Access Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineering Web Server |
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Last updated: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 01:10:02 (GMT -0500)
Totals for Summary Period: Jan 1 1999 to Feb 5 1999
Files Transmitted During Summary Period 260482
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 1450243660
Average Files Transmitted Daily 7236
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 40284546
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
0.67 0.77 11220112 1755 | Jan 1 1999
1.36 1.07 15552635 3534 | Jan 2 1999
1.39 1.18 17131012 3612 | Jan 3 1999
2.69 2.40 34816248 7015 | Jan 4 1999
3.68 3.16 45886113 9583 | Jan 5 1999
2.80 2.46 35636646 7292 | Jan 6 1999
3.55 2.85 41318224 9240 | Jan 7 1999
2.98 3.30 47866400 7759 | Jan 8 1999
1.79 2.02 29335962 4654 | Jan 9 1999
1.27 1.23 17818883 3304 | Jan 10 1999
4.54 4.05 58731606 11834 | Jan 11 1999
4.92 4.06 58830310 12819 | Jan 12 1999
2.85 2.14 31026341 7429 | Jan 13 1999
4.13 3.12 45271332 10762 | Jan 14 1999
3.14 2.55 36947719 8174 | Jan 15 1999
1.86 1.46 21219058 4841 | Jan 16 1999
1.66 1.78 25797798 4325 | Jan 17 1999
2.81 2.93 42480274 7309 | Jan 18 1999
3.02 2.58 37418763 7873 | Jan 19 1999
3.45 3.36 48793054 8983 | Jan 20 1999
4.17 3.61 52326051 10865 | Jan 21 1999
3.76 2.72 39395522 9785 | Jan 22 1999
1.32 1.30 18887788 3440 | Jan 23 1999
1.64 1.23 17823951 4275 | Jan 24 1999
3.60 3.67 53247469 9386 | Jan 25 1999
2.76 2.79 40404519 7202 | Jan 26 1999
3.76 11.39 165179947 9788 | Jan 27 1999
2.97 6.91 100253969 7742 | Jan 28 1999
3.55 2.72 39439926 9259 | Jan 29 1999
1.54 1.29 18647213 4022 | Jan 30 1999
2.05 1.66 24140008 5345 | Jan 31 1999
3.40 2.67 38657603 8867 | Feb 1 1999
3.81 3.58 51946270 9923 | Feb 2 1999
3.27 3.02 43758869 8512 | Feb 3 1999
3.65 2.78 40273543 9505 | Feb 4 1999
0.18 0.19 2762522 469 | Feb 5 1999
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
2.56 2.54 36826971 6667 | 00
3.40 2.57 37273883 8847 | 01
2.04 2.19 31715219 5313 | 02
1.63 2.17 31466571 4239 | 03
1.98 2.32 33701458 5152 | 04
2.09 2.37 34424718 5454 | 05
1.78 2.04 29646979 4638 | 06
3.25 2.78 40270541 8460 | 07
4.13 3.70 53700992 10751 | 08
4.15 3.54 51296337 10822 | 09
5.30 4.03 58468911 13805 | 10
6.31 8.87 128708684 16432 | 11
5.81 4.70 68218789 15135 | 12
6.55 13.98 202690106 17066 | 13
6.66 5.73 83091927 17344 | 14
6.09 5.53 80178230 15871 | 15
5.97 4.83 70018920 15552 | 16
5.05 4.66 67601739 13144 | 17
5.82 4.22 61238026 15162 | 18
3.71 3.62 52447323 9673 | 19
3.87 3.75 54418196 10087 | 20
3.98 3.18 46105482 10368 | 21
4.28 3.48 50469745 11154 | 22
3.59 3.19 46263913 9346 | 23

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.04 0.05 765316 110 | ae United Arab Emirates
0.19 0.16 2342517 487 | ar Argentina
0.27 0.30 4304648 712 | at Austria
0.77 0.74 10709994 2011 | au Australia
0.58 0.51 7419470 1523 | be Belgium
0.03 0.02 283630 73 | bg Bulgaria
0.00 0.01 129345 10 | bh Bahrain
0.01 0.01 151272 37 | bo Bolivia
0.27 0.19 2821185 692 | br Brazil
1.35 1.23 17776832 3525 | ca Canada
1.18 0.88 12779947 3079 | ch Switzerland
0.09 0.05 654599 242 | cl Chile
0.15 0.15 2181025 379 | cn China
0.03 0.05 694316 76 | co Colombia
0.02 0.02 236797 60 | cy Cyprus
0.02 0.02 327072 58 | cz Czech Republic
0.94 0.84 12188809 2444 | de Germany
0.20 0.16 2352645 526 | dk Denmark
0.00 0.00 38715 13 | do Dominican Republic
0.05 0.08 1128091 126 | ec Ecuador
0.00 0.00 25596 7 | ee Estonia
0.40 0.57 8275374 1034 | es Spain
0.00 0.00 44838 4 | et Ethiopia
0.39 0.41 5938459 1011 | fi Finland
1.20 1.93 28029726 3123 | fr France
0.10 0.08 1105005 254 | gr Greece
0.57 0.46 6603980 1486 | hk Hong Kong
0.00 0.01 93530 8 | hr Croatia (Hrvatska)
0.29 0.30 4339606 758 | hu Hungary
0.09 0.18 2634014 235 | id Indonesia
0.21 0.15 2246141 541 | ie Ireland
0.11 0.06 901522 281 | il Israel
0.39 0.33 4751746 1006 | in India
0.01 0.01 180673 17 | is Iceland
0.73 0.81 11701232 1896 | it Italy
0.00 0.01 188544 10 | jo Jordan
1.45 1.24 18039258 3767 | jp Japan
0.90 0.92 13291636 2357 | kr Korea (South)
0.04 0.06 803693 106 | lb Lebanon
0.00 0.00 5842 1 | lk Sri Lanka
0.10 0.10 1495330 270 | lt Lithuania
0.01 0.01 113361 17 | lu Luxembourg
0.01 0.00 42742 14 | md Moldova
0.02 0.02 228447 58 | mu Mauritius
0.05 0.17 2464579 143 | mx Mexico
0.31 0.33 4789203 803 | my Malaysia
0.01 0.00 59552 16 | ni Nicaragua
0.74 0.64 9294260 1939 | nl Netherlands
0.19 0.21 3061665 491 | no Norway
0.01 0.01 73995 25 | nu Niue
0.11 0.10 1462207 294 | nz New Zealand (Aotearoa)
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | pe Peru
0.00 0.00 63135 7 | ph Philippines
0.13 0.26 3745323 330 | pl Poland
0.19 0.21 3014733 500 | pt Portugal
0.01 0.01 137178 17 | qa Qatar
0.01 0.00 70765 30 | ro Romania
0.02 0.03 380273 60 | ru Russian Federation
0.48 0.46 6611702 1246 | se Sweden
0.41 0.36 5270444 1070 | sg Singapore
0.07 0.06 846896 192 | si Slovenia
0.03 0.03 409339 77 | th Thailand
0.22 0.28 4103456 567 | tr Turkey
0.00 0.00 18045 1 | tt Trinidad and Tobago
0.07 0.06 847234 181 | tw Taiwan
0.04 0.03 475070 103 | ua Ukraine
0.78 0.80 11591160 2044 | uk United Kingdom
1.30 1.11 16090217 3380 | us United States
0.02 0.01 160633 48 | uy Uruguay
0.25 0.14 1981657 646 | ve Venezuela
0.02 0.02 223032 40 | yu Yugoslavia
0.06 0.05 782302 166 | za South Africa
14.02 15.82 229489760 36523 | com US Commercial
6.67 6.26 90837160 17384 | edu US Educational
0.97 0.92 13341642 2530 | gov US Government
2.20 2.88 41712310 5729 | mil US Military
14.10 13.47 195314590 36730 | net Network
0.29 0.23 3332850 767 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.03 0.03 404775 73 | arpa Old style Arpanet
11.79 15.61 226439646 30701 | odu.edu
31.16 26.26 380896179 81178 | unresolved

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
31.16 26.26 380896179 81178 | Unresolved
0.01 0.01 99292 16 | ae.net.emirates.proxy3
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | ae.net.emirates.proxy4
0.00 0.01 85587 11 | ae.net.emirates.proxya
0.01 0.01 106276 17 | ae.net.emirates.proxyd
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | ae.net.emirates.proxye
0.01 0.01 134125 16 | ae.net.emirates.proxyf
0.01 0.02 230713 24 | ae.net.emirates.proxyj
0.01 0.01 83026 24 | ae.net.emirates.proxyk
0.02 0.01 161555 41 | ar.com.infovia.uc.cor2ppp-425
0.01 0.00 64306 18 | ar.com.infovia.uc.cor2ppp-470
0.01 0.02 241366 19 | ar.com.prima.calamar2
0.00 0.00 54997 9 | ar.com.sminter.ppp45-slot11-sys5000-1
0.13 0.12 1682175 336 | ar.com.xlnet.line71
0.02 0.01 138020 63 | ar.edu.cricyt.lab
0.00 0.00 98 1 | ar.edu.unc.noc
0.01 0.00 67694 17 | arpa.in-addr.141.85.117.ro.pub.ctap.pc3
0.01 0.01 100196 22 | arpa.in-addr.143.225.249.it.unina.pbx
0.00 0.00 39847 9 | arpa.in-addr.198.206.186.com.xylan.nms-eng-23
0.00 0.00 26553 7 | arpa.in-addr.203.19.14.shaggy
0.01 0.01 170485 18 | arpa.in-addr.209.133.111.host057.a-446
0.02 0.07 1008648 63 | at.ac.asn-graz.koeroesi.www
0.00 0.00 11825 5 | at.ac.htl-vil.proxy
0.00 0.00 9039 1 | at.ac.joanneum.ppc593
0.00 0.00 31476 8 | at.ac.sbg.cosy.mammut-fddi
0.17 0.14 2005542 441 | at.ac.tuwien.dialin.a06
0.00 0.01 137666 6 | at.ac.tuwien.dialin.d42
0.00 0.00 13815 6 | at.ac.uni-linz.applphys.sbbuero
0.00 0.00 16280 7 | at.ac.univie.unet3-216
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0.00 0.00 13029 2 | au.gov.tas.nt.franklin
0.02 0.01 180299 45 | au.gov.wa.bs.mulga
0.02 0.01 200600 54 | au.net.aone.bundaberg.cpe.d154-1
0.00 0.01 101582 9 | au.net.aone.melbourne.px2-reg2-hme1
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0.01 0.01 115024 34 | be.ac.kuleuven.geo.geo-74-072
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0.00 0.01 123282 5 | ca.ab.arc.pd144
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0.01 0.01 86251 27 | ca.cyberus.ottawa.dialup.mn.ts5.ip202
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0.00 0.00 16385 2 | ca.mcmaster.csu.fhs
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0.00 0.00 34020 9 | ca.ns.nscc.marconi.pc-37-68
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0.00 0.00 24786 7 | ca.on.loacheng.qnx486
0.00 0.00 25988 7 | ca.on.rit.u1fw
0.03 0.02 305227 73 | ca.on.rmoc.mercury1
0.01 0.01 149274 24 | ca.openface.megalon-6
0.00 0.01 76303 8 | ca.openface.rodan-5
0.01 0.00 59429 17 | ca.orc.as52-comm2-026
0.01 0.01 123808 26 | ca.pangea.ner.dock06-00-13
0.00 0.01 90640 12 | ca.passport.dyn.to1-4-056
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | ca.pe.edu.peiedu-2005
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | ca.qc.csdm
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | ca.qc.cspaysbleuets.srvprx
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | ca.qc.cum.gatekeeper
0.01 0.00 50434 15 | ca.qc.gouv.mef.prx
0.00 0.01 86847 11 | ca.qc.hydro.aragorn
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | ca.qc.interlinx.sherbrooke.utc-5.041
0.00 0.01 174733 12 | ca.qc.mediom.que.ppp233-11
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | ca.qc.pointe-claire.pcpl.poste004
0.01 0.00 49205 32 | ca.qc.rocler.p53
0.00 0.00 31534 7 | ca.qc.sherbrooke.ville
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | ca.rmc.cho5095b
0.02 0.01 172761 50 | ca.rmc.pcesg50
0.01 0.00 60049 17 | ca.sfu.biol.genoffice-1
0.01 0.02 295517 21 | ca.sfu.biol.yang1
0.00 0.00 43399 7 | ca.sfu.morgoth
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | ca.sfu.otp.lab1ws26
0.00 0.00 34046 9 | ca.shaw.wave.cg.h24-64-31-34
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | ca.shaw.wave.ed.h24-65-117-60
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | ca.shaw.wave.mt.h24-64-150-19
0.00 0.00 50852 10 | ca.shaw.wave.rd.h24-65-48-52
0.04 0.02 335244 103 | ca.sk.saskatoon.innovplace.ecsask90
0.00 0.00 43165 10 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-cal-58-2-140
0.00 0.00 1724 1 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-cal-58-2-466
0.00 0.00 43486 12 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-cal-58-2-579
0.00 0.00 18276 6 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-cal-58-2-64
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-lon-uas-03-28
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-lon-uas-07-22
0.00 0.00 28667 8 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-mtl-uas-17-37
0.00 0.00 43433 12 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-mtl-uas-18-22
0.02 0.02 237016 43 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-ott-uas-09-12
0.00 0.00 26679 4 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-ott-uas-09-45
0.01 0.01 95035 24 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-tor-uas-76-24
0.02 0.01 140085 42 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-tor-uas-76-72
0.02 0.01 178476 50 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-tor-uas-97-15
0.02 0.01 194743 53 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-van-58-05-29
0.00 0.00 38019 8 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-van-58-05-541
0.00 0.00 20301 6 | ca.sprint.spc-isp-wsr-uas-02-28
0.00 0.00 29831 7 | ca.statcan.stcweb
0.00 0.00 14317 6 | ca.sympatico.fastweb
0.01 0.02 231116 18 | ca.sympatico.nf.user___1
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | ca.sympatico.ns.hlfx21-47
0.06 0.06 927557 145 | ca.sympatico.sk.arado42
0.01 0.00 56523 15 | ca.sympatico.sk.saro38
0.02 0.01 173147 50 | ca.sympatico.sk.swcrsk02d01040122
0.00 0.03 370672 6 | ca.tuns.feml.eng2587
0.01 0.01 142896 36 | ca.tuns.lib.smurphy
0.02 0.01 102488 44 | ca.tuns.me.migraine
0.02 0.01 153259 44 | ca.ualberta.ucs.webcache
0.00 0.00 50869 13 | ca.ubc.cs.ugrad.valdes
0.05 0.03 492150 137 | ca.ubc.resnet.srtb0511-e12
0.00 0.01 79410 11 | ca.ulaval.gch.sket03
0.01 0.00 60814 16 | ca.ulaval.gci.jlrobert
0.00 0.00 19965 3 | ca.umanitoba.cc.zubra
0.00 0.00 16405 8 | ca.unb.gge.langley
0.00 0.02 344929 6 | ca.unbc.fac.lib-240-13
0.03 0.03 411209 82 | ca.unbc.lab.lib-341-1
0.01 0.01 119766 24 | ca.uniserve.dial.smi1a7
0.00 0.00 21048 8 | ca.uoguelph.net.ppp03-18
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | ca.uottawa.med.danis
0.00 0.00 16202 7 | ca.uqam.sca.icarus
0.00 0.00 2612 1 | ca.uquebec.uqac.dyn32-172
0.01 0.02 258188 14 | ca.uregina.cc.net-ppp37
0.00 0.00 2524 4 | ca.usask.ascl-gl-9
0.02 0.01 176166 46 | ca.usask.dogbert
0.00 0.00 40896 7 | ca.utoronto.chass.ppp43
0.03 0.02 320518 85 | ca.utoronto.civ.gb319l2
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | ca.utoronto.comm.erlang
0.00 0.00 17056 8 | ca.utoronto.dialin.vampire
0.00 0.00 27462 7 | ca.utoronto.ecf.spark28
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | ca.utoronto.erin.eccpc68
0.01 0.01 109023 31 | ca.utoronto.geology.garnet
0.03 0.02 304751 81 | ca.uunet.tor2.dial.tnt1.cust225
0.00 0.00 48313 7 | ca.uunet.tor2.dial.tnt1.cust235
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | ca.uvic.csc.b228-53
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | ca.uvic.dialup.p17-67
0.01 0.01 94113 16 | ca.uvic.ece.kahlua
0.00 0.00 22396 8 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts1p25
0.01 0.00 59552 16 | ca.uwaterloo.swamp
0.03 0.02 288554 87 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar.bridg85
0.00 0.00 19965 3 | ca.uwindsor.firewall
0.00 0.00 24457 7 | ca.uwindsor.fwhttp
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | ca.uwo.slip.ts2-16
0.01 0.00 70977 14 | ca.uwo.slip.ts8-5
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | ca.worldgate.dial.2-092-edm
0.00 0.00 26849 7 | ca.yorku.cs.ariel.ella
0.01 0.00 63763 18 | ch.access.gatezh6-35
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | ch.bluewin.mue63pub203
0.01 0.01 94718 21 | ch.bluewin.mut7pub211
0.01 0.00 65409 19 | ch.bluewin.mut7pub246
0.00 0.00 23437 11 | ch.bluewin.sgw19pub134
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | ch.bluewin.sgw19pub241
0.00 0.01 94981 12 | ch.bluewin.wse24pub83
0.04 0.05 767657 102 | ch.cern.web-cache-1
0.02 0.02 276297 65 | ch.datacomm.line155-zuerich
0.01 0.01 176542 32 | ch.datacomm.line35-zuerich
0.46 0.36 5164604 1195 | ch.digicompzh.janus1
0.00 0.00 47966 12 | ch.emp-eaw.rushmore
0.01 0.02 247371 27 | ch.ethz.ades
0.18 0.10 1400854 462 | ch.ethz.da-9912-2
0.00 0.00 26020 9 | ch.ethz.libje104
0.00 0.00 23722 7 | ch.eurospider.fw
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | ch.fh-aargau.cs.da6300f
0.00 0.00 4169 2 | ch.hispeed.lease107-235
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | ch.ibo.ns
0.36 0.24 3540740 947 | ch.isbe.surfer
0.01 0.01 90340 15 | ch.unizh.access.if43pc01
0.02 0.02 310871 51 | ch.visana.ns
0.02 0.01 128570 41 | ch.worldcom.cache3
0.00 0.00 10593 5 | cl.puc.agr.pc154
0.01 0.00 12561 30 | cl.rdc.proxy2
0.01 0.00 42350 30 | cl.rdc.proxy3
0.07 0.04 589095 177 | cl.rdc.proxy4
0.00 0.01 109949 3 | cn.edu.bnu.email
0.00 0.00 66688 12 | cn.fj.fz.w44
0.07 0.08 1144956 187 | cn.gx.nn.ts-3-3-14
0.03 0.02 253321 79 | cn.gx.nn.ts-3-3-15
0.03 0.03 411999 89 | cn.ha.zz.ppp140
0.00 0.01 194112 9 | cn.he.sj.ppp88
0.01 0.03 447617 39 | co.com.impsat.tnt2-150
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | co.edu.unal.usc.nalsp3
0.00 0.00 71087 4 | co.net.cable.cr48214
0.01 0.00 64311 18 | co.net.epm.serial13131
0.01 0.01 88254 14 | co.net.metrotel.asinc11
0.00 0.00 42691 10 | com.352.hern-134
0.00 0.01 83181 2 | com.3wave.max42
0.01 0.00 64753 16 | com.abacom.dial500
0.02 0.01 185084 51 | com.accessone.pdsadm.c206-213-120-136
0.00 0.01 165885 13 | com.accnorwalk.pm4-217
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | com.acres
0.00 0.00 50975 9 | com.acxiom.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 22505 6 | com.adnc.adnline57-78
0.00 0.00 27943 8 | com.advance-auto.fw1
0.00 0.00 41459 13 | com.advertisnet.planet-p209
0.00 0.00 5848 1 | com.aerojet.gort
0.02 0.01 205909 50 | com.aerotek.proxy1
0.04 0.02 222102 100 | com.aerotek.proxy2
0.01 0.01 83945 37 | com.agcs.websurfer
0.02 0.03 373299 50 | com.aic-fl.dialuppm277
0.00 0.00 65854 12 | com.alaweb.usr-1-ppp17
0.00 0.00 43494 9 | com.alcatel.aud.dynamic
0.00 0.00 30542 7 | com.alcatel.aud.farpoint
0.00 0.01 165057 7 | com.alcoa.atc.na-proxysrvr5
0.25 0.48 6996616 643 | com.alexa.green
0.00 0.00 22508 1 | com.alexa.liza
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.amherst.odo
0.00 0.00 25750 7 | com.amsinc.figffx01
0.10 0.06 885754 265 | com.andassoc.aabbg4
0.00 0.05 692954 13 | com.aol.ipt.167-119-189
0.02 0.01 194959 53 | com.aol.ipt.167-187-72
0.00 0.00 8216 4 | com.aol.ipt.167-241-183
0.03 0.01 209315 84 | com.aol.ipt.167-250-23
0.00 0.00 8378 3 | com.aol.ipt.167-41-181
0.00 0.00 20708 3 | com.aol.ipt.167-88-112
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.170-103-140
0.02 0.03 424223 59 | com.aol.ipt.170-213-118
0.00 0.01 212764 6 | com.aol.ipt.171-107-168
0.00 0.00 9718 1 | com.aol.ipt.171-80-214
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.172-190-123
0.00 0.00 16154 3 | com.aol.ipt.172-252-152
0.00 0.00 65816 11 | com.aol.ipt.172-26-33
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.aol.ipt.173-132-229
0.01 0.00 52343 15 | com.aol.ipt.173-134-29
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | com.aol.ipt.173-246-1
0.01 0.00 68343 19 | com.aol.ipt.174-13-97
0.04 0.03 382351 102 | com.aol.ipt.174-198-209
0.00 0.00 32104 7 | com.aol.ipt.174-78-164
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | com.aol.ipt.175-203-181
0.00 0.01 186872 4 | com.aol.ipt.200-237-155
0.00 0.01 215207 9 | com.aol.ipt.201-18-168
0.01 0.01 174380 38 | com.aol.ipt.202-100-247
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | com.aol.ipt.202-128-219
0.06 0.18 2671898 165 | com.aol.ipt.202-194-183
0.00 0.00 28911 8 | com.aol.ipt.202-231-97
0.01 0.01 102127 22 | com.aol.ipt.202-57-32
0.01 0.01 104880 26 | com.aol.ipt.204-251-151
0.01 0.02 277156 37 | com.aol.ipt.205-111-166
0.00 0.00 10668 6 | com.aol.ipt.205-175-247
0.01 0.01 73851 22 | com.aol.ipt.205-23-208
0.02 0.02 248458 63 | com.aol.ipt.205-28-29
0.00 0.00 2539 1 | com.aol.ipt.205-29-61
0.00 0.00 14317 6 | com.aol.ipt.205-39-139
0.02 0.01 173090 50 | com.aol.ipt.206-170-114
0.00 0.00 47985 9 | com.aol.ipt.206-191-55
0.00 0.00 19811 3 | com.aol.ipt.206-23-160
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | com.aol.ipt.206-249-228
0.00 0.00 48781 2 | com.aol.ipt.207-194-114
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.207-227-92
0.00 0.00 32562 7 | com.aol.ipt.208-161-38
0.01 0.01 179464 22 | com.aol.ipt.208-251-197
0.00 0.00 70327 4 | com.aol.ipt.209-133-194
0.01 0.01 164734 36 | com.aol.ipt.209-178-138
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.211-241-88
0.00 0.00 2065 1 | com.aol.ipt.212-180-192
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.212-201-142
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.212-242-196
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.213-113-67
0.00 0.01 122457 11 | com.aol.ipt.213-116-188
0.03 0.03 468854 87 | com.aol.ipt.213-26-177
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.aol.ipt.213-31-182
0.02 0.02 253260 63 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da01
0.02 0.02 224872 56 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da02
0.03 0.03 422879 68 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da03
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0.02 0.01 213215 48 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da05
0.01 0.00 42628 35 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da06
0.02 0.02 243652 51 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da07
0.02 0.02 286459 41 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da08
0.02 0.02 287386 64 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da09
0.02 0.02 285439 40 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da10
0.00 0.00 4805 3 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da11
0.00 0.00 16916 3 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da12
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | com.aol.proxy.cache-da13
0.01 0.01 169625 38 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db01
0.02 0.01 175499 45 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db02
0.02 0.02 288762 59 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db03
0.02 0.01 175203 53 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db04
0.01 0.01 129339 36 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db05
0.01 0.01 105232 31 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db06
0.01 0.02 319656 35 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db07
0.01 0.01 215028 39 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db08
0.03 0.02 277862 76 | com.aol.proxy.cache-db09
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0.02 0.02 314380 62 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dc07
0.02 0.03 396943 56 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dc08
0.02 0.02 232040 58 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dc09
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0.02 0.07 980289 54 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd01
0.02 0.02 221372 53 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd02
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0.02 0.02 351424 46 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd05
0.02 0.02 283171 52 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd06
0.02 0.02 359791 43 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd07
0.02 0.03 434490 44 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd08
0.02 0.01 203378 55 | com.aol.proxy.cache-dd09
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0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tj072
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0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tl043
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0.00 0.00 1345 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tp022
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0.00 0.00 1241 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tp043
0.00 0.00 1290 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tp054
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tp062
0.00 0.00 3879 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tp082
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tq014
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tq024
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tq054
0.00 0.00 4101 6 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tq061
0.00 0.00 1213 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tq072
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tr051
0.00 0.00 8041 5 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tr061
0.00 0.00 2435 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-tr083
0.00 0.00 2870 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wa011
0.00 0.00 2648 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wa014
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wa031
0.00 0.00 1043 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wa033
0.00 0.00 1248 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wb023
0.00 0.00 6701 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wb024
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wb051
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc011
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc014
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc032
0.00 0.00 1414 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc043
0.00 0.00 2467 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc044
0.00 0.00 2514 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc052
0.00 0.00 2489 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc061
0.00 0.00 2498 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wc062
0.00 0.00 1285 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd011
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd013
0.00 0.00 1539 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd023
0.00 0.00 1264 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd024
0.00 0.00 11212 5 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd041
0.00 0.00 1306 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd044
0.00 0.00 3228 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd073
0.00 0.00 1289 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wd074
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-we024
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-we031
0.00 0.00 5010 5 | com.aol.proxy.spider-we034
0.00 0.00 1056 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-we074
0.00 0.00 2509 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wg031
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wg044
0.00 0.00 1614 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wi041
0.00 0.00 2458 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wi043
0.00 0.00 1263 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wi073
0.00 0.00 10755 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wj012
0.00 0.00 2521 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wj014
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wj051
0.00 0.00 2465 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wj053
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk014
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk051
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk053
0.00 0.00 3080 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk054
0.00 0.00 2317 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk062
0.00 0.00 4943 5 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk063
0.00 0.00 2242 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wk073
0.00 0.00 2582 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wl014
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wl064
0.00 0.00 987 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wl073
0.00 0.00 1522 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wl082
0.00 0.00 22724 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wm023
0.00 0.00 1549 3 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wm031
0.00 0.00 1266 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wm034
0.00 0.00 2451 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wn022
0.00 0.00 4819 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wn031
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wn061
0.00 0.00 446 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wn081
0.00 0.00 2730 5 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wo011
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wo013
0.00 0.00 1191 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wo022
0.00 0.00 54458 4 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wo051
0.00 0.00 1290 2 | com.aol.proxy.spider-wo061
0.02 0.03 385793 63 | com.aol.proxy.ww-pa01
0.02 0.01 141955 56 | com.aol.proxy.ww-pa02
0.02 0.02 269124 42 | com.aol.proxy.ww-pa03
0.01 0.03 364896 38 | com.aol.proxy.ww-ta01
0.02 0.01 198374 61 | com.aol.proxy.ww-ta02
0.01 0.01 120745 33 | com.aol.proxy.ww-ta03
0.02 0.01 122376 44 | com.aol.proxy.ww-ta04
0.00 0.00 12457 6 | com.aoti.mail
0.00 0.00 44041 12 | com.app-tech.ati-gw55
0.00 0.01 87341 11 | com.apsc.nt242
0.00 0.01 89341 12 | com.arco.h92-154
0.00 0.00 25596 7 | com.asb.sle19
0.00 0.00 39533 10 | com.ascent.khyber
0.00 0.00 70528 4 | com.astra.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.astra.igw-us
0.00 0.00 41241 7 | com.astramerck.gatekeeper
0.10 0.31 4478191 254 | com.atext.crawl4
0.03 0.02 347513 70 | com.atk.r305644
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | com.att.alpxy1
0.00 0.00 4089 2 | com.att.alpxy2
0.00 0.00 11156 2 | com.att.alpxy3
0.00 0.00 9939 2 | com.att.alpxy4
0.00 0.00 4822 3 | com.att.kcpxy3
0.00 0.00 5088 2 | com.att.kcpxy4
0.00 0.01 163353 1 | com.att.kcpxy5
0.00 0.00 4667 2 | com.att.kcpxy6
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.att.research.h-135-207-18-57
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | com.auracom.nmkt.ts8-d98
0.00 0.00 4146 1 | com.auracom.sby.ts1-28
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | com.auracom.sum.ts1-d5
0.00 0.00 16893 6 | com.autometric.gate-vivid
0.00 0.00 17677 8 | com.avei.proxy
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.avnet.proxy1
0.01 0.00 40728 15 | com.azstarnet.tus.dialup01ip040
0.00 0.01 202638 3 | com.baagoe.mersenne
0.00 0.00 33527 6 | com.baan.firewall
0.01 0.00 64296 18 | com.baird.ott38
0.00 0.00 39202 7 | com.ball.webcache1
0.00 0.01 97448 9 | com.barco.suninbar
0.00 0.00 57631 3 | com.barr.gate
0.00 0.00 24026 7 | com.barrysworld.dialup-107-180
0.00 0.00 46046 2 | com.bbn.csr07
0.07 0.06 930081 176 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa11-baltimore17-4r361
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa16-birminghamc2-2r2042
0.01 0.01 75284 23 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa16-santaclarita8-4r734
0.02 0.02 241702 46 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa17-baltimore15-2r361
0.07 0.13 1947051 188 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa2-baltimore11-2r360
0.02 0.02 241670 48 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa28-silverspringb5-2r415
0.01 0.01 190885 22 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa38-resalesanramon1-3r1018
0.04 0.04 610513 96 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa39-baltimore5-4r105
0.02 0.02 232307 41 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa55-baltimore3-4r100
0.00 0.00 65223 6 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa61-baltimore8-4r102
0.00 0.01 179766 13 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa65-baltimore16-3r361
0.06 0.05 754813 147 | com.bbn.saturn.pppa70-baltimore7-1r106
0.02 0.01 180002 51 | com.beasys.unknown-128-10
0.04 0.06 931035 112 | com.beldar.pm3-frank1-ppp121
0.00 0.00 30332 7 | com.bell-labs.research.h-135-104-33-239
0.00 0.00 40431 11 | com.bellatlantic.blhpgbfwa
0.00 0.00 44230 9 | com.bellatlantic.gproxy-a
0.09 0.09 1297214 236 | com.bellcore.xzhang
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.bellglobal.on.ppp3304
0.00 0.00 46183 6 | com.bellglobal.on.ppp3370
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.bellglobal.on.ppp400
0.01 0.00 62286 17 | com.bellglobal.on.ppp8107
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | com.bellglobal.on.ppp9719
0.00 0.01 172859 5 | com.best.east-bay.pm03.dynamic3
0.00 0.01 159667 12 | com.best.lax.pm01.dynamic56
0.06 0.05 664857 153 | com.best.vip.paulb
0.01 0.00 51986 14 | com.betasys.odo
0.00 0.00 26072 9 | com.bge.host030
0.00 0.00 6361 4 | com.bhi-net.cumulus
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.bigpond.sydnc01
0.03 0.01 191789 88 | com.bloomberg.wpdmz2
0.00 0.01 72938 11 | com.bluemail.charon
0.00 0.00 39998 10 | com.bmc.fw-us-hou-1
0.00 0.00 39850 10 | com.bnr.iss.reserved
0.00 0.00 48966 7 | com.boeing.blv-proxy-01
0.01 0.00 53304 14 | com.boeing.blv-proxy-03
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.boeing.blv-proxy-05
0.02 0.01 211462 46 | com.boeing.mo.stl.svwww008
0.05 0.03 486454 122 | com.bsci.bostonsci-bh
0.00 0.00 22867 5 | com.bt.access.www1
0.00 0.00 59021 9 | com.bt.saturn
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.btinternet.host5-171-232-188
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | com.btinternet.host5-99-54-199
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.bunt.pppl10
0.05 0.04 572959 132 | com.burnip.mail
0.00 0.00 19844 3 | com.bv
0.00 0.00 53160 5 | com.byelectric.bye5200-2-a2
0.00 0.00 24899 7 | com.cablecat.proxy
0.01 0.01 164825 36 | com.cablenet-va.headend
0.01 0.01 151798 17 | com.cadvision.daisy
0.00 0.00 9140 4 | com.cadvision.dial.h-207-228-65-48
0.00 0.01 93506 8 | com.cadvision.dial.h-207-228-69-160
0.01 0.01 105026 35 | com.cadvision.dial.h-207-228-71-162
0.00 0.00 12602 4 | com.cagtech.eng
0.00 0.00 27949 7 | com.cais.rskinner
0.00 0.00 21048 8 | com.camalott.97
0.00 0.00 3357 1 | com.camalott.tex-40
0.00 0.01 181609 13 | com.candseek.firewall
0.01 0.01 166257 37 | com.capitalone.ext-proxy
0.06 0.07 943806 150 | com.cat.gw1
0.00 0.00 6002 1 | com.cchono.hawaii-104
0.00 0.00 18045 1 | com.cchono.hawaii-107
0.00 0.00 11556 2 | com.cchono.loihi-175
0.01 0.01 86796 20 | com.cchono.loihi-198
0.02 0.02 352316 58 | com.ccsinc.dialup155
0.03 0.03 467004 86 | com.ccsinc.dialup166
0.00 0.00 40076 9 | com.cda.tfsmdfw1
0.03 0.02 359910 78 | com.cdm.cdm-bh
0.00 0.00 57963 7 | com.cdott.tiger
0.00 0.00 40605 1 | com.cedarsoft.gp
0.05 0.02 305362 119 | com.centurywest.cwe-inetsvr
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.cesoft.cronos
0.00 0.00 32087 11 | com.cftnet.ppp200-53
0.01 0.01 103525 35 | com.cfw.c1s2m17
0.03 0.02 336117 83 | com.ch2m.leadville
0.05 0.07 963042 125 | com.ch2m.winterpark
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | com.charlestoncpw.firewall
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | com.chestnet.hemlock
0.01 0.00 53573 15 | com.chron.igate2
0.01 0.01 130453 21 | com.cibasc.ch
0.00 0.01 194747 6 | com.cigna.user.wsuser200
0.00 0.00 30577 7 | com.cisco.firefly
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.cisco.va-dhcp196-197
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | com.citicorp.global22
0.00 0.00 45550 7 | com.citicorp.tfegate
0.00 0.01 204572 6 | com.city-net.dialup332
0.01 0.04 600304 17 | com.cityofdenton.mail
0.01 0.00 56482 15 | com.cloudnet.sat021
0.01 0.01 174761 19 | com.club-fit.club01
0.00 0.00 33087 9 | com.cmsnet.cms123
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.cncx.sagb-c11-123
0.00 0.00 10686 6 | com.cnf.cnfproxy
0.01 0.01 141606 31 | com.coastalnet.pm-gt3-105
0.01 0.01 195010 23 | com.coastalnet.pm-gv3-116
0.00 0.00 23595 7 | com.coastalnet.pm-nb15-46
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | com.cognos.gatekeeper
0.01 0.05 654341 20 | com.commandsystem.gw
0.00 0.01 92278 13 | com.compaq.inehou-pxy02
0.00 0.00 66911 9 | com.compaq.inehou-pxy04
0.01 0.02 287601 36 | com.compaq.inehou-pxy05
0.01 0.01 104058 22 | com.compaq.inehou-pxy06
0.00 0.00 6752 1 | com.compunetlink.du46
0.00 0.00 51426 13 | com.compuserve.dub.dd35-182
0.02 0.02 257284 64 | com.compuserve.dub.dd75-120
0.01 0.02 238678 32 | com.concepta.dio-87
0.01 0.01 83392 24 | com.connection.pm6-17
0.00 0.00 50563 11 | com.conninc.dialup.c1141
0.00 0.00 23460 3 | com.cove.nspm3157
0.01 0.00 54082 30 | com.cowen.net253
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.crai
0.01 0.00 50305 15 | com.craservices.mail
0.01 0.02 245476 31 | com.credence.freeway
0.00 0.00 52998 13 | com.cruzio.sa-207-251-14-27
0.03 0.01 191397 87 | com.csc.eu.birch
0.04 0.04 559607 111 | com.csc.flowbieproxy
0.00 0.01 84851 7 | com.csranet.line5049
0.02 0.01 193666 47 | com.csranet.line9186
0.01 0.00 54995 15 | com.ctinets.118user169
0.00 0.00 9894 2 | com.ctllc.vir148
0.00 0.00 14993 6 | com.cts.dkuperus
0.00 0.00 48398 7 | com.cts.putc10157235
0.01 0.00 71823 14 | com.cuc.stratford
0.00 0.00 45550 7 | com.cuusa.commercial-bh
0.02 0.01 174982 40 | com.cwnet.vacaville4-d10
0.03 0.03 368351 85 | com.cybercable.sterling-18
0.00 0.00 30035 11 | com.cybercable.sterling-internal-219
0.00 0.00 41809 7 | com.cygnacom.lobot
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.cytec.gw
0.00 0.00 41939 6 | com.daimler-benz.proxy-1
0.01 0.01 82359 15 | com.daimler-benz.proxy-2
0.01 0.00 40642 14 | com.daimler-benz.proxy-3
0.00 0.00 30976 8 | com.daimler-benz.proxy-4
0.00 0.00 20575 3 | com.dames.dmgf
0.01 0.01 188093 17 | com.datastream.dsproxy1
0.00 0.02 311604 6 | com.datastream.dsproxy2
0.00 0.00 68430 8 | com.ddaccess.host014
0.00 0.00 22720 4 | com.ddaccess.host156
0.01 0.03 427970 21 | com.ddaccess.host157
0.00 0.01 103774 13 | com.ddaccess.host159
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.ddaccess.host164
0.01 0.01 116124 18 | com.ddaccess.host165
0.01 0.01 102401 16 | com.ddaccess.host171
0.03 0.03 370099 87 | com.ddaccess.host184
0.00 0.03 416958 8 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r18
0.01 0.01 212653 16 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r27
0.00 0.00 284 2 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r30
0.00 0.03 502887 9 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r38
0.01 0.10 1520953 14 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r43
0.00 0.02 223591 8 | com.dec.crl.dhcp-r49
0.00 0.00 1674 9 | com.dec.crl.ext-tmp-1
0.02 0.06 854824 65 | com.dec.pa-x.av.av-dev3
0.00 0.00 21509 3 | com.dec.pa-x.av.babelfish1a
0.00 0.01 90378 3 | com.dec.pa-x.av.babelfish2a
0.09 0.13 1827588 226 | com.dec.pa-x.av.vscooter
0.06 0.20 2865502 165 | com.dec.pa-x.eec6
0.00 0.00 18947 2 | com.dec.pa-x.mercator
0.00 0.00 3298 1 | com.dec.pa-x.nlanr.cache2
0.04 0.11 1646871 99 | com.dec.pa-x.scooter
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0.02 0.03 419452 48 | com.dec.pa-x.www-relay3
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0.00 0.00 25226 9 | com.dessausoprin
0.00 0.00 38963 11 | com.dictaphone
0.06 0.04 590501 147 | com.digimarc.bigdaddy
0.02 0.01 157046 58 | com.discovery.md-host1
0.02 0.01 202103 56 | com.dlj.ns1
0.03 0.03 375427 90 | com.dmv.eas1-05
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | com.dnai.dialup.dnai-207-181-237-221
0.02 0.03 444448 49 | com.dow.na2
0.00 0.00 30337 7 | com.dowcorning.dcpc102
0.00 0.00 28254 8 | com.dreamscape.sf18
0.01 0.01 154603 35 | com.dreamscape.ua2-p47
0.00 0.00 41925 1 | com.dscga.station92
0.00 0.00 14716 6 | com.dttus.ans5-pub
0.08 0.05 668956 202 | com.duke-energy.outside
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.dupont.ho.keyhole
0.00 0.01 75940 5 | com.dupont.lvs.cdns00
0.00 0.01 165526 13 | com.e-mind.isdn07-lug
0.00 0.00 10225 6 | com.e-net.derek2-ppp
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.e-softinc.www4
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0.00 0.00 25039 8 | com.ecsco.exxapp
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0.00 0.00 26024 7 | com.eds.ukweb.sppxy01
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0.00 0.00 32980 6 | com.electriciti.cs5.line16
0.00 0.01 142539 13 | com.enblsemi.ricecake
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | com.enteract.chi-focal.pm3-3-18
0.02 0.01 180869 52 | com.eosinc.7eos53
0.01 0.01 111898 31 | com.erols.ann.tnt1.s185.207-172-111-185
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.erols.ann.tnt2.s293.207-172-59-103
0.01 0.01 156816 31 | com.erols.ann.tnt4.s30.207-172-112-30
0.01 0.00 56143 16 | com.erols.ann.tnt5.s102.207-172-113-102
0.00 0.00 1105 10 | com.erols.anp.as1.s5.207-172-148-68
0.01 0.00 44237 20 | com.erols.anp.as6.s3.207-172-149-130
0.03 0.01 118563 70 | com.erols.bkw.as3.s62.207-172-170-125
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0.03 0.03 421421 86 | com.erols.brd.tnt1.s16.207-172-52-16
0.00 0.00 20575 3 | com.erols.brd.tnt11.s65.207-172-70-65
0.04 0.03 492095 97 | com.erols.brd.tnt16.s47.207-172-54-47
0.01 0.01 129556 33 | com.erols.brd.tnt18.s128.207-172-187-128
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.erols.brd.tnt19.s113.207-172-182-113
0.01 0.01 125848 31 | com.erols.brd.tnt19.s135.207-172-182-135
0.06 0.12 1785925 159 | com.erols.brd.tnt24.s26.207-172-65-26
0.04 0.05 710623 108 | com.erols.brd.tnt4.s147.207-172-53-147
0.02 0.01 206905 44 | com.erols.brd.tnt6.s119.207-172-87-119
0.01 0.01 163640 23 | com.erols.brd.tnt7.s209.207-172-60-209
0.00 0.01 102861 8 | com.erols.brd.tnt9.s118.207-172-35-118
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | com.erols.brd.tnt9.s37.207-172-35-37
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.erols.bsd.as7.s58.207-172-241-185
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.erols.bsd.as8.s1.207-172-241-192
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | com.erols.col.tnt5.s207.207-172-132-207
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.erols.col.tnt9.s125.207-172-155-125
0.00 0.00 31710 8 | com.erols.dam.as12.s11.207-172-139-202
0.05 0.03 471428 120 | com.erols.dam.as8.s2.207-172-138-193
0.00 0.00 29166 7 | com.erols.frd.as6.s10.207-172-71-73
0.03 0.03 429656 90 | com.erols.frd.as9.s67.207-172-103-67
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0.03 0.02 255011 77 | com.erols.man.tnt3.s80.207-172-75-80
0.00 0.00 17934 9 | com.erols.man.tnt3.s98.207-172-75-98
0.02 0.03 458767 61 | com.erols.nbenson
0.01 0.01 105151 21 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s107.207-172-209-107
0.00 0.01 150180 7 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s170.207-172-209-170
0.02 0.02 224968 50 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s193.207-172-209-193
0.00 0.00 9129 1 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s20.207-172-209-20
0.05 0.08 1194881 140 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s205.207-172-209-205
0.03 0.03 460020 78 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s222.207-172-209-222
0.04 0.04 520397 93 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s238.207-172-209-238
0.04 0.07 1046459 99 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s241.207-172-209-241
0.02 0.01 205908 50 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s249.207-172-209-249
0.04 0.02 245456 103 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s285.207-172-217-31
0.03 0.15 2212646 90 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s43.207-172-209-43
0.01 0.00 53968 16 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s57.207-172-209-57
0.03 0.03 368351 85 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s82.207-172-209-82
0.04 0.01 175233 96 | com.erols.nrf.tnt1.s87.207-172-209-87
0.07 0.05 687116 184 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s132.207-172-210-132
0.04 0.02 246890 97 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s155.207-172-210-155
0.02 0.01 128851 65 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s183.207-172-210-183
0.03 0.03 399452 80 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s263.207-172-217-40
0.02 0.02 242415 51 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s39.207-172-210-39
0.02 0.01 172696 50 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s48.207-172-210-48
0.01 0.07 949573 19 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s65.207-172-210-65
0.04 0.04 630273 115 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s8.207-172-210-8
0.04 0.02 227715 96 | com.erols.nrf.tnt2.s82.207-172-210-82
0.04 0.00 55471 103 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s102.207-172-211-102
0.03 0.00 45210 88 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s109.207-172-211-109
0.00 0.01 73945 5 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s132.207-172-211-132
0.06 0.01 94644 164 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s146.207-172-211-146
0.04 0.04 538187 116 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s15.207-172-211-15
0.03 0.02 319765 77 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s21.207-172-211-21
0.04 0.03 462340 96 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s244.207-172-211-244
0.00 0.00 22688 1 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s246.207-172-211-246
0.02 0.01 191476 50 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s31.207-172-211-31
0.02 0.01 178711 50 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s34.207-172-211-34
0.03 0.00 49208 66 | com.erols.nrf.tnt3.s86.207-172-211-86
0.04 0.02 311388 105 | com.erols.nrf.tnt4.s158.207-172-212-158
0.03 0.00 32920 88 | com.erols.nrf.tnt4.s206.207-172-212-206
0.03 0.00 48516 81 | com.erols.nrf.tnt4.s64.207-172-212-64
0.03 0.01 161107 69 | com.erols.nrf.tnt5.s78.207-172-213-78
0.04 0.02 255500 115 | com.erols.nrf.tnt5.s94.207-172-213-94
0.01 0.00 57594 15 | com.erols.nwk.as3.s18.207-172-202-145
0.02 0.02 232555 44 | com.erols.ptr.tnt1.s113.207-172-81-113
0.03 0.02 311126 87 | com.erols.pulsedpower
0.01 0.02 287918 37 | com.erols.rcm.tnt6.s283.207-172-124-60
0.00 0.00 62417 9 | com.erols.rcm.tnt6.s47.207-172-86-47
0.04 0.03 367128 92 | com.erols.rcm.tnt8.s66.207-172-55-66
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | com.erols.war.as2.s27.207-172-109-90
0.02 0.01 194658 53 | com.erols.wlm.tnt2.s282.209-122-251-59
0.02 0.02 222437 46 | com.esper.ts03-ppp04
0.01 0.00 38945 36 | com.esper.ts10b23
0.01 0.01 98958 21 | com.esys.gar.ns
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.etn.ch.firewall
0.00 0.00 22505 7 | com.etn.firewall
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | com.etrade.pc0190
0.00 0.00 13006 4 | com.europa.adsl-usw-a185
0.00 0.00 5392 3 | com.europa.dialup-a168
0.00 0.00 4368 13 | com.excite.recorder
0.01 0.00 54412 17 | com.execpc.mke.mdm.kashyyyk-2-96
0.00 0.01 148696 6 | com.execpc.mkt.mdm.kronos-1-1
0.00 0.00 1670 1 | com.execpc.mkt.mdm.obica-2-32
0.01 0.00 56629 15 | com.execulink.du.a12.ppp3
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.expd2.medusa
0.02 0.01 173445 47 | com.exponent.unknown-107-14
0.01 0.01 120140 34 | com.exponent.unknown-107-237
0.01 0.00 1818 16 | com.exponent.unknown-107-40
0.01 0.00 1818 16 | com.exponent.unknown-107-9
0.02 0.01 119004 45 | com.exponent.unknown-107-94
0.00 0.00 55718 9 | com.exxon.eutec.ns
0.00 0.00 8924 2 | com.ey.gateway8
0.00 0.00 57906 9 | com.ey.gateway9
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.ezlink.pm3.198
0.00 0.00 7594 2 | com.ezwv.dialup.ip156095
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | com.familyconnect.serv1
0.02 0.03 455624 54 | com.famous1
0.00 0.00 31476 8 | com.fedex.proxy.is2
0.00 0.00 26979 7 | com.fedex.proxy.is4
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.feist.fsict-tc14-17
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.feist.fsict-tc8-01
0.01 0.00 68094 24 | com.firstam.net-244.ip-79
0.06 0.05 700038 164 | com.firstsaga.user114
0.00 0.00 65960 12 | com.foxboro.foxboro-bh
0.01 0.01 165593 36 | com.framatech.fti
0.00 0.00 31617 7 | com.frontierd.fw
0.02 0.01 119861 50 | com.fwc
0.00 0.01 81158 6 | com.ge.dixon
0.00 0.00 20174 6 | com.ge.euro.jet
0.00 0.01 89394 6 | com.ge.euro.mies
0.00 0.00 32226 11 | com.ge.euro.zus
0.00 0.01 93575 6 | com.ge.mason
0.03 0.03 365075 68 | com.ge.pearl
0.01 0.01 74756 21 | com.ge.sarnoff
0.00 0.00 2539 1 | com.gecinc.gsrc60
0.06 0.13 1821367 164 | com.gemlink.d154
0.06 0.02 296911 161 | com.generalmicro.sub146
0.00 0.00 33615 8 | com.genesyslab.pbinat33
0.01 0.01 182150 29 | com.gensig
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.geotel.derekd
0.04 0.05 740728 112 | com.glasgow-ky.dimension200
0.01 0.00 66240 19 | com.goldrush.ac-072
0.06 0.05 788896 160 | com.goldrush.ac-197
0.00 0.00 16512 4 | com.goldrush.ac-251
0.01 0.01 143355 38 | com.goldrush.ac-254
0.00 0.00 23060 2 | com.googlebot.c4
0.00 0.01 102665 12 | com.greyhound.tsg
0.01 0.04 552412 16 | com.grolen.bbs26
0.00 0.00 32872 4 | com.grolen.bbs59
0.02 0.01 148167 40 | com.groupe-bpr
0.02 0.01 174563 48 | com.gscmobile
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | com.gspnet.dell88
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.gtecablemodem.calnet28-82
0.02 0.03 403486 56 | com.gunnison.s77
0.00 0.00 7802 4 | com.hamilton-standard.shemp
0.01 0.02 245861 21 | com.hartcrowser.hc
0.00 0.00 35171 9 | com.harza.strontia3
0.01 0.01 147355 31 | com.hdrinc.omaha
0.04 0.05 713675 100 | com.hepc.server2
0.00 0.00 22916 9 | com.hewitt.hewassoc2-bh
0.00 0.00 43112 10 | com.hmhs.gwarlinet
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.hnc.hnc2
0.00 0.00 13359 5 | com.home.az.rdc1.proxy1-external
0.00 0.00 19728 4 | com.home.az.rdc1.proxy2-external
0.01 0.01 110528 27 | com.home.bc.rdc1.proxy1-external
0.01 0.01 97979 24 | com.home.bc.rdc1.proxy2-external
0.02 0.03 403338 54 | com.home.ct.nwbtnnl.proxy1-external
0.02 0.01 128113 46 | com.home.ct.nwbtnnl.proxy2-external
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.home.md.hwrd1.cc1009987-a
0.00 0.00 4312 3 | com.home.md.twsn1.proxy1
0.00 0.00 15842 5 | com.home.md.twsn1.proxy2
0.00 0.00 52386 11 | com.home.ne.omhaw1.cx518493-a
0.03 0.02 340613 71 | com.home.nj.vron1.cc872530-a
0.00 0.00 7880 2 | com.home.occa.alsv1.cx619094-a
0.00 0.00 1040 1 | com.home.occa.irvn1.cx365110-a
0.00 0.00 46758 2 | com.home.occa.msnv1.cx844127-a
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | com.home.occa.orng1.cx676370-a
0.00 0.00 5741 3 | com.home.on.rdc1.proxy1-external
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | com.home.on.rdc1.proxy2-external
0.00 0.00 12325 2 | com.home.on.rdc1.proxy3-external
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | com.home.on.rdc1.proxy4-external
0.00 0.00 14315 2 | com.home.sdca.cv1.cx37310-a
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.home.sdca.cv1.cx46604-a
0.00 0.00 19146 1 | com.home.sdca.dt1.cx291161-a
0.01 0.04 513238 30 | com.home.sdca.dt1.cx44388-a
0.00 0.01 174733 12 | com.home.sfba.plstn1.c522870-a
0.00 0.00 51533 8 | com.home.sfba.snvl1.c77764-c
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | com.home.tx.grlnd1.c537063-a
0.01 0.05 702755 18 | com.home.va.hmpt1.cx969514-a
0.03 0.02 224463 90 | com.home.wave.ab.cghh1.cs569858-a
0.00 0.00 24691 7 | com.home.wave.ab.cgra1.cs66058-a
0.00 0.00 46501 6 | com.home.wave.ab.rdc1.proxy2
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | com.home.wave.ab.rdc1.proxy3
0.00 0.00 1232 1 | com.home.wave.ab.rdc1.proxy4
0.00 0.00 28046 3 | com.home.wave.ab.rdc1.proxy5
0.00 0.00 28745 8 | com.home.wave.bc.crdva1.cr470798-a
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | com.home.wave.bc.rchmd1.cr991792-a
0.01 0.00 46880 14 | com.home.wave.bc.rct1.cr649280-a
0.00 0.00 30380 5 | com.home.wave.bc.rdc1.proxy1
0.00 0.00 2547 1 | com.home.wave.bc.rdc1.proxy2
0.00 0.00 3940 1 | com.home.wave.mb.
0.02 0.02 278012 59 | com.home.wave.on.
0.00 0.00 720 4 | com.home.wave.on.hnsn1.cr130981-a
0.01 0.00 59552 16 | com.home.wave.on.mtwh1.cs747841-a
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.home.wave.on.nmkt1.cr363410-a
0.00 0.00 22742 2 | com.home.wave.on.rdc1.proxy1
0.00 0.00 15276 6 | com.home.wave.on.rdc1.proxy3
0.00 0.00 5094 2 | com.home.wave.on.rdc1.proxy4
0.00 0.00 31901 4 | com.hp.brurel4
0.00 0.01 75515 5 | com.hp.brurel5
0.00 0.00 23296 7 | com.hp.cns.braona1
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | com.hp.palrel2
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | com.hp.rosrel1
0.00 0.00 3862 1 | com.htc-tech.htcs43
0.01 0.00 59552 16 | com.huitt-zollars.www
0.01 0.01 104213 14 | com.hydro.hda.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 31654 7 | com.hyperion.cerberus
0.00 0.00 19965 3 | com.iafrica.cpt.proxy01
0.01 0.01 141706 23 | com.iarchive.host19
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | com.ibm.almaden.wildpig
0.00 0.00 23496 7 | com.ibm.torolab.fw2
0.00 0.00 1545 1 | com.ibm.us.co.ss01
0.00 0.00 1652 1 | com.ibm.us.co.ss02
0.00 0.00 13347 2 | com.ibm.us.co.ss05
0.00 0.00 5088 2 | com.ibm.us.co.ss07
0.00 0.00 3407 2 | com.ibm.us.co.ss08
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss01
0.00 0.00 31667 3 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss03
0.00 0.00 6752 1 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss04
0.00 0.00 24035 7 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss05
0.01 0.01 143870 27 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss06
0.00 0.00 713 6 | com.ibm.us.nc.ss07
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.ibm.us.ny.ss03
0.00 0.00 23008 9 | com.ibm.us.ny.ss08
0.04 0.03 418555 101 | com.icfkaiser.lexpark.ws19
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | com.icomverse.efratgw
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.icubed.pgh085
0.00 0.00 43399 7 | com.idirect.ts3-6-81
0.00 0.02 320757 7 | com.idirect.ts6-20t-8
0.01 0.00 35536 27 | com.imgis.h179
0.00 0.00 43399 7 | com.inconnect.dialup.1-384
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.inetport.as01-19
0.00 0.00 9134 4 | com.inficad.cacheflow
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | com.infinet-is.ip100
0.00 0.00 43246 7 | com.infonautics.205229026199
0.01 0.04 516895 34 | com.infoseek.cca2607c
0.03 0.05 752800 75 | com.infoseek.cca26090
0.01 0.03 496430 21 | com.infoseek.cde2c982
0.00 0.00 24391 5 | com.inktomi.j2009
0.00 0.00 24391 5 | com.inktomi.j2010
0.03 0.04 626428 71 | com.inktomi.wakko
0.00 0.00 47770 6 | com.inktomisearch.j4009
0.00 0.00 24055 4 | com.inktomisearch.j4010
0.13 0.89 12835112 328 | com.inktomisearch.j4011
0.02 0.01 172766 50 | com.inline.ip63200
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.inlink.iits02174
0.00 0.00 28670 8 | com.innovsoftd.terminator
0.00 0.00 25777 7 | com.inri.nn.ecpn.scratchy
0.00 0.00 12457 6 | com.instinet.peugeot
0.00 0.00 33677 7 | com.intel.fm.proxy2
0.00 0.00 36081 10 | com.intel.isw.tui
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.intel.pdx.pdxss902
0.00 0.00 20611 3 | com.intel.sc.scproxy3
0.00 0.00 35672 10 | com.intelx.machine46
0.00 0.01 85276 11 | com.interaccess.ch.d145
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | com.interaccess.focal3.d5
0.00 0.00 31381 8 | com.interaccess.focal3.d90
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.interaccess.focal3.d91
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | com.interlog.cc.ip213-32
0.02 0.01 109822 46 | com.interlog.dialin.209-20-1-134
0.02 0.00 46401 53 | com.interlog.pbombaci
0.00 0.00 34100 11 | com.intermedia.mfnt3
0.00 0.00 9145 4 | com.intersolv.firewall
0.00 0.00 53161 8 | com.isginc.isg-tor-dhcp10
0.03 0.08 1135464 70 | com.ispchannel.sanbruno.cm2081634261
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.ittsheraton.ittsheraton-bh
0.00 0.00 48713 8 | com.ivee.nic
0.04 0.05 794280 109 | com.ixc-comm.ixchost
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | com.jabcc.p200
0.01 0.00 54995 15 | com.jacobs.outside
0.00 0.00 24542 7 | com.jagunet.port4-33
0.03 0.02 304115 74 | com.jancomulti.acnnor05
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.javanet.yellow
0.01 0.01 91556 19 | com.jci.interlock
0.00 0.00 26066 7 | com.jdedwards.gw
0.08 0.05 781108 214 | com.jjma-env.host-47
0.02 0.02 235705 62 | com.jnent.c174
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.kalama.pm4-18
0.34 0.23 3284116 890 | com.kci.gatekeeper
0.02 0.02 316011 49 | com.kconline.pm2-22
0.00 0.00 61592 2 | com.kemper.inet3
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | com.kodak.proxyd
0.00 0.00 23365 4 | com.kpmg.us.ia2
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.ktc.ptp-028-fbg
0.00 0.00 5469 3 | com.kumdev.m4
0.00 0.00 8858 5 | com.labno.host04
0.02 0.02 224112 54 | com.landisstaefa.us.usbgrfwall01
0.00 0.00 43986 9 | com.langan.ftp
0.02 0.01 123447 48 | com.lawco.proxy
0.00 0.00 40592 12 | com.lecroy.dyn-210186
0.02 0.00 69777 50 | com.lehman.firewall1
0.00 0.00 25103 7 | com.level3.sdg1-132
0.01 0.01 180995 23 | com.lexis-nexis.firewall5
0.00 0.00 9369 4 | com.lexmark.interlock
0.00 0.00 9129 1 | com.liebert.node1602
0.00 0.00 8804 2 | com.lilly.d48.brutus
0.01 0.00 44479 16 | com.lilly.d48.loompa
0.01 0.00 66082 14 | com.lilly.d48.oompa
0.00 0.00 23052 7 | com.lmco.proxy1b
0.01 0.01 201605 19 | com.lmco.proxy2b
0.02 0.01 178674 50 | com.lmco.proxy3a
0.01 0.01 106193 16 | com.lmco.proxy3b
0.00 0.00 26110 7 | com.lmsal.zeeman
0.00 0.00 44033 9 | com.lmtas.cerberus
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | com.logicsouth.mx42p1-76
0.01 0.00 56623 16 | com.logicsouth.tnt01p1-99
0.00 0.00 53168 8 | com.loginnovation.ppx37
0.03 0.01 169307 72 | com.looksmart.fatgoat
0.00 0.01 122231 9 | com.loral.ssd.unknown-145-29
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.lsli.gw
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.lucent.proxy.customs
0.01 0.00 63970 14 | com.lucent.proxy.freeway
0.02 0.01 111191 51 | com.lycos.lycosidae
0.00 0.00 47061 3 | com.lycos.pgh.eng.res5
0.00 0.00 14688 11 | com.lycos.pgh.srv.godzilla
0.00 0.00 23023 1 | com.m2c.m2000java
0.01 0.01 97053 24 | com.madbbs.ppp43
0.00 0.00 30694 12 | com.madbbs.term.s22
0.22 0.13 1830487 563 | com.malcolmpirnie.dns1
0.03 0.02 339695 66 | com.manu.mail
0.03 0.00 26118 91 | com.map.ppp91
0.01 0.00 50311 24 | com.map.smaxb-112
0.00 0.00 30018 4 | com.map.smaxb-113
0.01 0.01 137832 26 | com.map.smaxc-231
0.02 0.01 181641 47 | com.map.smaxc-238
0.00 0.01 174733 12 | com.marketv.mvproxy
0.04 0.02 325599 97 | com.matranortel.nautila
0.00 0.00 69708 9 | com.maxagility.osprey
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mcmail.asn18-36
0.01 0.01 110911 14 | com.mcmail.proxy
0.00 0.01 124132 7 | com.mebbs.ur58
0.00 0.01 115831 7 | com.mebbs.ur59
0.00 0.00 47962 8 | com.metamor.firewall
0.01 0.01 164851 36 | com.mezzullo
0.00 0.00 35229 9 | com.mfa.relay
0.00 0.00 33689 7 | com.mgisoft.mgip
0.00 0.00 25788 8 | com.mic-usa.firewall
0.01 0.02 354329 28 | com.microchip.prometheus
0.01 0.02 336001 28 | com.microsoft.tide07
0.00 0.00 46933 7 | com.microsoft.tide70
0.00 0.00 24041 7 | com.microsoft.tide72
0.02 0.05 667682 40 | com.microsoft.tide74
0.00 0.00 29681 7 | com.microsoft.tide76
0.00 0.00 13842 1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37ka78p
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb5em
0.02 0.03 391441 63 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb7io
0.24 0.18 2590538 619 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb8ah
0.01 0.01 164616 36 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb8bo
0.00 0.01 83423 8 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kb92i
0.04 0.04 532562 95 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kbado
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kbpef
0.00 0.00 6055 4 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kbtmu
0.00 0.00 5923 1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-37kbv2c
0.00 0.00 16291 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38h1s99
0.09 0.03 441071 247 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc5j9
0.00 0.00 5660 2 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc7gk
0.00 0.00 28572 8 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc7op
0.00 0.00 61587 12 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc7qn
0.01 0.01 131936 32 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc7sa
0.05 0.03 487730 133 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc7ti
0.00 0.00 15946 8 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lc8tg
0.00 0.01 94227 1 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lca1o
0.03 0.02 248953 71 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lca34
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lcdaa
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lciu5
0.00 0.00 55922 6 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38lco86
0.00 0.00 64650 12 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38ld870
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38ldd3u
0.00 0.00 9159 4 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38ldfjr
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38ldh1l
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | com.mindspring.dialup.user-38s0jt7
0.02 0.01 117052 45 | com.mlmic.fs25nt3
0.00 0.00 26634 5 | com.mminternet.adsl71-mmi
0.00 0.00 64359 8 | com.mnschoolbiz.orthanc
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.modacad.node99
0.00 0.02 316887 6 | com.monsanto.mail
0.02 0.01 204428 46 | com.montana.btm-usr1-123
0.02 0.01 175934 50 | com.montana.mso2-97
0.03 0.02 278150 73 | com.montana.mso5-228
0.02 0.01 201877 42 | com.moonstar.dp39
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.mosquitonet.cacheengine1
0.00 0.00 49867 10 | com.mot.sps.w3inet-phx
0.01 0.02 233531 28 | com.mot.webgate0
0.00 0.00 51235 13 | com.motivationnet.unknown-185-103
0.00 0.00 20671 3 | com.mscomm.annex1050
0.00 0.00 14530 4 | com.myna.tor0531.dh-39
0.01 0.01 116309 33 | com.n-link.lampasas.ppp0178
0.00 0.00 1008 3 | com.nationaldirectory.spider
0.00 0.00 52491 11 | com.naviant.147
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.naxs.bloun.pm3bloun1.dial159
0.00 0.00 1314 1 | com.ncn.ts21
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.ncr.tan7
0.00 0.03 392907 5 | com.nec.nj.heavenly
0.00 0.00 43625 4 | com.nec.nj.purgatory
0.00 0.00 9136 4 | com.neca.dialup.usr3-8
0.04 0.03 391389 100 | com.neosoft.ops.tiamat
0.00 0.00 26366 7 | com.nesbittburns.torfw1
0.00 0.00 23455 7 | com.netcom.ix.ali-ca52-47
0.02 0.01 173166 50 | com.netcom.ix.atl-ga19-15
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | com.netcom.ix.chf-il3-218
0.01 0.01 87416 21 | com.netcom.ix.chf-il7-185
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.netcom.ix.chl-nj3-24
0.03 0.03 479106 90 | com.netcom.ix.clv-oh39-07
0.00 0.01 155932 2 | com.netcom.ix.day-oh13-57
0.00 0.00 24898 7 | com.netcom.ix.den-co53-52
0.02 0.01 173101 50 | com.netcom.ix.den-co65-46
0.00 0.00 28432 7 | com.netcom.ix.den-co73-18
0.01 0.00 27535 24 | com.netcom.ix.gra-mi13-27
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | com.netcom.ix.grc-ny14-59
0.00 0.00 71128 4 | com.netcom.ix.ind-in14-23
0.01 0.01 87239 39 | com.netcom.ix.nor-va2-23
0.02 0.02 361585 50 | com.netcom.ix.nyc-ny64-55
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.netcom.ix.nyc-ny73-36
0.03 0.03 401556 84 | com.netcom.ix.ric-va1-28
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.netcom.ix.rvl-md14-34
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | com.netcom.ix.sji-ca9-19
0.05 0.07 1022470 119 | com.netcom.ix.vna-va12-24
0.01 0.01 122785 28 | com.netcom.ix.vna-va7-06
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.netlibrary.hidden
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.netmex.dialup017
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.netpub.cliff2
0.00 0.00 44813 10 | com.netpub.dbascom
0.00 0.00 21322 3 | com.netvigator.bbig005219
0.01 0.01 118989 22 | com.netvigator.hhtun014037
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | com.netvigator.olkc5195
0.00 0.00 26080 9 | com.neuristics.leestehr14
0.00 0.00 31593 7 | com.nji.a30
0.00 0.00 9823 7 | com.nji.a34
0.11 0.08 1122448 280 | com.nns.nnsdc-bh
0.00 0.00 360 2 | com.nodeworks.bot
0.01 0.01 124103 20 | com.nokia.ns2
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | com.nortel.qrchh002
0.02 0.00 46511 53 | com.nortelnetworks.qcarh001
0.02 0.01 172291 47 | com.northcoast.portsh-pri19
0.01 0.00 3151 17 | com.northernlight.solano
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.northwesternmutual.ns
0.03 0.03 417586 70 | com.norwest.inetmsp2
0.00 0.00 47953 12 | com.novogroup.fw
0.00 0.00 27325 5 | com.nsc.natsemi-bh
0.00 0.00 11261 2 | com.nsc.natsemi3-bh
0.01 0.01 83684 20 | com.ntplx.dialin.hartford.p04-34
0.00 0.00 28077 7 | com.ntplx.dialin.hartford.p08-46
0.01 0.01 106943 16 | com.nvsn.dialup103
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.nwlink.megacentral.ip19
0.01 0.01 90163 18 | com.nwra.linpc
0.04 0.05 737623 102 | com.nyseg.station1
0.01 0.00 61732 18 | com.oasys.szindy
0.02 0.01 150151 49 | com.obg.smaug
0.00 0.00 14317 6 | com.octel.gw3
0.01 0.01 118453 30 | com.onlinemac.pt227
0.00 0.00 24691 7 | com.opentv.europe.otv-246
0.00 0.00 5889 3 | com.oracle.inet-fw2-o
0.01 0.02 343715 30 | com.oracle.inet-fw3-o
0.00 0.00 16339 7 | com.orde.ordeblazer
0.08 0.09 1284157 221 | com.origin-it.gw-nl2
0.03 0.04 561512 91 | com.oxy.vqgjx
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.pacificorp.pdx-fw
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.pacifier.slm1.ip80
0.06 0.04 559515 152 | com.pairgain.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 38586 7 | com.pathcom.ts26l14
0.01 0.00 64301 18 | com.pbworld.unknown-172-11
0.01 0.00 63739 16 | com.pclink.cacheflow
0.02 0.01 194426 44 | com.peerenvironmental.56
0.00 0.00 69234 6 | com.peerenvironmental.57
0.00 0.00 20488 8 | com.pegasystems.bela
0.06 0.06 908267 154 | com.pemex.fwegit
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.penn.cache
0.00 0.00 71087 4 | com.perkin-elmer.firewall
0.00 0.00 18806 8 | com.perspecta.gateway
0.05 0.09 1236753 130 | com.phaseiv.leeraum
0.00 0.00 3655 1 | com.phelpsdodge.cathode
0.00 0.00 51010 10 | com.philips.gw-nl2
0.03 0.04 536694 89 | com.pils.host1
0.01 0.01 200226 29 | com.pinc.pinc217
0.01 0.01 116253 22 | com.pinnacleengineers
0.00 0.00 25521 2 | com.planetsearch.fido
0.00 0.00 23296 7 | com.plpt.nt-bxh
0.08 0.09 1365444 206 | com.pointcast.wks33-119
0.00 0.00 360 2 | com.polaroid.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 55653 12 | com.postnet.motnt04-207
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.powersurfr.c12679-001
0.00 0.00 28637 8 | com.powersurfr.v071
0.00 0.01 73428 11 | com.ppm-uk.cruise
0.00 0.00 48486 12 | com.predictive.scruz.alar
0.04 0.03 473616 102 | com.preferred.abingdon.abg7
0.03 0.03 368821 83 | com.pressenter.gether
0.00 0.00 12602 4 | com.primenet.cld.ip-101-149
0.02 0.00 45879 53 | com.primenet.phx.ip-20-049
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.primenet.phx.ip-20-231
0.00 0.00 52704 10 | com.primenet.scf.ip-27-240
0.01 0.01 185230 30 | com.primenet.scf.ip-55-003
0.00 0.00 23441 7 | com.prognet.wakko2
0.05 0.03 473713 135 | com.psln.loyalton21
0.06 0.05 657743 144 | com.pureatria.fort-ext
0.01 0.01 113308 21 | com.purenorth.tcnas01-04
0.01 0.00 52268 14 | com.pwj.relay
0.00 0.00 32688 7 | com.qsi.wkst10
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.quebectel.f106.ts1-04
0.00 0.00 53973 10 | com.quebectel.f2001.ts1-36
0.00 0.00 48082 9 | com.quebectel.f2005.ts1-44
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | com.quebectel.f2301.ts1-27
0.00 0.00 28583 8 | com.quebectel.f2305.ts1-47
0.00 0.00 22505 7 | com.quebectel.f3002.ts1-39
0.00 0.00 28914 8 | com.quik.orlando.ip110
0.00 0.01 116841 10 | com.quikusa.ws-207-213-48-254
0.00 0.00 29685 7 | com.raima.jparsons
0.00 0.00 26831 9 | com.raltron.wpalmer
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | com.raptor.eagle1a
0.02 0.01 212829 48 | com.ravenet.enh1-mdm3
0.01 0.01 77863 21 | com.ray.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 216909 38 | com.rbnet.rbmax4001-81
0.00 0.00 30642 7 | com.rcn.dialup.md.lnh.tnt1.s415.209-122-252-161
0.00 0.00 3868 1 | com.rcn.dialup.md.lnh.tnt3.s375.209-122-214-121
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.rcn.dialup.md.lnh.tnt3.s661.209-122-244-89
0.00 0.01 178751 13 | com.redshift.mry.pm8-175
0.01 0.01 78707 35 | com.reseaubec.dip189
0.00 0.00 49649 7 | com.risetech.seattle.ip-proxy
0.00 0.00 19904 4 | com.riskinc.msproxy1
0.00 0.00 6828 3 | com.riskinc.msproxy2
0.00 0.00 9894 2 | com.rkeng.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 273 1 | com.rkkengineers.news
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.rmc.reynolds-bh
0.00 0.01 82480 8 | com.roche.bas.gw
0.00 0.00 13962 3 | com.rockwell.corp.pelican
0.00 0.00 2524 1 | com.rockwell.rss.nb.world-1
0.02 0.02 248080 51 | com.rol1.d7
0.00 0.00 70086 3 | com.rorap.blitz
0.00 0.00 16224 7 | com.royaume.cable1
0.00 0.00 25675 7 | com.rpsrx
0.00 0.00 39949 9 | com.rr.austin.cs46-75
0.00 0.00 24914 7 | com.rr.austin.cs55-164
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.rr.austin.cs58-231
0.00 0.01 108664 7 | com.rr.columbus.grv221182
0.07 0.08 1090370 175 | com.rr.hawaii.n118client132
0.01 0.01 165571 36 | com.rr.nycap.toshiba-46-108
0.02 0.01 181116 53 | com.rr.rochester.d185d0f54
0.00 0.00 540 3 | com.rr.rochester.d185d1b8f
0.03 0.03 418495 69 | com.rr.rochester.d185fc139
0.05 0.02 327157 136 | com.rr.san.dt060n9a
0.00 0.00 5653 1 | com.rr.san.dt093n0e
0.00 0.00 19482 2 | com.rulespace.jarrowwx1
0.01 0.00 50264 27 | com.rustei.ns086
0.02 0.01 191275 56 | com.rwbeck.sea00948
0.00 0.01 147456 1 | com.saegis.webscan1
0.02 0.01 123448 48 | com.safeco
0.02 0.02 219863 53 | com.saic.west.portal
0.00 0.00 56427 9 | com.saif.user194
0.00 0.00 39842 8 | com.saif.user241
0.01 0.01 91865 17 | com.salamander.wallyd5
0.00 0.01 164200 2 | com.sanofi.gate
0.01 0.00 62601 16 | com.sapient.sapient2-bh
0.02 0.03 365285 47 | com.satlink.lap.ppp-14
0.00 0.00 41433 8 | com.sbi.issny1
0.00 0.00 6160 1 | com.schwab.sss00022
0.01 0.01 84607 19 | com.sci.scifw
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.scorpiofr.mont-blanc
0.00 0.00 23595 7 | com.scsnet.socp-b
0.00 0.00 28788 8 | com.seagate.ns2
0.00 0.00 60700 11 | com.sears.sears2-bh
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | com.sensis.intergate
0.00 0.00 24532 7 | com.sentientconsult
0.02 0.01 194760 53 | com.series2000.dialup288
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | com.series2000.dialup322
0.03 0.03 451370 70 | com.series2000.dialup338
0.01 0.01 116874 33 | com.series2000.dialup350
0.02 0.02 327776 43 | com.series2000.dialup368
0.05 0.06 885158 131 | com.series2000.dialup447
0.02 0.00 7584 43 | com.series2000.dialup449
0.02 0.01 97918 48 | com.series2000.dialup450
0.02 0.01 145419 60 | com.series2000.dialup451
0.02 0.04 614350 58 | com.series2000.dialup452
0.04 0.01 117048 92 | com.series2000.dialup454
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | com.series2000.dialup64
0.00 0.00 38072 8 | com.sgci.ppp004
0.03 0.01 119848 71 | com.sgi.sgigate
0.00 0.00 7328 4 | com.sheetz.pix
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.sherwin.host68
0.00 0.00 47966 12 | com.shinbiro.seoul1.p53
0.01 0.01 174941 20 | com.shinbiro.seoul2.p128
0.00 0.00 44142 10 | com.sinister.merlin
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.sisna.vernal-102
0.01 0.00 64311 18 | com.slb.apc.austin.pooka-apc
0.00 0.00 15042 6 | com.slb.dowell.al-khobar.ksa-dhcp26
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.slic.jupiter-tty10
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | com.snowhill.p198-19-troy
0.03 0.01 214340 72 | com.solidworks.news
0.00 0.01 87719 3 | com.sonetcom.ppp9
0.05 0.07 947666 118 | com.sonoco.guardian
0.00 0.00 44976 6 | com.sourcecom.fl.scfl37
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.sqi.sqi2
0.03 0.02 299768 78 | com.squirrelsystems.gateway
0.01 0.00 55441 14 | com.stantech.edmserv15
0.00 0.00 10409 4 | com.statefarm.ns1
0.00 0.00 22864 3 | com.statefarm.ns2
0.00 0.00 1292 1 | com.statefarm.ns6
0.00 0.00 24344 4 | com.statefarm.ns7
0.00 0.00 3825 3 | com.statefarm.ns8
0.00 0.00 43158 10 | com.summer.176-m173
0.01 0.01 157634 29 | com.sun.ariel
0.01 0.00 62545 16 | com.sun.eu.boron
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | com.superonline.apl1.as02.asy32
0.01 0.01 181665 17 | com.superonline.apl1.as10.asy30
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | com.superonline.apl1.as11.asy43
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | com.superonline.ata-ro-01.ata-a5-03-asy29
0.00 0.00 2429 1 | com.superonline.ata-ro-03.ata-a5-12-asy38
0.01 0.01 129438 20 | com.superonline.bil1.as02.asy40
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | com.superonline.bur-ro-01.bur-a5-01-asy29
0.05 0.04 611113 137 | com.sureste.modem9-3
0.00 0.00 9140 4 | com.swdata.max1-28
0.00 0.01 114638 12 | com.sybase.surf0004
0.00 0.00 44802 9 | com.sylvania.daimc
0.00 0.00 55657 7 | com.sylvanitg
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | com.tateandlyle.gatekeeper
0.03 0.02 362061 85 | com.tcbi.shb-usr3-135
0.01 0.01 178578 21 | com.tce.indy.tce-gw1
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | com.tcg.tcg_prx2
0.00 0.00 43112 10 | com.techheadnet.max140
0.03 0.07 1073065 89 | com.telapex.ackr-22
0.00 0.00 8954 4 | com.teleport.du.pdx.a48-09-35
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | com.teleport.du.pdx.i48-20-26
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.teleport.pdx01-pm2-09
0.00 0.00 19209 2 | com.telia.d3o17
0.00 0.00 223 1 | com.telia.d3o27
0.01 0.02 220886 39 | com.telia.t2o24p7
0.00 0.00 40357 9 | com.telia.t2o69p111
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.telia.t4o24p8
0.01 0.01 133384 38 | com.telia.t4o34p50
0.00 0.00 9125 4 | com.telia.t4o62p15
0.01 0.01 103578 14 | com.telia.t7o1p14
0.00 0.00 27842 7 | com.telos.host125_100
0.01 0.01 133740 35 | com.tetratech-ffx.pc140
0.04 0.07 1057261 116 | com.tetratech-ffx.pc155
0.02 0.01 155291 40 | com.tetratech-ffx.pc194
0.00 0.00 33072 7 | com.tfn.152-82
0.00 0.00 12134 1 | com.ti.tower
0.03 0.02 237289 67 | com.tiac.ma.metro.tc1.p89
0.00 0.00 180 1 | com.tiac.ma.state.tc2.p217
0.03 0.02 328419 74 | com.tiac.nh.conco.tc1.p87
0.00 0.01 162738 13 | com.ticnet.11dalin55
0.03 0.03 465848 89 | com.tir.livonia01.port40
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | com.tir.mico08.port26
0.02 0.01 181095 53 | com.tir.mico27.port44
0.00 0.00 21266 6 | com.tivoli.uugate
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | com.tmpartners.proxy
0.00 0.00 35184 9 | com.tnaccess.pm-157
0.02 0.01 166628 46 | com.tnb.tnbpix1
0.00 0.00 17677 8 | com.totacc.al-87
0.00 0.00 11667 5 | com.towercourt.mailgate
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.trail.dialup14
0.00 0.00 39673 11 | com.trail.dialup53
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | com.trail.dialup72
0.00 0.00 23296 7 | com.transquest
0.04 0.04 538545 97 | com.trilodyne.mail
0.00 0.00 25650 7 | com.trimark.goliath
0.00 0.00 41275 10 | com.triplex.gate
0.01 0.00 63965 17 | com.trw.sp.jwiller2
0.00 0.00 26866 7 | com.trw.sp.mljohnston
0.00 0.00 24691 7 | com.tti.gateway
0.01 0.01 189529 39 | com.turbonet.dialin49065
0.00 0.00 30846 12 | com.tvisions.apocalypse-now
0.00 0.00 12034 1 | com.tyson.fw
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | com.u-net.valtech6.host98
0.04 0.05 766539 115 | com.ubs.border
0.01 0.00 72286 22 | com.ucamp.ibrick
0.00 0.00 39669 9 | com.uhc.gvsw2
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | com.uk.vip.vip-206-158
0.00 0.00 2084 2 | com.unifi.outside
0.02 0.01 102404 44 | com.unilever.inet02
0.00 0.00 36659 13 | com.usinternet.usimsptc5-98
0.00 0.00 30337 7 | com.usld.pix-u218
0.02 0.01 199231 50 | com.usnetway.usn99-156
0.00 0.00 6167 1 | com.utanet.fw2-hq
0.00 0.00 54784 6 | com.uudial.uk.usera116
0.00 0.01 106659 6 | com.uudial.uk.userb236
0.00 0.01 84802 10 | com.uudial.uk.userl432
0.00 0.00 36349 7 | com.uudial.uk.userm305
0.00 0.00 18045 1 | com.uudial.uk.userm907
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | com.v-wave.c6193-001
0.04 0.04 644546 117 | com.valuenetwork.design1
0.01 0.02 234598 39 | com.vbe.dial236
0.03 0.02 289133 71 | com.vcn.wy.gill.pm3-1.vcn48
0.02 0.01 123425 48 | com.versar.hq-instinet1
0.07 0.07 960300 188 | com.visa.portal
0.02 0.01 194740 44 | com.visi.helios
0.00 0.01 100414 3 | com.visuallink.ppp108
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | com.vort.waxer1
0.00 0.00 32448 7 | com.vsp.vsp-a
0.01 0.00 41426 16 | com.vtnnv.vtn61
0.00 0.00 32554 9 | com.waterlow.signature
0.06 0.06 825260 149 | com.weiss.dhcp201
0.03 0.01 179659 83 | com.weiss.dhcp225
0.00 0.00 50484 7 | com.westlake.unknown
0.01 0.01 166204 37 | com.westol.ts1821
0.01 0.00 64348 18 | com.westyost.mail
0.00 0.00 9131 4 | com.whgrp.ws-94
0.00 0.00 37370 11 | com.whirlpool.proxy-out
0.02 0.02 339921 62 | com.whowhere.greg
0.02 0.02 242090 56 | com.widomaker.wmbg.pm10-17
0.03 0.03 411350 81 | com.widomaker.wmbg.pm2-17
0.02 0.02 272591 63 | com.widomaker.wmbg.pm3-25
0.02 0.01 178791 42 | com.willkie.nyex01
0.00 0.00 49699 11 | com.willmar.crwd1-192
0.01 0.01 122088 36 | com.wintek.cache1
0.00 0.00 29606 7 | com.wiremold.smtp
0.00 0.00 33835 7 | com.wisewire.dhcp155
0.06 0.11 1661588 165 | com.wisewire.spider2-uu
0.01 0.01 125188 34 | com.wkpowerlink.nelson.ts2-13
0.00 0.01 77197 7 | com.wl.aa.defcon
0.01 0.01 118073 30 | com.wmx.wmx-bh
0.01 0.01 72949 15 | com.wolfram.brickwall
0.00 0.59 8546454 7 | com.xerox.eastgw.ext.io
0.00 0.00 8372 1 | com.xmission.dsl.ljstout
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | com.xmission.modem.slc271h
0.00 0.00 3853 1 | com.xmission.modem.slc384h
0.00 0.00 14716 6 | com.xmission.modem.slc698h
0.00 0.01 92101 4 | com.yahoo.lobo
0.00 0.00 360 2 | com.yesic.pre2-26
0.01 0.03 390974 16 | com.yesic.tor3-14
0.01 0.02 314225 15 | com.yesic.tor6-15
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | com.zeneca.wrcn01
0.00 0.00 10442 2 | com.znyx.electra
0.00 0.00 15098 8 | com.zsassociates.firewall2
0.02 0.02 233547 59 | cy.com.cytanet.ni-10-41
0.00 0.00 3250 1 | cy.com.cytanet.pythagoras
0.00 0.00 5848 1 | cz.army.avgate
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | cz.harvard.gw
0.01 0.01 125663 37 | cz.hydroprojekt.gw
0.00 0.00 180 1 | cz.inecnet.pha204
0.00 0.01 94128 3 | cz.netforce.clppp221
0.00 0.00 70528 4 | cz.vol.pl111
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | cz.vol.xmu-sokolov
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0.00 0.00 30370 2 | de.fhg.iese.iese
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0.01 0.00 55441 14 | de.folz.radian-kl02
0.00 0.03 388735 8 | de.franken.ilsa
0.02 0.02 219988 57 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.koening
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | de.gwdg.mpibpc.ohbp08
0.00 0.00 180 1 | de.i-dial.host-611
0.02 0.01 202541 43 | de.init-ka.tor
0.00 0.00 9571 1 | de.lrz-muenchen.wsc16
0.00 0.00 26416 7 | de.maz-hh.sp-pc-bk
0.00 0.00 1575 1 | de.metronet.pop.wuppertal1
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0.06 0.03 499917 153 | de.mind-cti
0.00 0.00 23851 7 | de.mu-luebeck.iti.spiekeroog
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | de.nacamar.access.dialup12-70
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | de.nacamar.access.dialup2-46
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0.00 0.00 21460 1 | de.owl-online.proxy1
0.01 0.01 189626 18 | de.rmc.muc.d.washington
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0.03 0.02 240309 71 | de.software-ag.server1
0.00 0.00 14983 8 | de.swol.singen.proxy
0.00 0.00 5694 1 | de.swol.tuebingen.proxy
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | de.t-online.dip.p3e9c0f26
0.02 0.01 110236 46 | de.t-online.dip.p3e9c115c
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0.00 0.00 13949 5 | de.t-online.srv.ac.ics1f
0.00 0.00 5450 2 | de.t-online.srv.ac.ics2f
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | de.t-online.srv.b.ics1f
0.00 0.01 76121 5 | de.t-online.srv.b.ics2f
0.00 0.00 421 1 | de.t-online.srv.b.ics3f
0.00 0.00 36485 10 | de.t-online.srv.do.ics1f
0.00 0.00 66976 12 | de.t-online.srv.do.ics2f
0.01 0.01 118125 24 | de.t-online.srv.do.ics3f
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | de.t-online.srv.ef.ics1f
0.00 0.02 339341 5 | de.t-online.srv.ef.ics2f
0.04 0.03 478743 96 | de.t-online.srv.f.ics1f
0.04 0.04 541677 103 | de.t-online.srv.f.ics2f
0.02 0.02 264897 55 | de.t-online.srv.f.ics3f
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0.00 0.00 10696 2 | de.t-online.srv.hh.ics2f
0.00 0.00 31736 7 | de.telekom.gw1
0.00 0.00 14634 6 | de.tli.hh.a1as07-p33
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.p-164-092
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | de.tu-darmstadt.stud.ppp160
0.02 0.01 205940 50 | de.tu-dresden.bau.bci59
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0.02 0.01 194988 53 | de.uka.ira.i02mac25
0.00 0.01 129345 10 | de.uni-bayreuth.phy.btp4x4
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0.00 0.00 22495 7 | de.uni-bonn.informatik.www-cache-atm
0.00 0.00 52870 12 | de.uni-bonn.physiochem.pc486
0.02 0.01 80291 57 | de.uni-bonn.physiochem.rak1
0.00 0.01 159300 12 | de.uni-dortmund.chemietechnik.tv-gate
0.00 0.00 24859 9 | de.uni-dortmund.hrz.nx3
0.00 0.00 37828 7 | de.uni-duesseldorf.urz.isis205
0.01 0.02 233168 36 | de.uni-duisburg.lk105-2
0.01 0.01 130194 23 | de.uni-erlangen.stw.hawo.schizo
0.01 0.00 64336 18 | de.uni-essen.siwi.pc9
0.01 0.00 63656 18 | de.uni-freiburg.ihf.brugga
0.02 0.02 229945 47 | de.uni-freiburg.ihf.sauer
0.01 0.00 63761 18 | de.uni-freiburg.ihf.wolga
0.01 0.00 57364 16 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.phyc105hh
0.01 0.01 137408 34 | de.uni-hannover.fggm.lyra
0.00 0.00 180 1 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn.mserv
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | de.uni-hannover.stud.mod97
0.00 0.00 23296 7 | de.uni-heidelberg.aci.leon
0.01 0.01 122022 37 | de.uni-hohenheim.bodenkunde.frodo
0.00 0.00 2431 1 | de.uni-hohenheim.ipsp.pcpool58
0.00 0.00 20235 3 | de.uni-kassel.bauingenieure.hydraulik.thi-pc8
0.02 0.02 293061 65 | de.uni-kl.itwm.squid
0.00 0.00 28752 8 | de.uni-koeln.rrz.trex
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | de.uni-leipzig.path.pc17
0.00 0.00 45917 7 | de.uni-mannheim.sfb504.spinoza
0.00 0.00 11179 4 | de.uni-muenster.kirk
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | de.uni-muenster.pmin09
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0.00 0.00 25426 5 | de.uni-stuttgart.ipe.troubadix
0.01 0.00 55441 14 | de.uni-stuttgart.iswa.awt1
0.01 0.00 55621 15 | de.uni-stuttgart.iswa.pool7
0.02 0.02 247703 53 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp29
0.00 0.00 5848 1 | de.uunet.hl.au1.pec-36
0.00 0.00 180 1 | de.viaginterkom.ipdial.dusseldorf.r-18
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0.03 0.02 270410 76 | dk.contex.pc57
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0.00 0.00 70528 4 | dk.dtu.mic.pc1146
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | dk.get2net.ppp.p136-01
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | dk.htc.uva038
0.00 0.00 56391 1 | dk.image.ppp3-7.51
0.00 0.00 20301 6 | dk.ku.plab.raven
0.01 0.00 66391 20 | dk.kvl.kemi.el
0.00 0.00 2611 2 | dk.kvl.stud.linsrv8
0.01 0.01 182357 29 | dk.n-kh.19123
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0.00 0.00 14985 8 | dk.tele.ras.esnxr1.ip196
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0.00 0.00 38715 13 | do.net.codetel.bay-155-b5
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0.00 0.00 38019 8 | edu.alaska.uaf-du-05-07
0.02 0.01 195949 44 | edu.albany.draper.pc35
0.02 0.02 251464 41 | edu.albion.ram
0.00 0.00 18007 8 | edu.arizona.cmi.cmi106
0.00 0.00 9597 1 | edu.arizona.dakotacom.uofa281
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0.01 0.01 114529 34 | edu.arizona.hwr.unsat
0.02 0.01 162364 47 | edu.asu.generic.noname-11406
0.01 0.00 64350 18 | edu.augustana.101c19
0.02 0.03 423114 58 | edu.baylor.fac-dialin-pool-45
0.02 0.02 229723 52 | edu.baylor.hsb-dialin-49
0.02 0.02 297055 64 | edu.baylor.retriever
0.00 0.00 46131 7 | edu.berkeley.dofm.ems
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0.00 0.00 25426 5 | edu.berkeley.hip.bezaban
0.03 0.01 120014 71 | edu.berkeley.ymp
0.00 0.00 24026 7 | edu.bradley.olingb2
0.00 0.00 16340 8 | edu.brandeis.chem.chemunk1
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | edu.brynmawr.pemw-15
0.00 0.01 166731 7 | edu.buffalo.anthro.lab251-6
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | edu.buffalo.dialin.ubppp233-145
0.03 0.05 772647 80 | edu.byu.acs2
0.05 0.06 816209 143 | edu.calpoly.csc.pc-csc-66
0.02 0.01 207505 50 | edu.calpoly.fdn.cactus
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | edu.calstatela.librefpc24
0.00 0.00 16136 12 | edu.caltech.avery-92
0.04 0.03 472353 95 | edu.cbu.ietc128_152
0.00 0.00 11986 2 | edu.chowan.saul
0.02 0.01 123430 48 | edu.clarkson.camp.h011253
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0.00 0.00 1792 1 | edu.clemson.7.workstation
0.06 0.08 1216101 162 | edu.clemson.ces.ese-mac3
0.01 0.01 117154 33 | edu.clemson.ces.eselab2
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0.04 0.03 411305 93 | edu.cmu.ce.linseed
0.01 0.01 73545 21 | edu.cmu.gsia.hacksaw
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | edu.cmu.res.terri
0.00 0.00 5030 2 | edu.colostate.bmb.jrbstaff
0.01 0.01 120146 34 | edu.cornell.cfe.romano-nyswri
0.03 0.03 385316 90 | edu.creighton.alum118
0.00 0.01 97957 4 | edu.csuhayward.mcs.snazzy
0.01 0.00 59237 14 | edu.cwru.astr.astr37932
0.00 0.00 38544 4 | edu.cwru.remote.remote56328
0.00 0.00 56422 7 | edu.cwru.student.b60885
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | edu.cwru.student.chz
0.01 0.01 104355 25 | edu.dartmouth.cosmo
0.02 0.04 582109 55 | edu.dartmouth.hitchcock-bp-127
0.07 0.04 586289 190 | edu.dartmouth.thayer24-bp-217
0.00 0.00 47040 10 | edu.drexel.dhcp.n1-15-15
0.01 0.02 281869 26 | edu.drexel.dhcp.n1-15-82
0.00 0.00 16283 3 | edu.drexel.library.webadmin
0.01 0.00 62534 17 | edu.drexel.resnet.calhoun2-592
0.00 0.00 40685 9 | edu.du.casl.casl-14
0.00 0.00 34149 11 | edu.du.penlib.odeda
0.07 0.03 460036 177 | edu.duke.async.async249-140
0.00 0.02 221858 5 | edu.duke.dorm.res-152-16-218-77
0.00 0.00 31873 8 | edu.duke.dorm.wintermute
0.00 0.00 26013 9 | edu.duke.mc.daedalus17
0.00 0.00 28294 8 | edu.duke.oit.bragi
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | edu.emory.psy.al
0.00 0.00 11986 2 | edu.eou.learning14
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | edu.erau.pr.prc-campus118
0.00 0.00 26263 10 | edu.fit.maelab.cadlab01
0.01 0.00 52466 15 | edu.fiu.fiudial2-156
0.00 0.00 21048 8 | edu.fsu.acns.315lmch.cpc36
0.00 0.00 34489 12 | edu.fsu.eng.epc032
0.02 0.01 132832 62 | edu.gatech.acmey
0.01 0.01 117910 35 | edu.gatech.acmez
0.00 0.00 23595 7 | edu.gatech.btc.alfalfa
0.02 0.01 207795 41 | edu.gatech.cc.akron
0.01 0.01 78130 22 | edu.gatech.cc.dallas
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | edu.gatech.chemse.excaliber
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | edu.gatech.edi.pool-82
0.00 0.00 27921 9 | edu.gatech.eecom.0309ece157
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0.00 0.00 27921 9 | edu.gatech.richnt6
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0.00 0.00 11376 8 | edu.gsu.bajan
0.00 0.00 26040 9 | edu.hamilton.its.lab08778
0.01 0.00 59237 14 | edu.hampshire.hc193-69
0.03 0.03 389151 90 | edu.harvard.azar
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.harvard.mgh.csc-p9909v
0.00 0.00 40227 4 | edu.harvard.student.syeh
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | edu.harvard.tch.nova
0.02 0.01 199251 50 | edu.humboldt.sa-8993
0.01 0.00 64316 18 | edu.iastate.ae.abe125e-52
0.02 0.02 260752 60 | edu.iastate.ae.knot
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | edu.iastate.agron.bakeradmin
0.00 0.00 7179 2 | edu.iastate.agron.corn1
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | edu.iastate.agron.pc2077
0.01 0.01 121360 34 | edu.iastate.agron.ukrainczyk
0.00 0.00 16405 8 | edu.iastate.gis.bolivia
0.01 0.00 64336 18 | edu.iastate.ppp.dial47
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.iastate.soc.pc3233
0.00 0.00 17325 8 | edu.indiana.evermann.ev-141-96
0.03 0.02 316080 85 | edu.indiana.franklin.avocado
0.00 0.00 43933 9 | edu.indiana.lib.parker
0.01 0.01 174778 19 | edu.indiana.ucs.emmalene
0.00 0.00 2115 1 | edu.isi.mahler
0.00 0.00 20077 3 | edu.iupui.dialin.as5301p83
0.01 0.02 301689 28 | edu.iupui.ulib.ul4120-aj
0.00 0.00 42299 10 | edu.jhuapl.taz
0.03 0.04 569099 85 | edu.jmu.pc.ip11-110
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.kent.gis
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | edu.ksu.bae.wren
0.02 0.01 190599 47 | edu.ksu.engg.cestest2
0.00 0.00 24537 7 | edu.lehigh.cc.fm400r
0.00 0.00 25399 7 | edu.lehigh.res.res1122531032
0.01 0.00 56727 16 | edu.lehigh.res.res1432521019
0.00 0.00 46140 7 | edu.lesley.n205-173-153-107
0.01 0.00 39739 15 | edu.louisville.remote.ppp0408
0.00 0.00 26613 7 | edu.louisville.spd.mecca
0.01 0.01 179035 36 | edu.lsu.phys.ppp-dial1
0.00 0.01 79410 11 | edu.lwc.chevelyn
0.01 0.01 164899 36 | edu.lwc.door
0.03 0.03 375573 75 | edu.maine.spatial.atlas
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0.00 0.00 33306 11 | edu.maine.usm.cs.doc
0.00 0.01 93365 8 | edu.memphis.et236d04
0.01 0.00 64310 18 | edu.miami.rsmas.avocado
0.02 0.01 196943 45 | edu.miami.rsmas.gertie
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | edu.middlebury.public-comp-a-80
0.01 0.00 55650 16 | edu.mines.lankamer
0.02 0.11 1580966 43 | edu.mines.osmosis
0.11 0.09 1358463 288 | edu.missouri.coin.fay-cs1-14
0.04 0.06 830532 112 | edu.mit.media.igarashi
0.00 0.00 9134 4 | edu.mit.mengpc-143-2
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.mit.w20-575-18
0.00 0.00 15734 8 | edu.monmouth.dmz.142
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0.00 0.00 900 5 | edu.monroecc.reynolds-06-100-d061531
0.02 0.01 211176 45 | edu.msu.user.berlinje
0.00 0.00 25308 7 | edu.msu.user.heinri13
0.00 0.00 24080 7 | edu.msu.user.justmanj
0.00 0.00 25514 7 | edu.msu.user.teutschm
0.02 0.01 178694 50 | edu.mtu.civil.civpc117
0.02 0.01 130370 42 | edu.mtu.civil.civpc123
0.01 0.01 117444 35 | edu.mtu.tc.ppp042
0.02 0.01 92039 54 | edu.nau.ppp.ts1-10
0.01 0.01 134570 38 | edu.ncsu.ce.pc01-319cmn
0.05 0.06 847229 142 | edu.ncsu.ce.pc04-431mn
0.03 0.03 466464 74 | edu.ncsu.rh.afc-008-177
0.00 0.01 79410 11 | edu.ncsu.unity.n00175-2413dhh
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.ncsu.unity.n00186-2413dhh
0.02 0.01 172936 50 | edu.nd.ce.kelvin
0.03 0.01 179956 66 | edu.nd.ce.stokes
0.01 0.01 165592 36 | edu.nd.student.mukai-1a
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | edu.neoucom.ytown.ppp31
0.00 0.00 31291 7 | edu.neu.ccs.elnath
0.00 0.01 189754 5 | edu.nevada.taurus
0.00 0.00 10372 1 | edu.niu.cso.ts1-17
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | edu.njit.dhcp195-144
0.04 0.03 402179 92 | edu.njit.proxy2
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0.00 0.00 26990 6 | edu.nmsu.analog-ts5-11
0.00 0.00 31687 7 | edu.nmsu.mlab-01
0.02 0.01 205926 50 | edu.nmt.io
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | edu.nodak.bsc.ofced.ar10708
0.02 0.02 245791 56 | edu.nodak.und.104.lhy143
0.00 0.00 23332 7 | edu.nodak.und.eerc.dhcp16
0.01 0.01 180534 37 | edu.nsu.default
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | edu.nyu.datanet.d56-113
0.02 0.01 185123 51 | edu.oakland.dialup.cd1.ppp-pm04-dy-15
0.02 0.02 335618 45 | edu.oakland.secs.biz-secs
0.01 0.03 402826 38 | edu.odu.af1
0.05 0.05 790352 138 | edu.odu.al
0.15 0.15 2239040 402 | edu.odu.cc
0.02 0.02 309259 45 | edu.odu.ccpo
5.35 3.88 56203720 13935 | edu.odu.cee
0.18 0.16 2370393 477 | edu.odu.cs
1.91 9.45 136996876 4977 | edu.odu.engr
0.42 0.40 5820998 1088 | edu.odu.labs
0.14 0.15 2116800 364 | edu.odu.lib
0.02 0.01 176548 42 | edu.odu.mem
0.02 0.05 666488 53 | edu.odu.ocean
0.10 0.06 854960 266 | edu.odu.phec
0.00 0.00 26382 6 | edu.odu.sci
0.06 0.04 645232 168 | edu.odu.sci1
3.13 0.91 13189042 8162 | edu.odu.server1
0.05 0.05 695778 127 | edu.odu.usgcc
0.16 0.20 2934952 413 | edu.odu.vbtt
0.11 0.09 1239912 284 | edu.ogi.ccalmr.amb24
0.01 0.00 64301 18 | edu.ogi.ccalmr.amb31
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.ohio-state.eng.glfs
0.00 0.00 34897 7 | edu.ohio-state.homenet.ts34-15
0.03 0.05 736419 78 | edu.ohio-state.homenet.ts38-10
0.01 0.01 101869 18 | edu.ohio-state.resnet.rb14v-93-163
0.01 0.01 74258 21 | edu.okstate.agen.hydro11
0.03 0.01 163669 81 | edu.okstate.agr.pss015
0.00 0.00 64167 7 | edu.okstate.cs.a
0.01 0.01 144438 35 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e3ce9
0.01 0.01 125320 39 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6191
0.02 0.01 159990 46 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6310
0.02 0.01 214497 62 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6311
0.02 0.01 172364 48 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6312
0.07 0.06 861147 172 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6313
0.01 0.01 165591 34 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6314
0.04 0.02 338180 99 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6315
0.01 0.01 144380 36 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6316
0.03 0.01 119807 66 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631a
0.05 0.03 408937 119 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631b
0.03 0.02 227080 67 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631c
0.02 0.01 203738 59 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631d
0.03 0.02 233546 68 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631e
0.01 0.01 115143 34 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e631f
0.01 0.01 107216 31 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4e6320
0.02 0.01 128455 55 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ebf6d
0.00 0.00 8189 1 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ec237
0.01 0.01 122426 36 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ec24a
0.06 0.04 510225 146 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ec24c
0.04 0.02 298949 104 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ec2e7
0.00 0.00 11673 5 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4ec2ef
0.01 0.01 112587 33 | edu.okstate.dhcp.x8b4edee0
0.00 0.01 88045 3 | edu.olemiss.cche.hydra
0.00 0.00 23665 10 | edu.olemiss.lib.ref2
0.00 0.00 28933 8 | edu.pdx.irn.smc52b-04
0.01 0.01 111570 29 | edu.peachnet.cpes.exp28
0.00 0.00 51190 10 | edu.pitt.net.rmt.ehdup-c1-7
0.01 0.00 58229 17 | edu.princeton.pc-e324a
0.00 0.00 30694 12 | edu.princeton.pc2932
0.01 0.00 60922 17 | edu.psu.age.watershed
0.00 0.00 2539 1 | edu.psu.cac-labs.pollock-251
0.01 0.01 112110 30 | edu.psu.cac.nb11ppp43
0.01 0.00 69395 21 | edu.psu.cac.nb16ppp106
0.01 0.02 260918 22 | edu.psu.cac.nb4ppp95
0.01 0.01 127619 36 | edu.psu.cac.nb8ppp125
0.01 0.00 39041 36 | edu.psu.cse.hubsch
0.01 0.01 112304 33 | edu.psu.mng.minpro141b
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | edu.psu.mrl.host208
0.01 0.01 78565 18 | edu.purdue.cc.expert
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | edu.purdue.cc.laebb286pc2
0.03 0.02 334090 74 | edu.purdue.cc.wthr114pc23
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.purdue.eas.sprawl
0.03 0.02 303260 71 | edu.purdue.ecn.au105
0.03 0.03 480036 86 | edu.purdue.ecn.au15
0.01 0.00 59237 14 | edu.purdue.ecn.au16
0.01 0.00 59429 17 | edu.purdue.ecn.jfk
0.01 0.01 163837 37 | edu.purdue.ecn.wts
0.05 0.06 877399 137 | edu.purdue.mgmt.phd608
0.03 0.03 413396 88 | edu.richmond.ur059074
0.02 0.00 69757 50 | edu.rit.rh.d141-l002
0.00 0.01 96146 13 | edu.rmc.bnet-1-23
0.00 0.00 20128 10 | edu.rochester.lib.car20
0.02 0.01 172649 50 | edu.rpi.rcs.troy2012-33
0.00 0.00 54079 9 | edu.rpi.rcs.vccsw13
0.01 0.01 131558 36 | edu.rpi.xyp.rts3p8
0.00 0.00 24363 6 | edu.rpslmc.campus.da1-60-38
0.01 0.01 102256 37 | edu.rpslmc.tob.seven
0.04 0.04 508915 103 | edu.rutgers.monk-a-asy-9
0.02 0.01 166496 43 | edu.rutgers.spinal-cache
0.01 0.00 54147 16 | edu.sbac.ks4125
0.02 0.01 194149 50 | edu.sc.psc.beauty
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | edu.siu.clcs.c036l60a
0.06 0.04 528613 161 | edu.siu.engr.celab07
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | edu.siu.lib.pub43
0.01 0.00 59613 16 | edu.siue.sl.client246
0.00 0.00 34121 11 | edu.siue.wh.client794
0.01 0.01 128771 38 | edu.smumn.rsc1.www
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | edu.stanford.chivas
0.00 0.01 79410 11 | edu.stanford.jr-nt-searsville-lab
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | edu.stanford.klein
0.38 0.80 11634270 999 | edu.stanford.porgy
0.00 0.00 336 1 | edu.stanford.skeptic
0.00 0.00 15271 8 | edu.stevens-tech.cc.ccpcrl9
0.02 0.02 267825 63 | edu.swt.cc.modem8.port22
0.01 0.00 60814 16 | edu.syr.sudial0306-051
0.03 0.03 506641 71 | edu.syr.sudial0416-078
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | edu.tamu.aged.aged104204
0.00 0.00 20611 3 | edu.tamu.bich-p062
0.00 0.00 2115 1 | edu.tamu.hfsb513
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | edu.tamu.oal.lab-380
0.00 0.00 29681 7 | edu.tamu.resnet.jeff
0.03 0.03 409583 91 | edu.tamu.werc-p003
0.00 0.00 65762 9 | edu.tamucc.cilab-off
0.03 0.02 354704 86 | edu.temple.cas.al21139
0.05 0.05 724766 121 | edu.temple.eng.ncr15
0.03 0.02 348306 69 | edu.temple.hsclib.wsuser69
0.00 0.00 46328 8 | edu.tenet.isd.cy-fair.kentek
0.00 0.00 31617 7 | edu.tenet.isd.northside.fw216
0.01 0.00 67748 18 | edu.tmc.uth.sph.sph39002
0.03 0.03 444272 87 | edu.tntech.physics.shriner
0.00 0.02 223935 13 | edu.toronto.eecg.ugsparc10
0.00 0.00 40599 10 | edu.trincoll.dialin.gen-8
0.01 0.03 469869 14 | edu.ttu.accs18-10
0.02 0.01 200580 54 | edu.ttu.ce.geotech
0.00 0.01 72814 10 | edu.ttu.dhcp.ac074
0.00 0.00 20795 3 | edu.ttu.dhcp.ca024
0.02 0.01 117082 45 | edu.ttu.educ.adm224b-1
0.00 0.00 44537 7 | edu.twsu.cs.kira
0.00 0.01 79934 7 | edu.uc.coe.amanda
0.00 0.00 47929 1 | edu.uc.coe.sylvester
0.00 0.00 26951 6 | edu.uc.eng.shark
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | edu.uc.ra.t13-08
0.01 0.01 128767 32 | edu.ucar.boo
0.00 0.00 24523 3 | edu.ucar.harvest
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.ucdavis.des.amhres5
0.00 0.00 19965 3 | edu.ucdavis.iras-1-77
0.07 0.11 1532319 186 | edu.ucdavis.peak
0.01 0.01 98502 29 | edu.uchicago.src.pps120
0.00 0.00 36986 10 | edu.uchsc.loki
0.01 0.01 200555 24 | edu.ucla.resnet.s110-147
0.05 0.06 813148 125 | edu.ucla.seas.zebra
0.03 0.02 289854 82 | edu.ucop.pattit
0.00 0.00 23678 1 | edu.ucr.mcintosh
0.00 0.00 20517 3 | edu.ucr.scilibs103
0.00 0.00 30035 11 | edu.ucsb.crseo.centon
0.10 0.05 744015 260 | edu.ucsc.dhcp-10-85
0.01 0.01 110136 32 | edu.ucsd.cul119-173
0.00 0.00 360 2 | edu.ucsd.dmorrow1
0.00 0.00 14716 6 | edu.ucsd.oepc1
0.01 0.01 216848 28 | edu.ucsd.reshall.hjchang
0.00 0.01 88045 3 | edu.ucsd.turbulence
0.00 0.00 19811 3 | edu.udayton.engr.enpc210
0.01 0.00 64295 18 | edu.udel.cms.frodo
0.06 0.10 1407830 159 | edu.udel.coastal.breaker
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | edu.udel.me.vulcan
0.07 0.09 1288188 195 | edu.udel.nss.ppp-as21-2
0.00 0.00 49556 12 | edu.udel.student.host75-13
0.09 0.04 651868 243 | edu.ufl.coastal.mole
0.01 0.01 128553 36 | edu.ufl.coastal.okee
0.01 0.01 143773 36 | edu.ufl.coastal.seiche
0.00 0.00 20795 3 | edu.ufl.nerdc.ppp-02-ts21
0.00 0.00 34146 11 | edu.ufl.xlate.bs.n64-c209-c149-c50
0.03 0.02 283769 75 | edu.uga.ggy.vermont
0.01 0.01 81996 18 | edu.uidaho.ag.pc000082
0.01 0.00 72036 21 | edu.uidaho.labs.ad10-32
0.01 0.00 64335 18 | edu.uidaho.labs.mcc214-25
0.01 0.00 64291 18 | edu.uidaho.reshall.mark
0.03 0.02 354296 90 | edu.uiowa.icaen.win.l-coe001
0.00 0.01 141270 7 | edu.uiowa.medicine.com82-24
0.03 0.02 328725 90 | edu.uiuc.agecon.agec89
0.02 0.01 134178 51 | edu.uiuc.agn.th190-238
0.04 0.05 690203 111 | edu.uiuc.ce.dipp232
0.01 0.01 116821 35 | edu.uiuc.nres.th190-149
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | edu.uiuc.scs.packers
0.03 0.02 325646 86 | edu.uiuc.slip.eagle-5
0.01 0.01 174519 31 | edu.uiuc.slip.fish-5
0.02 0.02 260414 41 | edu.uiuc.slip.jakarta-9
0.01 0.00 64314 18 | edu.uiuc.sws.prelude
0.00 0.00 360 2 | edu.ukans.ittc.profusion
0.01 0.00 64376 18 | edu.umass.ecs.reckhow-solo
0.01 0.01 112466 34 | edu.umass.fnr.madras
0.00 0.00 28515 7 | edu.umbc.cs.muttley
0.02 0.01 197497 55 | edu.umd.cfar.euterpe
0.02 0.01 178735 50 | edu.umd.fiano
0.02 0.01 180928 53 | edu.umich.med.im.huffamoose
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | edu.umich.phar.ymir
0.01 0.00 69068 16 | edu.umich.reshall.bursley-218-195
0.00 0.02 320757 7 | edu.umich.reshall.westquad-188-30
0.01 0.01 98210 16 | edu.umich.ummu.spence
0.01 0.00 38843 21 | edu.umn.d.dialup-8-158
0.00 0.00 25988 7 | edu.umn.dialup.pub-15-a-145
0.00 0.00 33537 9 | edu.umn.dialup.pub-34-b-148
0.00 0.00 11556 2 | edu.umn.me.travelmate
0.11 0.08 1091542 280 | edu.umn.msi.snow
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | edu.umn.soils.x77-86
0.01 0.01 125128 36 | edu.umn.unreg.x84-148-12
0.00 0.00 8858 5 | edu.umn.unreg.x94-133-138
0.01 0.01 88805 16 | edu.umt.forestry.cosmosii
0.02 0.02 258168 56 | edu.umt.forestry.giswk13
0.00 0.00 48570 9 | edu.umt.forestry.rodent
0.01 0.00 17322 14 | edu.umt.forestry.ws001
0.00 0.00 23332 7 | edu.umt.lib.mlcd02
0.00 0.00 3158 1 | edu.uncc.cs.tiamat
0.01 0.00 68815 16 | edu.uncc.psb239c6-pc
0.04 0.03 481370 109 | edu.unl.bdl-banerjee1
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | edu.unl.buros-ganderson
0.01 0.00 64332 18 | edu.unl.cj-llee
0.03 0.02 355329 86 | edu.unl.cm-tstentz
0.00 0.00 52485 1 | edu.unl.eepc4
0.00 0.02 250691 9 | edu.unl.general
0.00 0.00 65076 8 | edu.unm.cirt-142
0.00 0.01 88163 13 | edu.unomaha.eab100b-pc
0.00 0.00 28595 8 | edu.unr.ag.classrm42-pc
0.03 0.02 275078 81 | edu.unr.ce.suresh
0.01 0.01 186469 34 | edu.unr.ed.maddux
0.00 0.00 39932 10 | edu.unr.edlab.edpc2
0.00 0.00 29001 8 | edu.unr.edlab.edpc3
0.00 0.00 28712 8 | edu.unr.instech.martin
0.06 0.07 971823 151 | edu.unr.scs.pppdri.dri-dial09
0.01 0.01 87438 24 | edu.unt.dialup.premium.local.pras201
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | edu.unt.hsl.nt77125zz
0.00 0.00 9003 4 | edu.upenn.resnet.quad159
0.00 0.00 23512 7 | edu.upmc.ft3.pft2is70
0.03 0.02 328103 86 | edu.uri.coddington.m184
0.01 0.00 58073 16 | edu.uri.cve.cve7
0.01 0.00 63774 18 | edu.uri.oce.opish
0.00 0.01 83426 9 | edu.usc.res-0611
0.00 0.00 16405 8 | edu.usc.res-0878
0.15 0.12 1796462 394 | edu.usc.sbapc11
0.00 0.00 71087 4 | edu.usc.stott2
0.00 0.01 98568 6 | edu.usd.336ppp08
0.00 0.00 24235 10 | edu.usf.coba.faculty94219
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | edu.utah.mlmc.mmpc-34
0.00 0.00 19699 3 | edu.utexas.bus.dhcp-46-133
0.00 0.00 57382 13 | edu.utexas.cs.panir
0.02 0.02 227529 54 | edu.utexas.gw.cacheflow1
0.00 0.00 49304 8 | edu.utk.it.kirk
0.00 0.00 28688 8 | edu.utoledo.dialins.modem-a-6
0.08 0.03 367188 205 | edu.uwm.cae.e1090-pc
0.03 0.02 304960 71 | edu.uwrf.presto.aridisol
0.02 0.01 205113 51 | edu.uwyo.ras894
0.00 0.00 20301 6 | edu.vanderbilt.n1.a161224
0.03 0.02 355289 86 | edu.virginia.acc.slip-3-3
0.01 0.01 91687 14 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-184-51
0.03 0.01 208832 84 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-199-102
0.01 0.00 56773 17 | edu.vt.bse.vtagemp01
0.03 0.02 285225 85 | edu.vt.campus.jagrime2
0.02 0.01 203546 41 | edu.vt.campus.jostreet
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.vt.ce.caelab26
0.00 0.00 19188 7 | edu.vt.ce.enviro5
0.04 0.03 396925 94 | edu.vt.cns.sl006.as5300-3
0.02 0.01 90536 49 | edu.vt.cns.sl025.as5200-10
0.04 0.05 700680 103 | edu.vt.cns.sl026.as5200-11
0.01 0.00 60848 18 | edu.vt.fw.dkelting
0.01 0.01 77076 32 | edu.washington.cs.draz
0.00 0.00 46758 2 | edu.washington.cs.longinus
0.00 0.00 44537 7 | edu.washington.cs.talkietoaster
0.03 0.04 651538 86 | edu.washington.cs.zhadum
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | edu.washington.spmodem.cs206-24
0.00 0.00 19209 2 | edu.washington.spmodem.cs210-23
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | edu.washington.spmodem.cs211-49
0.02 0.01 194978 53 | edu.westark.mailgate
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | edu.whittier.hoov17a
0.00 0.00 23691 11 | edu.whittier.hoov19b
0.00 0.00 5030 2 | edu.wisc.biostat.adhara
0.00 0.00 19873 3 | edu.wisc.cae.galaga
0.00 0.00 21383 3 | edu.wisc.cae.nt-19
0.00 0.00 22505 7 | edu.wisc.dialup.ras-tnt-1-48-200
0.00 0.00 15505 5 | edu.wisc.dialup.t-38-183-52
0.00 0.00 12591 4 | edu.wisc.dialup.t-55-209-137
0.01 0.02 343715 30 | edu.wisc.dialup.t-56-209-151
0.00 0.00 9136 4 | edu.wisc.dialup.t-67-210-143
0.08 0.05 746137 199 | edu.wisc.lss.indie
0.00 0.00 23913 7 | edu.wisc.resnet.chad063-087
0.00 0.00 1782 1 | edu.wmc.mac05
0.00 0.01 163368 13 | edu.wright.dupa111070
0.01 0.00 62278 18 | edu.wsu.bsyse.irrilab
0.04 0.03 424198 92 | edu.wsu.cahe.cahefr88097
0.00 0.00 41204 6 | edu.wsu.cbe.dhcp96-32
0.01 0.02 326752 31 | edu.wsu.ce.asce
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | edu.wsu.cea.ems4
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | edu.wsu.che.bob03
0.11 0.14 1967866 284 | edu.wsu.eecs.pc353-28
0.03 0.02 281589 69 | edu.wsu.it.xtsd0203
0.02 0.01 140916 43 | edu.wsu.it.xtsd0411
0.00 0.00 11873 1 | edu.wsu.it.xtsd0702
0.04 0.03 434104 95 | edu.wsu.mme.mm85
0.00 0.00 22955 7 | edu.wsu.resnet.res149027
0.03 0.03 369690 90 | edu.wustl.cive.mendota
0.03 0.02 311163 84 | edu.wustl.eng-isdn-123
0.06 0.08 1155883 162 | edu.wustl.raf
0.00 0.00 20036 3 | edu.wustl.wuh.huru62
0.02 0.01 205877 50 | edu.wvnet.dialup.ip004007
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | edu.wvnet.dialup.ip004233
0.00 0.00 180 1 | edu.wvu.hrlnet.arh0150-165
0.00 0.00 69516 7 | edu.yale.student.net52-142
0.00 0.00 25596 7 | ee.ttu.cc.line-3
0.00 0.00 13649 1 | es.arrakis.ia-131
0.02 0.01 194970 53 | es.arrakis.id-155
0.00 0.00 38432 4 | es.arrakis.if-197
0.03 0.01 190896 89 | es.arrakis.ii-120
0.03 0.03 417138 70 | es.banesto.cliente1-130
0.01 0.01 127451 38 | es.banesto.cliente1-94
0.00 0.00 6693 2 | es.cedex.escudo
0.10 0.38 5440517 266 | es.ceselsa.vinci
0.03 0.02 218283 66 | es.csic.acebo
0.00 0.01 151755 6 | es.csic.ccma.pc134
0.00 0.01 147099 12 | es.ctv.ctv21225135122
0.01 0.00 72441 19 | es.euskaltel.clientes.eu10-5
0.01 0.01 128986 33 | es.euskaltel.clientes.eu10-67
0.02 0.00 28541 51 | es.euskaltel.clientes.eu10-91
0.01 0.01 84355 23 | es.ictnet.user108
0.00 0.00 11758 4 | es.ictnet.user116
0.01 0.00 10027 23 | es.ictnet.user86
0.00 0.00 54203 6 | es.ineco.mail
0.01 0.00 62534 17 | es.retevision.red.be-153-sevi-x3
0.02 0.01 154635 54 | es.retevision.red.be-21-madr-x26
0.01 0.00 64318 18 | es.retevision.red.be-65-madr-x10
0.01 0.00 64345 18 | es.retevision.red.be-90-madr-x6
0.03 0.02 261383 83 | es.udg.pceps401
0.02 0.01 198242 41 | es.unican.ppp42
0.01 0.01 132723 37 | es.urv.etse.dixie
0.00 0.00 44838 4 | et.net.telecom.term3-line4
0.01 0.01 101235 18 | fi.abo.asapc9
0.14 0.11 1620303 354 | fi.fgi.jaakko
0.00 0.00 36821 10 | fi.hamkk.hostb181
0.01 0.01 182454 29 | fi.hut.cs.new-o2-3
0.00 0.00 30994 7 | fi.hut.cs.sunrise
0.01 0.00 64349 18 | fi.hut.luukku
0.00 0.01 88505 3 | fi.hut.norix
0.00 0.00 15792 2 | fi.hut.s-mikro-8
0.01 0.00 21377 18 | fi.inet.cache-hki-1
0.00 0.01 166731 7 | fi.inet.cache-hki-4
0.00 0.01 86600 12 | fi.inet.cache-jkl-2
0.01 0.01 156062 19 | fi.inet.cache-tre-1
0.01 0.01 84768 22 | fi.inet.cache-tre-2
0.05 0.06 908569 133 | fi.jytol.dopi98
0.00 0.00 14317 6 | fi.kuortane.gw
0.00 0.01 103196 8 | fi.netppl.dial.ppp-210198
0.04 0.04 524082 102 | fi.otol.titan-atm
0.00 0.04 640469 8 | fi.saunalahti.aitta
0.03 0.02 327614 67 | fi.saunalahti.haka
0.00 0.00 30699 10 | fi.sci.jdyn.cclxxxi
0.01 0.01 161643 28 | fi.stone.pc-juhis
0.01 0.00 63647 18 | fi.suunnittelukeskus.vyttni
0.02 0.01 207467 50 | fi.syh.bibban3
0.00 0.00 47966 12 | fi.sysopen.mutu
0.00 0.01 121258 6 | fi.tpo.koti.cache
0.01 0.00 28457 15 | fi.ttaol.kelop91
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | fi.vtt.yki.ykimk090
0.00 0.00 42827 10 | fi.vyh.osi6-red
0.00 0.00 7456 4 | fi.works.saludo
0.03 0.03 470377 73 | fr.asso.fupl.allhost
0.00 0.00 21790 7 | fr.bertin.boston
0.00 0.00 32704 5 | fr.brl.proxy
0.00 0.00 20671 3 | fr.cemagref.bordeaux.ploux
0.00 0.01 97860 13 | fr.cemagref.montpellier.giq176
0.02 0.01 188173 54 | fr.cemagref.rennes.galene
0.02 0.03 383095 47 | fr.cicomore.cicgate
0.00 0.00 17234 5 | fr.ciril.algol
0.01 0.01 180085 19 | fr.club-internet.cergy2-207
0.00 0.01 172072 12 | fr.club-internet.pop.ppp-195-36-196-177
0.45 0.43 6220028 1166 | fr.club-internet.raspail1-130
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-102-120
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-105-58
0.00 0.01 164200 2 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-109-164
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-109-77
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-111-111
0.00 0.01 164200 2 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-162-211
0.00 0.01 82100 1 | fr.club-internet.villette.ppp-168-151
0.00 0.00 31078 7 | fr.cybercable.phragmite
0.05 0.69 9951600 123 | fr.datops.dataops
0.00 0.00 2089 1 | fr.dgac.cenatoulouse.fw
0.00 0.00 2460 3 | fr.edf.cledf2
0.00 0.01 190974 13 | fr.edf.clwproxy
0.09 0.07 985623 222 | fr.enitab.p114-res-ps
0.00 0.00 26889 7 | fr.enst.ellipse
0.00 0.01 165770 13 | fr.essi.news-srv
0.00 0.00 32664 7 | fr.essi.poix
0.02 0.02 334442 64 | fr.ever.ever16
0.00 0.00 41718 9 | fr.francenet.pppa303
0.00 0.03 386690 13 | fr.grolier.proxyca1
0.00 0.00 14628 1 | fr.grolier.proxyca4
0.01 0.00 59429 17 | fr.inra.ensam.mdietrich
0.02 0.01 185408 57 | fr.inra.roazhon.blosne
0.01 0.00 55883 15 | fr.inria.hydre
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | fr.insa-tlse.invite
0.00 0.00 13842 1 | fr.iut-orsay.net-gw
0.05 0.06 865728 123 | fr.jussieu.serveurs-nationaux.cache1
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | fr.oleane.dialup.gre.dyn-1-1-247
0.00 0.00 28742 8 | fr.olsy.olinternet
0.00 0.00 28364 7 | fr.rand.volet
0.00 0.01 168637 10 | fr.sligos.sat.galilee
0.00 0.00 180 1 | fr.u-bourgogne.newman
0.00 0.00 9985 5 | fr.u-nancy.clsh
0.00 0.00 446 2 | fr.u-strasbg.cache
0.02 0.02 218971 47 | fr.u-strasbg.srvmd
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | fr.ubisoft.c2-44
0.00 0.00 2532 1 | fr.unicaen.madeleine
0.00 0.00 9063 4 | fr.unice.iutsoph
0.00 0.00 42248 7 | fr.unice.minux
0.00 0.00 12727 5 | fr.unilim.limux1
0.08 0.05 761569 212 | fr.unilim.lseepc3
0.02 0.03 437713 61 | fr.unilim.lseepc4
0.00 0.00 17325 8 | fr.univ-bpclermont.psycho
0.06 0.07 1084055 168 | fr.univ-bpclermont.ucfgm2
0.05 0.05 696650 124 | fr.univ-lehavre.fst.eocene
0.00 0.01 159667 12 | fr.univ-lemans.averell
0.00 0.02 355809 12 | fr.univ-rennes1.servix
0.07 0.09 1233270 192 | fr.univ-rennes1.sunaimed
0.01 0.01 86121 21 | fr.uvsq.robot.athena
0.01 0.00 66242 18 | fr.wanadoo.abo.aix3-26
0.01 0.01 118909 26 | fr.wanadoo.abo.gre3-23
0.00 0.00 8713 1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.peri1-140
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | fr.wanadoo.abo.stbri3-221
0.00 0.01 189754 5 | fr.wanadoo.abo.tntavi10-194
0.01 0.01 72949 15 | fr.wanadoo.abo.tntguy16-189
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | fr.wanadoo.abo.tntmars18-70
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | fr.wanadoo.abo.tnttroy4-102
0.00 0.00 45865 1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.tntvan4-26
0.01 0.00 54696 16 | gov.ag.ars.tucson.badlands
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | gov.anl.ead.labmac
0.01 0.00 63701 18 | gov.anl.ead.pc-gus
0.01 0.01 132927 38 | gov.blm.ut.utgate
0.01 0.00 52466 15 | gov.bnl.idas.idas7-p5
0.01 0.01 184379 38 | gov.ca.water.dlahqa33
0.01 0.01 128544 34 | gov.census.inet-gw
0.00 0.01 87341 11 | gov.doe.doegate
0.00 0.00 49644 7 | gov.epa.dhcp.d134-067-135-152
0.00 0.00 63999 9 | gov.epa.r03.r3pc384
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | gov.hud.proxylm
0.01 0.00 63751 18 | gov.llnl.crepes
0.01 0.00 45707 14 | gov.mms.scott
0.04 0.04 547602 97 | gov.nasa.larc.arch
0.04 0.03 428380 99 | gov.nasa.larc.awaters
0.07 0.08 1185737 194 | gov.nasa.larc.rhenium
0.01 0.01 180580 37 | gov.nasa.larc.shamrock
0.31 0.37 5298444 820 | gov.nasa.larc.trident
0.04 0.03 412155 98 | gov.nasa.larc.webser03
0.01 0.01 100416 25 | gov.nasa.larc.whitleymac
0.01 0.01 197237 34 | gov.nasa.larc.windmueller
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | gov.nasa.lerc.fw02
0.03 0.03 397682 89 | gov.noaa.aoml.hugo
0.00 0.00 24842 7 | gov.noaa.ngdc.heptodon
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | gov.noaa.nodc.alcatraz
0.03 0.02 356589 85 | gov.nrc.igate2
0.00 0.00 19168 1 | gov.nstl.msea1
0.04 0.05 779663 112 | gov.ohio.hcca.hccafr
0.03 0.02 275123 81 | gov.orau.fw
0.01 0.00 52466 15 | gov.ornl.ccs.qx5pc
0.01 0.01 164910 36 | gov.ornl.hsr.eb3
0.00 0.00 10719 4 | gov.pader.gatekeeper
0.04 0.03 500177 110 | gov.pnl.puck
0.03 0.02 329226 89 | gov.sandia.sahp949
0.00 0.00 35174 9 | gov.sfwmd.sgtpepper-qe0
0.00 0.00 71087 4 | gov.srs.cerberus
0.00 0.00 58706 11 | gov.tva.tvainet
0.01 0.00 67201 35 | gov.uscourts.dcx-01-gw
0.00 0.00 30035 11 | gov.usda.fsc.momaysvill.nrcs1
0.00 0.00 23595 7 | gov.usdoj.wdcsun2
0.00 0.00 8846 3 | gov.usdoj.wdcsun4
0.00 0.00 9718 1 | gov.usgs.cr.edcpc0156
0.05 0.04 554468 139 | gov.usgs.er.bernoulli
0.01 0.01 126373 24 | gov.usgs.er.nt1servr
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | gov.wa.leg.netaccess
0.00 0.00 26970 6 | gr.aueb.dialup.line4
0.00 0.00 30568 7 | gr.aueb.unnamed.zfc33
0.01 0.01 174280 32 | gr.aueb.unnamed.zfd50
0.01 0.01 120859 29 | gr.auth.ccf.philippos
0.00 0.00 9721 1 | gr.auth.ccf.poseidi-ppp1
0.01 0.00 60224 26 | gr.auth.civil.ocean
0.00 0.00 38598 11 | gr.bee.ppp1-far-gw1
0.02 0.03 372080 58 | gr.grnet.nic
0.02 0.01 139124 50 | gr.hol.tc.ath5.port96
0.00 0.00 51053 12 | gr.ntua.noc.diomedes
0.00 0.00 45494 13 | gr.otenet.xant-a11
0.00 0.00 20611 3 | gr.tvx.proxy
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | gr.upatras.lis.hippothoe
0.00 0.00 1552 3 | hk.edu.cuhk.alumni.blue
0.00 0.00 12567 2 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.earth
0.01 0.00 59595 15 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.jupiter
0.01 0.00 69056 19 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.mercury
0.00 0.00 37978 3 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.neptune
0.00 0.00 11062 4 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.saturn
0.04 0.04 538553 107 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.sun
0.00 0.00 9622 3 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.uranus
0.00 0.00 10743 4 | hk.edu.cuhk.csc.venus
0.00 0.00 5469 3 | hk.edu.hkis.rbbm
0.20 0.16 2392095 524 | hk.edu.jucc.proxy1
0.02 0.02 227417 43 | hk.edu.jucc.proxy2
0.02 0.03 433945 48 | hk.edu.polyu.hkpa05
0.01 0.02 220718 17 | hk.edu.polyu.ntproxy1
0.01 0.00 66929 19 | hk.edu.polyu.ntproxy2
0.23 0.15 2240069 609 | hk.edu.vtc.hqproxy
0.00 0.00 446 2 | hk.org.bgca.202-70-18-226
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | hk.ust.ustsu18-nc2
0.02 0.01 179370 50 | hk.ust.ustsu68-nc2
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | hr.iskon.mozart
0.00 0.00 13357 1 | hr.riteh.mrsa
0.02 0.01 199354 44 | hu.datanet.proxy
0.00 0.00 46408 12 | hu.elender.proxy
0.00 0.00 31640 11 | hu.gts.bigcache
0.24 0.24 3546838 617 | hu.matav.szabolcs
0.01 0.00 67778 30 | hu.mav.tuzfal1
0.01 0.01 120737 15 | hu.mtafki.fir
0.00 0.01 96037 10 | hu.tvnet.city.laurus
0.01 0.02 230814 19 | hu.westel.keep
0.00 0.00 9231 1 | id.ac.itb.ar.gtw
0.00 0.01 72941 8 | id.ac.itb.ns2
0.00 0.00 13649 1 | id.net.cbn.ip08-76
0.05 0.09 1362759 118 | id.net.rad.dialin.dyn2026b
0.00 0.00 11384 5 | id.net.rad.proxy1
0.01 0.01 81736 23 | id.net.telkom.cache1
0.01 0.01 142579 25 | id.net.telkom.proxy-jkt
0.02 0.06 939735 54 | id.net.telkom.proxy1-bdg
0.01 0.01 201778 36 | ie.aldiscon.temp-router
0.04 0.04 554414 116 | ie.indigo.netcache
0.00 0.01 191397 10 | ie.iol.cache.cache1
0.01 0.01 146332 33 | ie.iol.dublin.dialup-0102
0.01 0.01 90175 18 | ie.iol.dublin.dialup-0457
0.00 0.00 26646 8 | ie.irlgov.ns
0.00 0.01 88045 3 | ie.tinet.dublin.exs.as1.p148
0.00 0.01 96206 10 | ie.ucc.healy
0.02 0.00 43434 48 | ie.ucc.ocean
0.00 0.00 23332 7 | ie.ucd.hermes
0.08 0.04 605858 202 | ie.ucd.parmentier
0.02 0.01 178524 50 | ie.ul.desktop.martin
0.00 0.00 2540 2 | il.co.aquanet.cache2
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.co.canaan.proxy
0.00 0.00 2501 2 | il.co.dsp.pcdsp
0.00 0.00 717 1 | il.co.infomall.proxy
0.01 0.00 60420 16 | il.co.kinneret.kinneret1
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | il.co.mekorot.mekfire
0.00 0.00 8505 1 | il.gov.agri.relay
0.00 0.00 294 3 | il.net.access.hfa-174-184
0.00 0.00 882 9 | il.net.access.hfa-174-213
0.00 0.00 294 3 | il.net.access.hfa-174-89
0.00 0.00 5041 4 | il.net.access.hfa-175-29
0.02 0.02 248040 63 | il.net.access.hfa-175-82
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.access.jlm-155-99
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.access.r-h-186-195
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.access.rhv-150-87
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.access.rsn-172-53
0.00 0.00 3434 5 | il.net.access.rsn-203-190
0.00 0.00 573 1 | il.net.inter.proxy5
0.00 0.00 16439 7 | il.net.isdn.pri-pt-8184
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.isdn.pri-ra-2070
0.02 0.01 149272 40 | il.net.isdn.pri1069
0.00 0.00 606 1 | il.net.isdn.pri1201
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.isdn.pri2169
0.01 0.01 116285 35 | il.net.isdn.proxy
0.00 0.00 22440 6 | il.net.isdn.speed-net-1253
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.netvision.hrz.ras3-p15
0.01 0.01 116926 33 | il.net.netvision.hrz.ras4-p25
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.netvision.hrz.ras4-p28
0.00 0.00 28779 8 | il.net.netvision.proxy-ta
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | il.net.netvision.rlz.ras2-p62
0.01 0.01 160994 38 | in.ernet.recw.varun
0.00 0.00 4277 1 | in.net.vsnl.ahd.ppp28-51
0.04 0.03 439143 92 | in.net.vsnl.bng.ppp36-184
0.02 0.02 343526 54 | in.net.vsnl.bng.ppp39-73
0.00 0.01 147588 2 | in.net.vsnl.bng.ppp88-110
0.00 0.00 16108 9 | in.net.vsnl.dot.ppp50-77
0.02 0.02 282706 55 | in.net.vsnl.dot.ppp50-90
0.00 0.01 113891 6 | in.net.vsnl.giasbma
0.00 0.02 356414 7 | in.net.vsnl.giasbmc
0.00 0.00 7228 1 | in.net.vsnl.giaspn01
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp29-65
0.03 0.03 403346 72 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp29-87
0.04 0.00 53360 102 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp45-121
0.04 0.00 59363 95 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp45-176
0.04 0.04 619691 105 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp45-247
0.01 0.03 368152 26 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp45-253
0.02 0.00 35224 41 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp46-11
0.03 0.00 37937 89 | in.net.vsnl.lvsb.ppp46-18
0.05 0.06 801076 141 | in.net.vsnl.pppdel.d1571
0.00 0.01 125806 4 | in.net.vsnl.pppmad.cbe_d21
0.02 0.02 343747 61 | in.net.vsnl.pppmad.m31
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | in.net.vsnl.pppmad.triv_d21
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | is.eldhorn.bella95
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | is.islandia.titanium
0.00 0.00 20327 3 | is.isnet.hraustur
0.00 0.00 35895 2 | it.cilea.harry
0.01 0.00 66391 20 | it.cnr.pi.iirg.grassi
0.02 0.02 257278 44 | it.dada.dadovago10-p3
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | it.dnet.ppp100-bx
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | it.dnet.ppp47-bz
0.01 0.01 108271 23 | it.emilia-romagna.regione.ambws3
0.01 0.01 84570 27 | it.enea.santateresa.pc_baldi
0.00 0.00 16724 10 | it.flashnet.proxy01-mi
0.00 0.00 23964 1 | it.flashnet.proxy01-rm
0.01 0.01 161937 33 | it.flashnet.proxy02-rm
0.01 0.01 175775 24 | it.goldnet.flash
0.00 0.00 37790 7 | it.goldnet.thiene2
0.00 0.00 17535 2 | it.inet.dianos
0.00 0.00 180 1 | it.interbusiness.cn.ap00.rub114
0.01 0.01 182137 20 | it.iol.ppp-milano67-35
0.01 0.03 457450 22 | it.iol.ppp-perugia82-177
0.04 0.05 692326 95 | it.iol.ppp-pool52-77-229
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | it.italway.ppp5
0.03 0.02 245755 66 | it.itnet.pn.gets1-61
0.00 0.00 5131 5 | it.keycomm.gemini
0.00 0.01 123065 6 | it.krenet.kutu
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | it.navigator.proxy
0.01 0.01 211678 26 | it.nettuno.sp21
0.00 0.00 22955 7 | it.omnitel.ns
0.00 0.00 37069 9 | it.rsadvnet.pool249
0.02 0.02 245438 61 | it.saritel.casper
0.01 0.01 132638 38 | it.skylink.va-157
0.02 0.01 149534 50 | it.skylink.va-163
0.01 0.01 177703 29 | it.skylink.va-168
0.00 0.01 94458 11 | it.tin.a-ba7-11
0.00 0.03 460147 7 | it.tin.a-bo14-22
0.00 0.01 185341 6 | it.tin.a-ge17-4
0.00 0.00 6314 1 | it.tin.a-li5-10
0.01 0.04 569705 32 | it.tin.a-pg4-61
0.00 0.01 78521 6 | it.tin.a-rm30-33
0.03 0.02 286530 69 | it.tin.a-rn4-31
0.03 0.03 405021 86 | it.tin.a-sa5-5
0.01 0.01 120398 34 | it.tin.a-sa5-7
0.05 0.04 583094 132 | it.tin.a-sa7-38
0.07 0.06 835739 171 | it.unibo.ing.marinelli
0.00 0.01 86847 11 | it.unibs.ing.yoda
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | it.unict.ing.iiiga.alan
0.01 0.03 380636 16 | it.unina.dialin54
0.00 0.00 17677 8 | it.uniroma1.bio.infor1
0.03 0.02 289109 88 | it.uniroma1.ing.pc37cidep3
0.01 0.08 1188125 28 | it.uniroma1.ing.pc37savio1
0.00 0.00 17677 8 | it.uniroma1.ing2.enrg50
0.09 0.08 1193239 236 | it.uniroma1.ing2.raimondi
0.06 0.03 402700 153 | it.uniroma2.ccd.ppp-003
0.01 0.01 88121 20 | it.uniroma2.ccd.ppp-014
0.03 0.02 280908 90 | it.unitn.ing.bernardipc
0.01 0.01 87075 18 | it.wsn.segrate-asy07
0.00 0.01 188544 10 | jo.edu.just.hodhod
0.00 0.00 180 1 | jp.ac.chubu.isc.ninolib13
0.03 0.06 861084 66 | jp.ac.hokudai.cat.ohno
0.01 0.01 166299 38 | jp.ac.hokudai.ees.shunitz2
0.06 0.02 263208 168 | jp.ac.hokudai.eng.sakana-er
0.00 0.00 15719 4 | jp.ac.kanazawa-u.t.ce.kankyou1
0.00 0.00 18007 8 | jp.ac.saitama-u.apc.env6
0.01 0.01 139627 35 | jp.ac.tokyo-u-fish.shiho
0.00 0.00 223 1 | jp.ac.u-aizu.cache0
0.00 0.00 5003 3 | jp.ac.u-aizu.cache1
0.04 0.01 133175 97 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.a.fr.nyo
0.00 0.00 55845 13 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.iis.jiang
0.02 0.01 187613 54 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.t.envgra6
0.00 0.05 771071 8 | jp.ac.utsunomiya-u.cc.mailsrv
0.32 0.39 5593261 824 | jp.ac.ynu.cvg.hidetaka
0.00 0.00 50626 10 | jp.co.bconsystems.gamma
0.01 0.00 60814 16 | jp.co.chiyoda.ns
0.01 0.00 64344 18 | jp.co.ebara.ebri07
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | jp.co.emile.micmac
0.00 0.01 120390 6 | jp.co.fujitsu.k7
0.00 0.00 8955 4 | jp.co.fujitsu.k8
0.01 0.01 164881 36 | jp.co.jasac.ns
0.01 0.01 105028 35 | jp.co.n-koei.px
0.49 0.27 3880397 1268 | jp.co.nokia.towwwgw01
0.01 0.01 79824 24 | jp.co.ntt.tnl.dyms.gl-dy2
0.00 0.00 52709 5 | jp.co.shinko-elec.ns
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | jp.co.tepco.tproxy11
0.00 0.00 223 1 | jp.co.toshiba.inet-proxy2
0.00 0.00 17784 7 | jp.co.toshiba.inet-proxy4
0.00 0.00 30496 7 | jp.ne.dion.b135229
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | jp.ne.dti.yamato-ap2.ins76
0.25 0.26 3731840 646 | jp.ne.dti.yokohama-ins.ins32
0.00 0.00 42603 9 | jp.ne.gol.ariake.tc-1-251
0.00 0.00 41972 4 | jp.ne.goo.goo302
0.00 0.00 23383 2 | jp.ne.goo.goo304
0.04 0.03 468232 92 | jp.ne.ii-okinawa.ppp-max44
0.00 0.00 25821 6 | jp.ne.m-surf.mzkps110
0.01 0.01 165655 14 | jp.ne.saganet.saga035
0.03 0.02 274910 77 | jp.or.iij4u.p074.h030
0.03 0.01 109165 88 | jp.or.iij4u.p080.h162
0.01 0.00 53435 15 | jp.or.iij4u.p080.h165
0.01 0.00 66500 32 | jp.or.iij4u.p081.h166
0.00 0.00 13187 5 | jp.or.netspace.ym002
0.12 0.14 2102102 313 | kr.ac.chonnam.pc82054
0.01 0.01 113631 35 | kr.ac.kaist.cherish
0.29 0.36 5164335 751 | kr.ac.snu.davinci
0.01 0.00 63692 18 | kr.co.dacom.du.ppp120159173
0.38 0.28 4120152 991 | kr.co.kitel.ns
0.01 0.01 188188 17 | kr.co.samsung.s139.user147
0.01 0.00 71562 27 | kr.co.unitel.zeus
0.08 0.10 1467974 205 | kr.nm.kornet.cache2
0.01 0.01 78798 18 | lb.com.inco.cache1
0.03 0.05 683214 81 | lb.net.cyberia.proxyr
0.00 0.00 41681 7 | lb.net.cyberia.proxyr2
0.00 0.00 5842 1 | lk.ac.mrt.tissa
0.05 0.04 529763 126 | lt.aiva.siauliai.vandenys
0.01 0.00 65897 18 | lt.gamta.vilnair
0.00 0.01 77520 9 | lt.ktu.03bar
0.00 0.00 4596 3 | lt.ktu.sc-uni.delta
0.00 0.01 75998 5 | lt.osf.dialup1
0.00 0.00 36947 8 | lt.ot.keda11
0.03 0.03 487314 89 | lt.ot.keda9
0.00 0.01 79629 6 | lt.telecom.srvr2
0.00 0.01 137666 6 | lt.telecom.vln.dialup221
0.00 0.00 32828 8 | lu.cu.infogest.duchscher
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | lu.pt.ppp01-0710-120
0.00 0.00 360 2 | lu.pt.ppp03-0708-246
0.01 0.00 42742 14 | md.asm.ppp5
0.02 0.02 332405 62 | mil.af.acccss.css186181
0.02 0.02 329249 58 | mil.af.andersen.and-144-173
0.00 0.00 22505 7 | mil.af.hickam.server-proxy
0.01 0.01 164830 36 | mil.af.langley.xp.user134056
0.01 0.00 50839 14 | mil.af.luke.lacote
0.00 0.01 197421 13 | mil.af.macdill.dynamic.wxobs_4405
0.01 0.00 64263 18 | mil.af.mcclellan.sm7615
0.00 0.01 94128 3 | mil.af.tyndall.tynsun02
0.00 0.01 79463 11 | mil.af.wpafb.px1o
0.01 0.01 96990 15 | mil.af.wpafb.wpmsc01
0.00 0.00 33267 10 | mil.army.21taacom.net213.pc66
0.00 0.00 43165 10 | mil.army.bragg.strangers
0.06 0.52 7599321 150 | mil.army.eustis.emh4
0.01 0.01 97051 19 | mil.army.kuwait.385sig.mailhost
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0.04 0.03 417380 92 | mil.army.monroe.dcst161-139
0.01 0.01 107002 17 | mil.army.ngb.pmorcas.dhcp140
0.08 0.23 3392820 201 | mil.army.tacom.proxy
0.04 0.06 843246 96 | mil.army.usace.nap.nap-jvs02
0.01 0.01 99636 24 | mil.army.usace.swt.swt012106
0.03 0.02 291245 76 | mil.army.usace.swt.swt015128
0.00 0.00 40805 10 | mil.assist.tiger
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0.00 0.00 26648 7 | mil.disa.ncr.osf8141054569
0.00 0.09 1295020 10 | mil.dtra.ja.ks.thegap
0.04 0.07 1006871 107 | mil.navy.clf.usr-125
0.10 0.09 1308716 273 | mil.navy.cmar.kbb06
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | mil.navy.cnet.grlu5115
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0.00 0.00 25003 8 | mil.navy.mugu.scully
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0.12 0.11 1637009 318 | mil.navy.navfac.efdlant.bouchedm
0.03 0.03 465339 85 | mil.navy.navfac.efdlant.crowdebr
0.08 0.11 1537222 211 | mil.navy.navfac.efdlant.harrelllm
0.03 0.03 436107 87 | mil.navy.navfac.efdlant.russellmd
0.01 0.02 297078 37 | mil.navy.navfac.efdlant.suttonms
0.00 0.00 9136 4 | mil.navy.navsea.cc30990
0.03 0.23 3364051 80 | mil.navy.ncsc.css-gw
0.01 0.00 63781 18 | mil.navy.nctamslant.orfhost
0.02 0.01 194725 53 | mil.navy.nctsw.shiva_isp127
0.08 0.04 643165 210 | mil.navy.nrc.stthomas
0.03 0.03 416456 87 | mil.navy.spear.rcoh.nnvafw2
0.04 0.05 732373 95 | mil.navy.uar.dnsmaila
0.00 0.00 61122 7 | mil.nima.relay
0.29 0.35 5113545 746 | mil.nosc.gatling
0.02 0.02 225021 50 | mil.osd.dodig
0.00 0.00 42895 1 | mil.osia.fw
0.00 0.00 63988 9 | mil.uscg.comdt.glacier21
0.17 0.14 2073482 454 | mil.uscg.gateway-fincen
0.05 0.03 469127 132 | mil.usmc.cpp.gate2gw
0.03 0.03 409324 91 | mil.usmc.quantico.gate1
0.51 0.27 3900624 1316 | mil.usmc.quantico.gate2
0.02 0.02 228447 58 | mu.intnet.a33
0.00 0.00 44759 9 | mx.com.logicnet.ppp20dgo
0.02 0.12 1725903 43 | mx.com.podernet.tabasco.linea12
0.00 0.01 167747 12 | mx.gob.businessline.invisible3
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0.00 0.00 1514 3 | mx.imp.www
0.00 0.01 104758 7 | mx.net.infosel.monterrey0509
0.00 0.00 43620 13 | mx.net.rtn.taz
0.00 0.00 16262 7 | mx.net.telmex.tntmex4-1-214
0.00 0.00 33087 9 | mx.net.telmex.tol1-179
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | mx.net.uninet.mty18-145
0.01 0.01 197383 22 | mx.net.uninet.uninet-customer-35
0.00 0.00 21383 3 | my.jaring.brf72.j43
0.02 0.02 296347 65 | my.jaring.cache1
0.01 0.00 58073 16 | my.jaring.jhb54.j18
0.00 0.00 4079 5 | my.jaring.ptl33.j56
0.00 0.00 5527 4 | my.jaring.sgw34.j5
0.00 0.00 59014 13 | my.jaring.sgw42.j3
0.00 0.01 86673 9 | my.jaring.srb32.j38
0.01 0.00 39897 16 | my.jaring.ttk31.j18
0.00 0.01 82598 4 | my.net.tm.bat-50-78
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0.00 0.00 28478 8 | my.net.tm.jrc-73-210
0.08 0.09 1320586 215 | my.net.tm.jrc-73-94
0.02 0.01 205700 46 | my.net.tm.kbu-43-234
0.03 0.01 93958 85 | my.net.tm.klg-56-148
0.03 0.05 702881 78 | my.net.tm.klg-56-15
0.00 0.02 217565 12 | my.net.tm.klj-17-126
0.00 0.00 26474 10 | my.net.tm.kmr-184-91
0.02 0.01 137583 41 | my.net.tm.sc-154-32
0.06 0.09 1260481 145 | my.net.tm.stm-44-235
0.00 0.00 49057 12 | my.net.tm.tp-71-225
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | net.110.ri.netblock.209.113.193.host34
0.02 0.00 11320 64 | net.3web.calppp157233
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0.01 0.01 103035 21 | net.access1.losangeles.la-2-17
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0.02 0.01 209641 54 | net.accglobal.tor.cf2
0.01 0.01 188304 17 | net.accglobal.tor.nc1
0.03 0.02 316564 85 | net.acornworld.d14
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.adams.pfd-ppp-51
0.04 0.02 362198 106 | net.adelphia.chr.omega
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.adelphia.wre.surf156
0.03 0.02 244346 90 | net.adhoc.fulmine
0.00 0.00 25016 8 | net.adk.server
0.00 0.00 3420 3 | net.advantis.us.ca.goldengate
0.00 0.00 9716 1 | net.advantis.us.ca.sfbay
0.00 0.00 10707 1 | net.advantis.us.ny.tappanzee
0.00 0.00 1978 1 | net.advantis.us.ny.throggsneck
0.00 0.00 10005 1 | net.ags.mailhost
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.agt.edtntnt1-port-245
0.03 0.02 318179 72 | net.ai3.cache-naist1
0.00 0.00 6055 4 | net.ais.chi.cache-engine-01
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0.01 0.01 166278 37 | net.ais.chi.cache-engine-03
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.aksi.ma-151
0.00 0.00 19313 8 | net.alaska.anc-p59-66
0.00 0.00 22020 8 | net.alltel.daga2pp7
0.00 0.01 80533 9 | net.alltel.lrar2pp38
0.00 0.01 112227 9 | net.alltel.lrar4pp32
0.00 0.00 16405 8 | net.aloha.u.kauai-130
0.01 0.01 76391 23 | net.altinet.altinet009
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.ameritech.mi.detroit.cache1
0.00 0.00 44771 11 | net.ameritech.oh.cleveland.dyn1-tnt4-5
0.02 0.01 217423 47 | net.ameritech.wi.milwaukee.dyn1-tnt2-163
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | net.ametro.osp4-6
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.ametro.pic1-27
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0.02 0.01 172954 50 | net.aristotle.pm13ppp15
0.00 0.00 61120 9 | net.astercity
0.05 0.03 397753 118 | net.atlantic.bkvlfl-nc-1
0.00 0.00 15030 12 | net.atlantic.gsvlfl-as-4-ip-17
0.01 0.01 165168 25 | net.atlantic.gsvlfl-ts-1-ip-28
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0.00 0.00 6888 1 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-15rs.14
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-15rs.90
0.02 0.02 269847 63 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-20-25rs.219
0.00 0.00 49602 11 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-25.42
0.02 0.01 180635 42 | net.att.dial-access.ca.san-francisco-31-32rs.120
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0.00 0.01 87156 6 | net.att.dial-access.co.denver-13-14rs.141
0.01 0.00 60814 16 | net.att.dial-access.ct.hartford-06-07rs.164
0.04 0.02 353591 107 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-05-10rs.210
0.04 0.03 402334 94 | net.att.dial-access.fl.orlando-05-10rs.36
0.02 0.02 228923 45 | net.att.dial-access.ga.atlanta-16-17rs.147
0.00 0.00 63999 9 | net.att.dial-access.ga.atlanta-48-49rs.208
0.00 0.00 38586 7 | net.att.dial-access.il.chicago-04.165
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.att.dial-access.il.chicago-31-32rs.12
0.01 0.01 131341 14 | net.att.dial-access.il.chicago-34.177
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-01-02rs16rt.30
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-01-02rs16rt.33
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-01-02rs16rt.90
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-05-10rs16rt.162
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-05-10rs16rt.178
0.01 0.00 72074 17 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-11-12rs16rt.47
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-15-20rs16rt.189
0.00 0.00 30846 12 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-15-20rs16rt.221
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-15-20rs16rt.231
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.att.dial-access.la.neworleans-15-20rs16rt.233
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | net.att.dial-access.ma.cambridge-06-07rs.220
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.att.dial-access.ma.cambridge-06-07rs.62
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.att.dial-access.mi.detroit-05-10rs.114
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.att.dial-access.mn.minneapolis-05-10rs.109
0.00 0.00 9140 4 | net.att.dial-access.mo.kansas-city-15-20rs.131
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.att.dial-access.mo.st-louis-105-110rs.172
0.04 0.03 483758 92 | net.att.dial-access.nc.roanoke01-02rs16rt.133
0.00 0.00 33158 7 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-03-04rs.183
0.01 0.02 266436 16 | net.att.dial-access.nj.newark-08-09rs.113
0.01 0.00 50395 15 | net.att.dial-access.ny.buffalo-03-04rs.217
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-11-12rs.148
0.00 0.00 32022 7 | net.att.dial-access.ny.new-york-78-79rs.213
0.00 0.01 105054 4 | net.att.dial-access.ny.white-plains-01-02rs16rt.176
0.00 0.00 24157 7 | net.att.dial-access.tx.austin-06-07rs.167
0.00 0.00 61222 5 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-01.243
0.00 0.00 32847 7 | net.att.dial-access.tx.dallas-18-19rs.199
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.att.dial-access.tx.houston-06.144
0.00 0.01 121940 12 | net.att.dial-access.tx.sanantonio-05-10rs16rt.2
0.00 0.00 5848 1 | net.att.dial-access.va.arlington-36-37rs.216
0.00 0.01 75216 8 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-01-02rs16rt.237
0.04 0.00 56249 108 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-01-02rs16rt.4
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0.12 0.05 795394 317 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-03-04rs16rt.7
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0.03 0.02 231402 84 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-05-10rs16rt.242
0.02 0.01 120443 46 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-06-07rs16rt.181
0.01 0.00 55822 19 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-06-07rs16rt.29
0.02 0.02 303172 55 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-06-07rs16rt.40
0.04 0.01 107441 94 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.112
0.03 0.00 49857 81 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.12
0.02 0.02 266868 59 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.190
0.06 0.09 1260781 159 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.193
0.02 0.03 423131 59 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.199
0.07 0.09 1335195 192 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.212
0.00 0.00 8162 10 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.226
0.00 0.00 98 1 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.231
0.03 0.00 24890 80 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-08-09rs16rt.92
0.03 0.02 270142 69 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-11-12rs16rt.146
0.04 0.03 500304 95 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-11-12rs16rt.152
0.02 0.02 237060 45 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-11-12rs16rt.201
0.03 0.03 491416 82 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-11-12rs16rt.251
0.01 0.00 55822 19 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-11-12rs16rt.4
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-13-14rs16rt.136
0.01 0.01 178540 37 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-13-14rs16rt.142
0.03 0.03 459591 89 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-13-14rs16rt.199
0.02 0.00 49916 50 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-13-14rs16rt.3
0.02 0.01 123461 48 | net.att.dial-access.va.norfolk-13-14rs16rt.54
0.03 0.02 235842 72 | net.att.dial-access.va.pittsburgh-05rs-pa-norfolk-15rs.124
0.02 0.01 164598 61 | net.att.dial-access.va.pittsburgh-05rs-pa-norfolk-15rs.126
0.03 0.03 435318 89 | net.att.dial-access.va.pittsburgh-05rs-pa-norfolk-15rs.144
0.01 0.00 16910 27 | net.att.dial-access.va.pittsburgh-05rs-pa-norfolk-15rs.43
0.03 0.04 572446 86 | net.att.dial-access.va.pittsburgh-05rs-pa-norfolk-15rs.76
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | net.att.dial-access.va.richmond-01-02rs16rt.219
0.02 0.05 669511 56 | net.att.dial-access.va.richmond-01-02rs16rt.240
0.00 0.00 9138 4 | net.att.dial-access.va.richmond-06-07rs16rt.100
0.01 0.01 164085 34 | net.att.dial-access.wa.seattle-28-29rs.206
0.06 0.06 877124 157 | net.att.dial-access.wi.milwaukee-06-07rs16rt.181
0.02 0.02 251248 43 | net.attcanada.d174-xw101h1-wnpg-pdi
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.attcanada.d3-vi01-vcta-pdi
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.avana.rac6-32
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.azernet.dialup_06
0.00 0.00 26779 7 | net.bayarea.georgel
0.00 0.00 9134 4 | net.baynet.dialup.pr2-50
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | net.bcn.max-1-gb-78
0.00 0.56 8161946 8 | net.bcpl.ppp207
0.01 0.01 102892 32 | net.bctel.cust-mails
0.01 0.00 58229 17 | net.bellatlantic.client-151-197-117-5
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0.02 0.01 166619 46 | net.bellatlantic.client-207-68-63-26
0.00 0.00 40002 10 | net.bellatlantic.client-209-158-88-101
0.00 0.00 55379 7 | net.bellsouth.ath.host-209-214-87-55
0.01 0.02 343715 30 | net.bellsouth.atl.host-209-214-73-149
0.00 0.01 136302 11 | net.bellsouth.atl.host-209-214-88-37
0.01 0.01 192827 20 | net.bellsouth.bct.host-209-214-30-30
0.00 0.00 36042 7 | net.bellsouth.bna.host-209-214-115-35
0.01 0.01 141693 38 | net.bellsouth.hsv.host-209-214-111-128
0.04 0.06 851587 117 | net.bellsouth.jax.host-207-53-88-1
0.00 0.01 213889 6 | net.bellsouth.mcn.host-209-214-97-3
0.00 0.00 23678 1 | net.bellsouth.mia.host-209-214-6-20
0.00 0.00 43928 11 | net.bellsouth.mob.host-209-214-44-112
0.01 0.01 180841 35 | net.bellsouth.mob.host-209-214-44-134
0.03 0.01 75528 85 | net.bellsouth.pbi.host-209-214-14-50
0.02 0.00 54929 50 | net.bellsouth.pbi.host-209-214-14-98
0.02 0.00 6904 50 | net.bellsouth.pbi.host-209-215-54-18
0.04 0.02 311681 98 | net.bellsouth.pbi.host-209-215-55-176
0.00 0.01 105054 4 | net.bellsouth.pns.host-209-214-204-117
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | net.bellsouth.pns.host-209-214-204-209
0.00 0.01 214934 11 | net.bellsouth.pns.host-209-215-13-173
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.bellsouth.sdf.host-209-214-170-90
0.02 0.05 776358 47 | net.bess.birddog
0.00 0.00 3074 3 | net.bestweb.carmel.dialin-121
0.06 0.06 819627 156 | net.bestweb.nanuet.dialin-6
0.01 0.00 64320 18 | net.blazenet.blaz.34.ip210
0.04 0.03 402739 105 | net.bluegrass.telco.dial19
0.01 0.00 38347 16 | net.bmi.annex248-44
0.02 0.02 227367 41 | net.bora.cache2
0.01 0.01 109057 30 | net.bora.cache6
0.01 0.00 59635 16 | net.bresnanlink.022esc151
0.00 0.00 9145 4 | net.brick.brk101-208
0.05 0.04 615098 140 | net.bright.win.cab-cas1-cs-44
0.03 0.01 120660 73 | net.bright.win.cab-cas1-cs-45
0.01 0.00 1916 17 | net.bright.win.cab-cas2-cs-27
0.01 0.00 10078 20 | net.bright.win.cab-cas2-cs-29
0.00 0.00 17833 8 | net.brookings.m11
0.00 0.00 36564 10 | net.brookings.m19
0.02 0.02 251378 44 | net.brookings.m35
0.03 0.07 956530 90 | net.bt.ukcore.netway-nhs
0.00 0.00 61589 9 | net.bull.ldprox
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.c-gate.pm3hat2-41
0.00 0.00 1792 1 | net.cableinet.atlas
0.00 0.00 27638 9 | net.cableone.kir.ppp-177
0.02 0.02 239867 64 | net.campuscwix.snaustel.s04-pm26
0.00 0.01 88713 6 | net.campuscwix.snaustel.s08-pm06
0.03 0.01 200494 71 | net.campuscwix.snaustel.s10-pm27
0.00 0.00 71087 4 | net.cancom.ts-redlake-p9
0.00 0.00 15783 6 | net.cantv.cha.ras.tc4r6-35
0.01 0.01 106184 29 | net.capecod.camb0509
0.04 0.04 546105 100 | net.capecod.har173
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0.01 0.01 211204 20 | net.casema.delft.2dyn9
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | net.ccipost.taylorville.dialin-29
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.cerf.germany.f.sun3
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | net.ces.ten34.c-engine1
0.00 0.00 35895 2 | net.ces.ten34.c-engine2
0.00 0.00 7069 1 | net.cgocable.cgowave-43-161
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.cgocable.cgowave-89-19
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.charm.balt-penn-018
0.01 0.02 223644 18 | net.citenet.g19-165
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.colba.mtl.bha4-s39
0.00 0.00 5469 3 | net.colba.mtl.bha9-s29
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.colba.raq1
0.02 0.02 270157 57 | net.computron.dialin154
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.concentric.akr-oh.ts003d32
0.00 0.00 28270 8 | net.concentric.lap-ca.ts008d37
0.00 0.00 45249 1 | net.concentric.nobody
0.03 0.01 191306 69 | net.concentric.vir-va.ts007d31
0.00 0.01 172072 12 | net.conwaycorp.99.16.dhcp
0.03 0.02 255464 70 | net.coqui.proxy
0.00 0.00 22849 4 | net.coqui.proxy2
0.00 0.00 10716 6 | net.cornhusker.pop40
0.02 0.01 117082 45 | net.cougar.lovejoy
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.creative-net.e-pm3dial31
0.00 0.00 25423 1 | net.crosslink.236.springfield.c5200-1.dyn13
0.03 0.02 345230 91 | net.crosslink.246.king-george.c5200-2.dyn38
0.00 0.00 16206 5 | net.cstone.dialin1191
0.00 0.01 77746 13 | net.csu.ns1
0.03 0.02 278264 77 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr11-dialup25
0.03 0.00 26557 89 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr3-dialup40
0.03 0.03 399056 88 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr31-dialup38
0.03 0.03 428820 90 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr31-dialup43
0.00 0.00 5489 3 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr44-dialup23
0.02 0.01 112354 42 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr48-dialup11
0.00 0.00 9158 4 | net.cw.atlanta.mix2.usr60-dialup52
0.01 0.01 182303 29 | net.cw.bloomington.mix1.usr18-dialup36
0.02 0.01 123365 48 | net.cw.bloomington.mix1.usr33-dialup39
0.00 0.00 27775 7 | net.cw.boston.mix2.usr47-dialup34
0.00 0.00 36303 7 | net.cw.boston.mix2.usr51-dialup4
0.00 0.00 40227 4 | net.cw.boston.mix2.usr51-dialup55
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | net.cw.irving.mix1.usr2-3-dialup9
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.cw.sacramento.mix1.usr27-dialup34
0.01 0.01 116308 14 | net.cw.sacramento.mix1.usr69-dialup56
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.cw.willowsprings.mix1.usr46-dialup3
0.01 0.01 156735 20 | net.cyberbeach.sudbury.ppp246-231
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.cyberenet.ppp.clerstan
0.01 0.02 247946 35 | net.cyberramp.cacheflow
0.00 0.00 28944 8 | net.cybersurf.calppp141108
0.00 0.00 8216 4 | net.cybersurf.calppp141131
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.cybersurf.pc13050
0.02 0.02 225023 50 | net.darientel.max2-36
0.00 0.01 169508 11 | net.dataframe.ip6168
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0.02 0.02 238699 64 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ar-001vanorfp247
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0.00 0.00 12724 4 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ar-002txhousp322
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0.00 0.01 78628 6 | net.dialsprint.sdn-ar-004orportp284
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0.00 0.00 37222 2 | net.digex.atlas.dca1-wc2
0.00 0.00 9134 4 | net.digex.atlas.dfw2-wc1
0.00 0.00 23160 7 | net.digex.atlas.pit1-wc1
0.00 0.00 41188 11 | net.digex.atlas.pit1-wc2
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.digitalexp.fl.panamacity.dial-26
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | net.discover.redlandsts3-10
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.dmi.sandpoint-id-246
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0.01 0.02 330910 26 | net.dutch.p028
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | net.dynasty.us.ky.morganfield.dyn54.mmax4
0.02 0.00 8788 53 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds13-ca-us.pool009-max1
0.02 0.01 134487 53 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds13-ca-us.pool009-max2
0.01 0.00 38034 23 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds16-ca-us.pool029-max2
0.00 0.00 39815 10 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds20-ca-us.pool014-max11
0.01 0.00 64293 18 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds20-ca-us.pool033-max3
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds23-ca-us.pool035-max1
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds24-ca-us.pool011-max2
0.00 0.01 80353 8 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds37-ca-us.pool662-cvx
0.01 0.01 90595 24 | net.earthlink.dialup.ds40-ca-us.pool103-cvx
0.02 0.01 180919 53 | net.earthlink.dialup.ucla-ca-us.pool0041-max1
0.00 0.00 41246 5 | net.eastky.dial252
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eatel.max1-130
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup1.ppp27
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup1.ppp30
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup1.ppp37
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup1.ppp39
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup1.ppp45
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup2.ppp10
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.eazy.dialup3.ppp16
0.00 0.00 30723 4 | net.entelchile.as52p7-33
0.01 0.01 159597 15 | net.entelchile.tch42-145
0.00 0.01 89394 12 | net.enter.m44atwn-2-18
0.01 0.00 60814 16 | net.eohio.fn-106-92
0.03 0.03 426524 85 | net.epix.qrvl-243ppp53
0.00 0.00 43935 4 | net.eri.dayton.dlp551
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0.04 0.04 508202 101 | net.erols.webcache.spg.cache-2
0.06 0.03 500300 147 | net.eu.at.linz.linz20.dialup145
0.03 0.04 644099 80 | net.euroseek.ultra
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0.00 0.00 40312 6 | net.exis.digital-3-147
0.01 0.01 92960 30 | net.exis.digital-3-167
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0.02 0.03 415918 59 | net.exis.ppp-3-78
0.08 0.05 733825 206 | net.exis.squid
0.07 0.05 698912 188 | net.exis.squid-2
0.04 0.03 472504 92 | net.f-a-s-t.r45
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0.00 0.00 71167 4 | net.flash.209-30-110-162
0.00 0.00 63896 2 | net.flash.aus1.dialup.amax9.p162
0.00 0.01 87858 13 | net.flash.chi1.dialup.utc1.p52
0.00 0.00 8216 4 | net.flash.elp1.dialup.amax1.p47
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.flash.ftw1.dialup.amax33.p143
0.07 0.08 1149540 179 | net.flash.hou1.dialup.amax17.p87
0.00 0.00 36349 7 | net.flash.hou1.dialup.amax6.p52
0.00 0.00 26263 10 | net.flash.sat1.dialup.amax10.p232
0.01 0.02 282397 39 | net.flwireless.radio4
0.02 0.01 193523 42 | net.freeway.mi.ptsk.as6-dial30
0.00 0.00 5754 1 | net.frii.customer.iontech23
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.frontiernet.ny.hgl.as5200-11-7
0.03 0.02 351233 90 | net.fullwave.dialc1.port31
0.00 0.01 87341 11 | net.fuse.excelsior-459
0.00 0.00 1588 1 | net.gate.gnsfl1-22
0.00 0.00 1588 1 | net.gate.gnsfl1-27
0.01 0.01 90104 20 | net.gate.tskng1-4
0.03 0.02 268648 83 | net.gci.fbx163
0.00 0.00 36564 10 | net.gci.fbx246
0.01 0.01 164919 36 | net.generale-des-eaux.ocean
0.00 0.00 4680 2 | net.genuity.cp2-bechtel
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0.00 0.00 12132 4 | net.gin.hk.proxy
0.00 0.00 5056 2 | net.gis.ppp47-182
0.00 0.00 32222 7 | net.globalpc.linea56-47
0.01 0.02 273165 21 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin103
0.01 0.04 578181 27 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin108
0.02 0.06 908075 61 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin11
0.01 0.03 368199 14 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin15
0.00 0.01 107182 11 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin202
0.00 0.00 38307 3 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin26
0.03 0.15 2245876 76 | net.globalserve.hamilton.dialin34
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.globalserve.toronto.dialin1031
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.globalserve.toronto.dialin1999
0.04 0.03 494921 103 | net.globetrotter.mygale
0.00 0.00 39931 10 | net.gorge.hrdialb72
0.00 0.00 9134 4 | net.got.santacruz174
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0.00 0.00 19846 7 | net.grid.nwrk.pool-207-205-163-153
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.grid.nwrk.pool-209-138-1-2
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.grid.pbgh.pool-207-205-218-45
0.00 0.00 29138 3 | net.grin.cache01
0.00 0.00 2583 1 | net.grin.cache02
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0.00 0.00 16202 7 | net.gua.proxy1895
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0.02 0.01 121856 41 | net.hancock.firewall
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0.00 0.00 2539 1 | net.hcom.pm3-5-44
0.02 0.01 141511 41 | net.hiline.swgce
0.01 0.01 114498 28 | net.hinet.cache-root1
0.00 0.00 1461 3 | net.hinet.tpproxy4
0.01 0.01 119620 33 | net.hinet.ts31.s1.h181
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | net.hinet.ts31.s252.h222
0.02 0.01 195877 43 | net.hinet.ts32.s213.h219
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0.00 0.00 36081 10 | net.home.athm-209-218-xxx-38
0.00 0.00 49913 1 | net.hroads.pm3u93
0.00 0.00 26497 7 | net.htg.pm3-2-245
0.01 0.01 156313 28 | net.hutchtel.hutch-133
0.00 0.01 86847 11 | net.i-2000.f01-158
0.01 0.02 286771 34 | net.ibm.ca.on.ice
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0.01 0.01 166732 34 | net.ibm.pe.li.slip166-72-66-208
0.04 0.03 402897 92 | net.ibm.tr.ist.slip139-92-30-254
0.00 0.00 43132 10 | net.ibm.tr.ist.slip139-92-30-7
0.00 0.00 50041 8 | net.ibm.tr.ist.slip139-92-30-83
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0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.ibm.us.wv.slip-32-100-242-72
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0.00 0.00 40592 12 | net.icnet.icnet-129
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0.00 0.00 196 2 | net.infi.orf.pm15-131
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0.11 0.03 485352 289 | net.infi.orf.pm3-174
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0.01 0.01 85533 37 | net.infi.orf.pm4-1-s5-80
0.08 0.03 506873 201 | net.infi.orf.pm4-210
0.02 0.07 1016646 40 | net.infi.orf.pm4-222
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0.00 0.00 38747 3 | net.infi.orf.pm5-27
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0.01 0.00 4446 36 | net.infi.orf.pm6-85
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0.00 0.00 9132 4 | net.infovue.wingate
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0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.iolinc.dhcp-129-73
0.00 0.00 7594 2 | net.iolinc.dhcp-129-78
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0.00 0.00 49913 1 | net.iserv.hol-max10-47
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0.00 0.00 41130 8 | net.jvnc.prn-ts1-22
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0.03 0.05 667394 77 | net.lazerlink.ppp108
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0.00 0.00 23047 1 | net.lenzlink.jst5
0.00 0.00 33455 7 | net.level3.denver1.126.77.244.dialup-209
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.lightrealm.sea.r140-248-dsl
0.02 0.01 182020 41 | net.lightstream.tc3-cle-174
0.03 0.02 311103 89 | net.livenet.max56d.dialup10
0.01 0.01 86547 15 | net.livenet.tnt01.dialup14
0.00 0.00 8537 1 | net.lj.lvnv-tc01-cust058
0.02 0.01 203787 47 | net.ll.owat-casper2-01
0.03 0.03 507179 78 | net.loral.entechgr2
0.00 0.00 33689 7 | net.lsn.p225-205-acas28
0.00 0.00 54342 5 | net.machine.gateway
0.00 0.00 15042 6 | net.magibox.thor-38
0.00 0.00 20036 3 | net.magnolia.com001
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.mcn.billings.pm6-184
0.01 0.00 6480 36 | net.mcn.greatfalls.pm2-114
0.01 0.00 3240 18 | net.mcn.greatfalls.pm4-169
0.02 0.01 172739 50 | net.means.131-2.18.209
0.02 0.01 173012 50 | net.mediaone.ce.d185-11
0.00 0.00 50305 9 | net.mediaone.ce.d186-18
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | net.mediaone.mw.nic-c13-104
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | net.mediaone.ne.egallih
0.00 0.00 20128 10 | net.mediaone.ne.tankertwo
0.00 0.00 24773 7 | net.mediaone.ne.x
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.mediaone.we.we-24-130-46-189
0.00 0.00 26366 7 | net.mediaone.we.we-24-130-57-196
0.00 0.00 68430 8 | net.mediaone.we.we-24-130-76-175
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.mich.dialip.pm321-19
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | net.mich.dialip.pm386-36
0.04 0.03 422619 95 | net.micron.sprintcache
0.00 0.00 22688 1 | net.microweb.son144.a201
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | net.midco.pix-pool3-1.pc-248
0.04 0.03 424758 104 | net.midwest.centralia67
0.01 0.00 52369 15 | net.midwest.monmouth2
0.10 0.06 809547 267 | net.mlink.montreal.max1.dyn119
0.05 0.03 365135 126 | net.mlink.montreal.max1.dyn88
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.mountain.bridgeport-wv.am5-4
0.01 0.00 36851 15 | net.mpinet.cacheflow2
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.mpoweredpc.nat0990
0.00 0.00 28435 9 | net.mts.cflow1
0.00 0.00 23913 7 | net.nac.fnj.dial2.s29
0.00 0.00 32838 7 | net.nbg.thewall
0.01 0.01 204628 14 | net.nbtel.pix142166194119
0.02 0.01 129240 56 | net.ncren.webcache
0.01 0.00 62534 17 | net.negia.b3ppp113
0.06 0.07 969645 162 | net.negia.p127
0.00 0.00 37681 13 | net.neighbornet.nnet-hstn-iits-dialup23
0.01 0.00 61071 14 | net.neoforma.client-161
0.01 0.01 112833 33 | net.net-link.tr.pm300-48
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.netcarrier.user209-140-172-136
0.00 0.00 9136 4 | net.netdirect.cf1000
0.00 0.00 7766 8 | net.netins.dialup.desm-01-58
0.00 0.00 17729 8 | net.netins.dialup.desm-16-15
0.00 0.00 33068 10 | net.netins.dialup.kesq-01-20
0.01 0.00 53304 14 | net.netins.dialup.kesq-01-33
0.02 0.02 220783 58 | net.netspace.proxy.proxy3-fxp0
0.01 0.00 60807 17 | net.netstarcomm.austin
0.01 0.01 84836 25 | net.netstarcomm.nomad
0.00 0.00 2010 1 | net.netsync.jmtnppp68
0.00 0.00 2539 1 | net.netusa1.kok-04-69
0.01 0.01 79921 14 | net.networkwcs.ps-1
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.newwave.logan.pm1.s2
0.00 0.00 7027 8 | net.niagara.st-cath.analg-t3.ppp105
0.00 0.00 8033 8 | net.niagara.st-cath.analg-t3.ppp72
0.04 0.04 530018 97 | net.niagara.st-cath.analg-t3.ppp79
0.00 0.00 360 2 | net.niagara.st-cath.digi-t3.ppp107
0.01 0.01 200542 39 | net.nl.amsterdam.cache1
0.02 0.02 293399 44 | net.nl.amsterdam.cache2
0.00 0.00 9718 1 | net.nl.utrecht.utr52-105
0.03 0.02 349343 84 | net.nlanr.cache.pb
0.00 0.00 32133 1 | net.nlanr.cache.sd
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | net.nlanr.cache.sv
0.02 0.01 131123 45 | net.nlanr.cache.uc
0.01 0.01 92300 30 | net.novagate.grandrapids.x2-196
0.01 0.01 190772 18 | net.npcc.dial72
0.02 0.01 117074 45 | net.nstar.dfw.pppa102
0.01 0.01 177886 31 | net.nuri.cache.cache02
0.01 0.01 125592 33 | net.nwnexus.blv-lx106-ip27
0.00 0.00 36349 7 | net.nwnexus.blv.br5.s0-55-a-gte
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.nwol.dialup185-od
0.01 0.02 286000 14 | net.oklahoma.aux-209-217-29-127
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.oknet1.road207-120
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.oleane.proxy
0.00 0.00 37866 8 | net.one.sei.port-2-32
0.00 0.00 67215 13 | net.optonline.frpt226-41
0.01 0.00 62664 14 | net.optonline.hicks198-141
0.00 0.00 2528 1 | net.optonline.s2
0.00 0.00 33315 1 | net.ori.pm7
0.02 0.02 282770 53 | net.pacbell.irvn11.ppp-206-170-68-108
0.00 0.00 10650 4 | net.pacbell.irvn11.ppp-206-170-68-176
0.00 0.00 30779 7 | net.pacbell.lsan03.ppp-206-170-210-247
0.01 0.01 163940 14 | net.pacbell.psdn11.ppp-207-214-184-157
0.01 0.00 63717 18 | net.pacbell.rdcy01.ppp-206-170-6-183
0.00 0.01 102370 5 | net.pacbell.scrm01.ppp-209-77-89-154
0.02 0.01 195044 53 | net.pacbell.sndg02.ppp-206-170-121-39
0.03 0.01 135553 77 | net.pacbell.snfc21.adsl-207-214-111-207
0.00 0.00 43112 10 | net.pacbell.snfc21.ppp-206-170-32-220
0.00 0.00 28703 8 | net.pacbell.sntc01.ppp-207-214-214-14
0.00 0.01 94241 3 | net.pacbell.wnck11.ppp-206-170-29-121
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.pacificcoast.sd65-221
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.pacwan.strasbourg62
0.01 0.00 27415 23 | net.palmnet.an194
0.03 0.03 446215 70 | net.paulbunyan.ips.cb86
0.00 0.00 32058 7 | net.pcisys.cos.ginger145
0.00 0.00 32642 10 | net.pdq.maxtnt6.56k-185
0.00 0.00 21383 3 | net.pe.sun.c2p011
0.00 0.00 42724 10 | net.pernet.ppp-bmt-205-229-0-241
0.04 0.04 517045 92 | net.pinn.pinn-max100-52
0.00 0.00 34404 7 | net.pinn.pinn-max4-106
0.00 0.00 6231 4 | net.pixi.usrtc2-49
0.00 0.00 12724 4 | net.pond.dsl.hilyard40
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | net.powernet.lasvegas.p3-28
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.powernet.reno.p2-28
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.powertech.no.s01i21-0008
0.00 0.00 2552 1 | net.prodigy.sch.proxy3
0.00 0.00 9145 4 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy1
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy12
0.03 0.02 265220 66 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy14
0.00 0.00 3396 1 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy15
0.02 0.02 237808 56 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy3
0.00 0.00 7631 4 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy5
0.01 0.00 53939 18 | net.prodigy.ykt.proxy8
0.01 0.01 114771 33 | net.provalue.ppp13
0.00 0.00 615 5 | net.prtc.modem68
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.prtc.modem69
0.00 0.00 15946 8 | net.psi.pub-ip.az.tucson4.ip206
0.01 0.01 180468 37 | net.psi.pub-ip.ca.barstow3.ip99
0.02 0.02 341649 60 | net.psi.pub-ip.ca.san-francisco31.ip179
0.00 0.00 840 3 | net.psi.pub-ip.ca.santa-clara11.ip193
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.ga.albany5.ip110
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.ks.hutchison.ip234
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.ks.hutchison.ip5
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.psi.pub-ip.md.baltimore10.ipb113
0.02 0.03 416517 62 | net.psi.pub-ip.mi.birmingham5.ip130
0.02 0.01 119071 63 | net.psi.pub-ip.mo.kansas-city.ip206
0.01 0.00 1818 16 | net.psi.pub-ip.mo.kansas-city6.ip59
0.03 0.09 1245423 86 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.charlotte9.ip221
0.02 0.01 89490 56 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.charlotte9.ip33
0.00 0.00 28391 10 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.durham2.ip120
0.06 0.08 1181438 166 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.raleigh3.ip139
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | net.psi.pub-ip.nc.triangle-park.ip4
0.01 0.01 109891 25 | net.psi.pub-ip.nj.ewing.ip41
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | net.psi.pub-ip.ny.garden-city6.ip152
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.ny.garden-city6.ip253
0.00 0.00 18276 6 | net.psi.pub-ip.oh.columbus4.ip142
0.01 0.01 113724 17 | net.psi.pub-ip.oh.dayton5.ip49
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.oh.toledo5.ip198
0.02 0.01 123739 48 | net.psi.pub-ip.sc.greenville3.ip20
0.00 0.01 152046 9 | net.psi.pub-ip.tx.dallas13.ip136
0.00 0.00 2551 1 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.norfolk3.ip1
0.03 0.03 398152 88 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.norfolk3.ip209
0.04 0.05 696976 109 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.norfolk3.ip238
0.02 0.02 302964 49 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.norfolk3.ip32
0.02 0.01 212222 57 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.norfolk4.ip222
0.03 0.02 316673 86 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.richmond6.ip110a
0.04 0.03 496988 92 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.richmond6.ip229a
0.02 0.01 182195 44 | net.psi.pub-ip.va.richmond8.ip44
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | net.psi.pub-ip.vt.rutland2.ip115
0.00 0.00 30284 7 | net.psi.sproj.blackbird
0.00 0.00 8919 5 | net.psn.phx.2-43
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.ptd.ash.adu62
0.00 0.00 28599 8 | net.ptd.lfd.adu98
0.00 0.00 4958 1 | net.ptialaska.anchorage.dialups-89
0.03 0.03 443117 86 | net.radiant.oca136
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.radiks.dial676
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | net.radiks.dmn113
0.01 0.00 66281 14 | net.realtime.apm3-135
0.04 0.03 480306 111 | net.rica.stan-di59
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.ris.ppp179
0.00 0.01 100516 8 | net.rlc.rlc-tc2-port11
0.01 0.01 108318 34 | net.rmaonline.usr1-195
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.rmi.166-93-76-38
0.00 0.01 79463 11 | net.saix.gt.ndf53-02-p112
0.00 0.00 20301 6 | net.saix.nt.ppr53-01-p127
0.02 0.01 157332 48 | net.saix.nt.ppr53-01-p21
0.01 0.00 59237 14 | net.sandi.wan-ed-center-fw
0.01 0.01 128637 35 | net.scott.ras3.d141
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | net.sge.zoisite
0.01 0.00 54147 16 | net.sgi.pgh.dap01-132108
0.04 0.04 620695 102 | net.shentel.d.ns10a152
0.03 0.04 507952 77 | net.shentel.d.ns24a211
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.shin.ns
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.shore.port.lynnma-02-117
0.01 0.00 59552 16 | net.silk.kel105
0.00 0.00 44720 8 | net.silk.kel126
0.02 0.02 274329 64 | net.sinfo.ppp49-130
0.01 0.01 120517 20 | net.sinfo.pppd17-12
0.01 0.01 109903 30 | net.sinfo.pppd17-4
0.01 0.01 119390 34 | net.slip.dialup.sr-pm1-8-168
0.00 0.00 5715 7 | net.snet.dprv-sh1-port68
0.00 0.00 16493 11 | net.snet.dprv-sh2-port194
0.00 0.00 30479 6 | net.snet.dprv-sh3-port8
0.00 0.00 2528 1 | net.snet.hrfr-sh12-port6
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.snet.nrwc-sh2-port153
0.01 0.01 100582 23 | net.snowcrest.ppp155
0.00 0.00 31530 11 | net.sonic.nas17.d155
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | net.sound.kc.tnt0-080243
0.02 0.01 172719 50 | net.splitrock.atlnb103-07
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | net.splitrock.dllsb107-34
0.00 0.00 10608 7 | net.splitrock.dllsb309-16
0.01 0.00 30986 15 | net.splitrock.dllsb611-19
0.02 0.01 174666 41 | net.splitrock.hstnb209-35
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | net.splitrock.knvlb102-27
0.00 0.00 3423 1 | net.splitrock.knvlb102-38
0.00 0.01 87915 13 | net.splitrock.knvlb103-27
0.02 0.01 172317 48 | net.splitrock.miamb110-26
0.03 0.02 289440 76 | net.splitrock.nycmb304-18
0.00 0.00 18576 3 | net.splitrock.phlab307-20
0.00 0.00 69777 7 | net.splitrock.phlab307-46
0.02 0.02 322730 54 | net.splitrock.phlab309-46
0.00 0.00 61222 5 | net.splitrock.phlab409-25
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.splitrock.phnxb103-42
0.00 0.01 83423 8 | net.splitrock.tcsnb103-26
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.splitrock.vrhsb110-24
0.01 0.00 56623 16 | net.splitrock.vrhsb110-28
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | net.sprintlink.sguo
0.00 0.00 21460 1 | net.spyral.nyack007
0.03 0.02 354607 86 | net.stargtr.sc48
0.00 0.02 320757 7 | net.startext.dial62-135
0.02 0.01 191484 50 | net.stratos.pm3-5-14
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.sunlink.m1424
0.00 0.00 10225 6 | net.swbell.austtx.ppp-207-193-26-183
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | net.swbell.eulstx.ppp-151-164-42-154
0.01 0.01 94426 15 | net.swbell.kscymo.ppp-207-193-186-118
0.01 0.01 116331 15 | net.swbell.kscymo.ppp-207-193-186-247
0.01 0.01 163491 34 | net.sybercom.181
0.00 0.00 25164 2 | net.sybercom.orf.190-006
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | net.tci.firewall
0.01 0.01 111565 17 | net.telenor.ti.freud
0.04 0.08 1151871 95 | net.telenor.ti.jung
0.00 0.00 3857 3 | net.telia.ixproxy1
0.00 0.00 42895 1 | net.telia.ixproxy2
0.00 0.00 1625 1 | net.telia.ixproxy3
0.00 0.00 21228 9 | net.telusplanet.adsl.dlsc01078
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.terraworld.port21005
0.03 0.01 178495 81 | net.texas.houston.mnet03-49
0.01 0.00 44927 22 | net.the-i.port3
0.01 0.01 111370 28 | net.thenap.cache.hoard
0.00 0.01 143637 5 | net.thuntek.abq-051
0.00 0.00 50246 8 | net.tib.ssa
0.00 0.00 33613 7 | net.tmi.fcn105-139
0.00 0.00 2541 1 | net.together.ramp.dial-226-tnt-btvt-01
0.01 0.01 156142 34 | net.together.ramp.dial-5-max-bbvt-01
0.00 0.00 22572 1 | net.torfree.queen
0.00 0.01 151920 11 | net.total.mtl.cacheflow-01
0.02 0.02 239021 59 | net.total.mtl.ppp-5200-1913
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.total.mtl.ppp-5200-5628
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.totalnetnh.terminal1.s34
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | net.traverse.pm3-3-s27
0.01 0.01 113735 30 | net.traverse.pm3-4-s24
0.00 0.00 23332 7 | net.tricom.net2port15
0.00 0.00 10608 7 | net.tricom.net2port46
0.03 0.02 307744 76 | net.tricom.port39
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | net.tropicweb.ppp-218
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.tropicweb.ppp-63
0.03 0.02 279421 67 | net.ttlc.dov.dial-2-69
0.01 0.01 177889 29 | net.twave.hyper-ppp134
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | net.txed.gtw01
0.00 0.00 31830 8 | net.ultra.ma.cmb.dial-2.d58
0.02 0.02 234690 56 | net.ultra.ma.cmb.dial-6.d238
0.01 0.00 64323 18 | net.usit.tnada.dialup66
0.01 0.00 53304 14 | net.usit.tngil.adialup18
0.00 0.01 88024 13 | net.usit.tnkno.dialup42
0.00 0.01 83423 8 | net.usit.tnkno2.dialup47
0.01 0.00 64338 18 | net.uswest.albq.dialupe14
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uswest.bois.dialupb206
0.12 0.06 802984 316 | net.uswest.dnvr.fdsl206
0.02 0.01 128918 45 | net.uswest.eugn.dialup134
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | net.uswest.mpls.dialupe86
0.01 0.01 87972 18 | net.uswest.mpls.dialupj224
0.00 0.00 10592 4 | net.uswest.mpls.zdialup109
0.00 0.00 28806 8 | net.uswest.phnx.adialup188
0.00 0.02 292480 7 | net.uswest.phnx.dialupl199
0.00 0.00 9145 4 | net.uswest.phnx.edialup151
0.00 0.00 26474 10 | net.uswest.phnx.gdsl214
0.00 0.01 103196 8 | net.uswest.slkc.mdialup240
0.00 0.00 16498 1 | net.uswest.tcsn.adsl42
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.atl2.tnt15.1cust150
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.atl2.tnt3.1cust203
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.uu.da.bos1.tnt4.1cust157
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.ca.oxnard.tnt4.1cust126
0.02 0.02 271345 50 | net.uu.da.ca.redondo-beach.tnt4.1cust241
0.01 0.00 68313 15 | net.uu.da.ca.santa-monica.tnt1.1cust123
0.00 0.00 48600 6 | net.uu.da.chi5.tnt1.1cust87
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.chi5.tnt14.1cust142
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.chi5.tnt16.3cust214
0.05 0.05 740508 119 | net.uu.da.chi5.tnt2.1cust251
0.09 0.13 1883679 243 | net.uu.da.chi5.tnt7.1cust98
0.00 0.00 32169 5 | net.uu.da.cle1.tnt3.1cust118
0.04 0.05 718806 98 | net.uu.da.dca1.tnt2.1cust31
0.04 0.04 520294 104 | net.uu.da.dca1.tnt3.1cust235
0.02 0.01 180943 53 | net.uu.da.det2.tnt1.1cust17
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.det3.tnt10.1cust240
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | net.uu.da.det3.tnt14.1cust177
0.01 0.02 299538 23 | net.uu.da.det3.tnt28.1cust23
0.00 0.00 37704 8 | net.uu.da.det3.tnt7.2cust21
0.01 0.03 487560 35 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt11.1cust128
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt15.1cust54
0.00 0.00 686 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt15.1cust70
0.00 0.01 75998 5 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt16.1cust60
0.00 0.00 24537 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt17.1cust173
0.01 0.01 150392 14 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt28.1cust17
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt33.1cust219
0.00 0.00 9122 4 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt35.1cust118
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt40.1cust188
0.00 0.00 27850 7 | net.uu.da.dfw5.tnt9.1cust239
0.00 0.00 2726 3 | net.uu.da.fl.clearwater.tnt1.1cust227
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.uu.da.fl.clearwater.tnt5.1cust209
0.03 0.02 258266 85 | net.uu.da.fl.jacksonville.tnt3.1cust75
0.00 0.00 22724 1 | net.uu.da.fl.melbourne.tnt1.1cust98
0.02 0.02 270147 53 | net.uu.da.fl.orlando.tnt6.1cust91
0.02 0.01 130286 50 | net.uu.da.fl.st-petersburg.tnt2.1cust145
0.02 0.00 33179 49 | net.uu.da.fl.st-petersburg.tnt3.1cust158
0.00 0.00 3050 4 | net.uu.da.fl.tampa.tnt2.1cust254
0.02 0.01 174563 48 | net.uu.da.fl.tampa2.tnt1.1cust139
0.01 0.00 50340 15 | net.uu.da.fl.zephyrhills.tnt1.1cust103
0.02 0.01 207475 50 | net.uu.da.ga.calhoun.tnt1.1cust97
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.ga.macon.tnt1.1cust170
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | net.uu.da.har1.tnt1.1cust245
0.01 0.01 134680 25 | net.uu.da.hou1.tnt3.1cust232
0.02 0.01 185372 57 | net.uu.da.ia.iowa-city.tnt1.1cust88
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.uu.da.in.westfield.tnt1.1cust75
0.00 0.00 18007 8 | net.uu.da.ind1.tnt2.1cust140
0.01 0.01 146045 18 | net.uu.da.kcy2.tnt1.1cust18
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.krk1.tnt1.1cust76
0.01 0.00 56629 15 | net.uu.da.krk1.tnt10.1cust15
0.00 0.00 16390 8 | net.uu.da.krk1.tnt14.1cust79
0.02 0.02 225023 50 | net.uu.da.krk1.tnt8.1cust13
0.00 0.01 80353 8 | net.uu.da.ky.lexington.tnt2.1cust10
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.ky.london.tnt1.1cust150
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.la.houma.tnt1.1cust47
0.01 0.02 298453 22 | net.uu.da.lax1.tnt3.1cust240
0.00 0.01 164279 10 | net.uu.da.lax1.tnt8.1cust238
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.uu.da.lax3.tnt21.1cust81
0.00 0.00 13634 5 | net.uu.da.lax3.tnt8.1cust124
0.03 0.02 352931 87 | net.uu.da.lynchburg-da.tnt1.1cust231
0.03 0.02 346515 87 | net.uu.da.lynchburg-da.tnt1.1cust36
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.ma.andover.tnt1.1cust229
0.00 0.00 25003 8 | net.uu.da.nh.nashua.tnt3.1cust85
0.00 0.00 8170 1 | net.uu.da.nj.cherry-hill.tnt2.1cust106
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | net.uu.da.ny.albany2.tnt1.2cust117
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | net.uu.da.ny.great-neck.tnt2.1cust94
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.uu.da.ny.new-york.tnt2.1cust120
0.00 0.00 33521 11 | net.uu.da.nyc1.tnt5.1cust232
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.nyc3.tnt22.1cust24
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.uu.da.nyc3.tnt35.1cust70
0.01 0.00 67418 23 | net.uu.da.oh.sylvania.tnt1.1cust74
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.or.beaverton.tnt8.1cust214
0.00 0.00 9450 5 | net.uu.da.pa.philadelphia2.tnt1.1cust220
0.03 0.01 120217 71 | net.uu.da.scl1.tnt2.1cust153
0.00 0.00 31237 12 | net.uu.da.sea1.tnt4.3cust128
0.02 0.01 146131 45 | net.uu.da.sfo2.tnt3.1cust77
0.05 0.06 930399 121 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt14.1cust219
0.00 0.00 18508 6 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt15.1cust71
0.00 0.00 18264 8 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt17.1cust237
0.00 0.00 27274 7 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt18.1cust155
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt18.1cust254
0.00 0.00 38213 1 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt19.1cust128
0.02 0.01 180847 53 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt24.1cust204
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt30.1cust8
0.01 0.01 159740 35 | net.uu.da.sfo3.tnt9.1cust71
0.03 0.02 285245 85 | net.uu.da.tco2.tnt25.1cust14
0.01 0.00 50381 15 | net.uu.da.tn.nashville.tnt8.1cust230
0.00 0.01 80353 8 | net.uu.da.tx.baytown.tnt2.1cust166
0.02 0.02 251314 57 | net.uu.da.tx.denton.tnt2.1cust92
0.00 0.00 29183 8 | net.uu.da.tx.hitchcock.tnt1.1cust165
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.uu.da.tx.hitchcock.tnt1.1cust70
0.00 0.00 180 1 | net.uu.da.tx.plano.tnt3.1cust169
0.03 0.02 359156 88 | net.uu.da.va.manassas.tnt5.1cust173
0.01 0.01 80778 25 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust117
0.02 0.00 62021 52 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust118
0.01 0.00 52277 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust158
0.01 0.00 4450 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust168
0.02 0.01 157569 45 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust18
0.03 0.02 337583 84 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust210
0.03 0.01 109277 85 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust221
0.06 0.00 66061 148 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust233
0.10 0.13 1848159 253 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust234
0.01 0.00 4679 38 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust237
0.03 0.00 7701 69 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust249
0.04 0.01 116369 106 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust40
0.01 0.00 3626 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust43
0.01 0.01 158576 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust50
0.03 0.02 308354 86 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust89
0.01 0.00 27081 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt1.1cust90
0.04 0.01 211319 94 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust100
0.01 0.00 4476 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust130
0.01 0.01 116529 33 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust133
0.01 0.01 82749 17 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust177
0.04 0.03 366159 92 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust192
0.01 0.00 4413 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust249
0.03 0.00 8934 72 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt2.1cust80
0.02 0.00 6832 60 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust145
0.01 0.00 68386 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust172
0.01 0.00 25473 26 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust211
0.03 0.03 369630 85 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust237
0.01 0.00 27528 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust24
0.03 0.00 9780 84 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust37
0.07 0.02 266856 175 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust73
0.02 0.00 7219 56 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust75
0.04 0.01 157639 106 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt3.1cust99
0.02 0.00 4842 40 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust108
0.07 0.01 100224 181 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust112
0.01 0.00 29305 29 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust128
0.01 0.00 4480 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust14
0.01 0.01 92189 39 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust164
0.03 0.00 8876 72 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust170
0.03 0.01 213495 80 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust177
0.03 0.00 55131 76 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust183
0.06 0.03 365382 163 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust186
0.01 0.00 2352 24 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust233
0.04 0.02 326022 107 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust238
0.04 0.02 348994 98 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust39
0.16 0.03 490084 417 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust45
0.01 0.00 4416 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust66
0.01 0.00 4491 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt4.1cust87
0.04 0.01 144241 106 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust101
0.09 0.14 1974075 239 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust109
0.01 0.00 4566 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust134
0.01 0.00 4498 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust154
0.01 0.00 4485 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust169
0.01 0.00 4427 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust226
0.00 0.00 45376 2 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt5.1cust81
0.01 0.00 4539 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt6.1cust106
0.01 0.02 350489 39 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt6.1cust141
0.01 0.01 95497 38 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt6.1cust177
0.02 0.02 308033 61 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt6.1cust210
0.01 0.00 4528 37 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt6.1cust233
0.02 0.00 7842 44 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust124
0.02 0.00 4819 41 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust223
0.02 0.01 142335 52 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust46
0.00 0.00 1986 11 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust52
0.01 0.00 4447 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust63
0.01 0.01 156875 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt7.1cust64
0.01 0.01 110936 23 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt8.1cust146
0.05 0.01 87877 122 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt8.1cust63
0.01 0.01 165596 36 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt8.1cust75
0.02 0.00 34500 44 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt9.1cust169
0.03 0.00 9347 76 | net.uu.da.va.princess-anne.tnt9.1cust67
0.00 0.01 79410 11 | net.uu.da.va.richmond.tnt5.1cust171
0.04 0.05 677815 102 | net.uu.da.va.williamsburg.tnt1.1cust20
0.01 0.01 165617 36 | net.uu.da.va.williamsburg.tnt1.1cust213
0.00 0.00 65854 12 | net.uu.da.va.williamsburg.tnt2.1cust152
0.04 0.03 455255 93 | net.uu.da.vi.st-thomas.tnt1.1cust111
0.00 0.00 60479 10 | net.uu.da.wa.everett.tnt2.1cust146
0.01 0.00 54696 16 | net.uu.da.wa.redmond.tnt1.1cust203
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.wa.redmond.tnt2.1cust160
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.uu.da.wa.redmond.tnt7.1cust238
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.uu.da.wv.charleston.tnt3.1cust219
0.01 0.02 281304 29 | net.uu.da.wv.martinsburg.tnt1.1cust199
0.00 0.00 26664 7 | net.uu.de.ridcully
0.00 0.00 40690 6 | net.uu.de.www-proxy
0.00 0.00 44096 8 | net.uu.gt.fl.clearwater.tnt2.1cust7
0.06 0.05 739627 155 | net.uu.us.corp.wdpool250-87
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0.00 0.59 8601785 7 | net.verio.sac.rose.pm02-06
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0.00 0.00 10682 6 | net.verio.sac.rose.pm02-27
0.00 0.01 174716 12 | net.verio.tx.hstn.a211-69
0.01 0.01 146960 36 | net.verio.vma.maxwinchester3.dyn45
0.02 0.01 200925 48 | net.vermontel.r-92
0.00 0.00 11687 5 | net.vgernet.bis0
0.00 0.00 43933 9 | net.vicon.s114
0.01 0.00 61754 16 | net.vicon.s278
0.01 0.02 272930 19 | net.videotron.mbrom.96.249.ppp079
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.videotron.mmtl.101.ppp026
0.00 0.00 52232 11 | net.videotron.mmtl.114.ppp217
0.00 0.00 41204 6 | net.videotron.mmtl.117.ppp233
0.01 0.00 50948 20 | net.videotron.mmtl.118.ppp147
0.01 0.01 141732 17 | net.videotron.mmtl.127.ppp198
0.04 0.03 494553 112 | net.videotron.mmtl.133.ppp190
0.02 0.01 165259 47 | net.videotron.mmtl.232.ppp176
0.01 0.01 202856 18 | net.videotron.mmtl.232.ppp230
0.00 0.00 6500 2 | net.videotron.mtimi.219.ppp014
0.01 0.01 111375 34 | net.videotron.mtimi.98.modemcable099
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0.01 0.00 50636 20 | net.visi.heathrow
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0.03 0.03 369770 85 | net.visi.norfolk.ts2-1.ppp26
0.00 0.00 9430 1 | net.visi.norfolk.ts2-1.ppp40
0.04 0.02 230241 107 | net.visi.norfolk.ts3-1.ppp35
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0.01 0.01 121109 27 | net.vnet.gary
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0.02 0.00 5743 48 | net.wans.ip-216-75-29-87
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0.00 0.00 61744 6 | net.wans.ip-216-75-29-97
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0.00 0.00 19965 3 | net.wans.ip-216-75-8-197
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0.00 0.00 2905 2 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-382
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0.00 0.00 1036 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-384
0.00 0.00 4218 3 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-385
0.00 0.00 223 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-386
0.00 0.00 3142 2 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-387
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-388
0.00 0.00 6752 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-511
0.00 0.00 12627 4 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-512
0.00 0.00 23175 4 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-513
0.00 0.00 1259 2 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-514
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-515
0.00 0.00 446 2 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-516
0.00 0.00 3170 2 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-517
0.00 0.00 1276 1 | net.webtv.rwc.public.proxy-518
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.webzone.ppp65.pm3-20
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.webzone.ppp89.pm3-20
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0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.whidbey.asn95
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0.00 0.00 14317 6 | net.wiscnet.nat.winnebagoco-3
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.worldinter.cache-kc
0.04 0.03 462847 102 | net.wpi.res.beast
0.02 0.01 172138 55 | net.wpi.res.rahvin
0.01 0.00 50392 15 | net.wt.ipset4.209-186-63-83
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.wwd.ppp4217
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.xtraport.pm3-4stl179
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | net.yanceync.yancey231
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | net.zebra.ppp42-max1mob11
0.01 0.01 166689 34 | net.ziplink.nyc-ip-1-72
0.00 0.00 22495 7 | net.ziplink.xcom-ip-pool-81
0.00 0.00 3797 1 | net.zoomnet.huntington.port-2-42-56k
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0.00 0.00 27775 7 | nl.a2000.node0623
0.00 0.00 63276 1 | nl.a2000.node156a
0.00 0.00 19209 2 | nl.akzonobel.oss.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 2429 1 | nl.asa.ec.turandot
0.00 0.00 31387 8 | nl.baan.fw
0.00 0.01 75712 8 | nl.daewoo.gatekeeper
0.01 0.00 60743 18 | nl.delftgeot.pc717
0.01 0.05 662134 20 | nl.demon.jmartijn
0.07 0.03 422179 171 | nl.demon.mvdvanammers
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | nl.demon.prenatal
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | nl.demon.zenarrari
0.00 0.01 86550 12 | nl.euronet.hen.p101
0.00 0.00 3965 1 | nl.euronet.ztm.i450
0.00 0.01 89492 12 | nl.euronet.ztm.p323
0.00 0.00 2558 4 | nl.hacom.box
0.00 0.00 20757 1 | nl.hvision.stimpy
0.03 0.02 272383 72 | nl.icgroup.smaug
0.00 0.00 28403 7 | nl.ing.gatekeeper
0.00 0.00 20128 10 | nl.itc.user
0.00 0.01 104579 11 | nl.ixs.pm1-s0
0.00 0.00 3462 2 | nl.kennisnet.proxy1
0.00 0.00 67505 2 | nl.kennisnet.proxy2
0.00 0.00 28348 7 | nl.kl-group
0.02 0.01 123479 48 | nl.knaw.nioo.cl.pc100
0.00 0.00 45784 9 | nl.kun.extern.catv6107
0.01 0.00 50237 14 | nl.leidenuniv.ntk17
0.02 0.01 207162 40 | nl.meespierson.adam.h1
0.09 0.08 1094916 235 | nl.nc.vijfde
0.01 0.00 49000 32 | nl.rug.let.hagen
0.00 0.00 31476 7 | nl.rug.oprit.client36-250
0.00 0.00 15302 6 | nl.rug.service.frank1
0.00 0.00 9058 4 | nl.spaarnestad.fw1
0.05 0.02 306881 132 | nl.telemediair.install
0.05 0.09 1278116 134 | nl.tudelft.ct.dutcb33
0.07 0.08 1149320 179 | nl.tudelft.twi.dutijg
0.03 0.02 305499 83 | nl.tue.urc.oshpc07
0.07 0.04 609549 193 | nl.tue.urc.oshpc08
0.01 0.01 108096 36 | nl.tue.urc.osjpc04
0.03 0.03 420116 83 | nl.tue.urc.osjpc07
0.00 0.00 33527 6 | nl.unimaas.miowa0026deb1
0.03 0.03 481415 87 | nl.unimaas.psychology0092dot10
0.00 0.00 43371 10 | nl.utwente.civ.prodnet
0.00 0.00 51815 11 | nl.utwente.edte.tolabpc-212
0.00 0.00 223 1 | nl.utwente.wmw.wmw080107
0.02 0.01 115716 52 | nl.wldelft.bruij_k
0.00 0.00 9897 5 | nl.worldonline.vp204-158
0.05 0.03 422586 128 | nl.worldonline.vp206-225
0.00 0.00 42434 3 | nl.wxs.dial.asd0205-1
0.00 0.00 4748 2 | nl.wxs.dial.ehv0097-0
0.00 0.00 31037 7 | nl.wxs.dial.hlm0021-3
0.00 0.00 180 1 | nl.xs4all.dial.dc2-modem2180
0.00 0.00 10707 6 | no.daxnet.mp-37-250
0.00 0.01 165333 13 | no.dep.www-proxy
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.globalone.oslo-nas2.ppp-16
0.01 0.03 474004 29 | no.haukeland.gatekeeper
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.hin.stdpce3530-15
0.02 0.00 69806 50 | no.intraweb.iwblue
0.01 0.00 60474 16 | no.kvaerner.gatekeeper
0.01 0.01 92608 37 | no.nki.fw
0.01 0.00 54194 16 | no.nlh.jf-leh
0.02 0.01 210828 61 | no.nlh.sjm-tgv2
0.00 0.00 180 1 | no.ntnu.bygg.b-vab-34
0.00 0.01 155420 6 | no.online.dialup.ti02a95-0097
0.01 0.01 175601 29 | no.online.dialup.ti08a04-0050
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.online.dialup.ti09a01-0013
0.02 0.02 241476 41 | no.online.dialup.ti19a95-0239
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.online.dialup.ti21a23-0040
0.00 0.00 7448 1 | no.online.dialup.ti34a96-0419
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.online.dialup.ti35a95-0030
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | no.online.holmlia.pc137
0.00 0.01 86101 9 | no.sn.vgs.proxy
0.00 0.00 28694 8 | no.storebrand.gatekeeper2
0.03 0.04 518418 72 | no.telenor.prxbrgn
0.01 0.01 159945 36 | no.uio.akkar
0.00 0.00 43165 10 | no.uio.biopc63
0.00 0.00 26225 8 | no.uio.ppp107
0.01 0.01 73995 25 | nu.0n.westside
0.03 0.03 394884 66 | nz.ac.massey.its-www1
0.01 0.00 63663 17 | nz.ac.otago.celeborn
0.00 0.00 16638 6 | nz.co.ihug.dun.p45-max5
0.01 0.01 209764 21 | nz.co.ihug.ham.p55-max4
0.00 0.00 180 1 | nz.co.ihug.pmilsom
0.01 0.00 44940 17 | nz.co.telecom.ingate
0.01 0.01 80713 23 | nz.co.xtra.dds.202-37-237-169
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | nz.co.xtra.dialup.203-96-98-47
0.00 0.00 19188 7 | nz.govt.kcdc.kcdcnt
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | nz.govt.mfat.firewall
0.02 0.02 244755 58 | nz.net.clear.acld.b001-m004-p059
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | nz.net.clear.fep3-orange
0.02 0.01 96533 48 | nz.net.netlink.wn.tcbmail
0.00 0.00 16307 7 | nz.org.acc.gate
0.00 0.00 53494 11 | org.amug.d60-ts08
0.01 0.01 112291 33 | org.battelle.subnet211.host183
0.00 0.00 29592 7 | org.cgiar.icraf.119
0.01 0.00 61214 18 | org.continuum.tcap-74
0.01 0.00 28360 15 | org.energysmud.rambler-svc
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | org.gri.www
0.00 0.00 28337 7 | org.ieee.moat
0.01 0.01 107272 31 | org.ifdc.george
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | org.jlab.g556
0.02 0.01 172729 50 | org.laplaza.frank
0.01 0.01 107486 25 | org.laplaza.rose
0.02 0.01 172948 50 | org.laplaza.yak
0.00 0.00 8771 4 | org.lps.lse2ws169
0.04 0.03 487857 96 | org.lynchburg.proxy
0.01 0.00 68007 27 | org.mntm.redwood.server
0.00 0.00 9121 4 | org.nctm.exgate
0.00 0.00 25003 8 | org.rti.gilkinson
0.00 0.00 1261 1 | org.sjsbc.ip21-50
0.08 0.07 945522 208 | org.srsd
0.01 0.01 123530 19 | org.strsoh.mercury
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | org.tiltonschool.ip-132
0.01 0.00 68032 14 | org.unbounded
0.02 0.02 328938 60 | org.vit.client-207-68-37-2
0.02 0.01 207592 42 | org.vmmc.system2
0.01 0.00 57850 15 | org.wpi.wpi-firewall
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | pe.com.blockbuster.ppp1-68
0.00 0.00 11734 2 | ph.com.tcs.ip58
0.00 0.00 51401 5 | ph.net.pworld.cebu.lapulapu
0.00 0.00 23379 1 | pl.bialystok.man.buteo
0.00 0.00 180 1 | pl.bielsko.pb.aiesec1
0.00 0.00 60144 10 | pl.bielsko.pb.aristo
0.00 0.00 30195 8 | pl.com.ceti.druid
0.03 0.04 535383 77 | pl.edu.agh.ds14.myszok
0.00 0.00 10707 6 | pl.edu.agh.zarz.super1
0.01 0.01 117423 23 | pl.edu.pw.iis.pcgrzes
0.00 0.00 18844 8 | pl.gazeta.comp185
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | pl.imgw.fw
0.00 0.00 13928 6 | pl.medianet.gate-designers
0.01 0.01 84209 22 | pl.mtl.assa.a0a
0.00 0.00 33470 6 | pl.poznan.man.ofek-gw
0.00 0.00 17197 5 | pl.tpnet.rzeszow.pppb63
0.00 0.00 43457 9 | pl.tpnet.warszawa.ppp4-177
0.01 0.01 161409 32 | pl.waw.sggw.w3cache
0.01 0.11 1618947 23 | pl.wroc.ar.karnet
0.03 0.06 862104 76 | pl.wroc.ar.zmiki
0.00 0.01 94501 10 | pl.zgora.man.polaris
0.00 0.00 42049 10 | pt.cgd.calvin
0.00 0.00 12774 4 | pt.expo98.gabriel
0.00 0.01 146910 8 | pt.expo98.rafael
0.00 0.00 43594 11 | pt.inesc.tull
0.01 0.00 66857 20 | pt.ip.net.pm-lx-10-16
0.01 0.00 64301 18 | pt.telepac.alg1-p5
0.01 0.00 64336 18 | pt.telepac.alg1-p6
0.00 0.01 99382 9 | pt.telepac.calvin
0.02 0.01 173087 51 | pt.telepac.coias1-p115
0.00 0.01 147315 9 | pt.telepac.fmas2-p3
0.00 0.00 5030 2 | pt.telepac.fnd1-p10
0.01 0.01 109923 30 | pt.telepac.lis18-p7
0.01 0.00 64314 18 | pt.telepac.pf-rd1-p18
0.02 0.02 358925 55 | pt.uac.eagle
0.02 0.00 69726 50 | pt.ubi.calypso
0.06 0.10 1432125 155 | pt.ul.fc.cc.kernel
0.01 0.00 63782 18 | pt.ul.fc.io.ofsun6
0.00 0.00 50123 13 | pt.utl.ist.naval28
0.00 0.00 180 1 | pt.utl.ist.ppp130
0.01 0.01 137178 17 | qa.net.qatar.proxy
0.01 0.00 70765 30 | ro.utcluj.bcu
0.00 0.00 33861 7 | ru.formoza.merlin
0.00 0.01 73259 11 | ru.gov.ipaccess
0.00 0.01 87335 12 | ru.orc.dialup.hq-7.16
0.00 0.00 5469 3 | ru.ptt.dialup.dialup-30083
0.00 0.00 26041 10 | ru.r-style.rs-proxy
0.01 0.01 154308 17 | ru.ras.niisi.t111
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.algonet.ppp.du120-149
0.00 0.00 66209 12 | se.algonet.ppp.du214-26
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.algonet.ppp.sdu22-227
0.00 0.01 121785 13 | se.amu.edunet
0.00 0.00 50926 10 | se.axis.janur
0.00 0.00 5848 1 | se.bahnhof.pm4-05
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | se.boden.kalle.rigel
0.00 0.00 540 3 | se.chalmers.inoc.pcgu3
0.00 0.00 8378 3 | se.chalmers.oso.atla
0.00 0.00 6394 4 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.alpine-ext
0.00 0.00 223 1 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.antarctis-ext
0.00 0.00 56503 8 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.avalanche-ext
0.00 0.00 25761 7 | se.ericsson.edt.wise.cacher-ext
0.00 0.00 2673 1 | se.ericsson.support.testweb
0.00 0.00 53233 7 | se.hig.student.carina
0.00 0.00 29724 4 | se.hik.mc.uglabnellie
0.00 0.00 26366 7 | se.hk-r.byh.byh03
0.00 0.00 180 1 | se.hk-r.kna.mims
0.01 0.00 18027 18 | se.hk-r.rsn.life
0.00 0.01 153742 11 | se.hk-r.sikt.byron
0.00 0.00 9125 4 | se.huddinge.ns
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | se.karlskrona.masq-10
0.11 0.10 1421553 292 | se.katedral.calcitratus
0.00 0.00 1577 1 | se.kth.bmg.bmg67
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | se.kth.ce.dhcp69
0.02 0.01 171297 64 | se.kth.physchem.pollen
0.02 0.02 254596 64 | se.kth.speech.cognito
0.02 0.01 166535 51 | se.lth.tvrl.v1120
0.00 0.01 86794 11 | se.lu.envecon.im151
0.02 0.02 245433 51 | se.molndal.fberg.border
0.00 0.00 2429 1 | se.nassjo.fw
0.01 0.00 52801 15 | se.oru.pc105-238
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.sfvision.fw
0.00 0.00 16809 8 | se.sics.pferdle
0.01 0.01 193359 35 | se.slu.faum.f39
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | se.spv.bobby-int
0.00 0.00 38506 11 | se.svt.ns
0.00 0.01 84896 11 | se.swipnet.dialup107-6-6
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | se.swipnet.dialup114-3-60
0.01 0.01 110649 15 | se.swipnet.dialup117-1-53
0.00 0.00 25426 5 | se.swipnet.dialup122-3-35
0.01 0.01 107775 31 | se.swipnet.dialup147-2-3
0.00 0.01 94624 3 | se.swipnet.dialup160-1-3
0.00 0.01 168465 11 | se.swipnet.dialup162-4-37
0.00 0.01 190343 13 | se.swipnet.dialup164-1-22
0.00 0.01 78701 7 | se.swipnet.dialup190-2-21
0.02 0.02 226680 49 | se.swipnet.dialup202-2-16
0.02 0.01 197401 53 | se.swipnet.dialup209-2-42
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.swipnet.dialup236-2-30
0.01 0.01 182295 29 | se.swipnet.dialup239-4-7
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.swipnet.dialup252-1-175
0.00 0.00 34311 5 | se.swipnet.dialup38-3-17
0.01 0.00 62534 17 | se.swipnet.dialup54-4-1
0.01 0.00 67406 28 | se.swipnet.dialup88-6-11
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.swipnet.dialup95-2-37
0.00 0.00 51820 9 | se.swipnet.dialup98-3-31
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | se.swipnet.dialup99-1-9
0.03 0.02 282076 68 | se.swipnet.isdn215-1-209
0.00 0.01 153742 11 | se.telia.intg.far.farpc86
0.00 0.01 114296 9 | se.umu.proxy
0.00 0.00 10782 7 | se.utfors.utfc1
0.02 0.02 266722 52 | se.utfors.utfc2
0.00 0.00 21048 8 | se.uu.geo.sed16
0.00 0.00 180 1 | se.uu.its.passer
0.09 0.07 998886 229 | sg.com.singnet.andromeda
0.03 0.03 408680 78 | sg.com.singnet.galaxy
0.00 0.01 80019 12 | sg.com.singnet.milkyway
0.01 0.01 98417 15 | sg.com.singnet.qt-ce
0.05 0.05 671502 121 | sg.edu.ntu.peso
0.08 0.05 661902 200 | sg.edu.nus.panorama
0.02 0.02 310442 55 | sg.edu.nus.panorama2
0.12 0.12 1790195 304 | sg.edu.nus.synergy
0.01 0.01 108280 32 | sg.gov.guardian
0.00 0.00 19846 7 | sg.net.pacific.palo12
0.00 0.00 32980 6 | sg.net.pacific.palo15
0.00 0.01 89295 11 | sg.net.pacific.palo6
0.00 0.01 79463 11 | si.arnes.cache
0.02 0.01 166726 48 | si.uni-lj.bf.dynamic104
0.00 0.01 76976 5 | si.uni-lj.bf.sadje
0.05 0.04 523731 128 | si.uni-lj.fagg.pc107
0.02 0.01 150709 48 | th.ac.au.cache-engine
0.00 0.00 180 1 | th.co.asianet.cachetest
0.00 0.00 23047 1 | th.co.inet.truppp127
0.00 0.00 62382 9 | th.net.asiaaccess.ts3_147
0.00 0.00 3631 1 | th.net.ksc.proxy1
0.00 0.00 14805 3 | th.net.ksc.proxy2
0.00 0.01 79442 2 | th.net.ksc.proxy3
0.00 0.00 16418 3 | th.net.ksc.proxy4
0.00 0.00 42112 5 | th.net.wnet.proxy2
0.00 0.00 16613 4 | th.or.nectec.cache2
0.01 0.00 47382 22 | tr.com.ulusalbank.woodstock
0.01 0.01 172377 39 | tr.edu.anadolu.fen.m022076
0.00 0.01 83782 11 | tr.edu.bilkent.bcc.egzos-2-cisco7010
0.01 0.01 188010 17 | tr.edu.gazi.gubim-18-131
0.08 0.06 806396 203 | tr.edu.hun.nuke.ceren
0.04 0.14 2000629 103 | tr.edu.metu.enve.ayvalik
0.00 0.00 20144 3 | tr.edu.metu.me.tari
0.01 0.01 102287 19 | tr.edu.metu.pclabs.d9pc12
0.00 0.01 78114 4 | tr.edu.metu.pclabs.d9pc25
0.00 0.01 109363 9 | tr.edu.metu.ppp4300-05
0.00 0.00 10660 4 | tr.gov.tpao.dns2
0.01 0.00 47382 22 | tr.net.ada.proxy02
0.02 0.01 126024 50 | tr.net.bir.eqx.line060
0.01 0.01 99213 17 | tr.net.bir.pri.line016
0.00 0.00 5774 2 | tr.net.future.dialup16
0.00 0.01 80173 7 | tr.net.pleksus.async01-06
0.01 0.01 125746 35 | tr.net.ulak.wwwcache
0.00 0.00 18045 1 | tt.net.tstt.cuscon166
0.00 0.00 5845 1 | tw.com.mxic.ns
0.00 0.01 82841 4 | tw.com.openfind.index3
0.02 0.02 238260 60 | tw.edu.ccu.proxy
0.00 0.00 9956 1 | tw.edu.cyc.ccivs.ccivs
0.00 0.00 180 1 | tw.edu.moe.proxy
0.00 0.00 8865 9 | tw.edu.nctu.proxy3
0.00 0.00 540 3 | tw.edu.ndhu.freebsd
0.03 0.02 334010 76 | tw.edu.ntu.w3-gate
0.00 0.00 180 1 | tw.net.is.t176.s66.s52.h202
0.00 0.00 180 1 | tw.net.seed.host-dial.h203-73-134-194
0.01 0.01 166377 24 | tw.org.itri.seednetpx5
0.02 0.02 277750 56 | ua.kiev.ts.talenor
0.02 0.01 197320 47 | ua.vinnica.vstu.cec
0.00 0.01 125523 9 | uk.ac.bham.cen141
0.02 0.02 264287 62 | uk.ac.brookes.tnc09240
0.00 0.00 25961 7 | uk.ac.cam.psychol.riscix
0.00 0.00 30779 7 | uk.ac.coventry.d9-51
0.00 0.00 38871 8 | uk.ac.cranfield.pegasus.neptune
0.00 0.01 174733 12 | uk.ac.dundee.computing.dyn.krycek
0.00 0.00 32927 6 | uk.ac.dundee.public.its8-2
0.00 0.00 15423 6 | uk.ac.gla.dcs.eynhallow
0.03 0.02 285071 74 | uk.ac.ic.cv.cvhgao2
0.01 0.01 123763 32 | uk.ac.ic.cv.cviistoi
0.00 0.00 2115 1 | uk.ac.ic.su.gluttony
0.01 0.01 80169 20 | uk.ac.le.zoology.mac33
0.00 0.00 71167 4 | uk.ac.leeds.gps-fddi
0.00 0.00 34683 9 | uk.ac.liv.dial.ts134048
0.02 0.01 194727 53 | uk.ac.livjm.av10075
0.02 0.03 444481 57 | uk.ac.mdx.axp.alpha1
0.00 0.00 69050 8 | uk.ac.mdx.dyn039-214
0.00 0.01 92838 4 | uk.ac.mdx.stu-dialup13
0.00 0.01 98192 10 | uk.ac.mdx.stu-dialup15
0.01 0.00 70244 21 | uk.ac.ncl.bucket
0.00 0.00 9132 4 | uk.ac.ncl.bucket2
0.00 0.00 2233 3 | uk.ac.nottingham.cache1
0.01 0.01 136398 33 | uk.ac.nottingham.wemjbz
0.00 0.00 2960 1 | uk.ac.ntu.c423_03
0.00 0.00 5096 3 | uk.ac.sbu.csdalpha2
0.00 0.00 2136 2 | uk.ac.sbu.csdalpha3
0.01 0.00 64266 18 | uk.ac.soton.ecs.beast
0.02 0.02 272901 54 | uk.ac.staffs.geog-153-198
0.00 0.00 24914 7 | uk.ac.ucl.medphys.mri-wilky-pc
0.00 0.00 12978 4 | uk.ac.unl.p91-78
0.00 0.01 103552 8 | uk.ac.wakcoll.internet-gate
0.03 0.02 293752 70 | uk.ac.wmc.staffinet
0.00 0.01 172055 12 | uk.co.anvil.wonderwall
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