Lab section |
35% |
Lecture section |
65% |
Assignments |
15% |
Mid-Term |
20% |
Final |
25% |
Term Paper with presentation(*) |
5% |
Total |
100% |
65% |
This will be a several pages (maximum 5)
descriptive paper (typed) of any material
(old, new, recycled, etc.) to civil engineering
applications (structure, construction, environment,
earth, space, etc.).
More innovative the materials
and applications are, the higher the score will
be given. Keep eye on engineering and scientific
journals or use your imaginations. The readers
of the paper shall be the students in this class
with a purpose of informing them new materials
and/or innovative civil engineering applications.
Selected papers will be
presented in the class at the end of the semester.
Homework will be assigned and collected in the class.
No late homework will be graded.
Honor System
The Old Dominion University Honor Code applies to all works associated with this course.
Honor the Honor Code.