6 | com.vantage.sol
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.vic.exp006
0.01 0.02 122501 9 | com.viewpoint.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 66225 12 | com.voicenet.philly114
0.02 0.01 49789 28 | com.volvo.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 5293 1 | com.vornet.dialup-026
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | com.vpro.netgate
0.01 0.00 23154 12 | com.wcc.s51.h90
0.01 0.03 162551 12 | com.wco.regulus43
0.00 0.01 55713 2 | com.wesnet.dip148
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | com.westnet.ts1.port26
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | com.willmar.willmar-227
0.08 0.04 248346 92 | com.winternet.dialup.ppp-67-37
0.02 0.02 108801 24 | com.winternet.dialup.ppp-67-58
0.00 0.00 14234 5 | com.wl.defcon
0.00 0.02 108834 2 | com.wmbg.slip2
0.03 0.02 149048 30 | com.woolpert.gatekeeper-all
0.01 0.01 74713 14 | com.wpe.ppp19
0.00 0.03 163251 3 | com.wrgrace
0.01 0.01 82998 13 | com.wserv.wilmington.modem17
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | com.wwics.shiva11-5
0.01 0.02 145002 11 | com.xmission.modem.slc23
0.01 0.01 66010 12 | com.yelmtel.nwr-y10.p4
0.01 0.00 18638 9 | com.zapeng.www
0.01 0.01 82559 6 | cz.cvut.felk.ns
0.05 0.01 46255 53 | cz.login.benyo
0.13 0.07 407968 150 | cz.vsb.pcj439a
0.00 0.00 30476 2 | de.dtag.btx.www09
0.01 0.01 80436 8 | de.dtag.btx.www21
0.01 0.02 102489 9 | de.fh-regensburg.rfhcip063
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | de.fhg.iml.enterprise
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | de.gmd.fokus.hubble
0.00 0.00 10310 2 | de.igb-berlin.uba
0.00 0.02 146075 3 | de.metronet.proxy2
0.02 0.06 371199 17 | de.raytest.moreau
0.03 0.01 50508 37 | de.sietec.d243f789
0.11 0.07 459026 126 | de.sni.mch.wizard
0.00 0.01 78799 3 | de.tu-bs.rz.rzis3
0.00 0.00 20527 1 | de.uni-bielefeld.hrz.pan
0.00 0.00 30411 1 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.spock
0.00 0.00 2429 1 | de.uni-hamburg.public.max-225
0.02 0.01 75219 22 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn-user.s5b001
0.01 0.03 178844 12 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn.www-cache
0.02 0.02 108888 28 | de.uni-kl.arubi.felix
0.03 0.01 78313 30 | de.uni-kl.arubi.verm1
0.00 0.00 23447 3 | de.uni-muenster.suchfix
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.infosun-fd
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | de.wago.bungo
0.02 0.06 374599 18 | dk.mem.gate
0.00 0.04 259509 5 | dk.teledanmark.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | do.net.codetel.asc150
0.06 0.06 342137 73 | do.net.codetel.port58
0.00 0.00 7271 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137112:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137113:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137114:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 539 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137115:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 4461 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137116:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 547 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137117:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 573 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137118:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 598 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137119:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 556 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137120:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 535 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137121:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 549 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137122:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 489 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137123:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 560 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137124:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 571 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137125:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 479 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137126:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 515 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137127:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 549 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137128:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 446 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137129:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 557 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137130:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 594 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137131:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 554 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137132:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 527 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137133:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 516 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137134:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 564 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137135:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 864 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137136:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 524 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137137:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 548 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137138:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 555 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137139:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 546 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137140:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 572 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137141:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 496 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137142:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 508 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137143:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 739 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137144:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 569 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137145:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 494 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137146:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 574 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137147:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 733 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137148:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 534 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137149:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 540 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137150:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 532 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137151:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 477 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137152:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 506 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137153:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 992 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137154:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 442 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137155:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1227 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137156:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 517 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137157:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 480 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137158:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 489 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137159:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 452 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137160:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137161:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 534 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137162:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137163:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137164:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137165:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1695 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137166:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1036 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137167:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 5473 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137168:ehuntley
0.00 0.02 96417 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137169:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137177:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137178:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 269 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137179:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137180:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1698 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137181:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 4347 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137182:ehuntley
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137183:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 12344 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137184:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 9136 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137185:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 11726 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137186:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 4289 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137216:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 8385 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137224:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 9491 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137232:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 18830 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137245:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137246:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137247:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137248:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137249:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137250:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137251:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137252:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137253:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137254:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137255:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137256:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137257:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137258:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137259:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137260:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137261:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137262:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137263:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137264:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137265:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137266:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137267:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137268:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137269:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137270:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137271:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137272:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137273:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137274:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137275:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137276:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1517 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137277:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137278:ehuntley
0.00 0.00 1082 1 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.137279:ehuntley
0.43 0.30 1868076 482 | edu.appstate.gradstudy.ehuntley
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.asu.eas.calypso
0.01 0.01 69040 7 | edu.auburn.duc.pcbus05
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | edu.berkeley.cs.eve
0.00 0.01 58508 3 | edu.berkeley.cs.u12
0.00 0.00 5753 3 | edu.berkeley.cs.u22
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | edu.berkeley.cs.u9
0.05 0.01 45659 53 | edu.berkeley.eecs.syros
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.berkeley.lib.biolib35
0.05 0.04 254613 53 | edu.bgsm.is.isnet
0.02 0.02 145288 18 | edu.bgsu.kr-202-155
0.03 0.02 97000 35 | edu.bgu.neiu.ip165-167
0.04 0.03 182605 43 | edu.bhsu.card_9
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.binghamton.cc.podsun6
0.02 0.03 199069 18 | edu.bu.csa
0.02 0.03 196402 17 | edu.bu.miles
0.00 0.00 4083 1 | edu.bu.wcampus-mac14
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.bucknell.stu.nclark
0.00 0.01 31124 1 | edu.butler.ruth
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.calpoly.offcampus.modem124
0.19 0.12 713569 212 | edu.caltech.ipac.mars
0.02 0.07 420175 27 | edu.calvin.pcbdokter
0.06 0.06 379419 64 | edu.clemson.labs.mcadams46
0.01 0.01 50051 11 | edu.cmich.ehhs.remcen
0.01 0.01 35242 6 | edu.cmu.cs.nectar.darryl
0.01 0.01 80935 13 | edu.coe.res.greene28
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.colorado.ecce1b05pc7
0.05 0.06 357917 60 | edu.colostate.halls.allison152
0.07 0.11 659102 74 | edu.columbia.cs.sitar
0.01 0.02 144448 12 | edu.columbia.sipa.australia
0.03 0.02 106890 32 | edu.cornell.cee.pfate2
0.00 0.00 3471 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140271:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 1364 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140272:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 1358 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140273:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 387 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140274:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 8390 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140275:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 387 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140276:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140277:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140278:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 2287 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140279:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140280:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 624 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140281:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 770 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140282:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 2626 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140283:cu-dialup-2206
0.00 0.00 2536 1 | edu.cornell.cit.140284:cu-dialup-2206
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.cornell.dnr.www
0.04 0.03 214411 41 | edu.cortland.p1.shiva1
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.csusm.ciscots4_12
0.00 0.00 6627 1 | edu.cudenver.139137:ouray
0.00 0.00 3020 1 | edu.cudenver.139153:ouray
0.01 0.00 17993 13 | edu.cuny.ccny.sci.xser
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | edu.cwru.student.b63442
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | edu.dri.snsc.diana
0.04 0.01 69554 50 | edu.duke.acpub.teer20
0.08 0.06 366048 89 | edu.duke.dorm.res-106-167
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | edu.duke.env.brucef
0.63 0.66 4063923 714 | edu.duke.lib.egr16
0.00 0.00 12344 1 | edu.earlham.yang
0.02 0.02 113996 20 | edu.emory.pathology.off7109c-1
0.04 0.06 346015 44 | edu.enmu.tseha02
0.01 0.01 31254 8 | edu.firn.tavas1-1
0.01 0.00 13807 6 | edu.fit.roberts.meggert
0.17 0.15 947611 194 | edu.fit.s332.ferret
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.fsu.acns.xyp106
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137217:seeker
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137218:seeker
0.00 0.00 1695 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137219:seeker
0.00 0.00 1036 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137220:seeker
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137221:seeker
0.00 0.02 96417 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137222:seeker
0.00 0.00 9721 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137223:seeker
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137280:seeker
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137281:seeker
0.00 0.00 1695 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137282:seeker
0.00 0.00 1036 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137283:seeker
0.00 0.02 96417 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137284:seeker
0.00 0.00 5419 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137285:seeker
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137286:seeker
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137287:seeker
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137288:seeker
0.00 0.00 18830 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137289:seeker
0.00 0.00 18830 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137290:seeker
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137291:seeker
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | edu.gatech.ns.137292:seeker
0.03 0.06 378337 32 | edu.gatech.ns.seeker
0.00 0.01 34572 1 | edu.gmu.mason2
0.05 0.04 228689 51 | edu.gwu.circ.ip-139-84
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.hawaii.hper.kermit
0.18 0.11 694775 208 | edu.iastate.ae.ae399485
0.01 0.01 56442 11 | edu.iastate.cce.te134-19
0.00 0.00 11708 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138475:caicos
0.00 0.00 4731 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138476:caicos
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138477:caicos
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138478:caicos
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138479:caicos
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138480:caicos
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138481:caicos
0.00 0.00 1469 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138482:caicos
0.00 0.00 8319 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138485:caicos
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138486:caicos
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138487:caicos
0.00 0.00 2980 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138488:caicos
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138489:caicos
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138490:caicos
0.00 0.00 1037 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138491:caicos
0.00 0.00 2166 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138492:caicos
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138493:caicos
0.00 0.00 1414 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138494:caicos
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138495:caicos
0.00 0.00 2214 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138496:caicos
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.iastate.eng.138497:caicos
0.02 0.02 124996 26 | edu.iastate.ppp.dial38
0.02 0.00 21402 26 | edu.iastate.ppp.dial41
0.06 0.07 415854 67 | edu.iastate.ppp.dial66
0.01 0.01 76526 10 | edu.iit.spe.spe72
0.15 0.15 935626 167 | edu.indiana.evermann.ev-141-4
0.00 0.00 3105 1 | edu.iona.ionadept1
0.01 0.02 141279 13 | edu.iupui.ulib.ul2125-v
0.01 0.01 72619 10 | edu.ksu.ce.eiffel
0.01 0.01 86472 8 | edu.ksu.ce.se32b-gw
0.00 0.01 32027 5 | edu.ksu.lab.c512
0.00 0.00 5120 1 | edu.lacoe.user3x122
0.48 0.35 2163727 538 | edu.lacoe.user3x131
0.30 0.21 1314024 341 | edu.lacoe.user3x133
0.02 0.04 253096 21 | edu.latech.engr.rigel
0.32 0.25 1553075 361 | edu.latech.remote.dialup-02
0.00 0.02 114490 5 | edu.lehigh.cc.dial7
0.00 0.01 34572 1 | edu.liunet.hornet
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.llu.sc
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | edu.lynchburg.138090:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | edu.lynchburg.138091:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.lynchburg.138092:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | edu.lynchburg.138093:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | edu.lynchburg.138094:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | edu.lynchburg.138095:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | edu.lynchburg.138096:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | edu.lynchburg.138097:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | edu.lynchburg.138098:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | edu.lynchburg.138099:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | edu.lynchburg.138100:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | edu.lynchburg.138101:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | edu.lynchburg.138102:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | edu.lynchburg.138103:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | edu.lynchburg.138104:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | edu.lynchburg.138105:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | edu.lynchburg.138106:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | edu.lynchburg.138107:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | edu.lynchburg.138108:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | edu.lynchburg.138109:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | edu.lynchburg.138110:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | edu.lynchburg.138111:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | edu.lynchburg.138112:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | edu.lynchburg.138113:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | edu.lynchburg.138114:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | edu.lynchburg.138115:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | edu.lynchburg.138116:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | edu.lynchburg.138117:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | edu.lynchburg.138118:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | edu.lynchburg.138119:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | edu.lynchburg.138120:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1517 1 | edu.lynchburg.138121:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1031 1 | edu.lynchburg.138122:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | edu.lynchburg.138123:carn-scanner
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | edu.lynchburg.138124:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 7781 1 | edu.lynchburg.138125:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.lynchburg.138126:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.lynchburg.138127:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | edu.lynchburg.138128:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | edu.lynchburg.138129:carn-scanner
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | edu.lynchburg.138130:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.lynchburg.138132:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.lynchburg.138133:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 7722 1 | edu.lynchburg.138170:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1874 1 | edu.lynchburg.138193:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 3006 1 | edu.lynchburg.138194:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2531 1 | edu.lynchburg.138195:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 3396 1 | edu.lynchburg.138196:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.lynchburg.138197:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 15571 1 | edu.lynchburg.138198:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 15571 1 | edu.lynchburg.138199:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1207 1 | edu.lynchburg.138200:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 1462 1 | edu.lynchburg.138201:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 2164 1 | edu.lynchburg.138202:carn-scanner
0.00 0.00 670 1 | edu.lynchburg.138203:carn-scanner
0.05 0.01 46257 53 | edu.maine.usm.acs.pn5
0.05 0.05 310029 56 | edu.mines.dilithium
0.00 0.00 16839 1 | edu.mit.139377:rigging
0.00 0.00 4731 1 | edu.mit.139378:rigging
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | edu.mit.139379:rigging
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.mit.139380:rigging
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.mit.139381:rigging
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | edu.mit.139382:rigging
0.00 0.00 5468 1 | edu.mit.139395:rigging
0.00 0.00 1469 1 | edu.mit.139396:rigging
0.01 0.01 35653 6 | edu.mit.cockpit
0.01 0.01 35653 6 | edu.mit.m1-142-11
0.02 0.02 113896 20 | edu.mit.tiller
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.mma.lab9
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.morgan.eng.pc23
0.01 0.01 71982 15 | edu.mtu.chem.neon
0.03 0.03 175852 34 | edu.ncsu.eos.c00862-122wl
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | edu.nd.helios.shakespeare
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.nd.wndu.manuel
0.01 0.02 122789 9 | edu.njit.cobalt
0.01 0.01 41459 9 | edu.nmsu.alamo-ts-6
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | edu.nmsu.alamo-ts-8
0.01 0.01 43535 7 | edu.nodak.ndsu.milsci.bb204
0.05 0.01 45676 53 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt09.ndts11
0.00 0.01 63515 4 | edu.nodak.ndsu.pt15.ndts10
0.00 0.01 69144 2 | edu.nodak.sendit.sendit
0.07 0.05 296600 76 | edu.nodak.und.eng.lab04
0.05 0.04 262804 59 | edu.nrao.cv.wendy
0.03 0.07 463649 35 | edu.nrao.gb.atlas
0.01 0.02 122913 9 | edu.nrao.gb.talita
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.nyit.sunp
0.02 0.02 131081 21 | edu.nyu.ap.webasst2
0.01 0.01 39170 12 | edu.nyu.cat.gilly
0.09 0.10 639206 106 | edu.odu.bal
18.24 17.16 106166455 20513 | edu.odu.cee
0.23 0.72 4465206 257 | edu.odu.cs
0.12 0.17 1080847 139 | edu.odu.ee
0.09 0.08 469954 99 | edu.odu.eng
0.22 0.20 1216300 246 | edu.odu.lib
0.03 0.05 281430 38 | edu.odu.mem
0.10 0.07 424389 108 | edu.odu.tech
0.01 0.00 18159 9 | edu.odu.usgcc
0.03 0.02 152361 39 | edu.odu.webb
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.ohio-state.eng.rclsgi22
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.ohio-state.eng.rcltel
0.01 1.70 10525667 8 | edu.ohio-state.medctr.achilles
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | edu.ohio-state.uts.wwwcache0
0.01 0.04 247235 16 | edu.ohiou.library.ref-11
0.00 0.00 10765 1 | edu.oru.dorm1.pc154
0.01 0.01 77355 6 | edu.ou.modems.ouppp92
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.panam.tr-riscs.nimrod
0.05 0.04 255910 60 | edu.peachnet.griffin.agecon12
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.pitt.net.rmt.ehdup-m-4
0.07 0.06 394936 77 | edu.plu.ibm01
0.01 0.00 26387 14 | edu.plymouth.prespc06
0.01 0.02 134144 11 | edu.princeton.cethsun
0.00 0.00 18858 4 | edu.psu.cac.nb4slip83
0.02 0.01 64800 23 | edu.psu.cac.nbslip69
0.02 0.01 75510 22 | edu.psu.mrl.host14
0.01 0.01 53206 16 | edu.psu.mrl.host39
0.03 0.01 77777 38 | edu.purdue.agry.dgslab2
0.02 0.08 465980 26 | edu.purdue.ecn.rvl1
0.03 0.03 195437 39 | edu.rit.isc.m631m04
0.00 0.00 20527 1 | edu.rit.isc.ppp-01-3-13
0.01 0.00 27246 9 | edu.rit.rh.d107-h001
0.02 0.02 111647 26 | edu.rose-hulman.student.escobaea
0.01 0.04 268768 10 | edu.rpi.stu.soucep
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | edu.sdsu.proxy
0.04 0.04 245947 45 | edu.semo.st.arabie
0.00 0.00 6627 1 | edu.shsu.140232:n11_121
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.shsu.140233:n11_121
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.shsu.140234:n11_121
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | edu.shsu.140235:n11_121
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.shsu.140236:n11_121
0.00 0.00 4152 1 | edu.shsu.140237:n11_121
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.shsu.140238:n11_121
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.shsu.140239:n11_121
0.00 0.00 2529 1 | edu.stanford.137795:rhine
0.00 0.00 10511 1 | edu.stanford.137796:rhine
0.01 0.00 17156 6 | edu.stanford.jazz
0.00 0.00 28185 2 | edu.stanford.rhine
0.04 0.03 187630 42 | edu.stedwards.ns.modem06
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.sunysb.cs.ug.ws30
0.00 0.00 9032 3 | edu.sunysb.cs.ug.ws4
0.00 0.00 4283 1 | edu.sunysb.dialup.as5-3
0.41 0.24 1514946 458 | edu.sunysb.dialup.as5-7
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.sunysb.har.linx
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.sunysb.hsc.gateway9
0.01 0.01 75562 13 | edu.sunysb.ic.abel
0.00 0.00 8934 2 | edu.sunysb.sn26.dhcp140
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.tamu.lab1-48
0.02 0.02 105484 20 | edu.tamu.no17
0.02 0.03 214658 20 | edu.tamu.rns.ppp1a-09
0.01 0.01 42823 6 | edu.tamu.wigley
0.01 0.00 11183 6 | edu.tufts.tc.st973
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.uab.eng.cecadi4
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.uakron.math.137566:arq
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.uakron.math.137567:arq
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.uakron.math.137573:arq
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | edu.uakron.math.137574:arq
0.00 0.00 3279 1 | edu.uakron.math.137575:arq
0.00 0.00 28216 1 | edu.uakron.math.137576:arq
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | edu.uakron.math.137579:arq
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.uakron.math.137580:arq
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.uakron.math.137581:arq
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | edu.uakron.math.137582:arq
0.05 0.07 459250 60 | edu.ucdavis.cs.dolores
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.ucdavis.hsspub6
0.01 0.00 11971 6 | edu.ucdavis.reqa-045
0.01 0.00 22373 7 | edu.ucdavis.reqd-009
0.05 0.04 261714 56 | edu.ucf.ir.cc2-106-cf082744
0.05 0.05 281792 55 | edu.ucf.ir.lib-235-cf082804
0.01 0.02 122809 10 | edu.uchsc.loki
0.05 0.08 496704 60 | edu.uci.slip.dialin9042
0.01 0.00 30242 16 | edu.ucla.agsm.cs178-78
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | edu.ucla.ts.wla.ts24-10
0.02 0.02 133848 24 | edu.ucsb.library.web1
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | edu.ucsc.139413:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | edu.ucsc.139414:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.ucsc.139415:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2980 1 | edu.ucsc.139416:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | edu.ucsc.139417:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2166 1 | edu.ucsc.139418:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.ucsc.139419:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1414 1 | edu.ucsc.139420:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1035 1 | edu.ucsc.139421:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | edu.ucsc.139423:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2214 1 | edu.ucsc.139424:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.ucsc.139425:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2195 1 | edu.ucsc.139426:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1233 1 | edu.ucsc.139431:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | edu.ucsc.139432:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.ucsc.139433:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 3637 1 | edu.ucsc.139434:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | edu.ucsc.139435:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 4731 1 | edu.ucsc.139436:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.ucsc.139437:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | edu.ucsc.139438:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.ucsc.139439:es-epc52
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.ucsc.139440:es-epc52
0.01 0.01 48098 6 | edu.ucsc.tsa-23
0.01 0.01 67351 8 | edu.ucsd.cul91-53
0.00 0.01 35777 5 | edu.udel.lib.tomm117f
0.00 0.00 10214 4 | edu.ufl.nerdc.ppp-09-nerdc-ts16
0.04 0.03 214426 41 | edu.ufl.translated.n2.n136
0.01 0.01 50984 9 | edu.uh.cl.ricis
0.03 0.02 105883 31 | edu.uic.ccc340.p34005
0.01 0.02 102489 9 | edu.uic.dialin.slip3-15
0.03 0.02 130400 31 | edu.uiowa.icaen.l-ecn037
0.02 0.02 145428 19 | edu.uiuc.cen.ehsn25
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.uiuc.cen.glibm16
0.02 0.02 127974 20 | edu.uiuc.slip.paris-3
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.umassd.dorm.410e
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | edu.umb.es.wallace
0.10 0.14 880413 108 | edu.umb.media.martin1
0.04 0.03 173297 40 | edu.umd.dial.annex12-56
0.01 0.01 66043 6 | edu.umd.dial.annex9-44
0.03 0.04 248646 30 | edu.umd.engr-b-394
0.05 0.16 995603 52 | edu.umd.magmasun
0.07 0.09 553477 75 | edu.umich.engin.lime
0.02 0.04 244986 18 | edu.uml.cs.andromeda
0.03 0.07 425097 35 | edu.uml.cs.hermes
0.01 0.02 132273 11 | edu.uml.cs.mercury
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | edu.uml.cs.mosquito
0.00 0.00 6300 1 | edu.umn.dialup.pub-19-a-189
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137293:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137294:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137295:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137296:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137297:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137298:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137299:pc43
0.00 0.00 1042 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137300:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137301:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137302:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137303:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137304:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137315:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137326:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137327:pc43
0.00 0.00 98 1 | edu.umn.safhl.137332:pc43
0.02 0.02 119699 28 | edu.umn.safhl.pc43
0.02 0.01 80179 24 | edu.umn.soils.student
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.umr.network.dialup-pkr-8-13
0.02 0.01 75264 22 | edu.umt.chem.sorb
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.unh.mub429
0.01 0.00 29184 12 | edu.unh.sr.rossby
0.01 0.01 69898 9 | edu.unh.wssp1-4
0.00 0.01 32027 5 | edu.unl.crc-selq40
0.05 0.05 295081 54 | edu.unl.me-dlou
0.01 0.01 54240 7 | edu.unm.bldg117_011
0.02 0.01 57042 21 | edu.unt.dialup.dal1-2-12
0.01 0.02 145303 12 | edu.uoregon.cisco-ts12-line15
0.01 0.02 131110 11 | edu.uoregon.cisco-ts8-line4
0.04 0.03 173312 40 | edu.upenn.ts13-58
0.02 0.02 112412 26 | edu.usc.lvl-mac100
0.01 0.02 141279 13 | edu.usf.eng.foghat
0.05 0.04 265441 56 | edu.usf.eng.sunflash
0.05 0.04 276895 51 | edu.utdallas.utdppp218
0.02 0.03 216349 19 | edu.utexas.crwr.danube
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | edu.utk.rmt.tchm14a6
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.utmem.safety
0.04 0.25 1526370 45 | edu.utoledo.eng.quicksand
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | edu.uwm.138611:omnifest
0.00 0.00 10220 4 | edu.uwsp.cwatrmod
0.06 0.07 423079 63 | edu.vcu.acw.acw-lab44
0.37 0.24 1507469 414 | edu.vims.phys.neilson
0.01 0.02 99502 9 | edu.virginia.acc.slip-1-12
0.02 0.02 108815 24 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-65-36
0.01 0.01 68342 16 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-65-47
0.04 0.04 218310 47 | edu.vmi.preston503
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | edu.vmi.preston505
0.07 0.04 275370 76 | edu.vt.campus.khigh
0.05 0.07 432674 58 | edu.vt.cc.maryann
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | edu.vt.ce.caelab17
0.04 0.01 52199 44 | edu.vt.cns.sl004.as2511-11
0.04 0.01 39893 44 | edu.vt.cns.sl006.as2511-10
0.04 0.03 184074 44 | edu.vt.cns.sl007.as5200-1
0.01 0.00 17448 9 | edu.vt.cns.sl014.as2511-9
0.05 0.02 111887 51 | edu.vt.cns.sl015.as2511-10
0.03 0.00 20197 35 | edu.vt.cns.sl035.as5200-4
0.04 0.03 172071 45 | edu.vt.cob.pam2004-mach8
0.01 0.05 282855 6 | edu.vt.ee.yew
0.04 0.03 196077 47 | edu.vt.lib.lobby4
0.02 0.01 80637 19 | edu.vt.rgs.water2
0.02 0.03 198173 19 | edu.vt.virginia.stud8lpc
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | edu.washington.cs.vorlon
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | edu.washington.student.cs201-29
0.01 0.01 40396 6 | edu.washington.u.cs11-8
0.00 0.00 10208 4 | edu.washington.u.cs122-2
0.00 0.00 7068 2 | edu.washington.u.cs3-8
0.01 0.03 158973 13 | edu.wayne.pass.tomkpc
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139293:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139294:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139295:jpoliner
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139296:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139297:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139298:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139299:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 1474 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139300:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139302:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 223 1 | edu.wesleyan.ees.139307:jpoliner
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | edu.widener.engr.dcs
0.02 0.01 76204 22 | edu.wisc.geology.biot
0.23 0.08 512272 257 | edu.wisc.lss.honcho
0.02 0.03 182862 17 | edu.wisc.net.f182-041
0.00 0.00 16664 1 | edu.wlu.uc.liberty
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | edu.wvnet.dialup.ip052182
0.04 0.03 205660 50 | edu.ysu.eng.jove1
0.01 0.00 23329 6 | edu.ysu.eng.ws24
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | ee.edirect.e-direct1
0.01 0.00 17442 7 | ee.matti.solaris
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139274:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139275:slip-405
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139276:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139277:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139278:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1474 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139279:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139280:slip-405
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139301:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139303:slip-405
0.00 0.00 223 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139308:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139342:slip-405
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139343:slip-405
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139344:slip-405
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139345:slip-405
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139346:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139347:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139348:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139349:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139350:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139351:slip-405
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139352:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139353:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139354:slip-405
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139355:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139356:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139357:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139358:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139359:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139360:slip-405
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139361:slip-405
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139362:slip-405
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139363:slip-405
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | eg.gov.idsc.139364:slip-405
0.01 0.03 165746 15 | eg.gov.idsc.slip-974
0.02 0.02 140242 20 | es.grn.majorbbs
0.02 0.02 93374 23 | es.ibernet.sofia
0.03 0.03 187305 29 | es.jet.info600
0.00 0.00 1279 2 | es.jet.proxy
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | es.redestb.231.ppp207
0.01 0.01 47280 8 | es.upm.etsia.cvr.cvr17
0.02 0.02 94297 27 | es.urv.etse.pceem1
0.04 0.02 107737 49 | es.urv.etse.prandtl
0.04 0.03 180199 45 | es.urv.etse.xgrau
0.06 0.03 157547 64 | fi.dlc.pp.ip84
0.00 0.01 34124 5 | fi.inet.dial.plus-11-18
0.07 0.08 478515 74 | fi.inet.dial.user-105-215
0.01 0.00 23702 7 | fi.inet.dial.user-105-235
0.02 0.03 183012 20 | fi.inet.mursu
0.01 0.02 122838 9 | fi.lut.pc.kike04
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | fi.smek.pc35
0.02 0.01 71859 17 | fi.uta.juoru
0.02 0.01 76681 19 | fi.vyh.osi6-red
0.05 0.08 464349 60 | fr.ac-lyon.user07
0.01 0.01 52903 16 | fr.cea.valrho.ribes
0.02 0.05 327571 27 | fr.cirad.pcgreen2
0.04 0.06 389547 42 | fr.cirad.pclocatelli
0.14 0.09 559226 163 | fr.cnrs.schnaps
0.08 0.09 533562 91 | fr.dassault-elec.ygerne
0.02 0.02 108279 24 | fr.edf.cledf2
0.05 0.05 308366 58 | fr.enst-bretagne.rennes.beru
0.10 0.08 502689 116 | fr.enst-bretagne.rennes.borniche
0.10 0.12 761797 108 | fr.enst-bretagne.rennes.lupin
0.02 0.03 199624 23 | fr.enst-bretagne.rennes.pinault
0.06 0.06 380004 67 | fr.france3.route1
0.03 0.05 281130 29 | fr.ifremer.brgm1
0.07 0.03 178222 78 | fr.imaginet.paris.cyber6
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | fr.infonie.infonie-web
0.09 0.15 926153 106 | fr.inra.roazhon.geochime1
0.01 0.00 22177 6 | fr.magic.ppp3-156
0.02 0.03 187854 17 | fr.nctech.www
0.11 0.15 950484 127 | fr.sqli.hal
0.00 0.00 7225 5 | fr.u-bordeaux.apu
0.08 0.01 37789 93 | fr.u-bordeaux.enserb.balaitous
0.12 0.09 587186 134 | fr.u-strasbg.hmp11
0.00 0.00 5684 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137990:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137991:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137992:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137993:e105c09
0.00 0.00 2433 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137994:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137995:e105c09
0.00 0.00 223 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.137996:e105c09
0.00 0.00 24718 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138009:e105c09
0.00 0.00 20077 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138010:e105c09
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138011:e105c09
0.00 0.01 49332 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138025:e105c09
0.00 0.01 39787 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138026:e105c09
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138027:e105c09
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138028:e105c09
0.00 0.00 6436 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138032:e105c09
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138035:e105c09
0.00 0.00 9997 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138059:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3344 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138060:e105c09
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138438:e105c08
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138439:icare
0.00 0.00 13675 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138440:e105c09
0.00 0.00 7867 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138441:e105c09
0.00 0.00 26253 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138442:e105c09
0.00 0.00 26253 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138443:e105c09
0.00 0.00 4152 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138444:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3815 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138445:e105c09
0.00 0.00 692 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138446:e105c09
0.00 0.00 6439 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138447:e105c09
0.00 0.00 2079 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138448:e105c09
0.00 0.01 57142 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138449:e105c09
0.00 0.00 2275 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138450:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3533 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138451:e105c09
0.00 0.00 4477 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138452:e105c09
0.00 0.00 5120 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138453:e105c09
0.00 0.00 2551 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138454:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3795 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138455:e105c09
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138456:e105c09
0.00 0.02 101315 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138457:e105c09
0.00 0.00 24576 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138458:e105c09
0.00 0.00 3816 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138459:e105c09
0.00 0.00 14734 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138460:e105c09
0.00 0.00 27993 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138461:e105c09
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138462:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1695 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138463:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1036 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138464:e105c09
0.00 0.02 96417 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138465:e105c09
0.00 0.00 5684 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138466:icare
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138467:icare
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138468:icare
0.00 0.00 2509 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138469:icare
0.00 0.00 5542 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138470:e105c09
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138471:icare
0.00 0.00 223 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138472:icare
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138473:icare
0.00 0.00 11726 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138474:e105c09
0.00 0.00 4477 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138483:icare
0.00 0.00 14734 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138484:icare
0.00 0.00 24718 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138504:icare
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138518:e105c09
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138567:e105c09
0.00 0.00 2551 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138578:icare
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138607:e105c09
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138608:e105c09
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138609:e105c09
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138610:e105c09
0.00 0.00 98 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138616:e105c09
0.00 0.00 5120 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138640:icare
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138641:icare
0.00 0.00 20077 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138660:icare
0.00 0.01 37111 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138661:icare
0.00 0.01 89314 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138663:icare
0.00 0.00 15134 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138664:icare
0.00 0.00 13675 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138665:icare
0.00 0.00 14734 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.138734:e105c09
0.05 0.10 610001 53 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c01
0.01 0.03 187743 13 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c02
0.00 0.01 48326 3 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c03
0.00 0.00 23970 2 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c04
0.00 0.01 85541 5 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c05
0.02 0.05 278714 17 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c06
0.00 0.01 85541 5 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c07
0.00 0.00 24718 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c08
0.00 0.01 85541 5 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e103c10
0.02 0.04 238818 23 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c01
0.01 0.02 100275 6 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c02
0.02 0.05 336714 22 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c03
0.02 0.05 323438 18 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c04
0.06 0.06 388810 66 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c05
0.01 0.03 186208 15 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c06
0.00 0.00 29468 2 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c07
0.00 0.01 85541 5 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c08
0.01 0.03 176414 13 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c09
0.00 0.01 38704 3 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e105c10
0.00 0.00 29468 2 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c01
0.00 0.00 14734 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c02
0.02 0.05 304286 17 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c03
0.00 0.00 14734 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c04
0.02 0.06 344003 22 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c05
0.02 0.05 337651 20 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c08
0.01 0.04 238978 15 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c09
0.02 0.05 281258 21 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.e107c10
0.00 0.02 95525 5 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.helios
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c02
0.00 0.01 70807 4 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c03
0.01 0.02 122094 7 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c04
0.00 0.00 24718 1 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c06
0.00 0.01 70807 4 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c07
0.01 0.02 137640 16 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c08
0.02 0.04 221571 23 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.i210c09
0.03 0.07 417954 35 | fr.univ-rennes1.ifsic.icare
0.01 0.01 60681 7 | gov.anl.dep.ppp6
0.01 0.00 28317 15 | gov.bpa.brick
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | gov.ca.dot.www
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137502:plu38
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137503:plu38
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137504:plu38
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137505:plu38
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | gov.ca.water.137506:plu38
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137507:plu38
0.00 0.00 98 1 | gov.ca.water.137508:plu38
0.04 0.03 195536 44 | gov.doe.er.york
0.01 0.01 67138 9 | gov.dot.fha.wfl.host220
0.08 0.03 205561 87 | gov.epa.cin.cin407
0.04 0.02 104929 43 | gov.epa.ednrmrl1.nrmrl1_9
0.01 0.00 22056 6 | gov.epa.r3ring2110.r3ring2110020
0.03 0.03 172078 30 | gov.epa.r8irm-tr.r5pcsc7
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | gov.house.nameless
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | gov.inel.noblec
0.22 0.07 431620 252 | gov.inel.siemdd
0.04 0.03 166579 48 | gov.nasa.arc.cygnus
0.01 0.01 31107 6 | gov.nasa.arc.surprise-me
0.00 0.00 16756 1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.139422:gscsgi02
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.139427:gscsgi02
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.139428:gscsgi02
0.00 0.00 2095 1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.139429:gscsgi02
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | gov.nasa.gsfc.139430:gscsgi02
0.01 0.02 133508 11 | gov.nasa.gsfc.universe
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139691:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139692:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139693:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139694:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139695:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139696:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139697:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139698:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139700:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139701:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139702:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139703:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139704:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139709:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139712:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139719:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139720:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139721:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139722:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139723:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139724:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139725:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139726:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139727:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139728:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139729:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139730:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139731:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 7781 1 | gov.nasa.larc.139732:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140172:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140173:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140174:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140175:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140176:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140177:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140178:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140179:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140180:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140181:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140182:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140183:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140184:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140185:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140186:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140187:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140188:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140189:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140190:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140191:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140192:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140193:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140194:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140195:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140196:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140197:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140198:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140199:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140200:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140201:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140202:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1517 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140203:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1067 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140204:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140205:geoffrey
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140206:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 7781 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140207:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140208:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140209:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140210:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140211:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 223 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140213:geoffrey
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140214:geoffrey
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | gov.nasa.larc.140215:geoffrey
0.04 0.08 484095 41 | gov.nasa.larc.awaters
0.13 0.11 699655 143 | gov.nasa.larc.books
0.04 0.03 189690 46 | gov.nasa.larc.fmd22
0.01 0.02 140042 14 | gov.nasa.larc.geoffrey
0.00 0.01 72474 4 | gov.nasa.larc.hampton
0.04 0.03 173348 40 | gov.nasa.larc.mosby
0.01 0.01 79033 16 | gov.nasa.larc.olaf
0.06 0.05 328545 69 | gov.nasa.larc.swing
0.04 0.02 154496 40 | gov.nasa.larc.tct30
0.04 0.02 150002 40 | gov.nbs.mesc.bartholow-pc
0.01 0.00 11183 6 | gov.nist.cam.sycamore
0.12 0.28 1734363 134 | gov.nist.ncsl.ipx
0.00 0.00 11914 5 | gov.nist.teal
0.09 0.09 552635 96 | gov.noaa.csc.jboyd
0.04 0.03 183199 45 | gov.orau.fw
0.01 0.02 144611 12 | gov.ornl.eng.ew077
0.02 0.01 90109 20 | gov.pader.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 63269 13 | gov.rl.touchet
0.01 0.01 67138 9 | gov.sannet.sdmw3316
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | gov.senate.gateway
0.01 0.01 53204 16 | gov.sfwmd.sgtpepper-qe0
0.08 0.00 27733 94 | gov.usda.nrcs.ftc.willow
0.02 0.02 150047 17 | gov.usda.nrcs.itc.cody
0.01 0.01 52952 16 | gov.usda.nrcs.wntc.spinach
0.00 0.00 28668 5 | gov.usda.obpa.obpa6
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | gov.usgs.wr.solute3
0.00 0.00 27352 2 | gov.usgs.wr.w112dcascr
0.03 0.03 182843 33 | gr.forthnet.challenge
0.07 0.06 343763 83 | gr.forthnet.kos.ppp1
0.04 0.00 5317 41 | gr.net.spark.obelix
0.01 0.01 79891 15 | gr.ntua.ece.dbnet.pireas
0.01 0.01 49441 10 | hk.edu.polyu.its.ppp8315
0.00 0.00 180 1 | hk.hku.du.p60
0.06 0.02 127196 72 | hk.org.ha
0.02 0.01 68334 20 | hk.ust.wwwproxy-nc2
0.06 0.30 1875977 73 | hr.tel.a4-p5-zg
0.00 0.00 11958 4 | hu.bme.fsz.eniac
0.02 0.01 82972 22 | hu.iif.helka
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | id.co.ks.ns1
0.02 0.02 125771 25 | id.net.indo.surabaya.ppp-042
0.01 0.01 68592 15 | id.net.rad.www
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | ie.dcu.roxy
0.02 0.01 78999 23 | ie.indigo.dublin.ts25-03
0.03 0.05 339464 35 | ie.indigo.limerick.ts02-06
0.08 0.08 478446 93 | ie.indigo.mary
0.00 0.00 24979 2 | ie.iol.cache.cache1
0.00 0.00 13860 3 | ie.iol.cache.cache2
0.04 0.01 80639 50 | ie.iol.cache.cache3
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | ie.tcd.web1
0.01 0.01 53216 16 | il.ac.wwwproxy1
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | il.co.iai.comm.c-437
0.01 0.02 93294 13 | il.net.access.data48
0.01 0.00 14947 6 | il.net.access.kube101
0.05 0.08 485150 58 | il.net.access.kube16
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | il.net.access.kube46
0.09 0.07 443004 100 | il.net.access.rg-b39
0.02 0.01 69436 19 | il.net.advantis.slip154
0.00 0.00 25837 5 | il.net.advantis.slip212
0.03 0.11 656583 34 | il.net.netvision.pop9a.ts019p15
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | in.net.vsnl.giasdl01
0.00 0.01 33149 2 | in.net.vsnl.giasmd01
0.00 0.01 42046 4 | in.net.vsnl.ppp44
0.00 0.00 30664 2 | in.nic.ren
0.05 0.03 210516 51 | is.mwr.mwr
0.01 0.01 39088 8 | it.chierinet.ttye1
0.00 0.01 48789 5 | it.cineca.sp2.sp20
0.02 0.03 200905 21 | it.cnr.mi.itim.indy1
0.01 0.01 59866 6 | it.galactica.bbs
0.02 0.01 80357 22 | it.grosseto.gol.asy07
0.01 0.01 52905 16 | it.grosseto.gol.asy09
0.02 0.08 504954 25 | it.hydranet.giove
0.02 0.02 98667 26 | it.iol.proxy1
0.00 0.01 55354 4 | it.jrc.ei.rem1
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | it.jrc.ndews13
0.01 0.02 97326 6 | it.nemo.nemont
0.00 0.00 14287 2 | it.ntb.america14
0.01 0.00 11395 8 | it.ouverture.caramello
0.06 0.05 323474 66 | it.ouverture.grosseto-port06
0.06 0.05 295422 63 | it.ouverture.proxy-gr
0.09 0.34 2093882 105 | it.shiny.ramsey
0.02 0.02 145085 24 | it.tno.planetek.awa
0.01 0.01 52925 16 | it.unibo.ing.marinelli
0.01 0.01 51381 6 | it.unina.cds
0.00 0.00 19808 3 | it.unive.seg.llt5
0.02 0.01 86147 22 | it.vol.tina59
0.01 0.00 23391 6 | it.vol.tito2
0.00 0.00 15856 1 | jp.ac.ehime-u.agr.a3206
0.02 0.04 222461 17 | jp.ac.tohoku.gw.obara
0.13 0.08 502199 151 | jp.ac.yasuda-u.sow1
0.05 0.04 223264 51 | jp.co.kubota.kbtfw
0.02 0.01 79523 20 | jp.or.aianet.donguri
0.03 0.01 31473 30 | jp.or.alles.omiya.ppp0137
0.00 0.00 10211 4 | jp.or.egg.tnis.yokohama.dmax000-pool057
0.00 0.00 2963 1 | jp.or.iijnet.po.ppp17116
0.01 0.00 23306 6 | jp.or.iijnet.po.ppp9006
0.04 0.01 68269 46 | jp.or.iijnet.proxy2
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | jp.or.justnet.jnclic-128-55
0.01 0.01 40803 7 | jp.or.msn.fukuoka1-33
0.02 0.07 441574 18 | jp.or.rim.kt.ppp031
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | jp.or.so-net.ap.pppp.pppb69c
0.01 0.01 40987 14 | jp.or.tao.kobe-sc.www
0.01 0.01 89969 7 | kr.ac.chungnam.cnufs
0.07 0.06 380733 74 | kr.ac.chungnam.hydro
0.01 0.01 36013 8 | kr.ac.korea.wwater2
0.04 0.01 46274 44 | kr.ac.kyungpook.tank
0.02 0.01 76963 23 | kr.ac.skku.hydenv
0.09 0.07 407258 96 | kr.ac.yeungnam.pc053134
0.06 0.07 421160 70 | kr.co.dacom.magicall2
0.01 0.00 1007 9 | kr.co.dacom.pppps152
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | kr.co.dacom.pppps165
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | kr.co.dacom.pppps166
0.01 0.03 154915 16 | kr.co.dacom.pppps52
0.11 0.04 220744 121 | kr.co.dacom.pppys82
0.04 0.02 132602 48 | kr.co.nowcom.proxy
0.11 0.04 220312 120 | kr.co.unitel.ftp
0.16 0.17 1030621 181 | kr.co.unitel.zeus
0.10 0.08 489751 108 | kr.nm.kren.proxy
0.00 0.01 57400 2 | mil.af.barksdale.svrl_p6
0.01 0.00 12721 8 | mil.af.eglin.eg-019-022
0.03 0.03 168196 33 | mil.af.langley.accces.user24468
0.04 0.06 350110 48 | mil.af.wpafb.naic.relay
0.08 0.13 781998 95 | mil.navy.nnsy.gw
0.05 0.04 220587 55 | mil.navy.nuwc.wpb.plummer
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | mil.navy.psns.gw
0.05 0.05 297945 52 | mil.nosc.starra
0.01 0.01 33733 7 | mx.conacyt.ciatej.contamb
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | mx.org.iie.138519:a03826
0.07 0.02 137799 75 | my.jaring.brf3.j8
0.02 0.01 85028 24 | my.jaring.brf45.j10
0.01 0.02 107576 12 | my.jaring.glg82.j58
0.06 0.05 337637 65 | my.jaring.jrc7.j20
0.01 0.01 69898 9 | my.jaring.ptl7.j10
0.01 0.00 811 7 | my.jaring.ptl7.j14
0.03 0.02 146223 31 | my.jaring.ptl7.j4
0.00 0.00 540 3 | net.aa.morrison-c01
0.02 0.01 90048 20 | net.aeneas.ais68
0.01 0.00 23726 7 | net.agate.sdi.madjim
0.00 0.01 34634 2 | net.agate.sdi.matthew
0.02 0.01 78326 20 | net.agt.ftmmpx01-port-43
0.01 0.00 13841 6 | net.agt.pcrvpx01-port-23
0.00 0.00 3105 1 | net.airnet.pm3-104
0.01 0.00 23605 8 | net.alaska.anc-p23-114
0.00 0.03 188596 1 | net.alaska.fbk-p3-106
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | net.apk.akron.p400-0
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | net.atlcom.lpm2-23
0.01 0.00 26667 10 | net.att.dial-access.ca.los-angeles-001.162
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | net.att.dial-access.mn.minnesota-001.244
0.01 0.01 48828 12 | net.att.dial-access.mo.bridgeton-053.45
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | net.att.dial-access.mo.bridgeton-055.49
0.01 0.01 79434 10 | net.att.dial-access.mo.bridgeton-065.102
0.01 0.00 22614 9 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-002.189
0.02 0.01 68500 24 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-005.15
0.00 0.00 18830 1 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-005.84
0.01 0.03 186450 15 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-007.185
0.14 0.06 377509 155 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-008.134
0.04 0.24 1512372 47 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-009.29
0.00 0.00 13632 1 | net.att.dial-access.oh.columbus-002.43
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-004.168
0.01 0.01 37941 12 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-009.2
0.32 0.21 1326320 356 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-002.42
0.07 0.19 1167068 84 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-01.211
0.03 0.03 170143 36 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-01.218
0.02 0.04 263660 27 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-01.58
0.01 0.02 128914 10 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-03.182
0.01 0.01 66074 12 | net.att.dial-access.va.middletown-56.131
0.00 0.00 18840 2 | net.att.ico.199-186
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.aye.ppp2-068
0.06 0.02 150659 72 | net.bayserve.port41
0.02 0.02 117636 19 | net.bellatlantic.204245108130
0.04 0.04 221452 47 | net.bellatlantic.204245112111
0.02 0.01 91150 22 | net.bellsouth.atl.d01155
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.bellsouth.jax.d00036
0.01 0.01 41459 9 | net.bellsouth.mco.d00076
0.01 0.01 66122 12 | net.bitcorp.slc6
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.blarg.dialup15
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | net.bt.teapot
0.09 0.08 464301 99 | net.c-com.panama.dial23
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.capecod.ost32
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | net.centuryinter.ms.anxp5
0.09 0.04 263232 98 | net.cgocable.news
0.04 0.04 243415 50 | net.cin.mdts-18
0.00 0.00 16900 4 | net.cityscope.dialup183-144
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | net.clark.obwan
0.01 0.00 25852 13 | net.clark.stacia
0.02 0.03 203471 18 | net.cloud9.dialup.wjames
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.cmc.chico.pm1-8
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.cmc.ontario.pm1-27
0.01 0.02 145358 12 | net.colba.pm4-s13
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.colba.pm8-s11
0.01 0.00 23605 8 | net.comet.modems.remote-52
0.00 0.12 737460 1 | net.concentric.61002d0011ny
0.02 0.01 74976 20 | net.concentric.61009d0017la
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.concentric.cnc007047
0.01 0.01 75505 10 | net.concentric.cnc017040
0.01 0.01 61907 9 | net.concentric.cnc075034
0.00 0.01 48493 5 | net.concentric.cnc088059
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.concentric.cnc122035
0.00 0.00 23801 5 | net.concentric.cnc50081
0.02 0.00 8205 25 | net.coqui.sanjuan-ppp103
0.11 0.44 2726468 121 | net.coqui.sanjuan-ppp169
0.03 0.01 52542 31 | net.coqui.sanjuan-ppp230
0.01 0.01 65993 8 | net.csrlink.pmwill2-25
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | net.cyberbeach.ppp2-43
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.cyberbeach.sudbury.dynmax-175
0.01 0.00 21298 6 | net.cyberdrive.clv-shv1-15
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.cyberdrive.clv-shv1-54
0.00 0.01 66795 4 | net.cyberenet
0.01 0.01 66131 12 | net.cyberhighway.pdx.ts1-11
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | net.dakotacom.tuc12
0.02 0.02 128449 28 | net.dataplace.accessde1.port11
0.01 0.00 25546 6 | net.demon.www.cache-1
0.02 0.04 245481 19 | net.dhc.dal50
0.01 0.01 68944 10 | net.dial-up.a5-jhb-15
0.02 0.02 153131 20 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ts-017txfworp01
0.00 0.00 360 2 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ts-064mdrelrp15
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.directnet.nc.granite-falls.ccs.s2
0.00 0.00 3502 1 | net.earthlink.137797:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 4731 1 | net.earthlink.137798:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2162 1 | net.earthlink.137799:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | net.earthlink.137800:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.earthlink.137801:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.earthlink.137802:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | net.earthlink.137908:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2980 1 | net.earthlink.137909:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | net.earthlink.137910:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | net.earthlink.137911:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1056 1 | net.earthlink.137912:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 10402 1 | net.earthlink.137913:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2166 1 | net.earthlink.137914:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.earthlink.137915:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1414 1 | net.earthlink.137916:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | net.earthlink.137917:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2214 1 | net.earthlink.137918:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.earthlink.137919:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 2195 1 | net.earthlink.137920:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1233 1 | net.earthlink.137921:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | net.earthlink.137922:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.earthlink.137923:max2-lg-ca-36
0.00 0.00 20998 4 | net.earthlink.dynip.us.ca.los-angeles.maxc.pool002
0.02 0.01 67738 17 | net.earthlink.max7-vgd-ca-35
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.ecom.a168
0.04 0.03 214545 42 | net.emji.bppp15
0.04 0.03 173262 40 | net.en.p11-ts4
0.02 0.02 134531 17 | net.enter.pm2-30
0.02 0.02 148254 21 | net.epix.wsfd-90ppp50
0.00 0.00 10628 1 | net.erienet.ts23
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.etsc.modemp25
0.02 0.00 8770 23 | net.evansville.pm07-s18-tier1
0.02 0.01 83124 25 | net.evansville.pm07-s24-tier1
0.02 0.00 3608 26 | net.evansville.pm10-s23-tier1
0.04 0.02 104018 50 | net.evansville.pm10-s6-tier1
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.evansville.pm10-s7-tier1
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | net.excell.pm1-p22
0.01 0.00 6606 14 | net.exis.ppp-1-15
0.03 0.02 133683 29 | net.exis.ppp-1-22
0.06 0.02 131405 71 | net.exis.ppp-1-26
0.01 0.00 6938 14 | net.exis.ppp-1-30
0.01 0.01 43220 14 | net.exis.ppp-1-8
0.01 0.00 1497 14 | net.exis.ppp-2-35
0.15 0.38 2371869 167 | net.exis.ppp-3-65
0.01 0.00 7021 14 | net.exis.ppp-3-68
0.05 0.03 160977 52 | net.exis.ppp-3-71
0.01 0.00 7137 14 | net.exis.ppp-3-81
0.01 0.01 34088 14 | net.exis.ppp-3-83
0.01 0.01 34088 14 | net.exis.ppp-3-86
0.02 0.01 37596 23 | net.exis.ppp-3-91
0.05 0.03 176926 51 | net.exis.ppp-4-120
0.03 0.02 139758 35 | net.exis.ppp-5-142
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.fast.ppp-abe-465
0.00 0.01 41140 1 | net.flash.dasc3-109
0.02 0.01 80097 22 | net.fog.fog22
0.04 0.02 151685 40 | net.frontiercomm.dialup.monroe-31
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | net.frontiernet.nocsparc
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.frontiernet.roc.dial.usr6-145
0.01 0.00 13841 6 | net.fsi.pm1n10
0.05 0.04 262692 55 | net.gamewood.ts0211
0.01 0.01 76630 13 | net.gate.tpafl2-54
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | net.generation.portc60
0.01 0.02 133668 11 | net.georgian.akinnear
0.00 0.01 42046 4 | net.gis.ppp92
0.01 0.01 66354 12 | net.global2000.gf-dialup-7
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | net.gnatnet.dialup111
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | net.gorge.hrdial25
0.01 0.02 122741 9 | net.gte.dc
0.01 0.02 98770 15 | net.gte.sst234062
0.01 0.01 66339 12 | net.gte.sst234145
0.03 0.25 1554735 37 | net.gte.tpm230124
0.05 0.03 210242 56 | net.gulf.frontier.ricordia1
0.01 0.01 51387 8 | net.gulf.frontier.ricordia5
0.02 0.06 390084 17 | net.gulf.frontier.ricordia6
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.hci.line35
0.01 0.01 52775 9 | net.hiwaay.max13-198
0.01 0.02 93294 13 | net.hiwaay.max9-165
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.hocking.hi20
0.01 0.03 165187 12 | net.hogia.excelsior
0.01 0.01 69898 9 | net.hom.wr.dialin2-6
0.02 0.01 73470 21 | net.hookup.hfx.ts5a-8
0.01 0.01 66318 12 | net.hookup.lon.t1c-12
0.01 0.01 50713 15 | net.i2020.onramp4-1
0.04 0.04 239423 45 | net.iadfw.ppp.dal06-10
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.iadfw.ppp.dal20-07
0.01 0.00 18028 6 | net.iadfw.ppp.dal26-28
0.03 0.09 584797 31 | net.iadfw.ppp.dal29-26
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.iadfw.ppp.fw3-22
0.02 0.04 258208 27 | net.iar.ppp007
0.03 0.03 193242 37 | net.ibm.at.sungold1
0.05 0.03 214611 57 | net.ibm.au.sy.slip202-135-14-111
0.02 0.03 188166 23 | net.ibm.ca.on.slip129-37-163-200
0.00 0.00 27127 1 | net.ibm.id.jk.slip202-135-5-70
0.01 0.01 31107 6 | net.ibm.us.ca.slip166-72-214-68
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.ibm.us.nj.slip166-72-227-108
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.ibm.us.nj.slip166-72-227-66
0.11 0.07 413675 120 | net.ica.box1-n4-ip101-toronto
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.ican.syracuse-01.ppp-041
0.02 0.00 1791 17 | net.icx.pm1c
0.02 0.01 53433 17 | net.icx.pm2c
0.01 0.01 66963 10 | net.icx.pm2e
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.ids.egr-ri.dyn062a
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.idt.dc.ts-2.ppp-37
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | net.iglou.cin-2-3
0.01 0.00 28252 15 | net.indy.indy4
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0.01 0.02 152494 16 | net.inexpress.vector
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.infi.cid.pa3dsp21
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0.00 0.00 2983 1 | net.infi.engrs.138521:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | net.infi.engrs.138522:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | net.infi.engrs.138523:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | net.infi.engrs.138524:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | net.infi.engrs.138525:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | net.infi.engrs.138526:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | net.infi.engrs.138527:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | net.infi.engrs.138528:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | net.infi.engrs.138529:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | net.infi.engrs.138530:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | net.infi.engrs.138531:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | net.infi.engrs.138532:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | net.infi.engrs.138533:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | net.infi.engrs.138534:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | net.infi.engrs.138535:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | net.infi.engrs.138536:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | net.infi.engrs.138537:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | net.infi.engrs.138538:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | net.infi.engrs.138539:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | net.infi.engrs.138540:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | net.infi.engrs.138541:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | net.infi.engrs.138542:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | net.infi.engrs.138543:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2017 1 | net.infi.engrs.138544:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1667 1 | net.infi.engrs.138545:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | net.infi.engrs.138546:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2228 1 | net.infi.engrs.138547:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | net.infi.engrs.138548:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | net.infi.engrs.138549:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | net.infi.engrs.138550:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1517 1 | net.infi.engrs.138551:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | net.infi.engrs.138552:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1050 1 | net.infi.engrs.138553:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | net.infi.engrs.138554:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 30411 1 | net.infi.engrs.138555:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | net.infi.engrs.138556:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | net.infi.engrs.138557:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | net.infi.engrs.138558:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.infi.engrs.138559:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.infi.engrs.138560:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.infi.engrs.138561:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 733 1 | net.infi.engrs.138562:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 269 1 | net.infi.engrs.138563:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | net.infi.engrs.138564:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.infi.engrs.138565:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2095 1 | net.infi.engrs.138566:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 28216 1 | net.infi.engrs.138612:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3279 1 | net.infi.engrs.138613:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | net.infi.engrs.138614:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | net.infi.engrs.138615:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 5740 1 | net.infi.engrs.138617:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.infi.engrs.138618:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | net.infi.engrs.138619:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2477 1 | net.infi.engrs.138620:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | net.infi.engrs.138621:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 16305 1 | net.infi.engrs.138654:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138803:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138804:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138805:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138806:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138807:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138808:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138809:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138810:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138811:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138812:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138813:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138814:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138815:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138816:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138817:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138818:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138819:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138820:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138821:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138822:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138823:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138824:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138825:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138826:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138827:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138828:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138829:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138830:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138831:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138832:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1051 1 | net.infi.engrs.138833:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138834:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138835:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138836:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138837:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 31444 1 | net.infi.engrs.138843:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138844:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138845:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.infi.engrs.138846:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138847:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1474 1 | net.infi.engrs.138848:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138849:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3889 1 | net.infi.engrs.138877:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | net.infi.engrs.138880:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2730 1 | net.infi.engrs.138882:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.infi.engrs.138883:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 10015 1 | net.infi.engrs.138884:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 555 1 | net.infi.engrs.138886:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1023 1 | net.infi.engrs.138887:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2430 1 | net.infi.engrs.138888:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 461 1 | net.infi.engrs.138889:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 10363 1 | net.infi.engrs.138890:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2151 1 | net.infi.engrs.138891:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 7867 1 | net.infi.engrs.138892:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2095 1 | net.infi.engrs.138893:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2210 1 | net.infi.engrs.138894:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | net.infi.engrs.138895:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.infi.engrs.138896:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 67044 1 | net.infi.engrs.138897:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 916 1 | net.infi.engrs.138898:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 7310 1 | net.infi.engrs.138899:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1426 1 | net.infi.engrs.138900:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2316 1 | net.infi.engrs.138901:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | net.infi.engrs.138902:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1022 1 | net.infi.engrs.138903:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 33445 1 | net.infi.engrs.138904:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 26253 1 | net.infi.engrs.138905:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138906:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138907:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138908:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138909:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138910:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138911:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138912:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2539 1 | net.infi.engrs.138929:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 3396 1 | net.infi.engrs.138931:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 15919 1 | net.infi.engrs.138939:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1471 1 | net.infi.engrs.138940:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.138941:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | net.infi.engrs.138942:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1171 1 | net.infi.engrs.138943:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 526 1 | net.infi.engrs.138944:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 526 1 | net.infi.engrs.138945:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | net.infi.engrs.138946:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1472 1 | net.infi.engrs.138947:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1890 1 | net.infi.engrs.138948:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1184 1 | net.infi.engrs.138949:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 1259 1 | net.infi.engrs.138950:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 5101 1 | net.infi.engrs.138951:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 6885 1 | net.infi.engrs.139000:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 811 1 | net.infi.engrs.139001:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.139002:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.139003:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2537 1 | net.infi.engrs.139004:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 548 1 | net.infi.engrs.139005:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2477 1 | net.infi.engrs.139006:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.infi.engrs.139007:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 269 1 | net.infi.engrs.139008:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | net.infi.engrs.139009:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 2883 1 | net.infi.engrs.139010:zeppelin
0.00 0.01 59271 1 | net.infi.engrs.139011:zeppelin
0.00 0.00 9376 1 | net.infi.engrs.139029:zeppelin
0.14 0.18 1084704 160 | net.infi.engrs.zeppelin
0.00 0.00 15950 2 | net.infi.fay.pa2dsp22
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | net.infi.nr.pa4dsp5
0.01 0.01 59852 7 | net.infi.nr.pa6dsp15
0.04 0.04 262881 42 | net.infi.orf.pa11dsp23
0.07 0.03 183938 78 | net.infi.orf.pa13dsp22
0.04 0.03 173337 40 | net.infi.orf.pa13dsp24
0.00 0.01 47355 2 | net.infi.orf.pa13dsp9
0.02 0.01 79464 19 | net.infi.orf.pa15dsp11
0.02 0.00 16782 23 | net.infi.orf.pa15dsp13
0.06 0.42 2619574 66 | net.infi.orf.pa15dsp21
0.01 0.00 6935 14 | net.infi.orf.pa16dsp6
0.06 0.07 463976 69 | net.infi.orf.pa17dsp20
0.05 0.04 245093 53 | net.infi.orf.pa19dsp16
0.20 0.19 1194897 229 | net.infi.orf.pa1dsp15
0.04 0.04 256598 50 | net.infi.orf.pa1dsp17
0.02 0.02 104044 26 | net.infi.orf.pa20dsp6
0.02 0.01 33656 23 | net.infi.orf.pa2dsp14
0.04 0.00 7343 48 | net.infi.orf.pa7dsp24
0.02 0.01 84482 28 | net.infi.orf.pa9dsp1
0.01 0.01 76526 10 | net.infi.srq.pa1dsp14
0.05 0.04 238867 58 | net.infi.tech.ts121
0.04 0.04 216847 47 | net.infi.tech.ts122
0.01 0.01 69898 9 | net.infoave.nclxtn.r01.dial-15
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.infoave.scsumt.r11.dial-132
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.infoave.tnmmrl.r02.dial-16
0.00 0.00 12239 4 | net.infomine.dial2
0.00 0.01 70273 2 | net.initco.helena18
0.00 0.00 13355 5 | net.interactive.paterson.host013
0.01 0.01 52948 16 | net.interlynx.ppp01-max3
0.02 0.00 23539 26 | net.interlynx.ppp05-max1
0.02 0.01 42396 25 | net.interlynx.ppp33-max1
0.02 0.00 26246 23 | net.interlynx.ppp34-max2
0.05 0.04 241105 55 | net.interpath.kittyhawk-045
0.02 0.02 125252 28 | net.interserf.serfer23
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | net.inu.pmnac-19
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.inw.ppp03
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.ionet.pri2-04
0.01 0.01 66323 12 | net.ipa.ftsm.pool-110
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.ipass.customs317
0.01 0.01 39088 8 | net.iquest.ind-0002-10
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.iserv.gr-max1-22
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.iserv.gr-max7-51
0.01 0.01 66779 15 | net.ismi.pm2-16
0.01 0.01 45389 10 | net.jps.sac-port31
0.02 0.03 213560 20 | net.kansas.empslip9
0.00 0.00 20527 1 | net.kingston.cdi
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts01.p01
0.01 0.01 32131 10 | net.loop.hwts02.p04
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts04.p23
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts11.p09
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts13.p08
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts13.p09
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.loop.hwts15.p01
0.01 0.01 35579 10 | net.loop.hwts16.p13
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.ltec.xyp44p9
0.07 0.05 293423 82 | net.luminet.lumts-1-46
0.06 0.07 439118 71 | net.magicnet.pm7-06
0.02 0.01 90043 20 | net.magicnet.pm9-05
0.01 0.01 59852 7 | net.magicnet.pm9-24
0.00 0.00 8742 1 | net.maz.www-proxy-2
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | net.mci.atlanta.usr2-dialup4
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | net.mci.campus.may-uky.s05-pm01
0.02 0.02 97948 24 | net.mci.campus.montana.s21-pm03
0.02 0.04 221676 22 | net.mci.campus.s03-pm1
0.01 0.01 77136 10 | net.mci.campus.snaustel.s16-pm08
0.02 0.03 190478 24 | net.mci.washington.usr1-dialup55
0.02 0.04 254779 21 | net.mci.washington.usr1-dialup57
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.mcn.blpm01-171
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.mcr.modem22
0.00 0.00 10208 4 | net.mem.du032
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.mhv.port135
0.00 0.00 12239 4 | net.mhv.port162
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.mich.dialip.pm085-24
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.mich.dialip.pm175-10
0.01 0.02 139687 11 | net.midtown.sl4
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.midwest.cape64
0.01 0.02 96723 15 | net.mint.dialup-25
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | net.mlink.dynamic-ip.a73
0.02 0.00 14028 26 | net.mns.culpeper.a0053
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | net.mnsi.win.dyn124-31
0.02 0.01 89663 25 | net.mnsi.win.dyn208-6-73-11
0.05 0.06 354051 59 | net.moa.ouhub.ppp-pm02-dy-19
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.mts.as3a-p02
0.01 0.01 47343 9 | net.mts.wnklas01-p09
0.01 0.00 24625 7 | net.mwci.rockford.rockford-dial-233
0.04 0.02 147092 42 | net.mwci.rockford.rockford-dial-244
0.01 0.01 86965 11 | net.myriad.dialup595
0.01 0.01 66194 12 | net.napanet.pm-ac1-161
0.01 0.01 49769 6 | net.nauticom.net4.105
0.02 0.01 90068 20 | net.net-link.p2-26
0.01 0.01 81275 6 | net.netacc.dialin-61
0.01 0.00 11183 6 | net.netgate.d116
0.08 0.05 334803 87 | net.netnet.ppp-822-1-8
0.01 0.01 66765 12 | net.netshop.smithers-18
0.01 0.00 1399 13 | net.newwave.pm1s0
0.01 0.00 811 7 | net.newwave.pm1s14
0.01 0.00 1399 13 | net.newwave.pm1s2
0.06 0.05 292394 65 | net.newwave.pm1s22
0.04 0.02 106895 41 | net.newwave.pm1s26
0.01 0.02 111331 13 | net.newwave.pm1s6
0.05 0.05 289146 61 | net.nfx.m12
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.nlanr.tirana
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.nortel.filter-vol
0.03 0.01 39515 34 | net.nrv.server1.port-20
0.03 0.01 62249 29 | net.nrv.server1.port-29
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | net.nrv.server4.port-04
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | net.nt.140123:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | net.nt.140124:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | net.nt.140125:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | net.nt.140126:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 269 1 | net.nt.140127:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | net.nt.140128:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 1698 1 | net.nt.140129:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.nt.140130:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 4376 1 | net.nt.140131:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | net.nt.140132:timmins-134
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.nt.140133:timmins-134
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | net.nt.140134:timmins-134
0.14 0.15 911626 156 | net.nuri.sal125
0.01 0.02 133319 11 | net.nuri.sal196
0.04 0.03 164330 42 | net.odyssee.as2qp9
0.00 0.00 10765 1 | net.oklahoma.tulsa.aux123
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | net.one.access.port-19-5
0.07 0.05 305290 77 | net.one.access.port-3-28
0.01 0.01 53223 16 | net.p-c-net.pm1-2
0.06 0.03 198097 62 | net.pacbell.anhm01.ppp-206-170-67-69
0.01 0.01 61596 10 | net.pacbell.nhwd02.ppp-206-170-219-142
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.pacbell.okld03.ppp-206-170-3-77
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | net.pacbell.rdcy01.ppp-206-170-5-214
0.01 0.01 76804 8 | net.pacbell.snfc21.ppp-206-170-32-204
0.01 0.01 31254 8 | net.pacbell.sntc01.ppp-206-170-27-90
0.00 0.00 6051 1 | net.pacbell.wnck11.ppp-206-170-4-84
0.01 0.01 35711 11 | net.pacificnet.pm2-29
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | net.pacificnet.pm5-25
0.00 0.00 30210 4 | net.peakaccess.si1.dialup.ppp0
0.05 0.07 463997 60 | net.pi.ihgl30
0.00 0.00 20527 1 | net.piedmont
0.06 0.07 407079 71 | net.pinn.aspen-16
0.00 0.00 392 4 | net.pinn.aspen-44
0.06 0.03 207598 66 | net.pinn.aspen-45
0.08 0.19 1172135 86 | net.pinn.aspen-56
0.06 0.04 247069 72 | net.pinn.jungfrau-13
0.04 0.03 155475 41 | net.pinn.jungfrau-35
0.07 0.10 618903 81 | net.pinn.jungfrau-4
0.01 0.01 45266 13 | net.pinn.jungfrau-42
0.01 0.01 50125 7 | net.pinn.jungfrau-43
0.03 0.02 134671 31 | net.pinn.jungfrau-7
0.00 0.01 44618 5 | net.pinn.jungfrau-8
0.03 0.02 139697 35 | net.pinn.orange
0.09 0.00 28981 100 | net.pinn.ppp-a-28
0.00 0.01 42103 4 | net.pinn.ppp-a-35
0.00 0.00 1298 2 | net.pinn.ppp-a-42
0.06 0.05 288868 66 | net.pinn.ppp-g-24
0.03 0.05 334939 39 | net.pinn.ppp-g-42
0.08 0.07 448550 88 | net.pinn.vail-15
0.08 0.02 103867 90 | net.pinn.vail-23
0.02 0.01 58238 20 | net.pinn.vail-30
0.00 0.00 18702 4 | net.pinn.vail-45
0.02 0.00 15366 17 | net.pinn.vail-46
0.06 0.25 1554934 70 | net.pinn.vail-63
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.pitnet.port15
0.01 0.01 66278 12 | net.pond.p1p8
0.01 0.01 42793 15 | net.premier.dialup.ts2093
0.02 0.03 184080 21 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy4
0.01 0.02 100720 13 | net.prtc.modem
0.01 0.01 68944 10 | net.ptd.eph.cs3-06
0.01 0.01 85328 10 | net.ptd.eph.cs3-08
0.06 0.03 174517 71 | net.ptd.str.cs9-05
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | net.ptd.sun.cs4-05
0.10 0.10 641646 114 | net.regio.proxy
0.01 0.01 67138 9 | net.rosenet.ppp013
0.08 0.04 267692 91 | net.sabre.cosmo
0.00 0.00 8836 1 | net.saix.wc.cbs25-02-p02
0.00 0.00 16351 1 | net.satnet.gye.dial1
0.02 0.01 40995 17 | net.shelby.shelby-139
0.01 0.01 37389 7 | net.shentel.eb6ppp29
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.shore.bstnma.pm20-48
0.00 0.00 4662 1 | net.silkera.tp.ts01-ip17
0.01 0.02 100943 14 | net.sky.ip206
0.01 0.04 253439 6 | net.sky.ip80
0.01 0.02 114684 14 | net.skyenet.ts01-ply-2
0.01 0.00 25418 7 | net.smart.fi
0.01 0.01 49379 10 | net.snet.nrwc00-sh1-port44
0.04 0.01 37963 40 | net.sowest.dialup1
0.04 0.06 387171 50 | net.speednet.129-141
0.04 0.03 201434 49 | net.srv.ras617
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | net.stratos.pm3-5
0.01 0.00 22316 6 | net.stratos.pm5-8
0.06 0.09 541838 65 | net.super.hk.annex5-38
0.01 0.02 111567 11 | net.swbell.hstntx.ppp-207-193-8-212
0.01 0.01 35579 10 | net.swbell.hstntx.ppp-207-193-8-43
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.swbell.hstntx.ppp-207-193-8-77
0.06 0.06 401891 64 | net.synapse.violin-20
0.02 0.02 94382 25 | net.tbaytel.redditt3
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | net.tcsn.ppp141
0.03 0.01 41954 30 | net.tdi.annex-p12
0.18 0.23 1394727 200 | net.teclink.tc1_38
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.telalink.nash.pm3-04-dyn4-193
0.07 0.07 449152 74 | net.tethys.net7
0.03 0.03 171265 39 | net.tfs.node21
0.04 0.04 224992 48 | net.thecia.madmax01.ppp-69
0.05 0.04 269040 56 | net.thenet.a2p243
0.00 0.00 10628 1 | net.tiac.138579:deburm
0.00 0.00 3697 1 | net.tiac.138580:deburm
0.00 0.00 3014 1 | net.tiac.138581:deburm
0.00 0.00 2645 1 | net.tiac.138582:deburm
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | net.tiac.138583:deburm
0.00 0.00 1903 1 | net.tiac.138584:deburm
0.00 0.00 1796 1 | net.tiac.138585:deburm
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | net.tiac.138586:deburm
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | net.tiac.138587:deburm
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | net.tiac.138588:deburm
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | net.tiac.138589:deburm
0.00 0.00 1711 1 | net.tiac.138590:deburm
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | net.tiac.138591:deburm
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | net.tiac.138592:deburm
0.00 0.00 1878 1 | net.tiac.138593:deburm
0.00 0.00 1826 1 | net.tiac.138594:deburm
0.00 0.00 2757 1 | net.tiac.138595:deburm
0.00 0.00 1028 1 | net.tiac.138596:deburm
0.00 0.00 2064 1 | net.tiac.138597:deburm
0.00 0.01 32133 1 | net.tiac.138598:deburm
0.00 0.00 4264 1 | net.tiac.138599:deburm
0.00 0.00 1308 1 | net.tiac.138600:deburm
0.00 0.00 10623 1 | net.tiac.138601:deburm
0.00 0.00 4113 1 | net.tiac.138602:deburm
0.00 0.00 13882 1 | net.tiac.138603:deburm
0.00 0.00 2838 1 | net.tiac.138604:deburm
0.00 0.00 421 1 | net.tiac.138605:deburm
0.00 0.00 6099 1 | net.tiac.138606:deburm
0.00 0.00 11834 1 | net.tiac.sunspot
0.04 0.02 120626 47 | net.tip.dial.a710013
0.08 0.04 275841 92 | net.tip.ita.forst
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | net.tis.bhm.max1_dyn_20
0.01 0.00 26596 9 | net.tld.ppp31
0.06 0.05 279274 68 | net.together.ramp.port-44-max-btv-01
0.01 0.00 13841 6 | net.tomco.max4-40
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | net.torfree.queen
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.trellis.user111
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | net.twave.ppp5
0.00 0.01 86163 4 | net.ultra.cinna
0.01 0.03 210432 11 | net.usachoice.s0
0.01 0.01 76526 10 | net.usaor.dyn143
0.01 0.01 56475 10 | net.usit.dynamic.bway-slip15
0.00 0.01 32948 1 | net.uslink.dial-47
0.01 0.00 25576 7 | net.uu.ms.az.phoenix.max5.cust111
0.02 0.01 80495 24 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max10.cust98
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max19.cust61
0.00 0.00 196 2 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max23.cust52
0.00 0.01 34572 1 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max23.cust86
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max25.cust69
0.00 0.01 49332 1 | net.uu.ms.ca.los-angeles.max4.cust109
0.01 0.01 44170 8 | net.uu.ms.ca.san-diego.max8.cust30
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | net.uu.ms.ca.san-francisco.max3.cust87
0.01 0.01 76526 10 | net.uu.ms.ca.santa-clara.max13.cust23
0.01 0.01 76526 10 | net.uu.ms.ca.santa-clara.max4.cust125
0.03 0.03 163479 31 | net.uu.ms.co.denver.max9.cust106
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max1.cust58
0.05 0.10 590977 52 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust115
0.05 0.04 277324 61 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust17
0.05 0.04 252136 57 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust27
0.12 0.16 990235 136 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max19.cust63
0.04 0.03 215195 41 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max21.cust120
0.04 0.03 212236 45 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max5.cust19
0.02 0.02 112715 26 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max5.cust49
0.01 0.00 15631 6 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max8.cust1
0.04 0.04 242538 48 | net.uu.ms.dc.washington.max9.cust120
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.uu.ms.fl.orlando.max21.cust115
0.01 0.10 592553 6 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max32.cust65
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.uu.ms.ga.atlanta.max34.cust77
0.01 0.01 75787 16 | net.uu.ms.il.chicago.max9.cust54
0.01 0.00 22762 9 | net.uu.ms.in.indianapolis.max3.cust15
0.01 0.01 59075 12 | net.uu.ms.nj.newark.max1.cust96
0.01 0.01 60126 8 | net.uu.ms.ny.new-york.max10.cust96
0.01 0.02 133258 11 | net.uu.ms.ny.new-york.max24.cust106
0.01 0.02 102175 15 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max1.cust105
0.01 0.01 46932 9 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max12.cust49
0.01 0.00 1105 10 | net.uu.ms.oh.cleveland.max22.cust101
0.01 0.02 93520 10 | net.uu.ms.on.toronto.max2.cust28
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | net.uu.ms.tx.houston.max4.cust39
0.01 0.01 60126 8 | net.uu.ms.tx.irving.max2.cust22
0.01 0.00 23755 7 | net.uu.ms.wa.seattle.max23.cust14
0.01 0.01 57699 9 | net.vicon.hppp28
0.01 0.01 85978 11 | net.vicon.hppp29
0.01 0.01 53749 11 | net.videotron.mmtl.135.ppp140
0.01 0.02 131325 15 | net.videotron.mmtl.135.ppp208
0.04 0.06 394229 48 | net.videotron.mmtl.245.ppp154
0.06 0.02 119561 71 | net.visi.glc.ppp-2-05
0.00 0.00 15857 1 | net.visi.nn.138029:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | net.visi.nn.138030:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 4047 1 | net.visi.nn.138031:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1514 1 | net.visi.nn.138033:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2632 1 | net.visi.nn.138034:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1955 1 | net.visi.nn.138036:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 18148 1 | net.visi.nn.138037:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2191 1 | net.visi.nn.138038:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 3449 1 | net.visi.nn.138039:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1836 1 | net.visi.nn.138040:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1814 1 | net.visi.nn.138041:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2633 1 | net.visi.nn.138042:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 3459 1 | net.visi.nn.138043:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1563 1 | net.visi.nn.138044:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2630 1 | net.visi.nn.138045:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1615 1 | net.visi.nn.138046:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1779 1 | net.visi.nn.138047:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2239 1 | net.visi.nn.138048:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2628 1 | net.visi.nn.138049:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 7459 1 | net.visi.nn.138050:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2091 1 | net.visi.nn.138051:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1675 1 | net.visi.nn.138052:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | net.visi.nn.138053:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1879 1 | net.visi.nn.138054:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2859 1 | net.visi.nn.138055:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2983 1 | net.visi.nn.138056:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 3256 1 | net.visi.nn.138057:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.01 31444 1 | net.visi.nn.138058:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1474 1 | net.visi.nn.138061:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.visi.nn.138062:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.visi.nn.138063:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 4095 1 | net.visi.nn.138064:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 3317 1 | net.visi.nn.138065:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | net.visi.nn.138066:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1296 1 | net.visi.nn.138067:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 8961 1 | net.visi.nn.138068:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 16071 1 | net.visi.nn.138069:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1471 1 | net.visi.nn.138070:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2275 1 | net.visi.nn.138071:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 269 1 | net.visi.nn.138072:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1171 1 | net.visi.nn.138073:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1132 1 | net.visi.nn.138074:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1149 1 | net.visi.nn.138075:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1145 1 | net.visi.nn.138076:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 5101 1 | net.visi.nn.138077:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 5312 1 | net.visi.nn.138078:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 282 1 | net.visi.nn.138079:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.01 45322 1 | net.visi.nn.138080:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 284 1 | net.visi.nn.138081:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 284 1 | net.visi.nn.138082:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 284 1 | net.visi.nn.138083:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 714 1 | net.visi.nn.138084:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 2514 1 | net.visi.nn.138085:ppp-1-41
0.00 0.00 1042 1 | net.visi.nn.138086:ppp-1-41
0.01 0.01 46815 7 | net.visi.nn.ppp-1-02
0.05 0.04 265748 61 | net.visi.nn.ppp-1-13
0.02 0.01 66500 21 | net.visi.nn.ppp-1-18
0.05 0.02 95228 57 | net.visi.nn.ppp-1-32
0.09 0.08 502106 104 | net.visi.nn.ppp-2-11
0.02 0.00 16409 20 | net.visi.nn.ppp-2-16
0.01 0.01 66402 12 | net.vnet.bquinn
0.05 0.04 255518 60 | net.vnet.switchblade
0.03 0.03 164484 39 | net.voyager.dial.grpd47
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | net.voyageronline.chatt.ppp-1-227
0.00 0.00 360 2 | net.wavetech.dynam.pm-2-047
0.07 0.33 2011657 76 | net.webtv.alma.iap.proxy-13
0.00 0.00 16844 1 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-10
0.10 0.09 549676 113 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-2
0.07 0.07 436642 82 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-5
0.04 0.03 208641 48 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-6
0.09 0.10 622916 106 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-7
0.07 0.27 1681934 80 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-8
0.06 0.05 330084 70 | net.webtv.alma.isp.proxy-9
0.01 0.01 31107 6 | net.webtv.bryant.iap.proxy-110
0.00 0.01 37555 2 | net.wf.ppp15
0.01 0.01 70078 10 | net.whidbey.asn26
0.00 0.04 240760 4 | net.why.why146
0.01 0.00 15709 7 | net.win.dial-02
0.00 0.00 5589 1 | net.wing.ppp33224
0.00 0.00 9235 3 | net.wisp.shell
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | net.x-press.tss1-26
0.01 0.00 22275 6 | nl.delftgeot.pc358
0.01 0.00 23691 11 | nl.dsv.pm1-22
0.02 0.01 79526 23 | nl.euronet.ede.p003
0.01 0.00 1641 7 | nl.euronet.ede.p019
0.00 0.00 24947 5 | nl.euronet.ztm.p406
0.00 0.00 13110 2 | nl.flnet.lly.mdm170
0.00 0.00 180 1 | nl.introweb.mod8
0.01 0.02 134308 16 | nl.nni.pcc070
0.04 0.03 196426 40 | nl.tip.pop.amsterdam101
0.01 0.01 66022 12 | nl.tip.pop.breda20
0.01 0.01 36754 6 | nl.tip.pop.leiden24
0.01 0.00 24168 7 | nl.tno.ind.kar
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | nl.tudelft.lr.dutlstc
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | nl.tudelft.tudos14
0.01 0.01 52894 16 | nl.tudelft.twi.dutinmg
0.01 0.00 22373 7 | nl.wau.dlbecon.flex210
0.01 0.01 80553 13 | nl.wau.fenk.terts
0.04 0.02 97322 43 | nl.worldonline.asd3-p43
0.00 0.00 7271 1 | nl.worldonline.hglo2-p17
0.01 0.02 101712 10 | nl.zeelandnet.p81
0.00 0.00 6905 1 | no.hia.krs.vl200-4063
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | no.multinet.node4
0.04 0.03 197858 49 | no.online.bergen309
0.01 0.00 28204 15 | no.online.stord205
0.01 0.01 80338 7 | no.sn.ppp.nm14-1
0.05 0.04 217915 56 | no.sn.ppp.sandnes-13
0.01 0.00 2507 16 | no.sn.ppp.sandnes-4
0.02 0.00 8931 23 | no.sn.ppp.sandnes2-8
0.02 0.02 94640 25 | no.telepost.heathcomm214
0.00 0.22 1335356 1 | no.telepost.oppegard106
0.02 0.02 107440 24 | no.telepost.oslo409
0.02 0.00 26503 20 | no.unit.ed.ozelot
0.07 0.05 328866 79 | no.unit.ivb.stud.r305pc8
0.02 0.01 75278 22 | nz.co.earthlight.sol
0.00 0.00 27127 1 | nz.co.ihug.port1531-auck
0.02 0.03 174373 23 | nz.co.iprolink.ts4-16
0.00 0.00 17634 5 | nz.co.xtra.wyvern
0.03 0.02 126682 37 | nz.cri.lincoln.lrl-4009
0.02 0.01 76834 23 | nz.cri.lincoln.lrl-4091
0.01 0.01 40053 8 | nz.cri.niwa.clam
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | org.abi.ppp0
0.08 0.06 365007 88 | org.archive.widener
0.01 0.01 88452 6 | org.autobahn.dialup29-berkeley
0.03 0.02 144057 38 | org.awwa.jginley
0.01 0.01 64080 14 | org.castle-amber
0.06 0.03 159989 70 | org.cbn.sampson
0.00 0.00 16564 1 | org.cyberspace.grex
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | org.eee.onuser15
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | org.eee.onuser7
0.01 0.03 180306 6 | org.efn.dynip26
0.00 0.00 15873 1 | org.ghc.sylvester
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | org.igc.ppp12
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | org.kphealthcare.ord-firewall1
0.00 0.00 15873 1 | org.mitre.gatekeeper
0.01 0.02 133743 11 | org.nesc.cell
0.02 0.03 159064 17 | org.nm.rodial6
0.02 0.02 110787 27 | org.nmaa.ppp67
0.02 0.01 47274 21 | org.nslsilus.juk101
0.02 0.02 131192 19 | org.oclc.dev.dhcp210-230
0.00 0.00 17790 1 | org.prairienet.bluestem
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | org.scientology.ns2
0.02 0.05 327557 19 | org.sunset.mephisto
0.00 0.00 16607 4 | org.win.winch-as1-35
0.00 0.01 35580 2 | org.win.winch-as1-38
0.04 0.01 53631 44 | org.wois.karen
0.00 0.00 180 1 | pl.bielsko.pb.kmr.pc01
0.02 0.03 169995 21 | pl.bielsko.pb.kmr.pc05
0.01 0.00 15765 7 | pl.bielsko.pb.kmr.pc08
0.02 0.03 181149 19 | pl.edu.amu.maius.maius170
0.03 0.08 518155 29 | pl.edu.icm.mite
0.00 0.00 5287 4 | pl.edu.icm.sunsite
0.17 0.22 1345449 194 | pl.edu.pw.iem.s3
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | pl.lodz.p.kwmik-pc-1
0.00 0.00 24756 1 | pl.wroc.pwr.stud.azs
0.02 0.03 191197 18 | pt.telepac.lis11_p5
0.01 0.02 148935 11 | pt.unl.fct.dcea.pc-h7
0.00 0.00 4492 1 | ru.com.prtb.ras-04
0.06 0.03 175200 72 | ru.mgdtd.astro.class-2
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | ru.relcom.dialup.abimpe-kiae
0.00 0.01 37111 1 | se.algonet.ppp.du107-24
0.00 0.01 41140 1 | se.algonet.ppp.du113-1
0.01 0.10 643787 11 | se.algonet.ppp.du123-3
0.00 0.03 175537 3 | se.algonet.ppp.du182-0
0.01 0.01 70074 9 | se.algonet.ppp.du190-0
0.00 0.03 179566 3 | se.algonet.ppp.du203-4
0.01 0.08 493022 15 | se.algonet.ppp.du219-25
0.01 0.01 76778 10 | se.algonet.ppp.du39-25
0.00 0.02 138426 2 | se.arosnet.di-17
0.01 0.00 28195 15 | se.arosnet.di-27
0.00 0.03 163182 3 | se.bahnhof.pppnode17
0.00 0.02 138426 2 | se.cap.dns
0.01 0.01 46243 9 | se.chalmers.chestud.bergman
0.01 0.03 196983 10 | se.chalmers.chestud.ekeberg
0.01 0.03 202194 13 | se.chalmers.dtek.hacke-sl5
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | se.chalmers.kat.katpc15
0.00 0.00 5684 1 | se.dataphone.dialup-01-04
0.01 0.10 623014 9 | se.enator.ns
0.04 0.03 173299 40 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.blizzard-ext
0.91 0.60 3738876 1018 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.frost-ext
0.10 0.15 953620 114 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.polar-ext
0.10 0.15 916681 107 | se.hb.bhs.c1090
0.01 0.03 170344 14 | se.hh.omikron
0.02 0.03 159670 19 | se.kth.ce.mg213
0.00 0.03 187938 4 | se.liu.ida.su12-1
0.00 0.02 138426 2 | se.liu.ida.su12-3
0.00 0.02 138606 3 | se.liu.student.ryd.c106
0.03 0.08 524733 37 | se.mdh.idt.lab7_8
0.00 0.05 282079 4 | se.norrkoping.adb-novix
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | se.oskarshamn.ns
0.01 0.02 105702 11 | se.pi.sth.d511
0.40 0.42 2594595 455 | se.skelleftea.encore
0.00 0.00 180 1 | se.skurup.ub8
0.07 0.03 209240 84 | se.smhi.wssu13
0.00 0.06 375022 4 | se.swipnet.dialup101-3-7
0.01 0.00 19051 16 | se.swipnet.dialup102-2-13
0.26 0.41 2514680 295 | se.swipnet.dialup103-2-16
0.00 0.00 6300 1 | se.swipnet.dialup103-5-14
0.03 0.08 508034 33 | se.swipnet.dialup107-4-16
0.01 0.02 98415 10 | se.swipnet.dialup109-1-6
0.00 0.01 37111 1 | se.swipnet.dialup110-6-3
0.01 0.06 389609 9 | se.swipnet.dialup113-7-11
0.00 0.03 200473 5 | se.swipnet.dialup118-2-5
0.07 0.06 380058 77 | se.swipnet.dialup119-3-1
0.01 0.06 372685 6 | se.swipnet.dialup123-1-16
0.00 0.01 57524 1 | se.swipnet.dialup80-1-2
0.09 0.05 334701 97 | se.swipnet.dialup80-7-3
0.00 0.03 187758 3 | se.swipnet.dialup86-5-13
0.01 0.00 28097 15 | se.swipnet.dialup89-5-7
0.09 0.14 844266 103 | se.swipnet.dialup93-1-3
0.00 0.02 138426 2 | se.swipnet.dialup93-3-1
0.01 0.08 467496 12 | se.swipnet.dialup94-3-16
0.01 0.02 109904 10 | se.swipnet.dialup95-2-3
0.00 0.01 40222 1 | se.swipnet.dialup96-5-2
0.00 0.05 282393 5 | se.swipnet.dialup99-1-13
0.01 0.01 55235 6 | se.swipnet.dialup99-5-15
0.00 0.00 30664 2 | se.swipnet.dialup99-7-11
0.00 0.03 199799 2 | se.telia.proxy10
0.01 0.00 14592 6 | se.tripnet.d-6
0.09 0.14 844372 103 | se.uu.csd.buzzard
0.06 0.09 536006 66 | se.uu.csd.crow
0.04 0.01 69524 50 | se.uu.csd.mac-029-1
0.09 0.13 816234 97 | se.uu.csd.swan
0.04 0.06 367676 44 | se.uu.student.jynx2
0.01 0.00 15870 7 | se.volvo.gatekeeper
0.03 0.06 360778 30 | se.whattodo.nt2
0.00 0.00 2316 1 | sg.ac.ntu.peso
0.01 0.01 31254 8 | sg.com.singnet.foxglove
0.03 0.04 272048 37 | sg.com.singnet.rose
0.00 0.00 24176 2 | sg.edu.nus.liberty
0.00 0.01 49332 1 | sg.nus.ftpserver
0.06 0.05 294554 66 | si.arnes.ppp16-kr2
0.01 0.02 102489 9 | sk.eunet.proxy
0.01 0.01 52949 16 | sk.stuba.cvt.peon
0.12 0.08 507458 136 | th.co.inet.mozart
0.01 0.00 27133 6 | th.co.loxinfo.lox2
0.01 0.00 23691 11 | tr.edu.emu.host_193_140_44_085
0.01 0.01 79640 13 | tr.edu.itu.hydro.rain
0.00 0.01 54417 1 | tr.edu.marun.cc.dialup-4
0.10 0.13 803558 111 | tr.edu.metu.cc.rorqual
0.01 0.00 23691 11 | tr.edu.metu.stat.pc01
0.01 0.01 36430 6 | tr.net.servis.ppp14
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | tr.net.unimedya.ppp-10
0.00 0.00 4083 1 | tr.org.ato.plexus
0.01 0.00 25837 7 | tw.edu.nchu.hsiao
0.02 0.06 374822 19 | tw.edu.ndhu.a9306
0.01 0.03 162633 12 | ua.kiev.gu.ns1
0.01 0.02 131325 15 | uk.ac.bham.cen161
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | uk.ac.bournemouth.pc3921
0.00 0.00 28346 3 | uk.ac.bris.ggy.p07
0.08 0.12 767437 93 | uk.ac.essex.sf138
0.01 0.01 65766 7 | uk.ac.ex.info
0.01 0.01 81697 10 | uk.ac.gre.dionysus-11
0.01 0.01 70121 10 | uk.ac.hensa.poppy
0.06 0.05 286531 62 | uk.ac.hensa.sorrel
0.06 0.03 184639 62 | uk.ac.lgu.pcmgmp045
0.01 0.01 68749 8 | uk.ac.lut.mac-cv022
0.05 0.01 46176 53 | uk.ac.man.cs.mcspcb04
0.00 0.00 11029 4 | uk.ac.mcc.norse
0.02 0.02 135801 18 | uk.ac.newi.boynsr
0.02 0.05 308851 22 | uk.ac.nottingham.wsbicl8
0.02 0.04 272034 24 | uk.ac.port.iso.alpha4
0.01 0.01 82882 10 | uk.ac.qmw.stu.sigma
0.02 0.00 28281 22 | uk.ac.staffs.lbcro103
0.02 0.07 441852 18 | uk.ac.ucl.ee.airport
0.01 0.02 112891 10 | uk.ac.unl.p130-43
0.01 0.01 66243 12 | uk.ac.uwe.portal
0.00 0.01 80296 4 | uk.co.bbc.gateb
0.01 0.01 32595 6 | uk.co.bbc.gatec
0.01 0.01 65896 12 | uk.co.demon.billbell
0.01 0.01 40089 15 | uk.co.globalnet.client84cf
0.06 0.02 119936 71 | uk.co.netcomuk.dialup-08-26
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