The following commands are designed for use with LISTSERV mailing lists.
With them, you may do things such as finding the names and addresses
of lists, signing on to or off lists, reviewing lists or changing your
personal options for any mailing list to which you are subscribed. General
command syntax is
Command list-name [Options]
Where Command can be abbreviated with first few capitalized letters.
(See below in the command list section)
- A word about 'F= format keyword'. . .
Note that the 'F= format keyword' may be used optionally with any of the
commands where they appear.
This keyword controls the file format
in which files will be sent to you.
LISTSERV will always use the default file
format of MAIL.
Any user may ask for a file format other than their
default(=MAIL) by specifying it in the 'F= format keyword' in the
commands where it appears as an option. This is particularly useful when
you would like receive a binary program(s) instead of plain 'Text-only'
MAIL format. However, this 'F= format keyword' approach becomes
rapidly archaic way of receiving binary files due to recent prolifilation
of world wide web.
Note that this will not
permanently change your default file format, its effect is only for
those commands where it is specified. Following is a list of valid file
formats you can specify with 'F= format keyword' option.
UUe |
MIME/text |
MIME/Appl |
SUBscribe |
Sign on to a mailing list |
A synonym for the SUBscribe command |
UNSubscribe |
Sign off a mailing list |
A synonym for the UNSubscribe command |
List |
Receive a listing of all the mailing lists at a server |
REView |
Receive details of a mailing list |
Query |
Review your optional settings for a mailing list |
Change your optional setting for a mailing list |
Confirm your subscription to a mailing list |
STats |
Display statistical information about a mailing list |
REGister |
Register your name at a LISTSERV server |
- Use the SUBscribe (or SIGNUP) command to join a mailing list. You
can also use this command to alter the name (but not e-mail address) by
which you are known on a mailing list you have already joined. The
format of the command is:
SUBscribe list-name < full-name >
Where list-name is the name of the list to which you want
to subscribe. For example, the IBM AIX Unix operating system discussion list
located at the Princeton University (PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU)
has a list name of AIX-L. Do not confuse this with the list's
address (AIX-L@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU) which should not be used.
The optional
full-name parameter allows you to give a name by which you
want to be known on a mailing list. If specified, it should be your
full, real name (at least your first name and last name) and not your
e-mail address.
If you send this command to LISTSERV without your name,
the name for the full-name option will be taken from the name
given in your "From:" mail header. For example, the following command
would subscribe you to the AIX-L mailing list under the name of Bill Clinton:
(or SUB AIX-L Bill Clinton)
It should be sent to LISTSERV at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU
(LISTSERV@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU) which manages the AIX-L list.
When you join a list, LISTSERV at that site adds your name and e-mail
address to its 'signup' file.
A request to join a mailing list can be processed in three ways:
subscription to a list may be OPEN, CLOSED, or BY-OWNER.
- If it is OPEN, you will be automatically added to the list and sent notification.
- If it is CLOSED, you will not be added to the list, and LISTSERV will send
you a message telling you that your request has been rejected.
- If it is BY-OWNER, your subscription request will be forwarded to the list
owner(s), who will decide whether or not to add you to the list
(LISTSERV will inform you to whom your request has been forwarded).
To see what kind of subscription a list has, you can use the REView command.
- Use the UNSubscribe (or SIGNOFF) command to leave a mailing
list. The format of the command is:
UNSubscribe list-name | * < GLOBAL >
where list-name is the name of a mailing list from which you
want to remove your subscription. You can signoff all the lists to
which you are a member at any particular
LISTSERV site by using the '*' (asterisk) character in the place of a
list name.
If you want to leave all the LISTSERV lists you belong to throughout the network (on the planet),
send the following command to your nearest (or any) LISTSERV:
UNSubscribe GLOBAL
Use this option if you are changing your e-mail address or are leaving
your computer for an extended period. (of course, you need to be
absolutely sure about this OR save current LISTSERV list(s) and address(es) first
for re-subscribing)
- Use this command to get a listing of available mailing lists at a
LISTSERV server. The format of the command is:
List <options> <F=format> <CLASS=class>
Where options may be any of the following:
Short |
This option displays a summary of all the lists
managed by a LISTSERV in a brief, one line description. This is the
default. |
Long |
The Long (or Detailed) option will send a file
(called node-name LISTS) to you that contains a comprehensive
description of the lists managed by a LISTSERV server.
Detailed |
This is a synonym for the Long option.
Global <pattern> |
This option gives a complete list of all
known LISTSERV mailing lists at all servers at the time the command
is issued. A file (called LISTSERV LISTS) will be sent to you containing
the names, titles and e-mail addresses of these lists. This is a VERY
LARGE file, so make sure you have the necessary disk space to
accommodate its size before you use the Global option.
The optional
pattern parameter can be used to match any string in the list
name, list title or list address. So if, for example, you wanted details
of all mailing lists related to 'environmental engineering,' you could use the following
LIST Global environmental engineering
SUMmary <node | ALL | TOTAL> |
This option displays the number of lists managed by a LISTSERV server and the total number
of users that are subscribed to them.
This will be given for the server to
which the command is sent or for the LISTSERV at any node (=site) given in the
optional node parameter.
Using the ALL parameter
will provide the same information but for all LISTSERV servers across
the network. The output with this option will be broken down on a server
by server basis.
The TOTAL optional parameter provides
similar information except that you are only given an overall summary
of the number of mailing lists and list members at all LISTSERVs and are
not shown the figures from individual servers.
Use this command to receive a listing of a mailing list.
will be sent to you as a file called list-name.LIST (or
list-name node-name.LIST for peered lists). A mailing list is
comprised of two parts: a control section and a subscription section.
- The control section holds the definition parameters for a list which
includes information such as who is authorized to review or join a list
and whether or not it is archived.
- The subscription section holds the
e-mail addresses and names of all list members.
The REView command
allows you to receive a listing of either or both of these sections
(the default is both) for any list, provided you are authorized to do
so. Note that at the discretion of the list owner(s), the REView command
can be restricted in use to list members only.
In such case, you will
not be authorized to review a mailing list if you are not a member of
that list yourself. Also, individual list members can restrict the
appearance of their e-mail address and name in response to a REView
command if they have set the CONCEAL mailing list option
(see the SET command for more details). The format of the command is:
REView list-name < ( > <options>
Where list-name is the name of the LISTSERV list you wish
to review. The options follow the list name and can be:
Short |
This option restricts the information you
receive to the control section of a list (giving its definition parameters)
and does not return the subscription section of a list (giving the
list members).
NOHeader |
This option is the converse of the Short
option. You will receive the listing of list members, but not the list's
definition parameters.
Countries |
If you use this option, the list of members
will be organized by the nationality given in their e-mail addresses.
This is similar to using the BY Country sort option shown below.
LOCal |
If the list is peered (that is, it is linked to
other mailing lists of the same name but on different LISTSERV servers), you
will receive listings of all of these mailing lists in response to a
REView command.
The LOCal option can be used to suppress the
propagation of the REView command to the LISTSERV servers hosting these
peered mailing lists. In this case, you will receive a listing only
from the server to which you send the REView command and not the others.
BY sort-fields |
This option is used to specify a
presentation for the members of a list you are reviewing. The
sort-fields parameter indicates the way in which you want
the list members to be sorted.
If the BY option is not given in a
REView command, the list members will be sorted by the computer node
name given in their e-mail addresses. This is equivalent to using the
the NODEid parameter with the BY option (see below). The
sort-fields can be:
- Country
- Sort list members by the country of origin given
in their e-mail addresses.
- Name
- Sort list members by their names (last, then
first). Note that this is not the e-mail address but the full name that they
provided when they subscribed to a list.
- NODEid
- Sort list members by their computer node. That
is, the name that comes after the '@' (at sign) in their e-mail addresses.
- Userid
- Sort list members by their userids. That is, the
name that comes before the '@' (at sign) in their e-mail addresses.
For example, if you wished to have the membership of an
IBM AIX Unix operating system discussion list (AIX-L)
presented to you sorted by their userids:
REView AIX-L LOCal BY Userid
Note that more than one sort field may be specified when using the BY
option. If this is the case, then the sort fields given must be enclosed
in parentheses and the optional parenthesis that separates the
list-name from the options of the REView command
must also be present.
The list members will then be sorted
on all the given sort fields (in order from left to right).
For example,
if you wanted the list members of an
IBM AIX Unix operating system discussion list (AIX-L)
to be sorted by their countries and then
by their names, your REView command would have the following format:
REView AIX-L (LOCal BY (Country Name)
When you join any mailing list, you will be assigned a default set
of list options that control such things as way you received mail when
it is distributed and the type of notification LISTSERV will give you
when it distributes mail you have sent to a list.
These are the personal
list options that may be altered on any mailing list to which you are
subscribed to suite your circumstances. See the SET command for a
complete descriptions of these options. The Query command can be used
to review the personal list options you have in effect at any mailing
list. It has the format:
Query list-name | *
where list-name is the name of a list to which you are
subscribed. If you use an '*' (asterisk) character instead of a list
name, you will receive information about your personal options for all
lists to which you belong at the LISTSERV to which you send the command.
Use the SET command to change your personal options for a mailing
list. These options will remain in effect until they are explicitly
changed. The Query command can be used to display your current optional
settings for any list to which you are subscribed. The format of the
SET command is:
SET < list-name | * > options
where list-name is the name of the mailing list for which
you are changing your options. You may change your options for a
specific list or for all the lists you belong to at a particular
LISTSERV by using the '*' (asterisk) character in place of a list name.
After processing your SET command, LISTSERV will send you conformation
of the successful alteration of your mailing list options via e-mail.
Note that only the options you specify with this command are altered
while the rest remain unchanged. The options are:
Mail |
The Mail option means that
you wish to have list mail distributed to you as mail. This is the
DIGests | INDex |
The DIGests and INDex options are available only if a list has
had these features enabled by its owner(s). Digests hold all the mail
messages sent to a list over a certain period of time. Instead of
receiving each mail individually as it is distributed to list members,
you will receive all the mail in one batch for a given day, week or
month. You may then browse through these mail messages at your leisure.
Note that mail is not edited with the DIGests option, you will receive
copies of all the mail messages in their entirety.
The INDex option will
provide you with only the date, time, subject, number of lines and the
sender's name and address for all mail messages sent to a list. The
text of the mail message will not be included. You may then select and
retrieve any mail that interests you from the list archive.
Both the DIGests and INDex options provide a means of
listening in to discussions on mailing lists without having
to deal with large quantities of incoming mail messages.
NOMail |
The NOMail
option means that mail sent to the list will not be distributed to you.
This is useful when you are leaving your computer for an extended period
of time and you do not want mail from the list to fill your mailbox.
When you return, you can send the SET command with the
Mail option to restore mail service.
For example, if you want to stop receiving mail
from all the lists at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU to which you belong, send the following
This indicates the kind of acknowledgement you want to receive from a LISTSERV
server when it distributes any mail you have sent to a list. ACK means that you
want to receive a mail message from LISTSERV indicating that your
message was successfully distributed.
MSGAck means that you want this
confirmation via interactive messages rather than by e-mail.
specifies that you want just a short, one line interactive message from
LISTSERV. Note that MSGAck and NOACK acknowledgments are not sent to
non-EARN/BITNET users. The default for this option is determined by the
owner(s) of a list.
REPro | NOREPro |
Indicates whether or
not you yourself want to receive a copy of any mail which you send to a list.
The default is NOREPro, meaning that mail which you send to a list will
be distributed to all members of the list except you.
For example, if
you want to get a copy of your own mail messages sent to list AIX-L at
PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU, send the following command to LISTSERV at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU:
SHORThdr | FULLhdr | IETFhdr | DUALhdr |
All mail messages are comprised of header and body
sections. The header section provides details such as the recipients,
the original sender and the date ant time a mail message was sent. The
mail body section contains the text of a mail message. These options of
the SET command indicate the type of mail headers you want to receive in
the mail distributed from a mailing list.
SHORThdr means that the mail
header will include only the essential informational headers (for
instance the Date:, To:, From:,
Subject:, Sender: and Reply-to:
headers). This is the default.
You may change this to FULLhdr, which
means that all (including non-essential) mail headers will be present
in e-mail.
The IETFhdr option means that LISTSERV will not change the
headers of a mail message it distributes to you other than to add a
Received: mail header (and also a Message-id:
and Sender: headers if either of these were not already
present). This option is designed specifically for compatibility with
SMTP exploders (as used, for instance, on the Internet network).
Lastly, DUALhdr is very similar to the
SHORThdr option except that LISTSERV will
also insert mail headers at the beginning of the mail body. Therefore,
when the mail is received and read by a recipient using this option, it
will start with this information (for instance, the first three lines of
a mail message may contain the To:, From: and
Subject: mail headers). This option is useful for users of
some PC based mail packages that will not display this information from
the real mail headers.
It indicates whether or not you want your name and mail address to
appear in the display of list members which is given in response to
a REView command. The default is NOCONCEAL.
Note that a complete list of members is always given to list
owners and LISTSERV administrators regardless of this option.
TOPICS: < + | - > topic-names |
A mailing list to
which you are subscribed may support the separation of its mail into a set of
topics. If a list owner has defined a variety of different discussion
topics for a list, you may use the TOPICS: option to select those that
are of interest to you and exclude all others.
You will then receive
only those mail messages posted to the list that relate to the one or
more topics you have chosen. If you do not select any topics for such a
list, you will receive all the e-mail sent to it.
Note that you
must have the Mail option enabled for a mailing list before you can then
use the TOPICS: option since the DIGests and
INDex options to not
support topic selection and the NOMail option will stop all mail from a
list being sent to you (see these options of the SET command for more
Additionally, a list owner must have enabled topic support
for a mailing list before you can use the SET TOPICS: command on that
list. This is done at a list owner's discretion.
You may use the REView
command to determine if topics have been enabled on any particular
mailing list.
A mailing list may have up to eleven topics defined for it. You may
select one or more of these topics by including their names in the
topic-names parameter. For example, if a mailing list called
NUCHEM-L had the topics neutron, proton and electron defined, you could
send the command:
to receive list mail related to only the neutron and proton topics.
Once you have subscribed to various topics, they may be changed by using the
'+' (add) or '-' (minus) symbols to increase or decrease the topics you
wish to receive from a mailing list. This is useful when you do not want
to retype a long list of topic names with the TOPICS: option. For
example, to add the topic electron and remove the topic neutron from
the NUCHEM-L list:
You would now be subscribed to the topics of proton and electron for the
NUCHEM-L mailing list. Note that you can review the topics which you
have selected for any mailing list through the Query command.
You may also use the special topic name of ALL to select all the
topics available on a mailing list. This is useful when used in
conjunction with the '-' (minus) symbol to select all but a few of the
topics available on a mailing list. For example, to subscribe to every
topic except neutron on the NUCHEM-L list, you could use the command:
To send mail to one or more topics defined on mailing list, the topic
names must be present in the Subject: mail header when the
mail is posted. If more than one topic name is given, they must be
separated by commas. The topic names section should then be finished
with a ':' (semi-colon), after which the normal contents of the
Subject mail header can be entered. For example, to send mail
to the users subscribed to the proton and electron topics on the
NUCHEM-L list, the Subject: mail header would look like this:
Subject: proton,electron: Hydrogen Nucleus Results.
You may also use the topic name of ALL to send mail to all of
the available topics on a mailing list.
If topic names were incorrect or
were not included in the Subject: mail header, then this mail
is distributed to the special topic name of OTHER. You may
also subscribe to this topic to receive mail that is distributed under
this topic name (note that a subscription to the topic ALL
will receive mail distributed to the topic OTHER).
Use the CONFIRM command to renew your subscription to a list. Some
mailing lists require subscription renewal at regular intervals (usually
once a year). A mail message is automatically sent to list members
indicating that they must send a CONFIRM command within a given number
of days or they will be removed from the list. This command must be sent
from the same e-mail address that received the confirmation notice. The
syntax of the CONFIRM command is:
CONFIRM list-name
where list-name is the name of the mailing list to which you
are confirming your subscription. LISTSERV will send a message that your
subscription has been confirmed. For example, if you receive a message
from LISTSERV at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU to confirm your subscription to the AIX-L
list, then send the following command to that server:
This command will cause a statistical report for a specific mailing
list to be sent to you. Note, however, that statistics may not be
collected for some lists or they may not be available to everybody. The
format of the command is:
STats list-name < (LOCal > < F= format > < CLASS= class
where list-name is the name of the list for which you are
requesting statistics. The (LOCal option can be used to
indicate that only local statistics are wanted and not the statistics
from other LISTSERVs if the list happens to be peered. You will be sent
a file (called list-name STATREP) containing the relevant
statistics. It will give details such as the name or address and number
of mail messages each sender has posted to the list and the network load
(in hundreds of bytes) that the list contributes to the network traffic.
The REGister command can be used to register your full name at any
LISTSERV server (note that this is your name and not your e-mail
address). Once you have registered your name at a LISTSERV, that server
will then always refer to you with that name (unless you provide a name
in a mailing list subscription request). The command has the format:
REGister full-name | OFF
Where full-name is your name. For example, the command:
REGISTER James Brown
sent to any LISTSERV will cause that server to always refer to you with
the given name. This can be removed by using the OFF option.